Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (55 page)

He stroked himself a few times and winced. He
didn’t remember ever being so sore from a night of passion. Maybe
he needed to practice more.

Anna giggled from across the room and he
looked up to see her standing in the doorway, still naked.

“What are you giggling about?” he asked.

“The expression on your face. You went from
looking like you were in pain to a very seductive smile.”

“I am sore from last night,” he admitted with
a sheepish smile.

“Your ass?” Her grin was adorable.

“No, well, yes, partially. But I think my
cock is out of practice.”

Her grin widened and she walked back to the
bed, her eyes dark with lust. “Maybe I should kiss it and make it
better?” She knelt on the bed and pulled the covers back.

“Oh, Anna...,” he murmured as she lowered her
head to his throbbing cock and took it into her mouth. “I love


Anna smiled as she did her warm-up at the
barre. Last night had been...unexpected. Amazing and unexpected.
She had no idea that Alex consuming her could be so erotic. She
almost didn’t want to wait a week. But then again, if they did that
every night, she wouldn’t be able to dance. She was having a hard
time garnering her energy today.

And Sebastian! She’d only been with him the
one time, the night before her wedding, but being with him and Alex
together was unbelievable. Unexpectedly, she’d been incredibly
turned on by watching the two men together. It made her wonder what
it would be like to watch him and Aaron together.

“Anna?” Vincent’s voice dragged her out of
her daydream and she blushed, realizing she’d stopped dancing.

“Sorry, Vincent.” She turned to face the
direction the other dancers were facing and began the steps

Vincent walked over to her and chuckled. “I’m
glad you and Alex are getting along again.”

Anna smiled shyly. “Is it that obvious?”

He gave her an affectionate smile and nodded
before walking away.

Chapter Fifty-Four



The days passed too quickly and before she
knew it, Alex was packing to leave for Boston. It was Sunday
morning and Anna sat on their bed, watching him pack his things and
trying not to cry.

“I will come home on Wednesday to see you,”
Alex repeated for the hundredth time with an understanding smile on
his face. “I will come home to you, Anna.”

Anna swallowed back her tears. She didn’t
have bad feelings about this one, like she had before he
disappeared, but it didn’t make it any easier. “I know,” she
finally whispered.

“You can call me at any time. I will turn my
phone off only when I must.” He smiled. “You wouldn’t want my phone
to vibrate when I’m taking my shot, would you?”

Anna let out a mix of a laugh and a cry as
she shook her head.

“Sebastian will keep an eye on you. If there
is an emergency, close your eyes and think of him. He will feel

Sebastian was going with Alex, but he could
stay connected to Anna while he was gone. Boston wasn’t that far
away. Too far for Alex to feel her, but not too far for

“Remember, I don’t mind if you go out with
your friends,” Alex said, coming to sit next to her. He put his arm
around her and kissed her temple. “I trust you, Anna. Please don’t
betray my trust.”

Anna nodded and sniffed. She had no desire to
do so.

“I don’t know when Devin will arrive in the
area. When he’s here, please stay in the condo, just to be safe. On
this floor.”

“What if he’s here Thursday night?”

“Tom will do what he can to shield you from
Devin. Sebastian flashing into town would be noticed by Devin. Keep
your phone with you, Tom will call if there’s a problem.”

Anna nodded, trembling. Alex held her

“It will be all right, Anna. I won’t let
anything happen to you. We’ll be back Friday afternoon.”

It was only a few days at a time that he’d be
gone. She could handle that. Aaron would keep an eye on her while
Alex was gone. She could be brave for Alex. He would come home to


Alex stared out the window of the business
jet that was taking him and his team to Boston. The jet was
registered under Simon’s name, but like the condo, was actually
Alex’s. After everything was finished, then he could put his name
on his property again. That would be nice.

Anna had tried to be so brave when he left.
She’d been trying very hard not to cry, and succeeded for the most
part. Though as soon as the door closed, he heard her start to sob.
He and his men had looked at each other with sad eyes before
turning and walking to the elevator, but they were doing this for

He didn’t have the sick feeling in his
stomach that he’d had when he’d left her the first time. He was
confident he would see her on Wednesday.

Erich was not along for this trip, but he
would be out for the one on Tyler. It was too risky for his cousin
to fly into the country every month. But for the last one, it was
worth it. He would deny no one who wanted to come see the “final
showdown” as he thought of it in his head.

As Alex understood it, Rylan, his target for
tomorrow morning, was the cruelest of the Sons, save Tyler. He was
looking forward to seeing his dark-haired head in the crosshairs of
his rifle.

Three more dead bodies until he could
confront Devin.


Rylan is dead.

Devin dropped his phone after he’d read the
text. He didn’t drop it on purpose. He dropped it because he’d
begun shaking.

Another killing? What the hell was going on?
Why were they being picked off? Who the hell was targeting the
American leadership?

If Anna were here, he could figure out what
was going on. But she’d been gone for so long, he had little of his
former powers he’d gained from her. He still had his natural
talents, but the enhancements were nearly gone. He was no longer a
Chairman. When he found Anna, he would punish her severely. He had
no doubt he would find her. He had to.

There was one thing that the text had
brought. Relief that it wasn’t Tyler. His son was still alive. He
didn’t know what he would do if Tyler died. But no one would dare
kill Tyler...would they?


Anna was distracted. It was after lunch on
Wednesday and she hadn’t heard from Alex. She’d been afraid to call
for fear of him not answering.

The performance last night hadn’t been her
best, but it certainly hadn’t been bad. Hugo could tell she’d been
distracted, but had been understanding. He didn’t know why Alex was
out of town, but knew Anna was nervous.

She tried to lose herself in the rehearsal
and finally managed to succeed. When she opened her eyes at the end
of the dance she gasped. Alex stood at the side of the stage with a
big smile on his face. She ran to him and hugged him tightly,
relief sweeping over her.

“You’re here,” she said, her face buried in
his chest.

. I am

Anna sighed in relief to have Alex’s arms
around her. “I saw the news,” she said softly. “You really did it
in one shot?”

“It’s how I’m trained. You often don’t get a
second chance. The hardest part is finding the place to shoot

Anna’s heart was much lighter as she finished
rehearsal, and it showed in her dancing.

Hugo shook his head in disbelief as they
walked to the edge of the stage when they were finished. “I don’t
think I could ever begrudge you being with Alex. Your whole
countenance changes when things are good between you two.”

Anna touched his hand. “You made me happy
too, Hugo.” She didn’t want him to think otherwise.

He gave her a sad smile. “And you made me
happy, too. But it’s obvious where you belong.”

Alex walked up from the audience seats to
where they were sitting on the edge of the stage, his eyes slightly

Hugo nodded in greeting. “I was just telling
Katrina that it was very obvious that you two belong together.”

Alex studied him for a moment before nodding.
“I’m glad she has supportive friends around her,” he said

Hugo chuckled. “I wouldn’t want you as an

Alex laughed. “I’m sorry for getting angry at
you on the phone. I was....” He shrugged. “It’s difficult,
adjusting to so many changes.” He put his hand on Anna’s leg. “But
we’re getting there.”

Anna beamed and nodded. “Yes, we are.”

Chapter Fifty-Five



Aaron was pleased to see Anna handling Alex’s
second departure better than the first one. Monday and Tuesday he’d
hardly seen her smile at all. Today she smiled a few times.

After lunch, they ran through Hugo’s ballet.
Aaron was in it as well. He especially liked the part where both he
and Hugo got to dance with her.

It was in the middle of this dance when Aaron
began to feel a little dizzy. He thought he was getting sick, until
he saw Anna stumble and grab her head.

“Katrina?” Hugo said, putting his arm around

Anna looked up, fear filling her eyes as she
stared at Aaron. Her jaw trembled as the fear turned into terror.
“Devin...,” she whispered.

He stared for a split second before shaking
his head to clear it. “Hugo, find someone to rehearse with so it
doesn’t look like we’re missing.” He ran to grab his and Anna’s

“Wha—why? What’s going on?”

Aaron turned to look at Hugo. “Devin’s
coming.” He saw Hugo’s face turn ashen as Aaron grabbed Anna. “I’m
taking her to her place. I’ll call you later.”

He dragged a stumbling Anna off stage and a
second later heard Hugo calling names. Aaron knew he could trust
Hugo to do what needed to be done.

Aaron felt his phone vibrate and glanced at
it as he pulled a stumbling Anna through the maze of the backstage.
He didn’t recognize the number, but answered it anyway.

“Aaron, oh, thank God. It’s Kelsey, Tom’s
wife. I’ve been trying to call you for a half hour.”

Aaron froze. “Kelsey?” He’d met Tom’s wife a
handful of times.

“Tom and Devin are on their way to the
theater. Tom told me to call you since he couldn’t.”

“I’m dragging Anna out as we speak. We felt

“Oh, thank God. Take her to her condo and
into Seth’s bedroom. That’s all I know.”

“Thanks, Kelsey. I will.” He shoved his phone
back into his bag and looked at Anna. Her face was pale and she
could barely walk. How was he going to get her home?


“I know she’s fucking here, Tom. What the
hell is going on with you?” Devin stood in Tom’s kitchen and yelled
at his friend. “Why can’t you feel her?”

Tom frowned. “Watch your tone, Devin. My kids
are home.”

Devin had flown into New York to spend the
day with Tom before flying into Boston in the morning. He hadn’t
told Tom he was coming. He might be paranoid, but he was beginning
to not trust anyone. Even his oldest friend. Someone was calling
hits on his loyal supporters. He wouldn’t rule anyone out. Who
would be next? He had a horrible feeling he knew what was going to
happen in the morning and didn’t want to be anywhere near Boston
until it was done.

As soon as he landed, he felt her.
. His elusive prey. She was here.

“I think you’re being paranoid, Devin,” Tom
said with a sigh.

“Am I?” Devin glared. “I don’t think so.
Let’s go visit the ballet company again. I would bet anything she’s

Tom rolled his eyes. “Fine. Let me tell
Kelsey I’m leaving.”


Tom double-parked his Lexus behind the
theater and Devin had his door open before he’d turned the ignition
off. Devin could feel Anna as easily as he could feel the cool
breeze on his face. They strode in the back entrance, the security
guard balking until he saw Tom’s nod.

He heard the music coming from the stage as
they approached, and didn’t bother to wait for the dancers to stop
before striding onto the stage. That black man was in the middle of
the stage, dancing with the woman he’d manipulated the last time
he’d been here.

The music stopped suddenly and everyone
turned to look at him and Tom. Anna was here, somewhere. He looked
around as the ballet master approached.

“Hello, gentlemen,” he said pleasantly. “May
I help you?”

Devin glared at him. “Where is she?”

“Where is who?” The older man glanced at

“Anna,” Devin answered, walking up to the
woman standing in the middle of the stage. He gave her a small
smile and she smiled nervously back. “Where is she? Where is the
woman who stole the man from you?”

“I...I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She was clearly terrified of him, which pleased him to no end.

“Anna.” He turned to the black man and
narrowed his eyes. “You lied the last time I was here. You’re lucky
to be alive.”

The man narrowed his eyes at Devin. “She’s
not here.”

Devin clenched his hands and looked around,
noticing Aaron wasn’t around. “Where’s Aaron?”

“He went home sick,” Vincent answered,
walking over with a firm look on his face. “If you don’t mind, we
are in the middle of rehearsals. Whoever you are looking for is
obviously not here.”

Devin grabbed him around his neck and stared
into his eyes. His powers weren’t as strong, but if he
concentrated, he could glean a little bit of information from his
mind. He saw Anna dancing and....Devin growled. “You fucking
bastard. You will pay for hiding her.” He shoved the man away and
stalked back towards Tom. “She was here. She left with that fucking

Without a backward glance, Devin strode off
the stage. He needed Kaveh.


Anna huddled in the corner of Seth’s room
with Aaron’s arms around her. She was terrified. She could feel
Devin searching for her, and Alex wasn’t here to protect her.

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