Read The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) Online

Authors: T.E. Ridener

Tags: #Romance, #mfm romance

The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) (37 page)

I don’t want a movie night. 
She wanted to say, but for some reason the words were stuck in her throat.

Why was she so afraid of taking what she wanted?

“We’ve got action, comedy, romantic comedy, drama...”

“No movies tonight.” Her sudden statement surprised no one more than it surprised her. 

Nick lowered his hands, both clutching DVDs, to his sides and locked gazes with her.  The heat in his eyes made her ache with need, and it became overwhelmingly evident he wanted tonight to happen just as much as she did.

I hope Devin wants it to happen, too.

Just the image of being with both of them at the same time, as it flashed through her mind, caused goose bumps to rise on her skin.  She stood from the couch and slowly walked towards Nick, willing her heart not to give out just yet.

“You don’t have to do this,” Nick whispered as she rested her hands flat against his chest.  “It’s all I’ve thought about for a while now, but I can wait as long as it takes, Kelly.  I want you to be sure you’re ready when it happens.”

“I am ready,” she replied softly, trailing her fingertips down his stomach.  Every inch of firm, delicious muscle twitched beneath her touch as she tiptoed to kiss the corner of his mouth.  “Don’t try to talk me out of it now.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He laughed, deep and husky.  “I just want it to be perfect.  You deserve perfect.”

She questioned him with her eyes, unable to help but wonder why he felt she deserved perfection.  Sure, she was a widow.  Yes, she’d been raising two kids on her own for a while now – but what made her deserve anything above average?

Don’t be negative.
She shook the thoughts from her mind. 
You deserve whatever the hell you want.

Nick’s mouth found hers, then, kissing her so sweetly it nearly brought tears to her eyes.  His large hands fell to her waist and he pulled her closer, chest to stomach, before sliding his tongue into her mouth.

She felt dizzy and warm and wonderful, daring and brave.  His kiss gave her the confidence she needed, a small nudge to take the leap.

“I’m going to make love to you tonight,” he confessed against her parted lips.  “And I’m going to watch Devin make love to you.”

Her knees buckled.


Then?  There’s a then?

“I want you to watch me make love to Devin.”

Oh, God.

Oh, sweet God.

Her eyes snapped open as he pulled away and it took everything she had in her not to pull him back.  The smile on his lips told her he knew he had her right where he wanted her.  The delectably dirty thoughts running through her mind were enough to make even the purest of women wet with desire.

to watch Nick and Devin go at it, wild and passionately, up close and personal.

“Let’s have another drink, hm?”



If he had learned anything about Kelly Spencer, he knew she could easily become a nervous wreck, and the only remedy involved a glass and some alcohol.

“I think you’ve had enough,” he said, after watching her all but inhale her second glass of champagne.  “I want you to relax, sweetheart, not get wasted.”

“I’m fine.” She laughed.  Damn, he loved that laugh. “My tolerance is a little higher these days, I promise.”

“Well, still.” He gently pried the glass from her trembling fingers and placed it on the table before easing back onto the couch, gazing at her.  “Do you have any questions about tonight?”

“Questions? No, not really.” She tucked a loose curl behind her ear and smiled shyly.  “This isn’t an algebra exam or something.  I’ve got a pretty good idea of what will happen.”

“Do you?” He lifted a brow and smirked.

No matter what sort of research she may have done—and he knew she’d been doing it because she’d admitted to it—she really had no idea what was in store for her. 

It was an experience like no other – being with two people at once.

“I know it’s going to be different from what you’re used to.  Having two men go down on you at the same time is very different from what’s going to happen tonight, Kelly.”

“I know that.” Her cheeks reddened and she slouched down on the couch, crossing her legs at the ankles.  “I’m not some naïve little school girl, Nick; I’ve read romance novels before.”

“Honey.” He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her, bumping his nose against hers.  “This isn’t a romance novel.”

“I know that,” she replied breathlessly.  “But I’m just saying I’ve read them.  I know what can happen and...”


“...I kind of want that to happen to me.”

Her confession was like music to his ears.  He could hear the angelic choir singing all around them as he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her, deeply, passionately, and filled with unspoken promises.

I’ll make it all happen.

The front door opened and they pulled apart.  Kelly quickly twisted her body around and peered over the back of the couch.  “Devin!  You’re finally here.”

“Yeah, I’m home,” he replied as he kicked off his boots.  “I’m so sorry I’m late – something came up.”

“That’s okay.” Nick stood from the couch and opened his arms to him, grinning from ear to ear.  “Get your cute ass over here.”

Devin stepped closer, hesitantly, and Nick soon understood why.

“What the hell happened to your face?” He asked, gripping Devin’s chin gingerly.  Anger surged through him as he turned Devin’s face one way, then the other.  “Who hit you?”

“It’s not important now.” Devin winced, pulling free from his grasp.  “It’s all sorted.  It was just a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?” Nick felt like his head was going to explode.  Someone had hurt Devin...
Devin.  “I want to know who did this.”

“I bet I know who did it.” Kelly was suddenly beside them, her sparkling blue eyes sweeping over Devin’s face.  “Did you at least get a punch in on him?”

“On who?” Nick stared back and forth between them.  “Was it that one guy?”

“If by ‘that one guy’ you mean Jeb, then yes.” Devin gave him a crooked grin and raked his fingers through his messy hair, heaving a sigh.  “It’s all worked out now.  We’ve called a truce.”

“A truce, you say? The last I recall, a truce doesn’t involve a bloodied lip.” He touched the bottom of his lip gently and frowned.  “There’s no way we can proceed with tonight’s plans when you’re in pain, Dev-o.”

“Pain?  I’m not in pain,” he insisted, eyes twinkling.  “In fact, I’ve never felt happier.”

Both he and Kelly stared at him quizzically, undoubtedly wondering the same thing:

Just how hard did Jeb hit him?

“I’ve been really selfish with my thoughts lately.  For some reason it escaped my mind that anyone else could possibly be struggling with something as devastating as me.  But that’s not true.  There are lots of people struggling with stuff – Jeb happens to be one of them.”

Easing down onto the couch, Nick stared at him warily.  “And because he’s been dealing with said stuff, it’s all right for him to make your life hell?”

“Thinking back on it, it’s only fair that he has.  I was God awful to him and his sisters.” Grabbing the bottle of champagne, Devin lifted it to his lips and took a few hearty gulps before wiping his mouth and smiling again.  It was odd behavior for a man who’d just gotten his ass handed to him.  Again.  By the same person.  “But we talked through it.  Everything’s fine now.  I’m one step closer to having everything sorted out.”

“What else needs sorted?” Kelly asked.

“Well, I’d like to—”

“Have a proper glass of champagne, I’m sure,” Nick interrupted, gently gripping Devin’s elbow.  “Follow me into the kitchen?”

“Uh, yeah.  Okay.” His eyes shifted to Kelly and he smiled.  “Be right back, Kel.”


Pulling him into the kitchen, Nick didn’t give him time to speak.  He crashed his mouth against his, kissing him hungrily.  Devin’s hands flailed helplessly in the air as his tongue slid over the cut on his lip, only then remembering it probably hurt like hell to be kissed.

“Sorry,” he whispered huskily, pulling away from him.  “Shit.  Did that hurt?”

“N-not really.” Devin’s eyes were wide.  “What was that for?”

“I’m not sure,” he admitted, eyebrows furrowing.  “I guess I just needed to do that.”

Truth be told, he just wanted a minute alone with him.  He didn’t mind kissing him in front of Kelly – he loved doing it, actually.  But he didn’t want Kelly to worry about the situation with Devin’s mom.

Not yet.

“Feel free to do it anytime.” Devin grinned sheepishly.  “And please don’t feel you have to cancel tonight.  Not because of me.  I saw the rose petals, Nick.  I saw the candles.  You put a lot of work into it.”

“Hey.  Hey,” he murmured, shushing him.  Placing a finger against Devin’s lips, careful to avoid the small cut, he kissed his forehead and smirked.  “It wasn’t a lot of work.  Not for me.  That’s only the tip of the iceberg for what I’m capable of, especially when it comes to showing people I care about them.”

He listened as Devin’s breath hitched in his throat, and a shiver of excitement raced through him as their bodies pressed together and he felt the evidence of Devin’s arousal against his thigh.  Leaning in again, nose to nose, he kissed his cheek and sighed.

“I can kick his ass if you want me to.”

“W-who, Jeb?”


“That’s nice of you to offer, but we’ve worked things out.  I don’t think he’s going to be bothering me anymore.”

“He better not.” His hand slid around his body and he cupped his ass, causing Devin to gasp.  “This—all of this—is mine.  I won’t tolerate anybody hurting a single inch of it.”

A nervous chuckle slipped past Devin’s lips and he rolled his eyes.

“You think that’s funny, huh?” Nick growled playfully.  “No champagne for you.”

“Aw, come on.  I’m not saying anything bad about it, it’s just funny.”

“What’s funny?”

“The fact you said I’m yours.”

“You find that to be humorous?” Quirking an eyebrow, he pulled Devin’s hips into his own, earning another small noise of surprise.  “Tell me, baby, what’s so funny about it?”

“Christ, Nick.  I was kidding.” Devin swallowed hard, his smile wavering.  “I like being yours.  I like that you call me yours.  It’’s...”

“It’s what?” He lifted his free hand and fisted a handful of his hair, forcing his head back, exposing his neck.

“H-h-hot.” Devin moaned as he kissed his throat.  “God, it’s hot.”

“Mm, is it?” He breathed against his skin, teeth raking lightly over his pulse point.  “What else?”

Devin’s hands fisted at the fabric of his shirt, pulling, tugging, and clawing as he released a moan.  “Wonderful,” he panted. “It’s wonderful.  I n-never thought I’d get to feel this way about anyone.”

Upon hearing the last part, Nick postponed his teasing and lifted his head to meet his gaze.

“And how do you feel about me?” He asked, keeping his voice low. 

Devin licked his lips and blinked a few times, as if pulling himself out of a daze, and then he smiled.  “I’m not sure what word I can use for it, but you make me happy.  You and Kelly both do.  The idea of being with the two of you, caring and loving one another – I want that.  I want it so badly it hurts, Nick.  I know I don’t deserve it, but—”

“Shut your pretty mouth.” He chuckled quietly and buried his face against his neck, breathing him in.  “You
deserve it.  You deserve everything you want and I don’t care what you or anyone else has to say about it.  The past is the past, baby.  Let it stay there.”

“I’m trying.  I’m trying so hard.” Devin murmured.  “But I’m afraid I’ll never be able to free myself from the person I used to be.  Not entirely, at least.”

“We’ll work on it together,” he promised, taking a step back and grabbing both his hands.  “You, me, and Kelly.  No matter what.”

“I want to believe that.” Tears shimmered in Devin’s beautiful eyes as he stared up at him.  “I want to believe I’m worth redemption.  I want to believe I deserve what you’re offering.  You and’s so hard to explain, but I’m already so close to both of you.  I don’t even feel this close to my family – aside from my mom.  People don’t realize how gut-wrenching it is to feel like such an outsider in your own world.  But I do.”

“You’re not an outsider here.” His lips found his forehead and he sighed.  “Don’t ever feel that way with us, baby.”

“I’m trying not to.”

“Mm.” He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his nose against his cheek as a devilish grin slid across his lips.  “Let’s try a little harder, hm?  There’s a beautiful blonde sitting on our couch and we ought to do something about that, don’t you think?”

Chapter 18


Two and a half weeks had passed by since that night.

That wonderful, amazing, spectacular night.

As she stepped out of the shower and reached for her towel, she couldn’t help but wonder why she’d held off on allowing Nick to show her the wonders of a polyamorous union for so long.

It was beautiful in so many ways, but it was mostly just fantastic.

Drying off, she hummed happily and listened to the laughter erupting from downstairs.

Her kids were taking it better than she’d originally anticipated.  Nick and Devin were great with them: always willing to go on new adventures in the backyard with Justin, or playing video games with him after supper.

Jamie was eating up the attention, too.

It had been so long since they’d known the affection of a father figure – not that she considered or even
anyone to take Patrick’s place, but it was just nice.

It was wonderful to see her babies so happy and she knew Nick and Devin provided that happiness for them.

They provided happiness for her, too.

But on that particular afternoon, one that had started just like all the others, something happened.

Standing on the back deck, watching Devin play tag with the kids, she couldn’t help the sense of dread she felt as the sky above them darkened with angry storm clouds.  The weather had been warm for days, but every time the wind blew, it sent a shiver racing through her.

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