The Last Of The Wilds (21 page)

Read The Last Of The Wilds Online

Authors: Trudi Canavan

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Romance, #Magic, #Fantasy, #Young Adult, #Adventure, #Epic, #Religion

The whole city. Teiti sighed. The chances that the king would not find out about this were dwindling rapidly. The longer Imi was missing, the less Teiti cared what the girl’s father would say or do. What mattered most was whether Imi was safe.

“Go,” she said. “Find it. Find out where it goes. I’ll send for more assistance.”

As he waded into the water she turned away and started toward the main entrance of the pool. One of the guards was there, questioning people. She would send him to the palace. It was time to inform the king of his daughter’s disappearance.


The two veez circled each other slowly, their tails twitching. Auraya sighed and shook her head.

“They’ve forgotten they’ve grown up.”

Mairae laughed. “Yes—they’re like a pair of children who can only relate by wrestling with and insulting each other.”

Stardust leapt on top of Mischief, and all detail was lost as the two became a blur of rolling, twisting fur, legs and tail.

Mairae chuckled. “How is Mischief’s training going?”

“Well.” Auraya grimaced. “There’s not a mechanical lock that he can’t open, and he’s become much easier to link with now that he’s matured a bit and I can actually hold his attention for more than a few moments. He speaks into my mind now, too.”

The two veez separated. They stood apart and chattered at each other, then simultaneously affected boredom and began washing themselves.

“Have you met Keerim?” Mairae asked.


“He’s a famous veez trainer, visiting from Somrey. Not bad-looking, too. You should arrange t—”


The call was from Juran.


e gods have called us to the Altar. Is Mairae with you?

. I will tell her.

. I will collect you both on the way down.

Mairae was regarding her expectantly.

“What is it?”

Auraya rose. “We’ve been called to the Altar.”

“The Altar?” Mairae’s eyebrows rose. She stood and scooped Stardust off the floor. “How unusual. I wonder if the gods have an answer for us.”

“On the existence of Pentadrian gods?” Auraya tried to pick up Mischief, but he darted away. She moved to the bell rope and pulled it. There was no time for chasing veez. A servant would have to take care of him.

They left the room, entering the circular staircase at the center of the Tower. Auraya heard Mischief speak her name telepathically, somehow managing to convey immense disappointment at her leaving so abruptly. Mairae put Stardust down.

“Go home,” she ordered. The veez scampered down the stairs. “Good girl.” Mairae straightened and looked up the stairwell.

“The cage is already descending.”

“Yes. Juran said he would collect us on the way past.”

They watched the base of the cage slowly drop toward them. As it drew level with their eyes it slowed. Dyara and Juran stood inside. When the cage stopped, Juran opened the door and stepped aside to let them in.

His expression was serious and perhaps a little pensive, but he managed a small smile. “No, I do not know why the gods have called us,” he said before either of them could ask. “Let us hope it is good news.”

Dyara looked at him and lifted an eyebrow. “We would hardly be hoping for bad news now, would we?”

The White leader chuckled. “No.”

The cage began descending again. As it passed Rian’s rooms, Mairae looked at Juran questioningly.

“Rian was in the city. He’ll meet us at the Altar,” Juran explained. He looked at Auraya. “How is the hospice faring?”

She nodded. “Remarkably well. There have been a few differences of opinion, but that’s to be expected. Our methods aren’t going to be the same.” She paused, wondering if that was the sort of information he really wanted. “We are learning much from the Dreamweavers,” she added.

“And they from us?”


“Are the Dreamweavers holding back knowledge?” Dyara asked.

“Not yet,” Auraya replied.

“I’m surprised,” the woman said. “Who’d have thought they’d entrust their secrets to priests?”

“They’ve never considered their knowledge to be secret,” Auraya told her. “That would give them a reason to withhold healing, which is against their principles. They never deny anyone aid.”

“An admirable principle,” Juran said. “One I think we should consider adopting.”

Dyara turned to stare at him in surprise.

“Even if it meant healing Pentadrians?”

Juran smiled wryly. “It is possible that superior healing skills would help us win the favor of people of the southern continent one day.”

The cage began to slow. “Not if their gods are real,” Auraya pointed out.

“No,” Juran agreed.

The cage stopped at the center of the hall.

“Then having plenty of skilled Circlian healers will be even more important,” Juran replied. “We can’t rely on a heathen cult to treat our wounded, no matter how skilled it is. Doing so would give them more influence than I would like them to have.”

He led them out of the cage. Auraya considered his words. He obviously expected Dreamweavers to still exist in a century—not to fade away once their main advantage over Circlians had been taken away. Perhaps his reasons for asking her to start the hospice were a little different from what she’d assumed.

Juran reached the entrance of the Tower and led them out into bright sunlight. A covered platten had just pulled up outside the Dome. Rian stepped out and signalled to the driver to move away, then he turned to wait for them. As Auraya drew closer, she saw that his eyes were aglow with religious fervor. He said nothing as they reached him, just fell into step as they strode under the arches of the Dome.

After the bright sunlight the shade within the Dome was a relief. Auraya’s eyes adjusted to the softer light and she saw the five triangular sides of the Altar opening. Juran led them across the building to the dais, then up into the Altar. As soon as all had taken their seats the points began to hinge upward again.

Juran paused, as he always did, to consider what he was going to say. But as he drew breath to speak, Auraya felt a movement nearby. Suddenly she was aware of the magic in the world around her, and that magic rippled and thrummed with a presence. She turned to face it.

“Chaia, Huan, Lore, Yranna, Saru,” Juran began. “We—”

Auraya gasped as she realized what she was sensing was a god.

, Auraya.

glow began to form in one of the corners of the Altar. Slowly it took on the form of a man. Auraya heard Juran take in a breath and the others make small noises of surprise.

“Chaia,” Juran said, beginning to rise.

y, Chaia said, raising a hand to halt Juran’s movement.

Auraya felt the world around her vibrating with the arrival of the rest of the gods. She watched in awe as each became visible as a light that took on human form.

e have called you here to tell you the result of our search, Chaia told them. He turned to regard Huan.

e searched throughout Southern and Northern Ithania, Huan said,
but did not encounter other gods

t does not mean they do not exist, Lore warned.
They may have evaded us. They may exist beyond those territories

e will continue our search, Yranna assured them, smiling.
But it is best you do not leave Ithania all at once

t would leave you unprotected, should these gods exist and seek to do you harm, Saru added.

Juran nodded. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

o, Chaia replied.
I do not expect a confrontation with the Pentadrians for now

“We understand,” Juran replied.

Chaia glanced at his fellow gods again, then nodded.

t is all. We will speak to you again when we have more answers.

The five glowing figures vanished.

But they did not fade from Auraya’s senses. She felt Huan, Lore, Yranna and Saru drift away. When they had gone she felt the lightest touch of Chaia’s mind before he, too, moved away.


She jumped and found Juran staring at her. “What is it?” he asked.

“The gods. I felt them arrive and leave.”

His eyebrows rose. “

“Yes. It was… strange.”

“Has this happened before?” Dyara asked.

Auraya shook her head. “It is a bit like this sense I have of my position in relation to the world. I can sense the magic around me.”

“And the gods are beings of magic,” Mairae said, nodding.


The points of the Altar were hinging down toward the ground, but none of the others had begun to rise. Juran looked thoughtful and Dyara skeptical. Rian was scowling. As Auraya met his eyes his frown disappeared and he smiled—but it was forced.

“I am starting to expect these strange developments of yours, Auraya,” Juran said. He chuckled. “As soon as you work out what this one means, let me know. For now,” he glanced at each of the others, then stood up, “I suggest we return to our duties.”

Auraya rose with the others, but hung back as they filed down the Altar points to the dome floor. She glanced back and concentrated, but sensed nothing disturbing the magic within the Altar.

There were small fluctuations in the distribution of it around her, however. Turning away, she kept her mind on the magic around her as she followed her fellow White back to the Tower. She noticed that the variations in magic were more pronounced at its base. Dyara and Juran began discussing Genrian politics, but Auraya was too engrossed in what she was sensing to pay any attention.

They reached the Tower and moved inside. The fluctuations did not lessen or grow stronger, and she was about to bring her attention back to her companions when she sensed a sudden change.

They had reached the cage at the center of the hall. In this place magic was considerably diminished. She would not have noticed it, even if she had drawn magic to herself, as there was enough about to make most Gifts possible.

But it was definitely spread a little thin.

What caused this?
she wondered.
Did someone use up most of the magic here or is it a natural occurrence?

She opened her mouth to tell Juran, but caught Rian watching her. He gave her another forced smile.

I’ll tell Juran another time
, she thought.
In private

Two giant elongated bowls bobbed in the water. They were made of wood, and it looked like tree trunks had been stripped of their branches and bark and set upright within the bowls. From the trunks hung a multitude of ropes, more beams of wood and what looked like large bundles of cloth.

“They’re ships, aren’t they?” Imi asked. “Father described them to me.”

Rissi gave her an odd look. “Boats. You’ve never seen boats or ships before, have you?”


“If that’s where the sea bells are then the landwalkers have got to them first,” Rissi said, his disappointment obvious.

“That depends.”

“On what?” He turned to frown at her.

“If they’ve got them all yet. They wouldn’t still be here if they had, would they?”

Rissi looked thoughtful, but then he frowned and shook his head. “What are you saying? We sneak up and take a few? What if they see us? They’ll kill us.”

“Then we make sure they don’t see us.”


She ducked under the surface and swam toward a rock that was closer to the boats. Coming up behind it, she carefully peered around at the landwalkers.

They were easier to see now. She watched them walking back and forth on what must be a flat floor just inside the bowl part of the boat. Ropes hung into the water.

She saw movement in the water—a landwalker’s head. He floated beside the boat and she heard a distant guttural voice. One of the landwalkers in the boat reached down. The swimmer held up a bag, which the other man hauled up to the deck. The light brown skin of the diver’s back disappeared as he dove beneath the water.

Rissi surfaced beside her.

“The sea bells must be there,” she told him. “They’re diving for them.”

“Which means we can’t sneak up on them,” he told her.

“Not now,” she said. “But they’ve got to stop some time. I’ve heard landwalkers can’t spend long in the water, or their skin goes bad.”

The landwalker’s head reappeared. He floated only a moment before diving again.

“They can’t hold their breath long, either,” Rissi murmured. “Although we can’t stay here long. It’ll take us hours to get back and I don’t want to swim in the dark.”

“The dark… we could wait until night then sneak up while they’re asleep,” Imi said, speaking her thoughts aloud.

“No! I’m in enough trouble already! If I’m not back by tonight my father won’t take me out with him ever again.”

She looked at Rissi, but decided taunting him about being scared of punishment wouldn’t change his mind. He was beyond bravado now.

Turning to regard the boat, she saw the swimmer climb wearily out of the water and another dive in to replace him. They were diving in shifts. There was no chance they’d take a rest and give her an opportunity to sneak in and take a few sea bells.

A splash near the boat drew the landwalkers’ attention. One pointed, and Imi saw a large arrow bird surface, a fish struggling in its beak. The bird tossed down its catch, then launched itself back into the air.

“A distraction,” she said. “We need to distract them.”

Rissi frowned. “How?”

“I don’t know. Got any ideas?”

He looked at the boats. “Do you think they’ve seen Elai before?”

“Probably not.”

“You could distract them while I get the sea bells.”

“Me? No. This was my idea.
distract them while
get the sea bells.”

“That’s not fair. What if they’ve got…”


“Spears or something.”

She gave him a measured look. “So it’s better that they spear me than you?”

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