The Lightning Prophecy (The Lightning Witch Trilogy Book 1) (20 page)

The prophecy was kept on the tenth sublevel. There was a maze of hallways we had to navigate, with, actually, very few security points. Finally, we stood in front of the gold case. It was the only thing in the white room. The gold filigree reminded me of small oak leaves, with thin gold vines that snaked around the glass. There were emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and yellow topaz sprinkled within the leaves and vines on the case. Monique moved to open the case, but I held up a hand.

“Wait.” I closed my eyes and inhaled in the scents in the room. I tried to catalog every scent I could. There weren’t many, so that helped. I opened my eyes and met her gaze, then nodded. Monique placed the delicately small key in the slot on the top of the case. Slowly, what seemed like forever, she turned the key until I heard a snick of the lock releasing.

“I’ll lift the lid and smell around a bit,” I said, getting a small smile in return. Monique stepped back and I replaced her position.

I ducked my head and lift the lid up. I inhaled deeply. There was no need to sift through scents. There was no need to catalog each one as it hit me. There was indeed a scent there. I was correct. There was the musk of a werewolf. One I knew very well. That scent hit me like a punch in the gut.

I knew who it was. It belonged to a man I called friend, a man I have known for years. But, it explained so much.

I closed the lid and looked at Monique.


I snarled, then turned and ran down the hallway. I had to get back to Savannah. Back to Delaney. She had no idea the danger she was in. But, I did.

It was him.







what’s up?” I said, opening the door to my apartment. I really did not want to see anyone.

Today was the day before the full moon and to say I was edgy was putting it lightly. I peeked behind him to see the last burst of orange of the setting Savannah sun. Today we, and by we, I mean me, Troy, and Mitch, held Mil’s Requiem and I was still a mess. I tried desperately to push the misery I was in aside. Thank God word did not get to the Coven so I didn’t have to contend with them.

“Hey, I tried calling but it went right to voicemail.” He seemed annoyed.
Yeah, well, you and me both, buddy.
I may or may not have let my cell phone die two days ago. I just didn’t want to talk to Reid or really anyone. And now standing at my doorstep was Mitch. Another macho male. Or as I call him, macho babysitter.

Rubbing my neck I said, “Yeah, sorry, it died and I haven't charged it.” I mean, there’s no reason to tell him I did it intentionally.  

“Avoiding Reid?” he asked, leaning into the doorway. I moved aside and waved him in.

“Not really. Just avoiding everyone.” I was such a crappy liar. I could even hear the lie in my tone.

Mitch walked into my kitchen. He turned around in a slow circle, seeming to evaluate my dinky little apartment. Yeah, well, it wasn’t much, but it wasn’t far from downtown and it’s what I could afford.

“Well, senior babysitter, what’s up?” I knew me calling him a babysitter pissed him off. But you know what, I was pissed off my opinion didn’t matter. I didn’t need a babysitter. Maybe I was pissy, but damnit it had been a long month.

Mitch turned to face me. His green eyes sparkled. He really did have amazingly beautiful green eyes. They reminded me a bit of a field of clover. His hands rested on the tops of my shoulders.

“I don’t know what’s going on with Reid, but I do know you have been through enough this past month for an army of witches. I want to take you out. I know you need to get out of this cell of an apartment. I’m not dumb enough to think you’ll have fun, but I want to take your mind off of everything.”

Oh lord, please no
. I did not want to leave my little bubble. I wanted to stay right here and sulk. I wasn’t pouting, though. Okay, maybe I was pouting, but dammit didn’t I deserve to pout a little? Wait, was he asking me out on a date? No. Maybe? I was panicking; I could feel it.

“Look, Mitch, I’m flattered but…”

“Whoa, it would not be a date. I would never do that to Reid. No matter how stupid he is.”

There was sincerity in his voice. Reid told me he didn’t have many friends within the community of weres. He was a lone wolf and that causes issues with many others. But, Mitch was more or less his best friend. I believed him when he said he would never do something like that to Reid. His gaze told me there was no saying no. I sighed and caved. It might be nice to just not have to worry for a bit.

“Okay, let me change and we can go.”

He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, looking so proud of himself. There was a flash of something harsh that crossed his face. It disappeared as soon as it appeared.
I think I was seeing things.

I picked out a white summer dress. It was a flowing chiffon-type material with thin straps and a deep, open neckline. The dress hung to about mid-thigh. It was such an angelic dress and I never got to wear it. My skin was not too pale, so the white seemed to stand out next to it. I grabbed my white strappy sandals and put them on. I paused. Was this safe? Going out now? It being so close to the full moon. I brushed off the questions. Mitch was here to protect me. He knew what was safe, right?

“Okay, mister nanny, let’s go.” When Mitch saw me he froze.

He looked me over agonizingly slowly. Had I seen that look on Reid’s face it would have set me on fire, but when Mitch did it I had a shiver of ice prick its way up my spine. He looked at me with what could only be described as hunger. I couldn’t help but blush. Maybe I should change.

“Wow, Delaney. Reid is an asshole. You look amazing.” He licked his bottom lip. He actually licked his lips.
. “Oh, Reid called. He was pissed he couldn’t get a hold of you. But, he will be here tomorrow.”

“Did he find anything?” Gone were any thoughts of Mitch. I hoped like hell Reid found something.

“I don’t know. He wouldn’t tell me over the phone. He just said to take care of you.” Mitch’s voice wavered for the briefest of moments. “Let’s go.”

I wished Reid was here. Not just because I was irrevocably in love with him, because I was, but because I really didn’t know how safe I really was. I looked over at Mitch and shook my head. This was Reid’s best friend and he trusted him. I needed to get out of my own head and just go with it.

“Yes, let’s,” I said, opening the front door.



Churchill’s Pub for dinner. Mitch may have looked like a god, but man he had the personality the so-called benevolent sprit gave a carrot. We chatted about sports. Yeah, not the most exciting thing, but I did find out Mitch loved ice hockey. Bless the man, he didn’t even bring up Mil, werewolves, Reid, witches, nothing. It was stupid, mindless conversation and I loved him for it.  

“Would you like to go walk along the river and get a drink, then I’ll take you home?” he asked as he stood up from the table. He offered me his hand and I stared at it.
Should I?
I mean, I don’t drink much, but I liked the fact that my mind wasn't wandering with this not-date outing. I placed my hand in his and stood up from the table.

“Sure.” I gave him a shy smile.
Had I met Mitch first, maybe I would feel differently?
Well, if I’m being honest, not much would have changed about the situation. I just didn’t have the heat like I did with Reid. In fact, it was right weird, the feelings I got with both weres. Reid was all spark and heat. Mitch felt like nothing but ice. I have never touched someone and felt frozen like I did with Mitch.

River Street wasn’t too crowded, as it was a Monday night. There were still a few tourists milling around and young adults shooting in and out of the bars. We walked over to the railing by the river.

“Would you like a drink?” Mitch asked.

“Sure, Amaretto Sour.” I went for my purse, but Mitch stopped me with a scowl.

“Don’t even think about it. You stay here. I’ll be able to see you from the bar. I’ll be right back.” Before he left he picked up my right hand and placed a gentle kiss along my knuckles. It felt like shards of ice exploding in my hand, just from his touch. I shivered. I think he took that as a good sign. He may have said he wouldn’t turn this into a date, but I sure was getting some mixed signals.

I turned around to watch the Savannah River. I always thought Sierra was lucky to be a Water witch. Her element was so beautiful and people would get too distracted by the grace of it and forget just how deadly it really was. Sierra would always say, “I like to think of the elements a witch can control as a beautifully crafted sword. Like any good weapon it needs to be beautifully distracting, but still hold an edge.”

“Don’t jump.” I may not have jumped, but I did start at the sound of Mitch’s voice. He handed me my drink and smiled. He really did have beautiful eyes. They seemed to sparkle when he smiled.
Damn him

“Sorry, you startled me,” I said, taking the drink from him and taking a sip. The sour flavor more than overwhelmed the sweet of the Amaretto. My face squinted with the taste.

“Oh no. Is there something wrong?” he said worriedly.

“No, just a lot of sour. Must be a new guy.” I stirred the little straw in an attempt to mix the drink up a bit. I took another sip. Much better. “No worries. Just needed a good stir.”

We sipped our drinks and sat in silence watching the water. The lights reflecting off the surface looked like little dolphins jumping in and out of the still water. After about ten minutes those lights began to swirl. I looked down at my drink and realized I finished it.
Man, I know I don’t drink, but that must have been stronger than I thought
. I stood up and, well, didn’t quite make it all the way up. I wisely decided to stay seated.
Man, that drink is hitting me hard
. When did fog roll in?
. Why was it so damned foggy? I shook my head to try to clear it, but with little success. I looked over to where Mitch was sitting.

“Hey, Mitch.” My words were slurring. “Could you grab me a water?” He looked over at me and smiled. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

“Sure I can. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, that drink hit me pretty hard. I’m not much of a drinker,” I said, trying to stand up. I was a little wobbly and unsteady, but I did manage to get my feet under me. Mitch rushed over to me and grabbed my elbow.

“Hey, let’s get you home.” His voice sounded distant. It sounded like he was talking through a long metal tube.

I nodded. I couldn’t really remember what I was nodding at, but we started walking. We walked over the uneven cobblestone for what felt like six hours. I fell at least six times. After what felt like a week of walking, we got to Mitch’s car.

“Mitch, should I be feeling like this after one drink?” Had I said that? Could I still speak? God, the world was spinning.

Mitch looked at me with an annoyed expression. “Just sit back and close your eyes.”

I knew deep down I shouldn’t close my eyes. I knew something wasn’t right. But, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. Something happened. I forced my eyes open. The car was moving at supersonic speed.
What is this called? Ludicrous speed. The world is going plaid. Is that even possible outside of Spaceballs?
God, even my thoughts were rambling. Soon my eyes were coated in lead and keeping them open was an act in futility. Just before my eyes fluttered shut I saw my street wiz by.

“Wait, you missed…”

“Shhh. Delaney, it’s okay,” a voice said. I knew it wasn’t okay. My soul was beating at the inside of my body, but there was nothing I could do. The world narrowed to a single point, a single flame, then went out.

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