The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (91 page)

Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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Soul-Saving Gospel Truths
32. Mather's Christology is discussed more extensively in Chapter 10, below.
33. For a representative expression of the themes discussed in this paragraph, see Increase Mather,
Meditations On Death Delivered In Several Sermons
(Boston, 1707). On the irrationality of sinners, and the unreliable character of reason, see
Awakening Truth's
, 66-70; and for Paul, 54. See too
Awakening Soul-Saving Truths
, 92.
34. Increase Mather,
The Blessed Hope And The Glorious Appearing Of Christ
(Boston, 1701), 11-16;
Meditations On Death
, 4-16, 155.
35. Increase Mather,
Burnings Bewailed
(Boston, 1711), 19-36, and
; and
Sermons Wherein Those Eight Characters
, 18-35.
Institutes Of The Christian Religion
, trans. Henry Beveridge (2 vols., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1953), I, 149.
Page 395
37. Increase Mather,
, 48, for the quotation. See also 40-47, 75, and
. There is frequent mention along similar lines in later sermons. See
Several Sermons
, 94-126.
, 88 (guardian angels from cradle to grave), 42-45 (influence on minds), and
39. Increase Mather,
Several Sermons
, 94-126.
40. Increase Mather,
Meditations On The Sanctification Of The Lord's Day
(Boston, 1712), 18-62, and
. See, too,
, 96-98; and
A Disquisition Concerning Angelical Apparitions
. On angels as models, see also
Meditations On the Glory Of The Heavenly World
(Boston, 1711), 170-75.
41. Increase Mather,
Five Sermons
, 66, and
42. Increase Mather,
Meditations On The Glory Of The Heavenly World
, 226, and 263, where Mather says that "few of those who belong to the Visible Church will be Saved."
43. These comments on preaching are in the prefaces to
Awakening Truth's
Several Sermons
Chapter 10
1. For the statements about the founders, see Increase Mather,
A Discourse Concerning Faith and Fervency In Prayer
, "Preface." Mather's reactions to the London fire may be studied in
The Mystery Of Israel's Salvation
2. Increase Mather,
Mystery of Christ
3. Increase Mather,
Meditations On The Glory Of The Lord Jesus Christ
, 42-67, a sermon called "The Lord Christ Jesus is the most glorious Conqueror."
. 92, and
5. Increase Mather,
An Earnest Exhortation To The Children Of New England
is a jeremiad; it carries a note of chiliastic expectation.

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