The Mating Destiny: Werewolves of Montana Book 7 (20 page)

The internal glow of her arousal spilled outward, bathing them in soft white light. Emma couldn’t suppress the natural energy.

“Alex,” she cried out.

Alex pulled back, his gaze burning into her. “Let it go. Shh. Let it go.”

The air grew thick with the salty tang of sex hovering in the air. Power hummed inside her, singing secrets as ancient as feminine instinct.

Dazed, she looked into his eyes as his mouth left hers. Alex trailed a line of soft, wet kisses across her throat, up to her earlobe. He caught it between his strong teeth and bit ever so gently. Emma’s hands drifted over his back, testing the hard muscles there, feeling the leashed power of his dragon.

The man was still in control.

His touch was slow and gentle, his expression hard with passion, but his hands soothing. He stroked her skin, cupping her breasts in his rough palms. Delicious pleasure stole over her as he thumbed her nipples, making them harden. Alex’s mouth encased one, his tongue expertly flicking and suckling. Emma cried out, holding his head to her breasts, her legs draped around his waist, her feminine folds intimately pressed against him. Then he lifted his head and gave a lazy smile.

His cock slid between her legs, tunneling through the wetness of her core. He began rubbing it against her soaked cleft, hitting her clit with exquisite pressure. Alex was merciless. He did not stop, even as she surrendered and screamed, the pleasure bursting from her as she climaxed. He kept kissing her, riding through the spasms until she lay back, spent and shivering.

Then he lifted his head, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand. He mounted her then, spreading her thighs wide.

Alex laced his fingers through hers, his heavily muscled body pressing her into the mattress, as his penis began pushing inside her.

Slow, gentle thrusts, then retreats. He felt thick and hard as a steel bar, each slide pushing him past her tiny muscles gripping him tightly.

The silky hairs of his chest abraded her nipples as his body slid over her. “Now,” he said softly. “Now, I will make you mine.”

He thrust hard, pushing past the barrier, and then caught her cry of pain with his mouth on hers. Alex went still, kissing her, licking the single tear trickling down her cheek.

The pain had already faded. She cried because it was so lovely, and she knew beyond this night, they could never share this again.

Emma wrapped her legs around his hips and moved upward. His hips began hammering back and forth as her nails dug into his shoulders. She threw back her head, flushed with erotic pleasure. The heat built higher and higher. Climax shimmered out of reach, a ball of white sparks fed by her aura.

Alex angled his thrusts, pushing against her sensitive bud, and she shrieked, her body taut as she climaxed. And then his penis rubbed hard against the spot in her core he’d found earlier. Gasping, she writhed as the pleasure shot through her yet again.

Emma climaxed again so hard she saw stars.

Her eyes opened as she watched him throw his head back with a rough groan. Warm seed shot inside her, life-giving seed, as he bucked against her.

Then his shudders slowed, stopped. He looked down at her, and the flare of tenderness there surprised her. Then it vanished, replaced by masculine satisfaction.

“I love watching you come,” he said roughly. “Your eyes grow so blue, your cheeks so rosy. I just want to eat you up.”

He flashed a wicked grin. “I’ll save that for later.”

Panting, she stared at him, touching his jaw. “That’s some secret weapon you hide, dragon.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Only when I’m with you, Em. Only you.”

Sweat sheened his face, plastering his hair to his forehead. She knew exactly how much effort he’d used to leash the dragon.

Slowly, he slid out of her. She winced at the pull of her sore muscles. His expression became tender as he cupped her face in one strong palm.

“You okay?”

Roughness and male satisfaction edged his voice. She nodded, turning her face into his hand with a small sigh.

I love you, Em. You’re the only one for me.

She raised her head, saw him studying her.

“Did you say something?”

I did, but not with my mouth. Oh, can you turn back this way. I simply adore the view of your very sweet, very sexy breasts.



You’re inside my head!

He grinned wickedly. “Yes, I was, just as I was inside your body, and will be several more times this night. I told you, Em. We’re soul mates.”

Marveling at this news, she lay back down. Soul mates. But what did that mean for their future? Alex had a duty to marry Sabrina.

“Can you read my mind if I don’t want you in there?”

“No.” He looked solemn. “Only if you invite me inside your thoughts.”

“Ok.” She imagined something and he looked stunned. Alex laughed.

“You are naughty. You want to try that? On all fours?”

“I can be very athletic,” she offered.

He gathered her into his arms. “Perhaps later, when you’re not so sore, sweetheart.”

They lay together, her head pillowed on his broad shoulder, as moonlight spilled into the room.

“When I return, I shall ask my father permission to break my engagement to Sabrina, so you and I can marry.”

Her breath hitched. “You will?”

Alex pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “How can I marry another woman, Em? I never wanted the marriage in the first place. It was only for the sake of the kingdom.”

“The kingdom is very important,” she said slowly, not wanting to get her hopes up.

“Not as important to me as you are.”

Emma wanted to curl up next to him, absorbing his toasty warmth, let the air cool the sweat on his body.

And then she wanted to love him all over again, after tonight, she wondered if they would ever be together again. For if King George rejected Alex’s request, would Alex still go through with his plans to marry her?

Chapter 9

They reached the castle of Clan Drakon at sunset the following day.

Alex shifted into Skin soon as he landed, not bothering with formal wear, but choosing mere jeans and a black T-shirt. As the guards hurried from the palace, he squeezed Emma’s hand. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m here and I will not let anything happen to you.”

She wanted to trust him, believe he could do this. But too many years of conventional prejudice against half-bloods ran through her mind. Clan Drakon was best at protecting and defending. But why would they choose to protect a hapless bunch of half-blood dragons and a little troll girl?

“Your Highness!” The guards bowed low. “We were so worried about your safety. Your father has sent sentries to find you.”

Alex clapped a hand on the shoulder of the concerned guard. “No need. I’m here now, and I’ve brought guests.”

The wide double doors of the castle banged open. King George and Queen Alyssa hurried outside. Alex gave her hand a comforting squeeze before pushing forward, leaving her with the group of girls. Then, to her astonishment, he dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

Uncertain as to what to do, she walked backward, as to not display her hindquarters to royalty, and joined the other girls, bowing their heads.

“Sire, Madam. I formally request permission to admit these refugees to our clan for protection, per the Order of the Honorable Standard.”

He raised his head and she saw his entire body tense. “They were found in a brothel, about to be sold as sex slaves. Including the little troll girl.”

“Alex.” The queen’s voice trembled. “Oh Alex, I am so thankful you have returned to us, safe and unharmed.”

“Are you all right son?” the king asked.

Alex stood and he seemed to tower over all of them, the king and queen, and the various courtiers who had now assembled behind them. In the crowd she saw the dark head of Maurice, Alex’s cousin. Of all those who had beaten her, his punches and kicks had been the most painful.

Emma fought the instinctive need to hide. Instead, she raised her chin and stared straight at him, as if daring him to make a move here against her.

“These females have been abused and abducted against their will. They were taken to a brothel of such foulness, that I shall not speak of the evil I saw there, lest I offend the delicate sensibilities of some of the women present, including you, Mother.”

Emma bit her lip, hiding a smile. Oh Alex, you are so theatrical! But it worked, for several women gasped and she saw Maurice step back, his expression no longer furious, but worried.

“I request refuge and asylum for them because Clan Drakon is the protector of all dragons, not merely full bloods. If we are to help unite all the clans, should we not act with mercy and justice to those who have been wronged? To innocents whose only crime is that they were born of half-blood?” He went to their little group and picked up Alice into his arms and then once more stood before his parents.

“This little troll girl is no more than 10. She is an orphan, who was to be sold into sexual slavery. She has no family to vouch for her. Does that make her need any less than a full-blood dragon? Since no one will vouch for her, I shall. I am formally adopting her as my daughter, and giving her the protection of my crest and my name.”

Gasps sounded among the crowd. The king and queen looked as if someone had either slapped them or shoved a stick up their butts. Or both.

Emma tasted tears in the back of her throat. This was the Alex she knew and loved, the champion who treated all equally. He would make a fine king, if given the chance.

“Alex.” Even from a distance, Emma could see the queen’s distraught expression. “My son. Of course she is welcome here. They all are welcome here. I accept your order of Honorable Standard as per the rules of our clan, and welcome these females into our clan.”

“I as well,” echoed the king, but the king looked far more troubled than his wife.

Alex handed Alice over to a waiting attendant. “Put her in the Red Room next to my quarters. Bathe her and dress her for the night. She is tired and needs food and rest.”

He pressed a kiss to Alice’s forehead. The little girl clung to him.

“No, please don’t let me go,” she wailed.

Alex kissed her forehead again. “You are safe here, Alice. I give you my word of honor. This kind woman works for me. She is going to feed you and bathe you and give you nice, comfortable pajamas so you can sleep in a room near mine. You can have anything you wish.”

Alice raised her face. “Even chocolate truffles for dessert?”

“Scads of them.” He ruffled her hair. “I shall check on you later when I can.”

When Alice left, clutching the hand of the servant, he went to their group and drew her forward. “Mother, Father, this is Emma of Clan Ciamoth, servant to Princess Sabrina, my intended.”

Nice intro. Servant. Humiliation crawled over her. But Emma waited. Alex had a purpose. He always did.

“As servant to my intended, she knows intimately the needs and wishes of my betrothed. Her quarters are to be next to mine, in the Red Room, where she shall stay with Alice. Alice knows her and feels safe with her, and I want my new, adopted daughter to feel comfortable in her new home.”

Not a request nor a wish, but a statement. Emma nearly sagged from relief. The other girls were safe wherever they were housed. She was more vulnerable. But now, in a room next to Alex’s, she was safe. And by formulating it in terms that she was to care for Alice, a task she gladly embraced, he avoided the delicate diplomatic dilemma of his father protesting her presence close to Alex’s quarters.

A true diplomat. Alex turned, addressing the other half-dragons, but he winked at her. Emma beamed at him.

The smile dropped as she caught Maurice glowering at her as if he wanted to personally stab her through the heart and turn her into dragon shish kebab. Emma’s spirits sank. Alex still had to address the issue of his friends and cousin. They said among dragons that blood was thicker than scales.

And both of those were quite weak in her.

Servants came forward to escort her into the castle. Alex sent a quiet message to her using their telepathic link.
Don’t worry, Em. The Red Room has a door connecting to mine. You’ll be safe, both you and Alice. I have to meet with my father, but I’ll see you soon. Get some rest.

You promise.
This kind of communication was scary, but fascinating.
What are you going to tell him?

I’ll let you know later. Go, get some rest.

Disappointment filled her. He’d made no remarks about what would happen to her, if she should return to Sabrina and her clan, who wouldn’t allow her back, even if Sabrina wanted her. Because her dragon’s egg was devoid of magick now and a dragon without magick was like a wolf without teeth.

Both were destined to be kicked out of the pack.

Would she end up homeless and alone, the very fate she’d dreaded since the day her mother died? Alex had made no promises and she couldn’t ask anything from him. Though they were now lovers, and it seemed they were destined mates, he still remained the Crown Prince.

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