The Healthy Green Drink Diet (18 page)

Just Beet It


1 medium beet (skinned and chopped into chunks)

2 cups arugula

1 red apple

4–5 leaves basil

1 banana

Add all ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding water as necessary.

Dance around your kitchen and tell coffee cakes and pantry snacks to take a hike now that you’re on

the road to a healthier you. Or you can let your actions speak louder than words and blend up a glass

of Just Beet It.

Beets are essential for heart health and have an earthy-sweet taste. Arugula contains antiviral and

antibacterial properties as well as high levels of vitamin K. Though it’s known to have a bitter taste,

when paired with an apple and banana, there’s nothing bitter… or should I say better.

Dumpkin Pie


1 cup pumpkin (either fresh or canned)

2 tbsp. raw almond butter

2 cups spinach

1 cup frozen blueberries

1 banana

cinnamon or nutmeg to taste

Add all ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding water as necessary.

This is it, folks, my go-to green smoothie. I can be a bit vain, so I add as much skin-regenerative

pumpkin as I can stomach. The raw almond butter adds a dose of healthy fats, and the spinach and

blueberries give me all the protein, vitamins, and antioxidants I need.

Cinnamon turns this strange concoction into something deliciously “pie-latable” rather than a patch

of discarded pumpkins decomposing at the local dump. It’s Dumpkin Pie!

Crazy Cran


1 cup frozen cranberries

1 orange (peeled)

2 leaves collard greens

1 bunch mixed baby greens

3–4 mint leaves

1 pear

1 cup coconut water

1 lemon (juiced)

1 banana (optional)

Add first 4 ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding water, lemon juice, and coconut water as necessary.

Add fruit. Pulse-blend until desired consistency.

This is not your regular cranberry cocktail, no, sir. This veritable dynamo of vitamins has it all. A high

source of fiber in both mixed baby greens and collard greens with mint offering healthful digestive

properties and cranberries providing bacteria blockers.

No jug of juice offers even a fraction of what Crazy Cran brings to the breakfast table. So blend up a

glass and toast to your health.

Mintal Melon


4–5 leaves mint

1 bunch Chinese broccoli

¼ honeydew melon

½ cucumber

¼ cantaloupe

1 lime (juiced)

Add first 2 ingredients. Blend until smooth, adding water and lime juice as necessary. Add fruit. Pulse-blend until desired consistency.

Clear your mind with this refreshing summer drink. Mint will sooth that upset stomach, put an end to

that raging headache, and release a pleasant aroma that can calm even the craziest folks.

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