Read The Lotus Ascension Online

Authors: Adonis Devereux

The Lotus Ascension (9 page)

Konas walked out on the porch and
greeted his guests. There were two types of people who came to Konas’s orgies,
those who fucked, and those who did not. Some people were either too shy or
just liked to watch. Konas’s house rule was that you had to get naked. If you
did not, you paid twenty times the price for admission. And there were a few
who were willing to pay that fee just to stand and watch.

Once his guests passed through the
vestibule and into the main pleasure room, most were naked, having thrown off
their clothes into the arms of waiting servants. The hired musicians played a
song with a light melody carried by flutes, accompanied by lutes, and
punctuated by hand-beat drums. The drums did much to get the guests into the
mood, for many started swaying and tripping along as soon as they found
themselves divested of the burden of clothing. The women put the
rattle-bracelets not only on their wrists but also on their ankles, so they
kept time as they danced around to the music. Pleasure slaves skilled in
suggestive dance found their way to guests and engaged them in flesh-on-flesh
grinding. No one started fucking straightaway, for these were regulars, and
they knew how to pace themselves and enjoy everything Konas’s orgy had to

Once the main host of guests was
settled in, dancing and laughing and chatting, Konas walked around the room and
did the only thing that he would not trust his slaves with: drop dried
blossoms into the braziers. As
the first batch burned, Konas breathed deeply of its smoke. His scalp tingled,
and his conscious mind retreated, allowing deeper feelings to come into focus.
He had first discovered the flower back in Duildal when he read through his
ancestor Faloth’s journal and found that the plant had a profound effect on the
mind, dropping inhibitions and increasing the sensuality of touch. It did what
alcohol did but better, and it did not have the side effects of too much wine.
Konas laughed to himself when he thought of all the poor orgy-masters out there
who had to deal with the vomit, violence, and unconsciousness that invariably
came with the unlimited wine consumption of a pleasure party.

blossom was his secret, and it was one of the main reasons
his orgies were the best in town.

Konas moved from the main room to
the side rooms. He inspected the table and its straps, making sure they were
secure enough to hold even a young, strong man, if some of the partygoers might
be so inclined to strap one down and play with him. He remembered fondly the
one time he had been strapped to this table. It was the day after he had made
it, and he needed to test its strength and comfort. Konas was not the kind of
Ausir who liked to be dominated, but as a one-time experience, it was

He passed to the next room with
holes in the wall for peeping and had to remove his shoes. The entire floor was
padded, and large, long, soft pillows filled the room. This was a playpen, a
place for lovers to tumble and wrestle in their amorous sparring. The false
wall allowed voyeurs to act out their fantasies by watching through the
peepholes. Some of the guests, after all, got off best by masturbating.
To each his own.

The final room Konas entered was a
couples' room. Only paired lovers were allowed in. No group sex. No singles.
Konas offered his guests everything: bondage, voyeurism, rough play, open group
sex, and private couple sex. He knew that not only did people have varying
tastes but also that sometimes those desires changed throughout the course of
one night. One could not fuck like mad in a group for hours. This room served
as a respite from all the main-room shenanigans.

When Konas returned to the large,
open chamber that served as the main mixing area, he found everyone much more
relaxed and open. The leaf was working, and people had already started fucking.
Chief among them was Soren. He took all comers, and his virility was unmatched.
He was able to fuck a person into borderline unconsciousness and then, after a
short break and a glass of water, move on to his next conquest. Women came for
him until their shoulders shook, until they collapsed weeping on his chest. Few
times Soren came, but many were his partners. Most he pussy fucked, but there
were a few women who begged for anal, and he gave it to them. Konas could not
help but be impressed. Soren was the most attentive lover he had ever seen, giving
everything he had to each partner, fucking her as if she were the only woman in
the world. But as soon as the woman lay panting in her own sweat, not able to
even speak, he would kiss her and whisper something in her ear. She would smile
weakly, and then he would move on. And that next woman became his whole world
for a short time.

Konas at last understood Soren’s
reputation, and the dark Ausir’s lovemaking explained the nearly doubled
attendance. One noblewoman whom Konas knew only by face—he did not make
personal inquiries—squealed her delight when she found herself doubly
penetrated by Soren and a pleasure slave. She was riding the slave when Soren
just popped in behind and took her ass. Her husband watched from a sofa where a
slave girl sucked his cock with a cube of ice in her mouth. Orien, his massive
cock dangling like a horse’s, strode over to the woman and placed his penis in
her mouth. She hungrily sucked it, moaning down the shaft as Soren slammed into
her ass again and again. She collapsed in an orgasm that would not stop.

My pussy,” she cried
out. “It won’t stop.”

The pleasure slave beneath her
groaned and released inside her. Konas was shocked that the slave came. Most
slaves were skilled at remaining hard, but few ever came until the end of the
night when they were required to. To them, it was just a job, so to have one
lose control was rare—almost unheard of. Konas could only surmise that it was
Soren’s doing, his cock pounding next to the slave’s, coupled with the woman’s
deep orgasm.

Konas snapped his fingers, and a
slave was at his elbow at once. “Bring the laxatives.” Women wanted Soren as
much in their asses as in their pussies, and what with the way the young sailor
fucked, the women would have need of some relief later in the night.

Once Konas was convinced everyone
was properly high—some people were just writhing on each other, not even
fucking, because it just felt good to touch—he led a small group of them,
headed by Orien, to the pool. Soren, however, was prevented, because two women
took him to the peeping room. The pool sent the guests mad, and women began
pawing at Konas, trying to remove his tunic. He recognized these women, ones he
had fucked before—years before—and shown a good time. But he had no desire to
fuck them now.
Not that he did not want to fuck.
did. But there was only one woman he desired.

Four years Konas had been trapped
in his love for Sillara. Four years since his last participation in an orgy.
And Konas did not fuck men, unlike the Sunjaa. His thoughts returned to Sillara
and about how he had been the one to tell her about sex.
in-depth, just the basics.
Penis penetrates vagina, and it leads to
babies. How strange that he, the Ausir tutor, would be the one to tell her.
Kamen would not, and Konas knew how broken Ajalira still was about her early
days among the Lotuses, what she considered prostitution. Since no one else
would dare to presume to tell the Queen of the Ausir anything, it had fallen to

Konas was ripped from his reverie
by the redoubled efforts of the women to get his cock into them. There would be
no denying them without embarrassment, and he did not want any of his guests to
feel anything bad. He had to satisfy them somehow without betraying in his
heart his love for Sillara. He pulled from his pocket a small device of smooth
silver that resembled an egg.

What’s that, you naughty
Ausir?” One woman humped his leg.

Have you put your filthy
little Ausir mind to work again?” Another one licked his neck. The drugs were
definitely working.

You’ve never felt
anything like this before,” Konas said. “Lie down and spread your legs.”

With oohing and aahing and giggling
the women obeyed. Their cunts were wet as the sea, and they flexed their
buttocks in their unrestrained desire. Their pussies bounced up and down,
craving cock, craving touch. Konas produced a second egg and knelt before the
women. There was a line dividing the top and bottom halves of the egg, and
Konas began twisting each half in the opposite direction, thus winding up the
toy. He held the first egg while he wound up the second.

Ready?” he asked.

The women whimpered and nodded.
They licked their lips.

Konas placed the smooth silver
surfaces of the eggs against the women’s clits, and the toys vibrated against
their flesh. The mechanism within turned perfectly and quickly, the spring
holding tight as it uncoiled. The woman gasped, surprise lighting their eyes.
They smiled and squirmed against the vibrating eggs. They reached out and
grabbed the eggs, holding them against their clits even harder, and as they
worked themselves into orgasms, Konas stood and walked away.

Thank you,” they called
out to him. “You’re a genius!”

Without turning around, he waved
back to them. He wondered if Sillara were already asleep. He wondered how her lovely
her long black hair looked splayed out on her pillow. He wanted to kiss her
sleeping eyes and awake her with a kiss.


Chapter Five


The sun was
already high, and Sillara's stomach rumbled. She had been awake for three hours
already, but she had refused to eat yet. Soren had not yet come home from
Konas's city house, but Konas himself was here. This did not surprise Sillara,
as Konas actually spent most nights here in the Itenu compound. But Soren must
have enjoyed himself thoroughly, and Sillara smiled. The sky was clear, the sun
bright, and her parents seemed to have forgotten the disturbances of last
night, for they sat side-by-side at the long table, only just now breaking
their fast.

Are you not hungry?” Konas's voice drew Sillara's attention, and she
shook her head.

I will wait for my brother.”

At least take some juice.” Konas waved to a nearby slave, who poured
out pomegranate juice into a mug.

As Konas brought
her the mug, Sillara caught the distant sounds of the front gate being opened.

Joy filled her,
and when Soren pushed open the door, with slaves tumbling after him, trying and
failing to open the door before he could reach it, she ran to him.

Thank you, sister, for the party.”
Soren swung her off her feet and hugged her. He smelled like
incense, oranges, sex, and some other scent Sillara did not recognize but
somehow associated with Konas.

Come, sit.” Sillara tugged on Soren's hand, and they sat beside each
other and across from their parents. Konas seated himself at Sillara's other
side, and she was content. Her family was all together, and there was nothing
she could desire.

Did you sleep at all, Soren?” asked Konas.

Not much.” Soren's wide grin brought an answering smile to Sillara's
lips. “You certainly know how to entertain a sailor on leave.”

And how are you still so bright this morning then, my son?” Kamen,
too, was smiling, an indulgent expression that showed Sillara how much their
father still felt Soren's return as a resurrection.

Soren laughed as he began to eat. “We do not get such bread aboard

Sillara ate,
too, listening greedily as Soren recounted his shipboard experiences, and Kamen
joined in.

I served past my five years,” said Kamen after a long anecdote. “I
never made captain of my own vessel, though, for I didn't leave Darien's ship
throughout my service.”

Well, Captain Orien is a good master,” said Soren. “The best I've
seen now.”

He chose you over his own brother to be first mate,” said Konas.
“How did Nathen take that?”

The mention of
Nathen brought the burning to Sillara's cheeks again.

Soren shrugged.
“Nathen's a good friend of mine. He didn't mind. He's a good sailor, too good a
sailor to let false pride get in the way of running the ship.”

understood what Soren was too modest to say. Soren was so obviously the
superior sailor that Nathen could not have complained without making a fool of

Grace.” A
slave-boy trotted up to Kamen and whispered in his ear. Sillara heard him, of
course, and Soren's glance at her showed he did, too.

Let the good captain enter,” said Kamen. “He can't have eaten yet,
either. Show him directly in.”

Orien seemed to
fill the room when he was ushered in, and his bleary eyes showed more of the
ravages of the previous night's revels than did Soren's. “
Grace.” Orien bowed properly to Kamen, who rose to greet Darien's firstborn.

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