Read The Holloways (Made for Love Book 3.5) Online

Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novella

The Holloways (Made for Love Book 3.5) (16 page)

Good God, I love him. He is, without a doubt, a DILF in training.

Fifty more days
, I think with a small, knowing smile.
Fifty more days until we hit the one year mark and we start trying to make our own little one.

I can hardly wait.


I could listen to Caroline’s little giggle all day. It’s the most joyful noise. Though, when she starts to hiccup, I think twice about thrusting her in the air again. She doesn’t seem to mind. Propped up against my chest, she chats with me in her incomprehensible language. I’m distracted from her conversation when Logan slides her hand across my lower back.

“I’m going to get some food. Do you want me to make you a plate?”

“Please,” I reply, leaning over to kiss her cheek. She nods and then disappears into the kitchen.

As I make my way further into the house, I see Axel, Harvey and Grace’s son, playing contentedly in the middle of the living room floor. Caroline spots him, too, twisting and practically launching herself out of my arms as she reaches for him. I laugh and then set her down on the blanket full of toys.

“Hey, Rome. Long time, no see, man,” says Pete as he gets up from the couch. He extends his hand and I accept the gesture before bumping my shoulder against his and offering him a pat on the back. Pretty soon, all the Generation Ink crew is up, greeting me warmly.

Pete, Harvey, Trevor and I used to see each other once a week when we met up to play three on three basketball with my roommates. It feels like we haven’t gotten together in forever. As I sit between Coder and Harvey, catching up with the guys, Logan comes over and hands me a plate. “Thanks, babe,” I say with a wink. She winks back at me, a small smile curling her perfect lips, and then she goes back to the kitchen to hang out with Grace, Willow, and Daphne.

“So, how’s that going?” Harvey asks, nodding after her.

“Good,” I reply with a smirk.
Good doesn’t even begin to describe it.
“We’re doing great.”

“You’re coming up on a year, right?”

“Yup. In June.”

“You poppin’ out any kids anytime soon?” asks Pete around a bite of food.

I cough out a laugh, looking over at Axel and Caroline, remembering the promise I made to Logan. I know she’s counting down the days until our anniversary, until the day we start trying. We aren’t telling anyone yet, though. So I shake my head before I say, “We’ll see. Right now, I’m focusing on finishing up school. I graduate in a couple weeks.”

“Oh, wow. Congrats, man.”

I manage to steer the conversation away from me just as Brandon and Sarah arrive. I assume they are the last of the expected guests as Daphne claps her hands and announces that the baby festivities are about to begin. She passes out an assortment of birthday cone hats, insisting that
has to wear it until after presents and cake. We all oblige, some more reluctantly than others, as we gather in the living room.

Trevor and Daphne sit in the middle of the floor with Caroline and all of her gifts. Grace sits in Harvey’s lap and Willow sits at Pete’s feet as she plays photographer. Coder offers to move to the floor so that Logan can sit beside me, but she politely declines.

“May I?” she asks Grace, pointing at Axel.

“Yeah, absolutely.”

She then sits cross-legged on the floor, picking him up and setting him in her lap as Caroline—or rather, her parents—open up her gifts. I miss most of it, my attention glued to my wife. I watch as she coos in Axel’s ear and kisses his cheeks, entertaining him while Care’s in the spotlight. I’ve seen her with both Care and Ax plenty of times, but lately—every time she’s got a baby in her arms—I can’t help but imagine what she’ll be like with our baby. I have no doubt she’s going to be a wonderful mom. I married a woman with this huge heart, and I know she’ll love our children fiercely.

I look over and watch Trevor with Caroline—I see the way he dotes on her, the way he looks at her like she’s the sun, the moon, and the stars. She lights his world, and I can’t even imagine what that’s like. What that bond feels like. It’s daunting, to say the least. I know that that kind of love comes with an insane amount of responsibility, the kind of responsibility that’s scary as all hell. Except, Trevor doesn’t carry himself like a man terrified by the reality of fatherhood. Looking at my sister, I think I understand why. He’s not in this alone. Neither is she. They’re a team. Together, they’re the best damn parents Caroline could ever ask for.

I’m not going to be alone, either.

My gaze drifts back to Logan and, as if she can feel my stare, she turns back to look at me. She smiles and without a word, I can hear her thoughts.

Fifty days. Fifty days until we start trying for our own

I wink at her, signaling my understanding, and the most brilliant smile lights up her face. I know, in this moment, I’ll give her as many babies as she wants if it’ll make her smile like that for the rest of our lives.

open my eyes, afraid that when I do, this dream will end. The sound of my girl sucking my cock seems real, and I sigh, hoping that nothing pulls me from this sweet slumber. When she hums, the vibration of her voice makes me moan. She feels so damn good. It isn’t until she drags her teeth along the length of my shaft that I realize I’m not dreaming.

,” I murmur, opening my eyes. When I look down, I see the form of her body underneath the sheets. She licks and then kisses the tip of my head before she crawls up my body. When her face is uncovered, I’m greeted by her beautiful smile. Her long, blonde hair is a mess from sleep and her face is completely bare of any make up. She’s so sexy, I can hardly stand it. I can’t help but grab hold of each side if her face, pulling her in for a kiss. “You’re such a babe,” I whisper against her lips.

“You too, baby,” she giggles. She presses her lips against mine once more. When she deepens the kiss, I’m a little surprised—she hates my morning breath. Nevertheless, I don’t refuse her. Instead, I sink my fingers in her hair and keep her close. “Mmm,” she hums as she pulls away. “Happy anniversary, baby.”

A grin tugs at my lips at her words. It’s incredible to me that I’ve spent the last year of my life as this woman’s husband. Not because it seems impossible or that she’s hard to love—but because she’s remarkably easy to love. There have been so many days when I’ve felt like I didn’t deserve her and yet God saw fit to give her to me anyway. I thank Him for her everyday. My love. My life.

Two years ago, if anyone would have told me that we’d be here, I would have thought they had lost their ever-loving mind. Now—I can’t imagine my life without her.

“Happy anniversary, babe.”

She kisses me again, running her fingers through my hair. “Roman,” she whispers.

“What is it, babe?”

“We have over an hour before we have to leave for the airport.”

“Yeah?” I murmur with a smirk, sweeping her hair behind her ears.

“Yeah. I was thinking—I was thinking maybe we could do that thing you said we’d do…you know…?”

I smile up at her and then trace my thumb across her bottom lip. “You got rid of your pills?”

She nods enthusiastically. “I stopped taking them yesterday.”

I hold her against me and then roll us over, pinning her to the bed. She giggles and I kiss her lips. “You think we can make a baby right now?”

“I don’t know,” she answers with shy grin. “Maybe. Technically, I think my body might need to get used to being off the pill. But I also think God can do whatever He wants.”

“Mmmhmm,” I agree, my mouth leaving a wet trail down her neck. “We’ll try every day. Just in case.” I reach my hand down between her legs and find that she’s already bare for me. I drag my finger between her wet folds and she whimpers when I swirl around her clit before burying two fingers inside of her. As I pump in and out of her, her breathing grows ragged. I can tell she’s feeling impatient. When I close my mouth around one of her nipples, sucking through the fabric of her negligee, she whines.

“Roman, take it off—just take it off. Make love to me, baby.”

I pull my fingers free and then begin taking off the last garment of clothing that stands between us. As I push the fabric up, I nibble and lick my way along her belly—hopefully soon to be filled with my child—and then between her breasts. Once the offensive item has been discarded, she grips either side of my face and pulls me to her. I kiss her slowly and I can feel it as she melts beneath me, surrendering to my affection.

She gasps as I penetrate her entrance, easing my way in until I’m balls deep.

My Logan—she’s better than any dream.

I pull out gently and then roll my hips, sinking into her once more. I take my time, wishing for her to feel everything—desperate for her to understand just how much I love her and just how much I want this.

“Logan, you’re my favorite place,” I murmur, staring into her gorgeous green eyes. “Wherever we are, whenever we are, inside of you will always be my favorite place. I love you so much.”

She drags in a shuddered breath as she wraps her arms and legs around me. “I love you so much, too. So much. I’m yours—always yours—
yours,” she says before reaching up for a kiss.

I close my lips around hers, making love to her mouth as I make love to her body. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know we need to get ready to leave, but I don’t want to rush this moment—this moment that belongs to

When she arches her back, I know she’s getting close. I pull my lips from hers as I reach for her knees. Without a word, she obediently unlocks her legs from around my waist, allowing me to spread her as wide as she’ll go, opening her hips and allowing me to dive even deeper.

,” she mewls. “Oh, baby—yes—
” She gasps, her mouth opening into a wide
as her body begins to tremble and her pussy tightens around me. She feels unbelievably incredible, the sensation of her body coming around mine just as sensational as the first time.

My pleasure sends a rush of tingles down my spine and I thrust into her once more, my cock as deep as it’ll go as I fill her with my release. I groan as my muscles begin to relax, and I lazily rock in and out of her a couple more times before collapsing on top of her.

“Maybe we should try every day,
a day,” she sighs, breathless. “That was amazing.”

I chuckle, brushing a kiss against her shoulder. “I’m sure we can manage that.” She hums her approval of my agreement, holding me tighter. “For now, we have to get ready. Round two will have to wait until we’ve reached our destination.”

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?” she asks, her voice laced with hope and excitement.

I prop myself up so that I can see the look in her eyes when I refuse her for the millionth time. “Nope. You’ll find out when we get to the airport.”

She sticks her lip out as she frowns and I grin down at her.

Love those lips. Especially when she pouts.


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