The Last Kiss (6 page)

Read The Last Kiss Online

Authors: M. R. Murphy



















~Chapter Seven~



The sizzling of eggs frying in the pan was a small comfort Aidan knew he wouldn't have time to get used to. Her sweet scent wafted from his skin, as he leaned into to flip the bacon. Listening carefully to the subtle whimpers that emulated from the bathroom Raeve occupied, felt like a thunderstorm hitting his heart. The heavy weight of her cries settled over him like a sand-filled blanket of the desert he was about to head back to. He longed to walk back there and scoop her up into his arms and kiss her tears away, but it wouldn't soothe away the pain he knew she would have to endure during his long absence. The pain in her heart radiated through him in droves as he settled his weight against the counter.

“What the fuck was I thinking? Two years without her?”

He ached for her, for her pain, and
wished to hell he could change things, deny the missions he'd been selected for. Things just didn't work that way, and she understood that better than anyone. His body could soothe hers, hold her close and work away the demons hidden beneath the surface of her cool composure. Yet it was her heart he couldn't soothe, no matter the amount of time he spent holding her close and whispering his heart's truth in her ear. With just a few days left before he would leave, his heart ached knowing who he was leaving behind and hoping it wasn't a permanent ending.

Shaking at the idea of losing her forever, his sigh left a heavy cloud of sadness lingering in the air. He longed to pull her into his arms, kiss her tears away, and promise her forever. He'd promise her the world if it could take away the pain she was trying to hide. But he knew her too well, she wouldn't welcome the intrusion he offered. She was still too proud to cry in front of anyone, even him, and dammit if he didn’t admire her all the more for her bravery. He knew she was just a thread away from
breaking. He sensed the hurt and anger pouring off her, as the silence broke, Aidan listened to the sounds of her muffled cries and sizzling food. Moments turned to minutes as he waited for her to come out.

The swishing sound of the door opening was followed by the scent of her jasmine body wash drifting down the hallway, intoxicating him before she even entered the room.

“Hey.” She smiled, and the sadness she tried to hide touched her eyes. “Smells good, babe.”

“Hungry?” He returned her smile, staring softly into her darkening green eyes. If he hadn’t heard the muffled sobs the change of her hazel green eyes into the color of a deep forest after rain would be a sure sign she had been crying. “Beautiful,” he murmured.

“Starving. I could polish off a whole cow if it was on my plate right now!” Relishing the idea of a plate of hot food, she pulled free a couple of plates, and slid free the silverware. “Coffee?” she offered.

“Sure.” He pressed his lips to hers, unable to get enough of her sweet taste.
Before Raeve even touched the ‘on’ button to the coffee maker, he pulled her back into a crushing embrace, wrapping his arms around her. His lips captured the soft dewy skin below her ear, inhaling her sweet clean scent deeply.

“Love you,” he whispered, his lips a soft caress against her silky skin.

Her smile finally lifted to reach her eyes, and relief washed over him as she slid her arms around his neck. The wet tendrils of her hair clung to his skin, still dripping cool droplets. “Do you now?” she quipped “How much?”

Aidan didn't hesitate to answer. “From here to the moon and back again,” he spoke confidently, “and you?”

Gazing up to him, the twist in her lip gave him the feeling whatever she was about to say, she was going to expect a heavier reply. “Always until eternity,” she whispered, before pecking a kiss on the curve of his jaw. It was all the answer he could hope for. He tightened his hold on her, needing to feel her pressed against him as he stored away another memory for the long drawn out days and nights that awaited him.

“Uh, babe...” Raeve looked at the eggs sizzling in the pan. The subtle smell of burnt eggs began to filter through the kitchen. “Um, I think the eggs are done.”

“Shit.” Reluctantly he released her. His stomach growled as he appraised the bacon and buttered the toast. “How's that coffee coming, babe?” he asked while cocking his brow.

Her cheeks lit up with a fresh pink blush as she hit the on button.

“Just about ready.” Slapping his ass, Raeve sidled around him to pull free two coffee cups, secretly praying he wouldn't return the favor. Rubbing her buttcheek, she still felt the sting of his last smack.





Raeve spent the better part of the day trying to hold her composure and to not shatter into a million pieces as the day waned and the moon peeked out against the velvet black sky. It was a fight she prayed
she wouldn’t lose, but with each passing hour, the knot in her stomach grew. The hours spent hiking South Mountain passed too quickly as Aidan taught her new survival techniques for those 'just in case' scenarios. It was the simple pleasure of walking and climbing the ridges and inclines, just passing the time with him, that meant the world to her. As dusk slowly fell, Raeve nestled in close to him, watching the sun setting over the cityscape. She wished time could stop, for just a while.

“Sweetheart, we should probably get down the mountain before it gets too dark to see the trail.”

She hated to admit it, but he was right.






Aidan sent her into the bathroom to clean up and nurse the scrapes from her unintended skid down a small rock face. Gingerly patting the abrasions, Raeve glanced back up at him sheepishly, while Aidan prepared bandages.

“Damn! What is wrong with me?” Her complaint was one she voiced often.
“Such a friggin' klutz.”

“Yes, but
it’s all part of your charm, sweetheart.” Winking back at her, Aidan couldn't help but laugh at her frustration. He’d seen it too many times.

“Jeeeeezus, I'm a perpetual, professional example of Murphy's Law. Maybe you should cover me in bubble wrap before you leave me.” Aidan watched as she instantly regretted what she had said. The recognition in her eyes of those four little words, 'before you leave me’ shot a dark sadness through her hazel-green eyes. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.”

“I know what you meant. You know why I have to go, right?” His eyes locked on to hers, all playfulness gone, the depth of his words drank in the sadness of those twin windows. “I'm doing this for us, sweetheart.” Letting out a sigh, Aidan stood up and began to walk away.

His words settled over her like a concrete blanket, suffocating her as the resolve in his voice spoke louder than his reasoning.
“Where are you going?” she called after him, shaking her head as tears threatened to prick her eyes again.

“I'll be right back, babe.” His voice trailed down the hallway as she finished cleansing her wounds.

Every minute that passed felt more hurried than the last. Raeve continued to pray for time to stop completely. She wished she could change everything and go back in time to change the past. Guilt assailed her for past decisions. Why had she been so stupid? Why did she walk away before? Cupping her head in her heads, she begged the tears to retreat. She knew she was constantly on the edge of falling down into an abyss of misery, but now wasn't the time.



~Chapter Eight~



Aidan rifled through his bag, searching for the single piece of metal that had spanned the globe with him since he first joined the military, along with his second gift. Smirking he knew it was his way of keeping her close. Asking Raeve to hold on to his favorite memento for safe keeping until the day he returned. The question of whether or not he'd return to accept it back was a something he couldn't answer or guarantee.

Burying his hand deep in his bag, he pulled free the small metal pieces he had saved for her since his first tour. They were still shining bright as the day he received them. Next to come out was a small black velvet pouch with his favorite silver necklace and scorpion pendant. Many good memories were stored in those silver links. Resolving himself to the idea that this might be the last time he’d see them, he held the bag close.

Thumbing over his tags, he remembered the first time he had wanted to give them to Raeve―would've too if he hadn't needed them. Now it made no difference whether he wore them or not. Where he was going, anything of significance would have to be left behind. He would be a virtual living ghost.

It felt like ages had passed since those first days with her. When he was young and ready to jump into the future, the feel of the dog tags hanging around his neck and the memory of Raeve tracing over the small letters carried him through most nights. So many memories of her, little mementos he held on to during those early days came flooding back as he sat back, remembering the first night he held her skin to skin while staring into her sated eyes.




“Hey, man, did you get everything done?”

Staring back at his roommate, Aidan smirked and nodded his head to answer Michael. “Yup, finishing touches are in here. Just hope she likes

“Damn, dude, since when are you the romantic type?” he chided.

   “You don’t know her; trust me she's worth it.” Zipping up his bag, he set it against the door and turned to the mirror for one final inspection.

“So what time does her flight get in?” Hanging back on his bunk, Michael watched as his friend fretted over his shirt. “Dude, seriously, you look fine. Stop being such a pansy.”

Cocking a skeptical brow, he whipped a pair of rolled up socks at Michael, hoping he'd get the point and piss off. “She gets in at three. Heading out now. So don't fuck with my shit while I'm gone.”

“You gonna bring her back here?”

                    “Fuck no. Why would  I?”

“Why not?
Or are you afraid I'll steal her from you? Probably a dog anyways.” He barked out a laugh.

Aidan instantly regretted showing Michael Raeve's picture, and allowing him to speak to her. Deep down, Aidan knew Michael totally understood his head over heels love for her.

“Sure…you and Raeve?” cocking his brow once again, Aidan reached down to grab his bag, “That'll be the day.” With that, he left the small room and walked to his truck. His hands grew slicker with sweat with very step he took. The air was thick and humid even in the Texas desert as sweat beads trickled down his brow.

It had been a few months since he last saw her, and only on a whim chance, he had arranged for her to fly down to his base. His heart tripped into overdrive as he imagined her in his arms again, kissing her urgently, feeling her body pressed against him. He had spent the better part of the day setting up their hotel room littering the bed and floor with flower petals and scattering candles all over the room. He had meticulously staged it for the perfect seduction. Aidan would do whatever it took to make her forget the haunting darkness of the past that lingered in her eyes. He vowed to free her from those nightmares, at least for the night.

The drive to Austin dragged as traffic flooded the highways. His nerves were on edge, and he prayed he'd make it in time. He could picture the look on her face when she saw him waiting coyly at her gate, flowers in hand, ready to pull her into his arms for a long awaited kiss. Her eyes wide, as her smile and a resplendent blush deepened the closer she stepped toward him. His cock twitched as he imagined the feel of her lips on his. He dreamt of bringing her closer still as he slid his hand to the small of her back to keep her locked in his embrace for however long she'd allow. Smiling at the idea of staring deep into her eyes for the first time in months, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel and gunned the accelerator.


With only minutes to spare, he slammed the shifter into park and jumped out of the truck before the engine had even shut off. His stomach twisted in knots as he gunned it for the entrance. Checking his watch, he realized her plane would be landing any minute. Sweat trickled down his tight muscled back from the heat of another desert day as he hurried toward her arrival gate. Clutching the flowers in his hand, he checked the board looking for her flight information. The blinking notification of her arrival sparked a new wave of anxiety rushing like lava through his veins.

He paced the length of the waiting area, his heart thrumming in his ears, and his eyes locked on the doorway she would exit from. Minutes felt like forever as he waited for her to appear. As he turned to start another lap, she was there, glorious and glowing like an angel.
His angel.

A feeling of relief washed over him the second she appeared. The blue sundress―his
favorite―allowed her dark hair to sway down her exposed back. He felt the heat in his cheeks ignite the closer she walked to him. He couldn't help admiring the delicious sway of her hips as she sauntered closer to him. She had all the grace of a siren coaxing him with a cunning crook of her slender finger. His breath caught the moment he saw her eyes glistening as she smiled wide.

“Hey.” she called to him, her smile glowing. The heat in her stare sent shivers coursing through him, he longed to caress her soft skin and indulge in a taste of her natural sweetness. All in due time He told himself, trying to tamp down the urge to pull her into his arms and ravage her from the halo of her dark hair to the tips of her tiny toes.

“Hi, sweetheart.” Aidan smiled and handed her the mixed colored roses. “I missed you.”

His heart nearly exploded when she blushed. Pulling her close, he nestled into her neck, inhaling her sweet, sugary scent. “Mmm,” he growled into the soft curve of her throat, before pecking a kiss just to taste her on his lips.

“I missed you, too.” Her lips slipped up to his, as she sliced her way into his wanting mouth with a kiss that surprised him with its urgency. He couldn't deny the fact he wanted this. The rigid length of his throbbing cock sang the same tune, as he pressed her body against his. There was no hiding his true desire. Every curve of her sinuous body felt so incredible against him. He hoped and prayed the fire searing through his veins didn't burn him alive before he had the chance to sink deep between her supple thighs and taste every drop of her.

“You ready to get out of here?” he asked.

                     “Yes. How far is it to your base?” Cocking a brow, Raeve intertwined her fingers with his, as he reached for her bag.

“About an hour away.
Might hit some traffic though. Are you hungry?”

“Not really. So were you waiting here long?”

He slipped her an impish grin, as he shook his head.

              “Not really.”

Raeve went to open the door, but Aidan reached it first, gripping the hot metal before she burned her delicate flesh. “Ladies first.” he supplied pulling the door free from the metal jamb. Her sweet smile mimicked the sincerity of her kiss.

“Thank you,” she murmured before climbing into the cab of the truck. “Wait…one more thing…”

Staring at her, Aidan waited anxiously for her request. When she didn't say anything, just smiled at him nervously, he wondered if she was considering her trip down as a complete mistake.

“Yes?” the word had barely left his lips when she crashed her mouth down on his. Relief washed over him as his blood seared every cell in his body. How could he resist her, when his body demanded so much more? Wrapping his arms around her, pulling her body to his again, Aidan relished the sensation of her fingers as they raked through his cropped hair and the crush of her breasts against his chest. The small mews that slipped from her lips caused all the blood in his body to settle in the one place that begged to be hidden deep within her core. Slipping her a sideways glance, he wondered if any security cameras were within range of catching them if he did what he wanted to do to her right then and there. He'd stopped breathing the moment her lips touched his, and his chest thundered against hers as he fumbled to collect his thoughts. “What do you say we get to the hotel?”

Her lips barely left his as she silently agreed―with another kiss. He found it hard to pull back from her, carefully shutting her in. The heat of her stare rippled through him, tracking
his every movement as he walked round the truck. Feeling lighter than air, every cell in his body vibrated, singing to life from just having her near. Come hell or high water, he would get them back to the hotel and lay her down as fast as humanly possible.

Slipping into the cab, his eyes danced over her. The resplendent blush on her cheeks flared to a deeper shade of pink as he winked to her. Cupping her hand, he gently tugged her fingers to his lips, brushing the suppleness of her skin across the spot she left her feverish kiss. “Ready?” Considering her with a sultry smile, he didn't need to hear her lithe voice to know the answer.

The drive stretched on for miles as the Texas heat flushed her skin, leaving a sheen of dew glistening over her skin. The wind caught her hair in a picturesque moment as he caught her eyes in the side mirror, dancing over the landscape. “Not much to look at. Killeen is more desert-like than this,” he offered.

“It's just so different. Guess I'm just partial to all the green of the east coast.”

   “Me too. Though I'm guessing Kuwait will be worse.” Her audible gasp didn't surprise him, it was the same thing his mother had done when he told her. Yet seeing Raeve's reaction, the way her fingers feathered over her glossy lips and the shock that settled in her eyes, made him wish he had picked a better time to tell her. “What's wrong?”

“I―I…when will you be deployed?” She fought to say the words, and he wasn't so sure why it was upsetting her so much.

“Three weeks from tomorrow.” Cocking a dark brow, he couldn't help but notice her brows knitted together into a deep V. Worry settled in her eyes, setting him on edge. Aidan prayed he hadn't ruined his time with her with this information, but he realized he probably had. “Don't worry sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it.” He knew his words wouldn't ease her. It was a promise he couldn't actually make, and Raeve knew it all too well.

The silence that lingered the rest of the drive grated his nerves. Glancing every few minutes in the passenger mirror, he caught a glimpse of her eyes, rimmed with sadness he knew would remain until the next time he could be with her―after his tour ended. His fingers itched to touch her soft skin, as the wind carried dark tendrils of her hair in the breeze. His heart ached to pull her close and kiss all her worries away, but nothing would ease this. Turning his mind
away, he realized that the driveway of the hotel was coming up; a renewed anxiety exploded through his body.

“We're almost there.” He spoke softly while cupping her hand. Gently, he brushed her fingers over his lips, pecking small kisses over each one. The flush in her cheeks deepened as they pulled into the parking lot. It wasn't much, but it was Killeen, Texas' best, and his base was only fifteen minutes away. His heart pounded as he put the truck into park. “Wait right here. I'll be right back,” he gently commanded.

“Sure, okay,” Raeve smiled.

Reaching in, Aidan pulled her bag free and walked around the corner. His hands grew slick once again, and his heart thundered in his chest. She was here, with him and only him, if only for a couple of days. Excitement soared through his veins as he entered the suite. Setting her bag down, he quickly lit every candle and pulled free a bottle of wine and two glasses

The day was hot, and he knew the night would be even hotter, if the heat burning in Raeve's kiss was anything to judge by. Making quick footwork back to the truck, Aidan slipped around to her door, pulled it free, and offered her his hand.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

His hands couldn't touch enough of her, as he slid his arm around the small of her back. Her perfume wafted through the air as the wind caressed them. Slipping the room key from his pocket, a wave of electricity shot through him as he slowly opened the door. His eyes stayed locked on her delicate features as shock overwhelmed her. Her hands clasped over her mouth as she stepped into the candlelit room. “Oh my gosh! You did all this…for me?”

Staring back at her, Aidan's pulse quickened as his stomach clenched in a tight knot. Letting her walk in first, he found it amusing as she trod in careful steps around the soft rose petals.

“Is it okay?”

Her glowing smile answered his question even before she could speak. Her eyes sparkled in the candlelight as a crystal tear trickled down her cheek.
              “Yes, it's perfect, but I don't deserve all this.”

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