The Lady and the Falconer (18 page)

Read The Lady and the Falconer Online

Authors: Laurel O'Donnell

Tags: #historical romance, #romance novels, #medieval romance, #romance adventure, #romance ebooks, #Fiction, #Romance, #romance books, #Historical, #romance author

“I want you,” she gasped and Logan thrust his finger inside her. She shattered into a million glowing stars as shivers of utter delight tore through her, sending her exploding over the brink of pleasure into the gates of heaven. Wave after wave of sensational delight splashed over her, again and again, buffeting her with ecstasy.

Slowly, the feeling abated and she opened her eyes, sated and fulfilled, to gaze into Logan’s shimmering orbs. They shone like stars at her, shining on her newfound delight with approval.

He eased her back onto his mattress of straw, delicately holding her in his arms. He moved over her, bearing his weight on his arms, refusing to take his eyes from her. He parted her legs, and she eased her thighs open until she felt his manhood against her. Solace groaned, anticipating their joining.

He slowly moved into her, sheathing himself inside her folds. A sigh escaped from his lips, and Solace reached up to run her hands along his cheeks. When he opened his eyes, he was staring at her with an intensity that touched her soul.

Then he began to move. Slowly at first, but his tempo quickly built as their lovemaking intensified. He thrust into her again and again until his body stiffened, growing taut with exertion, and his face flooded with release.

Logan rolled off Solace, scooping her up into his arms, and pulled her tight against him. They lay together for a long, quiet moment. Solace listened to the beat of Logan’s heart, the sated bliss in his breathing.

Finally she sat up, reaching for her clothing.

Logan grabbed her wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“To check on the castle,” she said.

“I don’t think so,” he replied, pulling her back down on top of him. “I’m not through with you yet.”

With a delighted squeak of protest, Solace felt him growing stiff once again...






It wasn’t until much later that evening that Solace snuck out of Logan’s room, leaving him sleeping peacefully. She gazed at him for a long moment in the doorway. He was sprawled on the straw, his body curled around the spot she had just vacated. In a beam of moonlight that peeked in through two boards of wood, Solace could see his peaceful face. His head was cushioned on his arm and his dark hair spilled over his skin to the straw mattress.

She stared fondly at Logan for a moment longer before quietly closing his door, then eyed the courtyard to see if anyone had seen her. But the ward was empty. Her stomach rumbled, and she remembered she had had nothing to eat since early that morning. A cool wind encircled her, but she barely noticed as her heated flesh remembered their day of lovemaking. Solace looked contentedly up at the starry sky. Suddenly, impulsively, she spun around, her hands outstretched at her sides, a blissful grin lighting her face. She had never felt this way before!

Solace rounded the corner, moving past the training grounds. Suddenly an arm jutted out from the shadows and caught her wrist! She stifled the scream that immediately came to her lips when Graham stepped from the darkness.

“Now what might a proper woman like you be doing in a man’s room so late at night?”

Solace tried to pull away. “Let me go this instant,” she commanded.

“Pretty imperious for a slut,” Graham retorted, but dropped her hand.

She displayed her bandaged hands impatiently. “He tended my wounds,” she snapped.

“Is that all he tended?” Graham took a step toward her, and she retreated. He reached out and touched her lips, but she jerked her face aside. “You seem to be giving away your kisses rather freely.”

Solace was so shocked that she couldn’t reply. Anger vied with fear in her.

“What else are you giving away?”

Solace opened her mouth to respond, but Graham seized her waist, pulling her to him. She fought against his hold, but he managed to lift her skirt and touch the inside of her thigh. A crooked, horrible smile twisted his lips as he released her to rub his moist fingers together. “His seed.”

She tried to run past him, but he grabbed her arm, whirling her to him, pressing her against his chest.

“Why settle for a man like that when I would be more than happy to oblige you?” Graham pressed his lips against hers.

In a moment of sheer terror, an image from her past blazed across her memory. She saw lord Randol forcing his lips to Anne’s, saw him pawing at her flesh with groping hands. Only now did Solace realize exactly what she had witnessed all those years ago. The thought sent her into a frenzy, and she lashed out at Graham, drawing three ragged claw marks down across his cheek. “Get away from me!”

His reaction was quick and instantaneous. He smashed a fist into her cheek, knocking her to the ground. Then he was on top of her. She opened her mouth to cry out, but he pressed his arm into her neck, almost choking her. She tried to fight, but he pinned her with his weight, “Let’s see if you’re as wet for me as you are for him.”

She struggled, but against his warrior-trained strength she was no match.





Chapter Sixteen




he howling of the dogs filtered into Logan’s sleep-filled mind. He bolted up in his bed, his heart hammering in his chest. His gaze darted around the darkness.

Then he noticed Solace was gone. He flew from the bed, stopping only long enough to don his leggings.

Outside, the dogs were barking and growling fiercely, scratching at the walls of the kennel. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. He looked to the skies, expecting a hail of stones or a swarm of flaming arrows, but the night sky was clear and empty. What was spooking the dogs?

He glanced around the mews. Where the hell was Solace? But again he saw nothing.

Suddenly, his black falcon swooped in and landed on his shoulder. The bird’s claws felt tight against his flesh, but the falcon had never broken his skin yet. It cocked its head to the side, listening. Logan strained to hear. Beneath the raucous barking of the dogs, a cry rent the air. A scuffling sound. It sounded like a struggle. Logan grabbed his staff, which had been leaning against the side of the mews, and dashed toward the noise.

The falcon on his shoulder took flight again as he rounded the kennels, coming to the training grounds. There, in the shadows of the wall, he could barely make out a woman with a man on top of her. Fierce, protective anger consumed him as he recognized her even in the darkness. Solace! Instinctively, he charged forward and swung his staff sharply, striking the man beneath his chin. The man flew backward and landed roughly on his back a few feet from Solace, his breath exploding out of his lungs in a loud grunt as he struck the earth.

Logan dropped to one knee, pulling Solace into his embrace. She fought wildly to get free, pummeling him with her fists. “Solace!” Logan called, seizing her wrists. “It’s me. You’re safe. It’s over.”

“No!” she cried out, trying to break free of his hold.

Logan tightened his grip. “Solace! It’s Logan. Stop!”

“No! Don’t!” she sobbed.

Logan seized her shoulders and shook her. “Stop it!”

Sobbing, she looked around with wild eyes until he locked gazes with her. “You’re all right,” he soothed. “You’re all right.”

Solace collapsed against him, sobbing even harder. As Logan felt her tremble, a need to again bash the head of the man who’d attacked her struck him. He held her firmly to his chest, stroking her hair. He felt her curl against him, push her face into his neck, felt her hot tears on his shoulder.

“You’ll pay for that,” the attacker snarled as he rose to his feet, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth.

Logan swung a dark gaze to the man. His fingers curled tightly around his staff, and his eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as he recognized Graham.

Solace continued to sob softly against him, her warm tears trickling down his chest. He stroked Solace’s soft hair again, trying to let the anger inside him fade, knowing she needed him to comfort her, but the rage wouldn’t subside. It only grew. Finally, he gently gripped Solace’s arm and eased her away from him. He set Solace behind him, touching her tear-streaked cheek with the tips of his fingers, before turning to face Graham.

The thought of his vile body pressed intimately against Solace’s struggling form made Logan furious, savage with rage.

Without warning, Logan lashed out with his staff, catching Graham on the side of the head. When the nobleman staggered, Logan came after him with a blow to the jaw. Graham went down hard on his bottom. Logan charged forward, throwing his staff aside, and grabbed Graham’s velvet tunic. With a violent tug, he dragged the man up until his face was mere inches from Logan’s. Fear haunted the cur’s eyes. But it wasn’t enough. The urge to smash his head in with his bare hands consumed Logan, and he raised his fist.

“Please,” Graham gasped out.

“Logan,” Solace pleaded, her sobs still catching in her throat.

Logan froze. His jaw clenched. And then he slowly lowered his fist. “If I see you touch her again, I’ll let the birds have you for their next meal,” he snarled. He brought his fist back up and slammed his clenched hand into Graham’s nose.

Graham howled as blood erupted from his nostrils.

Logan dropped him to the ground before turning to Solace. Her cheeks were pale, her green eyes wide with fear. He moved to her, putting his arms around her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

She pressed her wet face to his bare chest.

Feeling her tremble, Logan squeezed her tightly, soothing her. Behind him, he heard receding footsteps and knew Graham had fled. As he stroked her hair, his fingers brushed against a stray piece of straw trapped in the rich velvet of her hair. He gently untangled it and let it float to the ground.

Solace raised her eyes to him, and the moonlight reflected off the misery in those large orbs. “I couldn’t get him off of me,” she told him in a ragged breath. “He was so strong and –”

Logan pulled her tight against him. “It’s all right,” he whispered. “You’re all right.” He squeezed his eyes shut. If he had lingered in his room for just a moment longer, he would have been too late. The thought sent immobilizing fear through him. He opened his eyes, and they burned with rage.

That was when he saw something in the dirt. He focused his eyes on the object. The clouds parted and the moon shone down on it. A dagger. A gold-tipped dagger, its handle etched with flowers. Did the dagger belong to Graham? Or had it inadvertently been dropped by someone else? His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Logan moved to grab the dagger, but he felt Solace’s fingers dig into his shoulders and he returned his attention to her. With a backward glance at the dagger, he guided her toward his room, whispering comforting words to her.

Logan pulled her with him to his mattress. They lay together, she on top of him as he held her against his heart. “It’s all right,” Logan whispered to her. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not ever.” Logan let her cry, stroking her hair. After a long while, he realized she was asleep. He smiled against the top of her head, pressing a kiss to her scalp.






With a violent crack, the door to Logan’s room exploded open and three soldiers stormed inside! Startled from sleep, Solace quickly sat upright, trying to get her groggy mind to function. Was the castle under attack? The men quickly descended upon Logan as he reached for his sword hidden beneath the hay. They pulled him to his feet, wrenching his arms behind his back, quickly binding his wrists with thick ropes.

“No!” Solace screamed. “What are you doing?”

She recognized two of the three men as castle guards and ordered, “I command you to stop this.”

“Now isn’t this a compromising situation?”

Solace glanced up to see Graham lounging against the doorframe, his lecherous gaze plundering her body. A cloth stretched across his nose, the fabric stained with blood.

Logan lunged toward Graham, but the guards easily caught him and shoved him toward the doorway.

Graham took a step to the side, letting the guards roughly usher Logan outside. He glanced at Solace. “What will lady Alissa say?” Graham asked.

“You can’t do this,” Solace retorted.

“It’s already done.”

Graham approached Solace, but she slipped by him to race after Logan. She quickly reached his side, and cried, “I won’t let them get away with this.”

“Just stay away from Graham,” Logan ordered as the guards shoved him forward. “Do you hear me?”

Solace nodded to Logan. She whirled on Graham. “Where are you taking him?”

“The dungeon, of course,” Graham answered.

Tucked neatly into Graham’s belt was a gold-tipped dagger, its handle etched with flowers.





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