The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (8 page)

Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

"Do you want this? Want me?" Mason's words were thick with arousal. "Oh God..." Another moan fell from his lips. "Evin..." Mason spread his legs wider, driving deeper, stroking harder. "Need you..."

"So fucking hot," Evin muttered and then reached back and tugged the lubricated condom he'd stashed in his back pocket earlier when he'd went back for his keys. With one hand busy on his shaft, Evin tore the wrapper with his teeth and quickly rolled it over his erection. There was no way in hell either he or Mason was going to last much longer.

"Evin!" Mason cried out, his fist clamping down on his cock as his fingers stilled in his ass. "Got to come," he hissed through his teeth, his face twisted in pleasure-pain.

Evin lunged and, in one move, took Mason by the shoulders, rolled him onto his hands and knees, and buried himself to the hilt.

"Ahh fuck..." Mason reared his head back. "So good."

Wrapping his arms around Mason's damp chest, Evin then lifted him onto his knees, Mason's back pressed into Evin's front. Air sawed in and out of Evin's lungs, matching the pace of Mason's ragged breaths.

"God, you're so tight, Brown Eyes," Evin groaned at Mason's ear. "I love the way your ass feels pulsing around my cock." Holding Mason in his arms, Evin eased his hips back and then thrust forward. A shudder racked Mason's body, and Evin's name released from his throat on a hoarse cry. "Now, Mason. Come for me." Evin pistoned deep once, twice, then with a roar, Mason's back arched as thick streams of cum jetted from the end of his shaft.

A tingle set off in Evin's gums, signaling the lengthening of his canines. Evin loosened his hold on Mason and pressed him forward, back onto his hands. The urge to sink his teeth into his flesh and pound away inside his ass until his balls were dry was just too irresistible.

Evin slid his palms over Mason's hips and held him tight. Over and over, he shuttled his cock into Mason's snug passage. Sweat ran like a cool ribbon down Evin's spine. The need to come had become an incessant burn in his cock, but he didn't want it to end.

More time.

He needed more time before letting go. Before letting Mason go.

There was no suppressing the growl that ripped from Evin's throat along with the orgasm that erupted from his cock. He slammed his hips into Mason, burying his shaft deeper, as if powered by the beast within who strained to leave a piece of himself behind. But that was something Evin could never allow.

He slumped forward, over Mason's back, and the heavy beat of his heart thumped against his chest. With a sigh, Evin rolled to his side, pulling free from Mason, and dropped onto his back. Mason collapsed onto his chest, draping an arm over Evin's midsection in the process.

"Damn, Evin," Mason groaned. "That...that was unforgettable."

Evin's heart swelled, threatening to block his airway. "Yeah, it was," he managed to say.

"You know how to leave your mark on a man, don't you? You make it damn hard to have to say good-bye."

Then don't, Evin's mind rebutted. But instead of voicing his wish, Evin reached down, dragged Mason's palm to his lips, and pressed a kiss to its center. The next thing Evin knew, Mason was on top of him, pulling his hand free and replacing it with his mouth. His lips roamed over Evin's as if he were imprinting every centimeter of their shape, feel, and taste into his memory. Evin moaned under the exploration. Mason filled his heart and made him feel alive again. Something he wasn't sure would ever be possible after he'd lost his family, his identity as a KinKaid. Evin wrapped his arms around Mason, drawing his hard body tighter against him. How was he ever going to let Mason go?

The moon was high in the sky by the time Mason and Evin came up for air, dressed, and climbed back onto Evin's bike. It had to be at least one in the morning, and dawn was going to come too soon. Tomorrow he had to finish the repairs on Mason's car, and then it would be over.
would be over.

Mason's hands found their way back under his shirt and held on tight. The warmth of his embrace spread through Evin's skin and all the way to his heart. He couldn't help the stupid grin he knew sat on his face. He revved the engine and sped out across the clearing that separated his cabin from wooded acreage, when a young doe sprang from the tree line and directly into their path.

Evin yanked the handlebars of the bike in the opposite direction of the deer's course. "Hang on!"

The motorcycle jerked forward, barely missing the animal's hindquarters. Evin cursed and straightened the front wheel, but the bike suddenly came to violent halt, the front tire striking a large tree root. The rear wheel left the ground, launching both men into the air.

The world slowed to a crawl.

Every heartbeat, every breath became a deliberate action that roared in Evin's ears. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mason's body tumble through the air like a rag doll falling at half speed from a child's grasp and then land in the tall grass. The frame-by-frame movement would have almost been funny if it weren't for the fact that it felt as if Evin's heart was being ripped from his chest.

This could not be happening.

God, no—not like this. I can't lose Mason.

A sharp pain tore through Evin's leg, followed by a hard crack to the back of his head. The stars above blurred, and then without warning, winked out of existence.

Chapter Six


ir punched from Mason's lungs. His vision dimmed. Digging his fingernails into the dirt, he managed to pull himself off his back and onto his side before ripping the helmet from his head.


With his mouth agape, Mason desperately searched for the oxygen needed to refill his starved and paralyzed chest.

Breathe, dammit!

As if in response to his command, Mason's diaphragm kick-started back into action. A loud wheeze accompanied his first breath, followed by a cough that sent the blood rushing to his brain like a jackhammer chipping away at his skull.
Holy shit.
He moaned and grabbed both sides of his head.

Mason drew his legs up, then rolled over onto his hands and knees, ignoring the throb in his lower back from its nasty impact with the ground. Then it hit him.
Where was Evin?

Oh fuck. His heart jerked in his chest. Mason reared up onto his shins and scanned his surroundings. The motorcycle's sputtering engine drew his immediate attention. It lay on its side with the front wheel bent nearly beyond recognition. Less than a foot away of what remained of the bike lay a dark figure crumpled in the grass.


Mason lurched onto his feet and began to move, half running, half stumbling the few steps needed to take him next to the unconscious body.

"No..." The plea fell from Mason's lips as he neared the still form. Long dark strands of hair covered the man's features, but Mason didn't need to see his eyes to recognize who it was—he already knew.

"Evin... Can you hear me?" Mason dropped to his knees, reached out, and brushed away the tangled locks. At Evin's neck, he searched for a pulse.

"Oh, thank God." A strong
registered against the pads of fingers. Evin was alive.

Quickly Mason assessed Evin for injuries, starting with his head, then progressing lower to his legs. No open wounds were apparent to his upper body, but the moment he moved south, Mason realized that wasn't the case for one of Evin's legs.

Evin's right leg lay at a distorted angle, the jeans torn and a section of bone protruding through the material. His stomach roiled. As he leaned in for a better look, Mason's palm found a warm, sticky pool in the grass near the injury.

Shit shit shit.
Evin was bleeding out. The fracture must have torn an artery.

He needed an ambulance—now. But before he went anywhere, Mason had to do something about the amount of blood Evin was losing. He couldn't hold pressure and leave to call for help at the same time.

. What the hell was he going to do? His head throbbed, making it a son of a bitch to think.

A tourniquet. Yes.
That should work.

Mason glanced down at his torn cotton shirt. It would have to do. He grabbed his polo by the neckline and yanked it over his head. Gently, Mason turned Evin's head to brush his lips over his lover's. Evin's mouth parted on a deep breath.

"Evin? Can you hear me?" Mason cupped Evin's cheek. "It's Mason."

He grimaced, squirmed, and then a loud groan tore from Evin's throat.

With both hands, Mason held on to Evin. His eyelids fluttered. "Don't move. Try not to move. You're bleeding, and I need to do something to stop it, but you've got to be still."

A low growl vibrated off Evin's chest. "Leave me alone," Evin spit.

"Evin, please. It's Mason." A shiver gripped Evin's body, followed by another groan. Then something flashed across Evin’s face like a reflection on water that had been disturbed by ripples. Mason shook his head. Damn, for a moment the face staring back at him hadn't appeared human. The blow to his head must have been harder than he'd thought.

"Mason... No, Mason." Evin's head rolled back and forth. "Got to get away," he muttered. "Got to get away." Over and over, Evin muttered the same phrase.

Mason swore his heart must have moved into his throat. He swallowed hard, trying to force the knot back down, and whispered a prayer.

"Please God, help him. I can't lose Evin." On a deep breath, Mason shook off his anxiety. He had no choice. "You're going to be okay." He scurried to Evin's injured leg. "You're going to be okay. You hear me? You're going to be okay."

"No!" Evin's upper body rocked. His hands clawed at the ground. "Get the fuck away from me!" The sound that roared from Evin was unlike anything Mason had ever heard. The hairs on his arms lifted.

Christ. Evin was worse off than he'd thought. He was out of his mind. Delirious. Mason had to stop the bleeding and get help. He stretched out the remains of his shirt, then twisted it into as narrow a band as he could before slipping it under Evin's injured thigh.

"No!” Evin cried out. “Get. Away. Mason... Fuck!" Evin thrashed his arms. "Get away from me!" The words were growled more than spoken, spurring Mason to work faster. He reached between Evin's thighs and pulled the other section of the material through. Putting the ends together, Mason formed the beginnings of a knot. He glanced over his shoulder at his lover's agonized expression.

"I'm so sorry..." Mason sucked in a ragged breath. "This is going to hurt." He closed his eyes, pulled hard, and yanked the material tight against Evin's thigh.

A loud yelp sounded from behind him, and the tourniquet jerked from Mason's hands.
What the...?
Stabbing pain sliced through his left shoulder, forcing a shriek from his throat. The crushing weight of a powerful jaw seized him as a set of canines sank deeper.
Oh God.
Mason's knees left the ground. Hot pain arrowed down his arm, and then he flew backward. His body hit the ground with an

A shadow fell over him, blocking the moon's glow. Something big, dark... Mason's heart hammered against his chest. Its head turned into view.
Holy shit.

A wolf.

Mason scrambled for purchase in the grass with his good arm, and using his heels, made for some serious reverse action. His gaze darted to Evin's location.


He was gone. Evin was gone. How...?

Mason swung his head around just as a huge paw landed in his chest, pinning him to the ground. A large black muzzle lowered, and vivid blue eyes locked with his. The animal's gaze bore into Mason's, sending a chill down his spine.

Suddenly its gaze left him, and its muzzle trailed down Mason's neck. The air froze in his lungs. He should fight—kick, punch, do his damn best to knock the thing off him. So why was he lying there as if he were waiting to see if it was going to finish the job?

The hot stroke of a tongue traveled over Mason's pulse, then paused over the evidence of the bite to his shoulder. What was it doing? A second later, the warmth of the beast's breath moved upward to his cheek. Mason's heart galloped as the wolf's gaze found his once more.

The animal stared into Mason's eyes as if he somehow knew him. Had the right to share his personal space. So familiar... Mason couldn't drag his gaze away. The irises were such a brilliant blue. The exact same color as...

"Evin?" Unbidden, the name tumbled from Mason's lips before he could pull it back. Mason lifted his arm, needing for some crazy reason to touch the dark fur. But before his fingertips made contact, the animal whipped around and leaped into the tall grass. Mason jumped to his feet, searching for any movement.


No one.

The sound of his breathing and the continued sputter of the Ninja's engine was all that remained.

Mason had no idea how he'd made it back to the cabin so fast. His back ached. His shoulder throbbed. Thin ribbons of crimson ran from the bite wound down his arm, mixing with the sweat covering him. He must have run the rest of the way back. Damn. He barely remembered the trip. But some things were way too vivid inside his head. Images Mason would rather forget, because there was no way what he'd seen tonight was real. People did
turn into wolves. Mason shuffled from the back door and over to the kitchen sink, reached out with a shaking, bloodied hand, and turned on the faucet. He cupped his palms under the flow and splashed a handful of water onto his face. Cool rivulets ran down his bare chest, stimulating his body and mind. Mason gripped the edge of the counter, his head hanging. If only answers came with the sharpened focus.

If what he'd seen go down tonight were some kind of trick of his mind—perhaps the result of a mild concussion—then where the hell was Evin?

"Mason..." A familiar deep voice sounded from behind him, jerking his spine straight. Mason whirled and found Evin, naked, standing just inside the screen door. His gaze darted over Evin's exposed flesh. Not a scratch. His leg was completely intact. Mason's stomach turned over, sending a wave of nausea up his esophagus. There had to be some logical reason. No man—correction—no
man healed that damn fast. What the fuck was going on?

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