Read The Kid: The Immortal Life of Ted Williams Online

Authors: Ben Bradlee Jr.

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Sports, #Ted Williams

The Kid: The Immortal Life of Ted Williams (121 page)

With the Babe at Fenway Park before a wartime exhibition game, July 1943. (Rogers Photo Archive)

On the flight line at Pensacola with another pilot, July 3, 1944. (Defense Department photograph)

With Eddie Pellagrini, Hank Greenberg of the Detroit Tigers, and John F. Kennedy at Fenway Park as Kennedy was running for Congress in 1946. (
Boston Globe

Tackling one of his columns for the
Boston Globe
in 1940. (
Boston Globe

The center of attention during the 1946 World Series. (Brearley Collection)

At the throttle of the
Merchants Limited,
leaving Boston for New York, September 1949. (Leslie Jones photograph)

Williams always regretted doing this cigarette ad since he didn’t smoke and knew it set a bad example. (Ted Williams Family Enterprises)

Holding court with the writers, 1950. (Courtesy of the Trustees of the Boston Public Library / Leslie Jones Collection)

Addressing the Fenway Park crowd before leaving for Korea, 1952. (Red Sox photograph)

In Korea, preparing to deliver a message. (May Williams Collection)

With Larry Hawkins, the Marine pilot who guided the disoriented Williams in for a crash landing when his plane was shot down on a mission in Korea. (Ted Williams Family Enterprises)

Entering the cockpit in Korea, 1953. (National Baseball Hall of Fame Library)

Meeting a Korean
while touring the countryside. (Defense Department photograph)

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