The Max Brand Megapack (190 page)

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Authors: Max Brand,Frederick Faust

Tags: #old west, #outlaw, #gunslinger, #Western, #cowboy

“What fool,” murmured Donnegan, “has told you that? What ass had told you that Lord Nick is a common sort?”

It shocked Joe Rix, but being a diplomat he avoided friction by changing his tactics.

“Between you and me,” he said calmly enough, “I took what I heard with a grain of salt. There’s something about Nick that ain’t common, no matter what they say. Besides, they’s some men that nobody but a fool would stand up to. It ain’t hardly a shame for a man to back down from ’em.”

He pointed this remark with a nod to Donnegan.

“I’ll give you a bit of free information,” said the little man, with his weary eyes lighted a little. “There’s no man on the face of the earth who could make Lord Nick back down.”

Once more Joe Rix was shocked to the verge of gaping, but again he exercised a power of marvelous self control “About that,” he remarked as pointedly as before, “I got my doubts. Because there’s some things that any gent with sense will always clear away from. Maybe not one man—but say a bunch of all standin’ together.”

Donnegan leaned back in his chair and waited. Both of his hands remained drooping from the edge of the table, and the tired eyes drifted slowly across the face of Joe Rix.

It was obviously not the aftereffects of liquor. The astonishing possibility occurred to Joe Rix that this seemed to be a man with a broken spirit and a great sorrow. He blinked that absurdity away.

“Coming to cases,” he went on, “there’s yourself, Mr. Donnegan. Now, you’re the sort of a man that don’t sidestep nobody. Too proud to do it. But even you, I guess, would step careful if there was a whole bunch agin’ you.”

“No doubt,” remarked Donnegan.

“I don’t mean any ordinary bunch,” explained Joe Rix, “but a lot of hard fellows. Gents that handle their guns like they was born with a holster on the hip.”

“Fellows like Nick’s crowd,” suggested Donnegan quietly.

At this thrust the eyes of Joe narrowed a little.

“Yes,” he admitted, “I see you get my drift.”

“I think so.”

“Two hard fighters would give the best man that ever pulled a gun a lot of trouble. Eh?”

“No doubt.”

“And three men—they ain’t any question, Mr. Donnegan—would get him ready for a hole in the ground.”

“I suppose so.”

“And four men would make it no fight—jest a plain butchery.”


“Now, I don’t mean that Nick’s crowd has any hard feeling about you, Mr. Donnegan.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“I knew you’d be. That’s why I’ve come, all friendly, to talk things over. Suppose you look at it this way—”

“Joe Rix,” broke in Donnegan, sighing, “I’m very tired. Won’t you cut this short? Tell me in ten words just how you stand.”

Joe Rix blinked once more, caught his breath, and fired his volley.

“Short talk is straight talk, mostly,” he declared. “This is what Lester and the rest of us want—the mines!”


“Macon stole ’em. We got ’em back through Landis. Now we’ve got to get ’em back through the colonel himself. But we can’t get at the colonel while you’re around.”

“In short, you’re going to start out to get me? I expected it, but it’s kind of you to warn me.”

“Wait, wait, wait! Don’t rush along to conclusions. We ain’t so much in a hurry. We don’t want you out of the way. We just want you on our side.”

“Shoot me up and then bring me back to life, eh?”

“Mr. Donnegan,” said the other, spreading out his hands solemnly on the table, “you ain’t doin’ us justice. We don’t hanker none for trouble with you. Any way it comes, a fight with you means somebody dead besides you. We’d get you. Four to one is too much for any man. But one or two of us might go down. Who would it be? Maybe the Pedlar, maybe Harry Masters, maybe Lester, maybe me! Oh, we know all that. No gunplay if we can keep away from it.”

“You’ve left out the name of Lord Nick,” said Donnegan.

Joe Rix winked.

“Seems like you tended to him once and for all when you got him alone in this cabin. Must have thrown a mighty big scare into him. He won’t lift a hand agin’ you now.”

“No?” murmured Donnegan hoarsely.

“Not him! But that leaves four of us, and four is plenty, eh?”


“But I’m not here to insist on that point. No, we put a value on keepin’ up good feeling between us and you, Mr. Donnegan. We ain’t fools. We know a man when we see him—and the fastest gunman that ever slid a gun out of leather ain’t the sort of a man that me and the rest of the boys pass over lightly. Not us! We know you, Mr. Donnegan; we respect you; we want you with us; we’re going to have you with us.”

“You flatter me and I thank you. But I’m glad to see that you are at last coming to the point.”

“I am, and the point is five thousand dollars that’s tied behind the hoss that stands outside your door.”

He pushed his fat hand a little way across the table, as though the gold even then were resting in it, a yellow tide of fortune.

“For which,” said Donnegan, “I’m to step aside and let you at the colonel?”


Donnegan smiled.

“Wait,” said Joe Rix. “I was makin’ a first offer to see how you stood, but you’re right. Five thousand ain’t enough and we ain’t cheapskates. Not us. Mr. Donnegan, they’s ten thousand cold iron men behind that saddle out there and every cent of it belongs to you when you come over on our side.”

But Donnegan merely dropped his chin upon his hand and smiled mirthlessly at Joe Rix. A wild thought came to the other man. Both of Donnegan’s hands were far from his weapons. Why not a quick draw, a snap shot, and then the glory of having killed this manslayer in single battle for Joe Rix?

The thought rushed red across his brain and then faded slowly. Something kept him back. Perhaps it was the singular calm of Donnegan; no matter how quiet he sat he suggested the sleeping cat which can leap out of dead sleep into fighting action at a touch. By the time a second thought had come to Joe Rix the idea of an attack was like an idea of suicide.

“Is that final?” he asked, though Donnegan had not said a word.

“It is.”

Joe Rix stood up.

“You put it to us kind of hard. But we want you, Mr. Donnegan. And here’s the whole thing in a nutshell. Come over to us. We’ll stand behind you. Lord Nick is slipping. We’ll put you in his place. You won’t even have to face him; we’ll get rid of him.”

“You’ll kill him and give his place to me?” asked Donnegan.

“We will. And when you’re with us, you cut in on the whole amount of coin that the mines turn out—and it’ll be something tidy. And right now, to show where we stand and how high we put you, I’ll let you in on the rock-bottom truth. Mr. Donnegan out there tied behind my saddle there’s thirty thousand dollars in pure gold. You can take it in here and weigh it out!”

He stepped back to watch this blow take effect. To his unutterable astonishment the little man had not moved. His chin still rested upon the back of his hand, and the smile which was on the lips and not in the eyes of Donnegan remained there, fixed.

“Donnegan,” muttered Joe Rix, “if we can’t get you, we’ll get rid of you. You understand?”

But the other continued to smile.

It gave Joe Rix a shuddering feeling that someone was stealing behind him to block his way to the door. He cast one swift glance over his shoulder and then, seeing that the way was clear, he slunk back, always keeping his face to the red-headed man. But when he came to the doorway his nerve collapsed. He whirled, covered the rest of the distance with a leap, and emerged from the cabin in a fashion ludicrously like one who has been kicked through a door.

His nerve returned as soon as the sunlight fell warmly upon him again; and he looked around hastily to see if anyone had observed his flight.

There was no one on the whole hillside except Colonel Macon in the invalid chair, and the colonel was smiling broadly, beneficently. He had his perfect hands folded across his breast and seemed to cast a prayer of peace and goodwill upon Joe Rix.


Nelly Lebrun smelled danger. She sensed it as plainly as the deer when the puma comes between her and the wind. The many tokens that something was wrong came to her by small hints which had to be put together before they assumed any importance.

First of all, her father, who should have burst out at her in a tirade for having left Lord Nick for Donnegan said nothing at all, but kept a dark smile on his face when she was near him. He even insinuated that Nick’s time was done and that another was due to supersede him.

In the second place, she had passed into a room where Masters, Joe Rix, and the Pedlar sat cheek by jowl in close conference with a hum of deep voice. But at her appearance all talk was broken off.

It was not strange that they should not invite her into their confidence if they had some dark work ahead of them; but it was exceedingly suspicious that Joe Rix attempted to pass off their whispers by immediately breaking off the soft talk and springing into the midst of a full-fledged jest; also, it was strangest of all that when the jest ended even the Pedlar, who rarely smiled, now laughed uproariously and smote Joe soundingly upon the back.

Even a child could have strung these incidents into a chain of evidence which pointed toward danger. Obviously the danger was not directly hers, but then it must be directed at some one near to her. Her father? No, he was more apt to be the mainspring of their action. Lord Nick? There was nothing to gain by attacking him. Who was left? Donnegan!

As the realization came upon her it took her breath away for a moment. Donnegan was the man. At breakfast everyone had been talking about him. Lebrun had remarked that he had a face for the cards—emotionless. Joe Rix had commented upon his speed of hand, and the Pedlar had complimented the little man on his dress.

But at lunch not a word was spoken about Donnegan even after she had dexterously introduced the subject twice. Why the sudden silence? Between morning and noon Donnegan must have grievously offended them.

Fear for his sake stimulated her; but above and beyond this, indeed, there was a mighty feminine curiosity. She smelled the secret; it reeked through the house, and she was devoured by eagerness to know. She handpicked Lord Nick’s gang in the hope of finding a weakness among them; some weakness upon which she could play in one of them and draw out what they were all concealing. The Pedlar was as unapproachable as a crag on a mountaintop. Masters was wise as an outlaw broncho. Lester was probably not even in the confidence of the others because since the affair with Landis his nerve had been shattered to bits and the others secretly despised him for being beaten by the youngster at the draw. There remained, therefore, only Joe Rix.

But Joe Rix was a fox of the first quality. He lied with the smoothness of silk. He could show a dozen colors in as many moments. Come to the windward of Joe Rix? It was a delicate business! But since there was nothing else to do, she fixed her mind upon it, working out this puzzle. Joe Rix wished to destroy Donnegan for reasons that were evidently connected with the mines. And she must step into his confidence to discover his plans. How should it be done? And there was a vital need for speed, for they might be within a step of executing whatever mischief it was that they were planning.

She went down from her room; they were there still, only Joe Rix was not with them. She went to the apartment where he and the other three of Nick’s gang slept and rapped at the door. He maintained his smile when he saw her, but there was an uncertain quiver of his eyebrows that told her much. Plainly he was ill at ease. Suspicious? Ay, there were always clouds of suspicion drifting over the red, round face of Joe Rix. She put a tremor of excitement and trouble in her voice.

“Come into my room, Joe, where we won’t be interrupted.”

He followed her without a word, and since she led the way she was able to relax her expression for a necessary moment. When she closed the door behind him and faced Joe again she was once more ready to step into her part. She did not ask him to sit down. She remained for a moment with her hand on the knob and searched the face of Joe Rix eagerly.

“Do you think he can hear?” she whispered, gesturing over her shoulder.


“Who but Lord Nick!” she exclaimed softly.

The bewilderment of Joe clouded his face a second and then he was able to smooth it away. What on earth was the reason of her concern about Lord Nick he was obviously wondering.

“I’ll tell you why,” she said, answering the unspoken question at once. “He’s as jealous as the devil, Joe!”

The fat little man sighed as he looked at her.

“He can’t hear. Not through that log wall. But we’ll talk soft, if you want.”

“Yes, yes. Keep your voice down. He’s already jealous of you, Joe.”

“Of me?”

“He knows I like you, that I trust you; and just now he’s on edge about everyone I look at.”

The surprising news which the first part of this sentence contained caused Joe to gape, and the girl looked away in concern, enabling him to control his expression. For she knew well enough that men hate to appear foolishly surprised. And particularly a fox like Joe Rix.

“But what’s the trouble, Nelly?” He added with a touch of venom: “I thought everything was going smoothly with you. And I thought you weren’t worrying much about what Lord Nick had in his mind.”

She stared at him as though astonished.

“Do you think just the same as the rest of them?” she asked sadly. “Do you mean to say that you’re fooled just the same as Harry Masters and the Pedlar and the rest of those fools—including Nick himself?”

Joe Rix was by no means willing to declare himself a fool beforehand. He now mustered a look of much reserved wisdom.

“I have my own doubts, Nell, but I’m not talking about them.”

He was so utterly at sea that she had to bite her lip hard to keep from breaking into ringing laughter.

“Oh, I knew that you’d seen through it, Joe,” she cried softly. “You see what an awful mess I’ve gotten into?”

He passed a hurried hand across his forehead and then looked at her searchingly. But he could not penetrate her pretense of concern.

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