Read The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince (19 page)

about anything else.”

“Okay, Corbin.”
Winter dropped his head on Corbin’s shoulder.

“And…I love you, too.”

At first, Corbin didn’t know why Winter was saying this, but then

he realized Winter had heard him while lost in his coma. As he left

the pool room with Winter in his arms, relief coursed through him.

He’d been right about one thing. Love did, indeed, conquer all, even


The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince


Chapter Nine

A few days later

“I suppose all’s well that ends well,” Winter said thoughtfully.

“Uncle signed an agreement with the Cunninghams and invited them

to the island. Now that we’re here, Chantay was healed of the shadow

curse, and so was Shea. Both of them seem to like life at the Sidhe palace a lot. Cherise is undergoing mental treatment. Uncle wanted to kill her, as she attacked a member of the royal family, but it seems

she’s not quite right in the head. She’s not even pregnant. Either way, as long as she stays away from me and Corbin, I’m happy with it.”

Winter looked at the silent monuments that marked his parents’

resting place. He knew they weren’t really there, as their souls and

magic had long ago left their bodies. But sometimes, when he came

here, he thought that he could feel their presence and sense their love.

“Corbin’s been great,” he continued. “I really wish you could

have met him.” He smiled fondly as he remembered his mate’s

overprotectiveness. “I’m sure you’d have loved him.” He sighed and

got up, gently caressing the letters of the engravings that read Lamont and Jayna Tomacelli. “I have to go now. He’s waiting. But I’ll be

back soon. I’m teaching Corbin our world, so that he’ll be ready when the time comes for us to lead the Sidhe people.”

As he said his good-byes, Winter mused over the new discoveries

of the past few days. Surprisingly, most fae had taken the news of his mating quite well. Perhaps Winter’s near death had put things in

perspective, or maybe Elder Mercier’s fuck up had told them that it

was time for a new policy toward shifters. Either way, while many


Scarlet Hyacinth

seemed somewhat reluctant to believe a lynx could lead a fae nation,

they’d been helpful and respectful.

Winter didn’t kid himself. Those here might accept Corbin

because he was Winter’s mate, but other Sidhe who lived all over the

world would not be so open-minded. Still, Winter trusted that he and

Corbin could deal with any potential problem when the time came.

For the moment, though, Winter still had many questions, one of

them being how his uncle had known what would happen to him and

that Chantay could help. Sterling had refused to give them any

explanation, just telling them that they had to be patient until the day came for them to lead the Sidhe nation.

In the end, some things couldn’t be helped, and Winter knew all

too well that when his uncle decided on something, trying to make the other man change his mind was akin to folly. With that in mind,

Winter headed out of the sacred grounds and found Corbin waiting

outside. They’d come here together, but his mate had decided to give

him a few moments alone with his parents.

“Ready to go?” Corbin asked.

Winter nodded. “Come on. I want to show you around a bit


Hand in hand, they left the temple grounds and headed out of the

palace. With everything that had happened, Sterling had insisted on

Winter and Corbin having escorts at all times. As much as Winter had

tried to convince his uncle otherwise, Sterling had been adamant.

Sadly, this meant that Winter and Corbin couldn’t stop by on the

beach for an illicit romp, something Winter had been looking forward


“We don’t need the beach to have fun together, sweetheart,”

Corbin purred in his mind.

Suddenly, Winter lost interest in sightseeing. His people weren’t

the only ones who’d gained perspective due to his near death. Winter

himself had realized how much he was missing because of his fears.

The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince


He wished now that he could indeed offer Corbin the child the lynx

wanted so much because that would truly make their family complete.

“We’ll see about adopting later on, sweet,”
Corbin replied.
now, let’s just enjoy each other, okay?”

“I like that idea.”
Winter allowed his mate to lead him back toward the main palace grounds. They did their best not to hasten the pace, aware of all the eyes on them and the necessity of keeping a

dignified posture.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, they reached the family

wing. Winter’s apartments were severely guarded even when he

wasn’t there, and the soldiers at his door bowed lowly in front of him.

“At ease,” Winter told them.

They slipped past the guards and into their bedroom. As a prince,

Winter had lavish quarters, a huge apartment with its own receiving

room and study, two baths, and of course, a richly decorated

bedchamber. Once he became king, he would have a separate wing

for his own use. Personally, Winter had never seen the point of so

much luxury, but he appreciated the space for one particular reason. It prevented the guards at the door from hearing too much of Winter’s

cries when Corbin fucked him.

Corbin chuckled darkly, having obviously caught onto the

thought. “If you’re not screaming loud enough, it’s obvious that I’m

not doing my job right.”

The lynx took Winter in his arms and carried him to the bed. In

spite of his teasing words, Corbin’s expression was one of concern.

Lately, he always treated Winter as if he were made of glass. Not that Winter blamed him. Their bond told him how much Corbin had

suffered when Winter had been at death’s door. But at the same time,

Winter wanted to leave all that behind. He wanted to begin a new life for the two of them and for the Sidhe people. And they hadn’t made

love since the time they’d been together on the Cunninghams’ private

island. Winter was going crazy with need.

“So am I, sweetheart,” Corbin told him. “So am I.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Winter watched as his mate started to remove his shirt. It was

silver, a royal garb specially sewn for Corbin as his position of future king-consort warranted. But as much as he admired his people’s craft, it was the sight of the gorgeous body the outfit hid that left Winter breathless.

He licked his lips as Corbin revealed his strong chest. He wanted

to lick across Corbin’s tight abs and rub his body against the light

feathering of hair on Corbin’s chest. He ached for Corbin’s

possession, for his touch and claiming.

Without paying the slightest heed to the delicate material covering

his own body, Winter rushed to get rid of his own clothing. His

urgency fueled Corbin’s, and the lynx helped him with his footwear

and pants. Once Winter was naked, Corbin toed off his own shoes and

unbuttoned his slacks, allowing them to pool down at his feet.

Now, both of them were naked and panting with desire. Corbin

joined Winter on the bed, his larger body looming over Winter’s.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Are you kidding?” Winter hooked a naked leg against Corbin’s

midsection. “If you don’t fuck in the next couple of minutes, I’m

gonna die.”

Corbin’s expression darkened. “Don’t joke with that, sweetheart. I

don’t think I can take it.”

An apology was on Winter’s lips. Even if he hadn’t meant the

words literally, he should have been more sensitive to his mate’s

feelings. But talk was useless between them. Their bond allowed their emotions to be expressed without being verbalized. As such, Winter

pulled Corbin into a kiss, pouring his regret, need, lust, gratitude, and most of all, his love, into the lip-lock.

Corbin didn’t delay in responding, taking control of the meeting

of mouths, devouring Winter. Their tongues entangled, and Winter

wrapped his arms around Corbin’s neck, not wanting even the

smallest space between them. His cock was so hard it could carve

diamonds, and when Corbin reached between them and fisted the

The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince


shaft, Winter cried out in pleasure. Already, he was very close to

coming. In the weeks he’d spent together with Corbin, his body had

become accustomed to regular sex, and the days he’d been forced to

do without had been very difficult. He teemed with sexual tension just begging to come out, and he knew he would not last too long under

his mate’s skilled touch.

“Let go, sweetheart,”
Corbin whispered in his mind. “
We have all
the time in the world.”

They didn’t, but Winter wanted to believe it was true, regardless.

He pushed aside the part of him that remained rational and focused

solely on his mate. Corbin broke their kiss, his dark blue eyes fixed on Winter’s face. “That’s it, Winter. It’s just the two of us now.”

“Fuck me, Corbin,” Winter whispered back. “Please, fuck me.”

Corbin shook his head. “I won’t fuck you,” he replied, stressing

the vulgar word. “I’ll make love to you.”

The lynx held Winter’s gaze as he reached for the nightstand.

Winter’s heart raced with the anticipation, the sound of the uncapping of the lubricant bottle triggering an almost Pavlovian effect in him.

“Close your eyes, sweetheart,” Corbin urged him. “Just feel.”

Winter loved to meet Corbin’s gaze as the other man fucked him,

but there was something to be said about depriving himself of one of

his senses. When he couldn’t see, everything else seemed sharper,

brighter. His nerve endings were more sensitive and Corbin’s scent

even more potent.

So Winter obeyed and closed his eyes, surrendering to whatever

Corbin wished to do to him. Slick fingers probed at his nether opening while Corbin’s mouth traveled over Winter’s chest. Winter

suppressed the urge to rush Corbin along and bit the inside of his

cheek to push his impending climax back. He wanted this to last. He

wanted to come only when he was impaled on Corbin’s prick.

His mate released a sound that seemed like a cross between a

growl and a purr. As Corbin’s mouth now lingered over Winter’s


Scarlet Hyacinth

nipples, the vibrations caused shocks of pleasure to course through

Winter. He arched his back, seeking more of the addicting sensations.

Corbin chuckled and flicked his tongue over the tiny nubs, then

bit down, teasing Winter with just the right amount of pleasure-pain.

Winter couldn’t have suppressed his cries to save his life. “Corbin!


His mate answered his plea by licking down his abdomen up to

his navel. As Corbin thrust his tongue into the tiny hole, he also

pressed two fingers inside Winter’s ass, stretching him and readying

him for invasion. Winter wanted to say he didn’t need so much prep,

but he knew Corbin would always be careful with him. It was just the

way the lynx was, and Winter loved that about him.

At the same time, their bond guaranteed that Corbin never

misinterpreted Winter’s desires. Even as Winter struggled to control

his desires, Corbin anticipated them. This time was no different. All of a sudden, the lynx lowered his mouth over Winter’s prick and

started to purr.

Distantly, Winter thought that having a feline lover truly brought

some advantages. If the vibrations had felt good on Winter’s nipples, around his cock, they brought him a little closer to heaven. He was

torn between the need to thrust into the wet cavern of Corbin’s mouth and the yearning to be filled that urged him to impale himself on

Corbin’s fingers. His mate didn’t even give him the choice. Corbin

crooked his fingers inside Winter, massaging Winter’s prostate, just

as he increased the suction on Winter’s prick. It was all she wrote.

Winter exploded, the climax sweeping through him and wiping away

all rational thought.

Corbin didn’t even give him time to recover from the pleasure.

Instead, he removed his fingers from Winter’s ass and positioned his

prick at his hole. In one slow, smooth thrust, the lynx slid home.

Winter’s body, completely relaxed from his orgasm, greedily opened

up to the penetration. Winter felt that finally, all was right in the
The Lynx Who Purred for a Sidhe Prince


world. Even if he’d only come moments ago, his cock went rock hard

again as he lost himself in the pleasure his mate provided.

Fortunately, his lover was done teasing. He pulled out of Winter

and thrust back inside, his thick prick massaging Winter’s inner walls and unerringly hitting his prostate. Sparks flew through Winter, the

heat of Corbin’s cock burning him up from the inside out. Their

sweat-slicked bodies rubbed together, and they fell into a rhythm that was perfection incarnate. Over and over, Corbin fucked him, taking

possession of Winter, body and soul.

Winter’s blood boiled, and his every nerve ending sizzled with

passion and desire. Through his bond with Corbin, he felt his own

emotions echoing inside the lynx. He was so close now, so close to

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