The Highlander's Accidental Bride (16 page)

Read The Highlander's Accidental Bride Online

Authors: Cathy MacRae

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance


“Hurry.” Mary fidgeted as Kirsty laced her gown. She needed fresh air or she knew she would scream. Reliving the amorous attentions of her husband the night before had put her in no mood to confront his mistress this morning.
mistress, she firmly reminded herself. There was no longer any room for
woman in his life. Or in hers. She’d done quite well for herself at Bellecourt Castle and if Kirsty was not available as her maid, she’d simply do without.

Had Eaden lied to her? Had he made love to Isobel since their marriage? It was obvious he enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh. While the two of them were estranged, would he have gone without, or would he have sought comfort elsewhere? Isobel apparently had no loyalty to her. She would have had no problem betraying her by taking Eaden to her bed.

Mary grabbed her skirts and ran from the room, stifling the scream rising in her throat. She fled down the stairs and through the great hall, not stopping to speak to the people still lingering there. Entering the bailey, she coughed at the bite of the smoke-tinged air. Remembering the devastating fire at the stables last night depressed her further.

She noted a group of men standing to one side of the yard. Their backs were to her, but she could not fail to recognize the stance and form of her husband. Not quite ready to face Eaden, she turned in the opposite direction and made her way toward the far pasture where the lads had turned the horses out for the day.

Burnished coats gleamed in the late morning sun, shades of copper, gold, and one of darkest night. Two foals frisked about on stiff new legs around their dams and Mary smiled, her headache draining away in the clear, spring air. Starnie raised his head, nickering softly in greeting. He flicked his ears forward and ambled to the fence, lifting his head over the railing, snorting once.

“Greedy lad.” Mary laughed and ran her hand obligingly over the long straight bone of his face. Her fingers came away covered in loosened winter coat and she dusted her hands together to dislodge it.

She moved toward the stable and frowned at the charred skeleton-like spars of posts and ruined rafters at the near end of the building. For an instant Mary again saw the flaming timbers, smelled the harsh smoke, and heard her own voice shout against the torched wood as it burst apart in a rain of sparks and embers, threatening to fall on Eaden’s head.

A hand rested on her shoulder and Mary nearly fainted with fright. She jumped beneath the gentle stricture and heard the soft murmur of Eaden’s voice.

“‘Tis a right mess, aye?”

“I didn’t know you were here. I was just remembering . . .” She shuddered under his hand.

“Aye. It takes ye like that, the realization.” He rubbed his hand along her cheek as she turned to him. “I need to clear my head. Will ye ride with me?”

Mary nodded eagerly and he twined his fingers intimately with hers as he led her to the armorer’s building. Warmth instantly infused her at his touch and she stifled her protest as he broke the connection.

“We moved the tack and equipment here so we could start tearing the stable down tomorrow.” He ducked beneath the low lintel, motioning for Mary to wait outside. Returning with his arms laden, he dumped the saddles and blankets to the ground, unwinding a slim piece of rope as he climbed through the rails of the fence. Walking calmly among the horses, he touched one on the neck, another on its rump, as he moved to Starnie’s side. He slipped the slim piece of rope around the horse’s neck and led him unresistingly to the gate. “Hand me his bridle, lass.”

Mary separated the tangled pieces of leather and held one up for his use. His hand closed over her wrist and pulled her to him as he stole a quick kiss before he took the bridle from her. With a wink, Eaden set Starnie’s bit, and Mary’s heart raced as he gave the horse’s neck a fond slap and handed her the reins.

Eaden let out a sharp whistle. The horses stirred in the paddock and Duff barreled his way through them to the gate. The stallion nudged him and Eaden offered a small, wizened apple from his pocket, unembarrassed to be seen spoiling the beast. Mary felt warmth tug at her heart, to see this side of her stern husband.

He quickly saddled both horses, his forearm muscles rippling, shirt sleeves rolled above his elbows. Mary was content to watch appreciatively, remembering the gentled strength he’d shown her the night past. How could she have believed Isobel’s lies?

Eaden’s task complete, he helped her mount, the action accomplished with more ease than she’d shown the day before, though Eaden still had to give her a boost, his hand planted familiarly on her bottom. She settled into the saddle and he moved his hand caressingly down her leg, giving her ankle an affectionate squeeze.

“Ye did well,” he told her, his face creased in a smile. Picking up Duff’s reins, he led him forward, springing into the saddle without bothering with the stirrups. Mary heeled Starnie gently and he followed Duff beyond the castle gates.

The horses’ hooves pounded in the water along the edge of the river, sending spray like diamonds over their riders’ legs. They pulled at their bits, straining against the moderate pace Eaden set. Long before the horses were winded, he reined them to a halt.

“Do we have to stop?”

He looked at Mary, her face flushed with the excitement of the ride, her hair spilling from the confines of her thick, shining braid. He threw his right leg over Duff’s withers and slid lightly to the ground. Moving to Mary’s side, he slipped a hand up her leg, grinning as he felt her twitch at his touch.

“Nay. We dinnae have to stop.”

Mary laughed and held her arms out, accepting his help to dismount. He grasped her waist and pulled her forward, letting her fall against his chest as her legs slipped from the saddle. She slid the length of him, her soft breasts pressed against him, and he savored the heat of their contact. Her arms twined about his neck as she tilted her face to his invitingly, and he nibbled her lips until she giggled.

There was nothing funny about the way he now hungered for her, and he crushed her close as his mood changed from playful to demanding in the power of his kiss.

When he released her, Mary took a balancing step backward, a hand lingering on his chest for support.

“Turn around, Mairi,” he whispered hoarsely. “Let me untie ye.”

She jerked shocked eyes to his, cutting her gaze around them. “Here?”

He raised an eyebrow.

“It’s daylight! What if someone sees us?”

Eaden’s lips tilted up. “No one will follow us, lass.”

“How do you know?”

He kissed the top of her head. “Ian will make sure of it.”

Mary drew back, astonishment plain on her face. “Ian knows what you’re about?”

about,” Eaden chuckled. “‘Tis no fun without ye.”

He slid one hand to cup her breast, his thumb caressing the nipple straining against the fabric of her dress, as if to seek his touch. Lowering his head, he kissed her again, nipping his way from her lips to the slim, warm column of her neck. Mary shivered and leaned her head back, her breath quickening as his kisses rained above the low neckline of her dress.

He pushed Mary’s breasts upward and they threatened to spill from the top of her gown. She gasped as his tongue swirled across the swelling skin, her fingers gripping the front of his shirt. He caught her close, reaching around to tug at the lacings of her dress.

“Don’t,” she whispered, her voice a low moan of mingled desire and regret.

“No one will see, Mairi.”

“I can’t undress out here in broad daylight!” She pushed away from his grasp, her eyes suddenly wide and clear with certainty.

At the pleading in her eyes, Eaden let her slip from his hands. He briefly pitted her request against his desire to see the sunlight on her skin, then eased her into his embrace, settling his hands familiarly on her bottom. He gathered her skirt in both hands and with a quick tug, jerked it up her legs.

With a gasp of surprise, Mary batted at his hands. “What are you doing?”

“Ye dinnae have to undress, ye know. ‘Twill ruckle yer dress a bit, but no one will see yer pretty bum.”


“I swear, I dinnae know which shocks ye more. Making love with yer clothes on or baring yer bum to the sun.”

Eaden dropped her skirt, shoved his hands behind his back and circled her, finally halting beside her shoulder, his breath lifting the tiny curls at the side of her face.

Eying the rise and fall of her breasts, he whispered in her ear. “Before ye leave this place, Mairi, love, ye will take yer own clothes off.”

Mary released her breath in a
of surprise at his words and the wolfish grin that spread slowly across his face as their eyes met. She glanced down, his impatience evident beneath his tented breeches, and wondered how long his temper would last.

Before she could speak, his hands claimed her, warm, open palms sliding up her arms, slowly, softly, raising the fine hairs and goose bumps along his path. She jumped at the sensation and twisted beyond his grasp.

He chuckled even as a slight scowl shadowed his face. “No fair! Ye cannae run away.”

Mary tossed a smug smile over her shoulder as she darted toward the river bank. “Yes, I can!”

She heard his seductive laugh as he accepted her challenge, and her heart stuttered at the sound. She dodged behind a nearby tree, swinging around its trunk, needing to see how close Eaden followed her. Sliding to a stop, she found herself face to face with his grin. He’d anticipated her move and there was now only the thickness of the tree trunk between them. She feinted to the right, barely eluding his grasp.

Skidding down a low embankment, she stumbled against a rock. She felt his steadying hand on her arm, grateful for his support, though it forced her to give up the chase.

Her heart raced and she sucked in gulps of air. Eaden brushed strands of hair from her face and she settled the mass over her shoulders with a toss of her head.

“Now I have ye, love, what would ye like me to do with ye?”

Mary bit the inside of her lip, his husky voice sending tremors of anticipation through her. The sun rippled through the trees in the glen and glinted off the gentle current on the river. Daylight shone brightly around her but she teetered perilously close to abandoning her ingrained inhibitions on the edge of the glen where anyone could see. Desperate inspiration struck and she lifted her face to his, kissing the rough line of his jaw. If she could kiss this insanity away, perhaps he’d take her back to the castle where she could love him as she longed to do.

“Aye, it’s kissin’ ye want, then?”

She heard the low rumble of his voice, but scarcely heeded the warning.

“Then it’s kissin’ ye’ll get.” Eaden lowered his head and sealed his lips to hers, all the teasing gone in the instant it took Mary to realize her mistake. His arms snapped around her, crushing her tightly, the heat of him burning through her thin gown. He drank deeply from her lips, stealing the very breath from her. She arched up on her toes, molding herself closer, fitting her body against the hard lines of his muscles. Her fingers twisted in his hair, drawing little growls of pleasure from deep within his throat.

Panting, Eaden broke the kiss. His hands cupped her breasts, this time spilling them from their silken confines. He fastened his mouth hungrily on a nipple, his thumb teasing the other to stiff attention. He pulled at the swollen flesh as she swayed in his arms. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he held her upright. He closed his teeth gently on her nipple and she whimpered, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Moving to the other breast, he paid it similar homage as her nails bit against his flesh through the fabric of his shirt.

Eaden lifted his head and with singular purpose backed her against the trunk of a nearby tree. He pressed his throbbing manhood hard against her leg, trying to ease the pressure building intolerably against his breeches. Pulling at her gown, he raised the hem until he reached the silken smoothness of her thigh, sliding one hand beneath the fabric, following the curve of her leg to the juncture of her heat.

“Let me love ye, Mairi. D’ye no’ know what ye do to me?” he breathed against her hair.

Mary pushed her body against him and he clasped her buttock, massaging the muscle with firm strokes. She moaned, her hands gripping the tree at her back. Grabbing her wrists, he shoved them over her head, scraping them along the bark of the tree. He kissed her roughly and thrust upward with his hips.

Suddenly she broke away. Her hands flew around to the laces at her back, clawing at them in her haste to be free. With a wrenching tug she released the ties and her dress sagged forward as she tore the sleeves down her arms, shoving the crumpled fabric over her hips. With a wriggle that caused her breasts to sway and Eaden to fight for control, she fought free of the gown. It took less than a second for her nearly transparent shift to follow the dress, and she threw herself back into his arms.

Kicking the gown away from the knobby roots of the tree to the thick grass a few feet away, Eaden lowered her to the soft, silken folds. Sunlight warmed his shoulders as he yanked his shirt over his head. His breeches were harder to dislodge and he offered a wry grimace as he worked them over his hips. The sultry smile she gave in answer made his breath clog in his throat, and then he came over her, nudging her knees apart.

She opened to him, clasping him to her eagerly, and he buried himself in her welcoming warmth. With a shudder, he tried to slow down, wanting to be sure she kept up with him, but she writhed beneath him, keening her encouragement and approval.

Lights flashed through his skull and pleasure streaked from the base of his spine. Mary’s fingernails bit into his back, but he paid them no heed. Her voice sounded in his ears, though he barely heard her. She clenched around him, so tight and hot, rippling over him, drawing his response again and again. He knew nothing else.

Eaden woke slowly when something lit lightly on his nose. He wrinkled his face, trying to dislodge the bothersome pest, but it returned with aggravating speed. Eaden thought to wave it away with his hand, but one appendage lay trapped beneath something warm and soft, and the other seemed to be too heavy to lift. He cracked an eye open.

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