The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana) (14 page)

A stubborn line formed between her brows. “No.”

He gave her a beguiling look that had charmed many women into his bed. “You’re going to leave me alone and stranded? All by myself in this city, perhaps getting lost on my way to the house where your company is meeting?”

Darius stuck out his lower lip, remembering in the past how she’d never been able to resist what she’d termed his lost-puppy look. “Please?”

Sam smiled and a teasing light entered her eyes. “I can get you a GPS, since you can’t read a road map.”

Stiffening with pride, he felt a long-forgotten prick of humiliation.

Her smile slipped. “I’m sorry Darius. I forgot about you and reading. I didn’t mean it as an insult.”

“Of course not.”

“You’ve done well for yourself. I always knew you’d come out ahead of the pack. Wolf or Skin. You’re too smart.”

She touched his hand and the softness of her fingers felt like silk. He wanted to take her hand, kiss it. Take her hand and lead her back to the rumpled bed, undress her and show her his other talent, the one that made women beg and plead for more.

With every ounce of willpower, he drew away. “Get dressed, and I’ll call that cab.”

“It’s not far. I can walk. Besides, I’m on a tight budget.”

“It’s necessary, and I’ll pay for it.” Darius turned away and went into the bedroom to make a phone call. If he had his way, he’d always remain at her side, for life.

But how the hell could he convince her to mate with him, when she disliked everything Lupine, everything that mattered in his world?

Chapter 7

Three hours later, his suitcase in the trunk of a sleek gray rental, Darius parked before Sam’s apartment. He’d ditched the silk suits in favor of faded jeans, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his favorite, worn Western boots.

He whipped out his cell phone and had started to dial her number when she emerged from the complex, suitcase in the hands of…

James. The software engineer who had touched Sam’s hand.

White showed on his knuckles as he tightened his hands on the leather steering wheel. Darius depressed the passenger side window button as Sam approached his car.

“Hi. I know you wanted me to go with you, but James insisted on driving. You can follow us in your car. Besides, you need your own car to drive to the airport.”

Howling need surged through him to jump out, throw her over one shoulder, toss her in the seat and speed off. Everything Lupine and male in him approved of the idea.

But going possessive wolf would drive Sam away. He had to tread lightly, if he wanted to woo her to his side.

Sam had lived in the Skin world and craved a relationship. His wolf howled for sex first, then the relationship. Darius breathed through his clenched teeth, then forced his expression to soften.

“Fine. But I’ll be following close behind so he won’t lose me.”

“He wouldn’t want you to get lost. You’re the client.”

I’d love to tell him to get lost
. His instincts warned the male was trouble.

“I’m the client,” he repeated.

“Thank you, Darius. Thanks for understanding.”

Her sweet, soft smile made him feel weak with longing. He remembered the old days when Sam had always smiled at him like this. Darius gave a gruff nod to hide his feelings and watched her slide into James’ car.

You drew more female Lupines to you with soft words and understanding than prickly arrogance.
But Sam hadn’t seen his fierce side. Yet.

The part that
throw her over his shoulder if he sensed she was endangered.

Claws emerged from his fingers. Frustrated at being denied the pleasure of her company during the long drive, Darius raked a hand over the passenger seat as he watched James pull away from the curb. The leather ripped.

He glanced down at the wide gouges in the leather seat. His wolf shrugged.
It’s a rental.

Snapping on the radio and cranking it up, he followed them. Tall, majestic pines flanked route 26 as he drove west, his emotions barely checked. Fog shrouded the mountains. The pewter sky turned sullen and spit out bursts of rain, wetting the road. Darius tried not to think of James alone with Sam.

He turned south on 101 and followed the sedan. Around noon, James stopped at a beachside restaurant. Darius climbed out and clutched the keys as Sam emerged from the other car. She gave a long stretch. The move lifted her generous breasts. He watched. So did James.

Darius shot him a vicious look.

James ran a finger around his white, starched collar. “The café serves a terrific lunch. They have the most amazing cupcake bar. Cream cheese and carrot cake.”

Darius leaned forward and caught a definite whiff of OtherWorlder. James was Other, just like Brian the snake shifter in the nightclub. Darius ruminated over the possibilities. Snake? Or something other than a shifter? Perhaps a troll?

No, trolls were short. Maybe an ogre. James was not tall enough. But the man was something. Maybe another shifter.

“Do you like dessert, Mr. Bryant?” James smiled at him.

Never taking his gaze from Sam, he murmured, “Please call me Darius. Yes, love dessert. I enjoy sweet things. Icing spread thickly. I like taking my time and licking if off very slowly.”

A furious flush ignited Sam’s delicate cheekbones. Darius smiled and gestured to the door. “Shall we?”

The smell of chocolate, baked brie, clam chowder and assorted food slammed into his senses as he entered the restaurant, but most overpowering was Sam’s delicate fragrance. Hunger clawed at him, demanding he complete their bond. With an effort, he controlled himself and followed them to a table near the side door. The café was charming, with bistro tables set up near the windows to provide a more intimate dining experience. A vase filled with daisies sat on each table.

Another fragrance, darker and threatening, lingered. He’d have missed it if not for his heightened senses. Darius took a deep breath, sorting out the various smells. Sam’s fragrance, James’ muted scent of paper, ink, dampness and wood smoke.

The sinister odor threaded through the other smells. Not entirely unpleasant, it held traces of woodlands, autumn leaves and burning grass, laced with a darkness that made his eyes water. Whoever it belonged to was far more powerful than anything he’d encountered. What the hell was that? Every instinct growled at the unseen threat. Hair rose on the back of his back. His claws began to emerge. Hastily he forced himself to calm down and retract them.

“Darius? You okay?” Sam looked concerned.

He forced a smile. “I’m fine.”

The waitress handed them menus and asked for their drink orders.

Giving the waitress a charming smile, he asked for water and studied the menu with a sigh. No hamburgers. No beef. Lots of organic crap and sprouts. Gods, he hated sprouts.

“This is a wonderful café. James and I come here a lot when we visit the coast.”

Every hair on his nape saluted the air. He glanced at James. “Really? On…overnight trips?”

“Oh no, just trips to the beach,” James said.

“James loves the ocean. And this café has the most amazing salads.” Sam beamed as she scanned the menu.

Salads? Sweet hellfire. She needed meat. Darius looked at her with growing dismay. No wonder she looked so pale. She was Lupine, but denied her wolf’s primitive, wild side. Both sex and food. He longed to demonstrate exactly how primitive and wild a Lupine could turn.

“Why salad?” he asked.

A flush covered her face. “I’m dieting.”

“Why?” He gave her body an admiring glance. “You don’t need to lose weight.”

“Actually, if Samantha wishes to compete against other account executives in the business world, she could stand to lose a few pounds. Salads are best for that. I tell her that as a friend, of course. I only want her to succeed at the firm,” James put in.

Sam studied the table, but her flush deepened. Incredulous, Darius looked at James, barely resisting the urge to smash the smile off his thin face.

The waitress returned with water for Darius and glasses of iced tea for James and Sam. Sam ordered a salad. James ordered a sandwich with sprouts and vegetables.

What a wuss.

Darius flicked his gaze to the Other. “No meat?”
Like crickets or live mice? Snake shifters enjoy those. You look like a snake.

James smiled. “I’m a vegan.”

“I like vegan food, too,” Sam told him.

Darius turned to the waitress. “You have only goat cheese?” He arched a brow, pointing to the menu. “Happen to still have the goat hanging around? I don’t mind goat.”

The server wrinkled her nose. “We have a delicious free-range chicken sandwich with goat cheese.”

“Since I’ve been in Oregon, I’ve eaten enough poultry to grow feathers. I’ll take the roast beef sandwich. Put it on sourdough bread and leave everything else off.”

As the waitress walked off, James folded and unfolded his napkin. “How do you like our fair city, Darius?”

“I’ve always enjoyed visiting Portland. The women here are quite lovely. One in particular.”

Sam shot him a scathing look, but he only smiled.

“Oh? You’ve met someone?” James asked.

“I plan to take her back with me when I return to Montana.”

Fire crackled in Sam’s violet eyes.
Good luck with that
, her look clearly stated.

“Back to the ranch? The city has culture, theater, music and everything one could wish for. You should stay a while and take in everything Portland has to offer,” James told him.

“He’s right, Darius. There’s a lot in the city to do. I adore living the urban life.” Samantha smiled at her co-worker.

The edges of Darius’ composure cracked. Every cell in his body screamed to distrust this blond man held in such high regard by Samantha.

“I don’t think so. I visit Portland enough on business. I need to return home, and bring this woman with me. She’ll find plenty to keep her happy. Our ranch has wide, open spaces and freedom, and if she desires theater or music, the city does offer a wide selection of both—and it’s close by.” He glanced at Sam. “The Mitchell Ranch is a perfect place to raise a family.”

She looked away, but he saw the flush of passion creeping up her neck. James studied her, a vein jumping in his throat. He turned back to Darius.

The Other’s eyes shifted, turning from pale blue to bright green to scarlet. He blinked, and then they were normal again.

“Have a little problem with your contacts?” Darius asked. “For a moment, your eyes looked red.”

James looked bewildered. “Dust, perhaps. We were discussing life on your ranch. Tell me about Montana.”

“My state is peaceful, lots of range with wild, open spaces. Billings is the closest city and offers all the advantages you can find here in Portland.”

“Ah, it sounds wonderful.” James turned to Samantha. “I should pay Montana a visit some time. But I must admit a preference for Oregon’s coast. What about you, Samantha?”

“I like living in Oregon, and the city. There’s so much to do after a hard day at the office.” She beamed at James.

Darius watched the man carefully and inhaled the same odd scent. What the hell was he? He knew James was Other, but could not pinpoint his origins.

He decided to remove the gloves and go in full speed ahead. He pinned James with a severe look. “What the hell are you?”

Sam choked on a sip of tea.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You’re playacting at a role. Why? What species are you? And why are you such good friends with Sam? What do you want from her?”

“Darius,” she hissed. “Stop it.”

Darius leaned back, disturbed she had no clue about her friend’s real origins.

James laughed. “Truly, Darius, you have nothing to fear from me. I am gay.” He smiled at Sam, reached for her hand and squeezed it. “It’s why Samantha and I get along so well. She considers me to be like a girlfriend, only with better fashion sense.”

He winked at her. Darius was not appeased. The male hid something, but what?

Temper rising, he gave James a long, steady look. “I don’t care about sexual preferences. I have gay friends and I know exactly what they are.”

Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, locking his gaze to James. “One is a wolf shifter and another is a cougar. They don’t hide behind a human façade like you. I don’t give a damn what you wear, only why you’ve chosen to wear Skin. I don’t trust Others who lie and pretend to be something they are not.”

The male’s eyes flashed red again, but he gave an amicable smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Giving a bright smile, Sam gestured to Darius. “Can I talk to you a moment? In private?”

He joined her just outside the restaurant, every cell in his body screaming caution, screaming for him to spirit Sam away from here and this Other who hid behind his Italian silk suit.

“Are you insane? Talking to him as if he knew about Others?”

“He knows about them,” Darius said grimly.

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