Read The King's Blood Online

Authors: S. E. Zbasnik,Sabrina Zbasnik

The King's Blood (87 page)

No one wanted to ask why the brothers had such a flair for elaborate fabrics, or what all the feathers were for.

"Was not friendly to guests of different species. Bread tasted of lost hopes and dreams. Seating ample."

Though as it kept them from the snow perhaps he should have been grateful.

It was the first love poem to include a stanza about a dagger to the kidneys.

Aldrin made a mental note to look into normalizing their currencies nomenclature. Trading three drawings of peas for two real peas did not strike one as a proper way to run a country.

Damsels were women unable to do anything more complicated than get themselves captured by overgrown lizards with virgin fetishes.

A common sight for anyone who drank enough of the barley water.

Taban was many things, a master of metaphors; however, wasn't one of them.

Which is about as disgusting a metaphor as one can make. You're welcome.

Brother Maynar worked his fear of frogs into every catchy sermon. Idle amphibians are the devil's playthings.

First, do no harm; unless the patient cannot pay.

Ostero always got saddled with the losing side's commemorative blades. A few even claimed to have some Elven daggers proclaiming their victory over all humankind.

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