The Makeover (13 page)

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Authors: Thayer King

As he fucked her faster and faster, she marveled that he could be such a horrible dancer because he sure as hell knew how to move his hips. He shifted so that his arms supported him above her. She watched his lashes sh
ield his eyes as they dropped from her bouncing breasts to the spot where they were joined. “You’re so beautiful. So very beautiful.”

He swiveled his hips so that he stimulated her clit even as he pounded her g-spot. Mykal’s body arched as she came in a rush, her pussy desperately clenching his thick, plunging shaft. “Greg!”

Oh, God, Mykal,” Greg growled after a series of rapid thrusts. Driving his deepest, he trembled and went still. Instead of collapsing on top of her, he fell to the side, his breath sawing in and out of his sweat glistened chest.

She grinned and rolled over to cuddle into his side. He quickly threw an arm around her and pulled her close.
She closed her eyes and rested her hand on his stomach. She was on the edge of falling asleep with Greg kissed her temple. “I love you, Mykal,” he said softly.

Mykal propped herself up on her elbow. “You don’t have to say that just because-”

“I love you,” he interrupted.

She wet her lips. “Listen, I know you think I’m perfect and all, but-”

“You’re perfect to me and for me.” He grinned. “I may be a bit biased.”

“I’m spoiled. I have my hair and nails done every week. I shop excessively.
I never update my software. I haven’t seen many of the movies you love-”

We’ve had this conversation before. You’re not going to change my mind by listing your faults. They don’t make you any less perfect in my eyes. None of that matters. I don’t just love you. I like and respect you. You care about people. You’re willing to jump in and help where other people just stand back and feel pity. You don’t just look at the surface. I mean, look at what you did for me when I was at my absolute worst. I love you, Mykal.” He touched the tip of her nose. “And not just because of your perfect nails or your stylish hair cut or your astounding ability to match accessories with every outfit. Or even the fantastic sex.”

“Fantastic, huh?”

“The best. So good, I can barely recall my name.” She laughed. He laced their fingers together. “
When I’m inside you, I forget everything but you.”

“Oh, Greg, you’re so sweet.

He was silent for a moment.
He gave her fingers a squeeze. “
? That’s not all I want to hear.”

Mykal cringed inwardly. “I d
on’t know if I’m ready for that,” she whispered.

Greg winced.
His pained expression was like a sledgehammer to her heart. “I see.” Releasing her hand, he rolled off the bed and stood. “If you don’t mind, I’ll use your restroom and then head home. I’m sure you have things to handle in the morning. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

Mykal rose to her knees.
She couldn’t let him leave like this. He meant too much to her even if she wasn’t ready to give him the words yet. “Greg!” She caught his elbow and kept him from turning from her. “I didn’t mean it like that. You know I care about you. I’m just…scared.”

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. He dropped kisses over her eyebrows and down her nose. “I love you, Mykal. I would never do anything to intentionally harm you.
I don’t know why you’re having such a difficult time trusting that, but I love you enough to wait.”

“You’ll stay?”

“You want me to stay?”

“Yes.” She stroked his jaw. “Please?”

“Then I’ll stay.” He kissed her. “But you have to take a shower with me.” She squealed as he lifted her and carried her into the bathroom.


Chapter Nine

“Why didn’t you tell us that he was white?” her mother asked in a fierce whisper at the first opportunity to speak with her alone. Which happened to be about one minute after they walked into the door and her father led Greg into the dining room. Since she’d told her parents that Greg was coming over for dinner today, they had the food prepared in advance. For once, she wouldn’t have to assist with the prep. That didn’t mean she would escape clean up duty.

“I didn’t think it would matter,” she answered honestly.
Her parents hadn’t raised her to be a racist so she hadn’t perceived Greg’s race to be a problem. True, that with his light brown hair and pale blue eyes, he’d never be mistaken for anything other than white, but to her he was so much more than just his skin color.

“To some it won’t. To others it will.”

Mykal wasn’t naïve. She knew that. “Does it matter to you, Mom?”

Emma Cooper took a deep breath. Then she looked upward as though seeking guidance from above. “No.”

Mykal smiled. “Good. Let’s go eat.”

“And we’d better hurry. Your father’s been eyeing the pecan pie since I pulled it out of the oven. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to sneak a piece.

Mykal sat next to Greg at the table while her parents sat at either end. At his questioning glance, she smiled and gave his thigh a squeeze beneath the table.

“Well, what are you all waiting for?” her mother asked. “We all serve ourselves,” she said to Greg. “Have as much as you like. Our only rule is that we save dessert for last.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Cooper. Everything looks delicious.”

“Greg, I will warn you that little that Mom cooks can be considered diet food, but it’s as tasty as it looks.”

Her father laughed. “
That would be the bacon. Emma says there’s nothing that bacon can’t make better.”

Greg nodded, but Mykal noticed that he eyed the pecan pie dubiously. Shaking her head, she laughed. “But not dessert. Although, she makes a killer pig candy.”

He grinned at her and she felt her heart flutter. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said before picking up a serving dish with green beans with bits of bacon in it.

Their plates were full when her mother began the interrogation. Mykal had hoped to avoid it. She’d told her parents all about Greg over the weeks she’d been helping him
to win back Daria. Her mother asked about his work, his family, and his friends despite the fact that Mykal had already told her that he was a game designer and that his parents were deceased. Her father didn’t have to ask anything. Her mother had every possible topic covered.

Mykal tried to change the subject to no avail. Oh, she knew it was a futile attempt going in, but still she had to try. They were passing around slices of pie when her mother casually mentioned, “
Davis and I were under the impression that Mykal was assisting you win back the heart of another young lady. What was her name?”

“Daria,” Greg said, for the first time appearing uncomfortable.

“What a lovely name! Was she also beautiful?”

Greg practically squirmed in his seat and his cheeks grew ruddy.
“Yes, ma’am.” He paused. “But not as lovely as your daughter.”

“Thank you, but you must understand my concern. What’s to keep you from changing your mind and deciding to go back to this other woman? Mykal was convinced that you loved this Daria very deeply.”

“Mom!” Mykal interrupted, so embarrassed she could barely face Greg. She hadn’t expected this line of questioning.

“Shh, baby, I want to hear his answer.”

Mykal turned pleading eyes on her father
, her more reasonable parent. “Dad, will you please make her stop?” Though he’d never liked any of the men she dated, he was always polite. It was only when they were alone would he tell her that he found them to be weak or lacking.

Davis wiped his mouth with his napkin before speaking. “I’m sorry, Mykal, but I’d like to hear what he has to say as well.”

Greg laid a hand on her shoulder. “Mykal, it’s okay,”
he said in a soothing voice. “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, I love your daughter. I’m not good with smooth speeches. The only way I can prove to you how much she means to me is over time. All I can ask is that you give me the opportunity to show you.”

“Well…,” her mother said, her eyes narrowed. “I guess we can do that, but know that I’ll be keeping an eye on you.” Her tone was firm and brooked no argument, but a slight smile curved her lips as she picked up her knife and fork.

“Yes, ma’am,” Greg replied, some of the tension leaving his shoulders.

Her father was less expressive and Mykal had no clue as to what he was thinking
and her tummy twisted anxiously. It was important to her that her parents like Greg. She hadn’t realized until that moment how much it meant to her. How very much Greg had come to mean to her….

After dinner, they were all commandeered into kitchen cleanup. Mykal’s protests that Greg was a guest were ignored with her mother’s pithy, “We assumed you invited him because he’ll be family some day and we’ll treat him as such.” That effectively shut Mykal up. She hadn’t brought Greg by to pressure him into proposing. It was far too early to be talking marriage. Sure, he’d told her—and her parents! —that he loved her, but they’d only been officially dating for six days.

Her mother put away leftovers while Mykal washed dishes as Greg dried them. Her father put them away in the cabinets. She was washing the last pot when she realized that Greg had slid perfectly into their routine.
It was like he’d always been part of their family.

Once the dishes were done, her mother set the men the task of taking out the trash. Mykal was wiping off the stove when her mother casually mentioned, “I talked with Mario’s mother today. She said that he still misses you.”

“Mom, I don’t-”

“Don’t worry. I told her you were seeing someone else.”


leaned back against the cabinet and placed her hands in the pockets of her apron. “Mykal, I know how he feels about you. I could tell he was in love with you before he even said anything. How do you feel about him?”

Mykal bit her lip.
She hadn’t been able to admit it to Greg for fear of being hurt, but she wanted to share her feelings with someone. It was practically bursting out of her. “Oh, Mommy, I love him so much it hurts.”




Greg was appreciative of all the weights he’d been lifting to get into shape as he lugged three full garbage bags out of the Cooper garage and down to the side of the curb.
Mykal’s father was kind enough to open the garage door for him.

“Greg, what’s your favorite football team?”

“I don’t have one, sir.”

Davis Cooper grunted. “You mean you don’t watch football,” he stated.

Blushing, he nodded.

Sighing, he opened the lid of t
he trash can. “You’re bigger than the guys Mykal usually dates so I’d thought maybe you might play.”

“No, sir
,” he replied even as he wondered about the other types of men Mykal had dated. “I lacked the coordination necessary to play.” Hefting the first of the bags into the can, Greg cleared his throat and tried to sound casual as he asked, “About the other boyfriends-”

Davis waved a hand in front of his face dismissively. “None of them were serious. That Mario boy came close, but she never invited him over for Sunday dinner. I think Emma was more taken with him than Mykal ever was.
” He replaced the lid of the trash can and opened the next one. Greg filled it with a second bag and then leaned the third against the can as there wasn’t another trash receptacle in which to place it. Davis sighed deeply. “I’ve never had to have this conversation with a young man before, but since you said you love my daughter, I have to inquire after your intentions.”

Greg startled, but in his heart, he already knew the answer to that question. “I want to marry her, sir.”

Davis smiled. “Good answer, son.” He
clapped Greg on the shoulder and led him back to the house. “As you know, Mykal is our only child and we want the best for her. She’s always been a good daughter, never giving us a day of trouble. She’s kind-hearted and deserves far better than she gives herself credit. She settles for less when she should ask for more. So you’ll have to forgive me when I ask some very personal questions. Do you have any addictions?”

Greg felt slightly light-headed at the realization that he was going to ask Mykal to marry him. Now that the thought was in his head, he only hoped he could keep it from popping out the next time they made love. That woman had a way of making him lose his head when he was inside her.
“Just gaming, sir,” he replied, knowing that he sounded dazed and unable to hide it. He wasn’t quite up for another interrogation.

“That’s acceptable since that’
s your work. I think I’m going to have to have a peek at your bank account statements.”

Greg agreed as he was only half listening. He wondered what type of ring Mykal would like. Certainly nothing as ostentatious as Daria would have selected.
Mykal would want something classic and tasteful.




Mykal gasped as she felt the bite of Greg’s teeth on the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. She didn’t know what had come over him. Normally, it took a bit of prodding on her part to make him so forceful.
Not today. After they’d returned from her parent’s house, he’d plastered her against the wall next to the door, kissing her deeply. She’d enjoyed the feeling of his broader male body surrounding hers with heat and lust. She’d barely been aware of his hands tearing at her clothes. Within minutes, she stood before him naked and trembling with desire. She’d pressed her thighs together to ease some of the ache in her core. Her cleft was slick with her moisture.

“Don’t,” Greg had ordered in a gruff voice, insinuating a broad palm between her thighs, cupping her mound and forcing her legs to spread. One thick finger slipped between the wet lips of her pussy, stroking and teasing her from clit to cunt and back again.

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