The Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher (vintage erotica) (12 page)

“Nothing,” I whispered. “Nothing? What did he want with you?” “You know, father,” I answered. “Did he poke you?” he angrily asked. “Yes-but you sent me out there!” “He poked you?” “I couldn't help it.” I tried to quiet him. “Come here at once!” he commanded. “Oh, what are you going to do, father?”

He pulled me over onto the bed, spread my legs apart, getting between them. I reached for his shaft, which had never seemed so hard before. “Never mind, father,” I said, “you may do it to me as often as you like. I will never let that scoundrel do it to me again!”

“Shut up, you whore!” he said, and pushed into me a far as his throbbing lance would go. “You are nothing but a whore-and now he poked you too-he too-and did he put it in your mouth, too?” “I am 'coming' father-I am 'coming'-oh!” “I want to know, did he put it in your mouth?” “Yes, father, he did everything!” I told him what he wanted to hear. “He did everything-he put it all over me-he 'sucked me off also-oh, I am 'coming'-faster-faster-!” “And did you 'go off' with him?” “Yes,” I answered. I was embarrassed no more. “Yes, I went off several times!” I had hardly uttered these words when he sent an awful discharge against my womb. Exhausted, we both fell asleep. The next morning nothing was said. Several days passed. Father and Rudolph had not spoken during all this time. Then, one evening we had just finished our supper and father sat smoking his pipe. Rudolph came in. “Good evening, neighbor,” he cheerfully grunted to father, placing two bottles of wine on the table. “Shall we have some wine together?” Father liked wine, so he smiled, saying: “I don't mind.” Rudolph went on, very friendly: “I hope that we are not enemies? What say you-?' “No!” laughed father. “Not enemies. On account of Pepi, you mean-?” “Neighbor, you are a fine fellow-let us be merry. From today on, I am your friend. Let us make an evening of it-are you willing?” “Agreed,” said father, and I began to think that they were both going to poke me. But, Rudolph relieved my mind saying: “Neighbor, you will not object if I invite my sweetheart to be present?” “What sweetheart?” inquired father, astonished. “She is waiting out in the hall,” Rudolph said. “I beg of you to have her come in!” Rudolph and father called us. As we came to them, Rudolph wanted to put his hand on me.

“No,” mumbled father, “I will poke my daughter -my daughter does not have to poke strangers in whom she has no concern.” This angered Rudolph, but Zenzi sat down on his lap and busied herself with his shaft. I did the same to my father. Soon we were all at it. Father reached for Zenzi s pointed breasts, while Rudolph did the same to me. That night we all slept in the two beds in our room. Zenzi and I could not sleep, but the two men snored. After a while, Zenzi asked me: “Do you feel that you would like another poke?” “Yes,” I answered. “But it is impossible to wake them.” That makes no difference,” she said, and laughed. “When he is drunk-I poke him anyway!” She took his shaft in her mouth. It stiffened at once. I did the same to father. Both lances now stood up stiff before us.

“Which one do you want?” I asked her. “Neither!” she said. “1 have had enough. I don't want any more!” “Well, what shall we do?” I inquired. “You take both!” she laughed. Following her directions, I squatted down on father, my back towards his head. Zenzi guided his shaft into my grotto. I began bobbing up and down on it.

“Is it good that way?” Zenzi asked. “Yes,” I answered.

“Wait! I shall how you something,” she said, and reaching down she started to play with my twig. I now danced a regular jig. Father moaned in his sleep. Zenzi started to suck my nipples. I was about to “come” for the second time-when father let go of his discharge. It seemed like a pail full-as though all the wine that he had drunk had suddenly broke loose. “Now come over to Rudolph,” Zenzi cried. She crawled after me, now performing the same duty as before. I soon was jumping up and down again, holding her and singing the same old song, I am 'coming'-oh! Oh! I am 'coming'-I'm 'coming'!” Rudolph ground his teeth and coughed, but did not wake up. He was in a sound, drunken sleep. “I am 'coming' again-oh, Zenzi-I am 'coming,'“ I yelled. “With Rudolph, one always comes,” she whispered. I grabbed her titties. I hardly knew why. I played with them. I felt that I had to do something. Finally I sobbed: “I am through-help me down!” “No,” she said, “you must stay until Rudolph 'goes off,'”-which he finally did, the discharge rising like a fountain inside of me. When the last drop had been spent, we both sank down between the two sleeping men. But the night had not passed as yet. Now Zenzi began to cry: “Oh, my-oh, my-now I want some, too-I want some too!” “Why don't you do the same that I did?” I suggested. “No! No! That is impossible; they will not stand for it!” “Try it,” I encouraged her. She began with father, rubbing and playing with him, finally taking his shaft in her mouth. But it was useless. She could not make it rise. She then turned to Rudolph, who proved equally incapable of rising to the occasion.

Finally she came to me, sobbing: “Oh, Lord! Now I am worse off then before!” I laughed. “You can laugh!” she snapped, “You have Had yours. I was a damn fool for letting you!” I laughed still harder. “But, what shall I do?” she moaned, helplessly moving back and forth. Suddenly she took my hand and put it between her legs, and, begging, said: “You do it to me, won't you?” “How can I do it?” “I want to be poked-come on-won't you?” She lay on her back and made me get on top of her, rubbing her mound against mine for a while. Then she made me put my hand between her legs, using my finger as though it were a shaft. “There-there-that feels so good! Put your finger all the way in-!” She now started playing with my titties, and with her free hand played with my grotto. Finally she said: “I am 'coming'-I am 'coming,' oh-!” I used my finger as best I could. Throwing her arms around me, she hugged me. Taking my nipples in her mouth, she aroused my passion as Rudolph went out and immediately returned with his sweetheart. She was barely fifteen and very pretty, with a turned-up nose, cute eyes and a broad mouth. I noticed that her breasts were unusually large, standing far apart, straight and solid. When she walked, they shook. The entertainment began. Rudolph was very witty. The girl's name was Zenzi; she laughed at everything that he said. The wine started to work. Rudolph, embracing Zenzi, took one of her little titties in his hand, saving to Father: “That is some tittle, neighbor-hard as a rock!” She laughed out loud, and father eyed the tittle in Rudolph's hand. Father did not move. Rudolph released her, and, coming towards me, not noticing father, he put his hand on my breasts, saying: “Yes, Pepi has nice, hard titties too-never any nicer-very nice indeed-just as nice as Zenzi's, only smaller, not so pointed, but more round.” “Zenzi!” commanded Rudolph, “show this gentleman your titties!” Zenzi laughed again. Obediently she unbuttoned her blouse, then her chemise. One breast popped out. It was wonderful! How pointed and solid it stood! The nipple looked like a small teat grown onto the larger one. I was admiring it and did not notice that Rudolph now slipped his hand under my chemise and then on my breasts. “Well, what do you say?” Rudolph asked father.

“Very nice-very nice indeed!” father said. He could not resist putting his hand on the girl's marvelous appendages. He made them bounce up and down. “Enjoy yourself, neighbor!” said Rudolph.

Father now held the breasts. Zenzi stepped closer to him and laughed. “Zenzi!” commanded Rudolph, “play with the gentleman!”

Obediently, she unbuttoned father's trousers; quickly taking out his shaft, she fondled it. Then she looked into father's eyes and laughed. “If you want to poke Zenzi, you may, with pleasure!” called Rudolph. “It is only right, neighbor, since I poked Pepi.”

Father did not reply, but permitted Zenzi to continue rubbing his shaft. “Zenzi,” said Rudolph, “you will let the gentleman do whatever he wants. Do you understand?” Zenzi understood. Raising her dress, she prepared to sit on father's knees. “Zenzi!” called Rudolph, “What do you do first?” Immediately she knelt before my father and his shaft disappeared into her mouth! Rudolph got up. “Now then, I will leave her with you, neighbor,” he said, “and I will take Pepi with me. Are you willing?” Father nodded as if quite embarrassed. However, he got up and threw Zenzi on the bed and got on top of her. She laughed loudly, and with one quick move steered him to the right “place.” Rudolph and I watched as my father began to work. Zenzi now whispered: “Ah, you poke nice-so nice-that's good!” Rudolph and I were very passionate. “Well, now,” he said, “we need not mind them.” Promptly he threw me on the other bed and I felt him pushing his shaft inside me. We were a fine quartette. Father breathed hard: “Give me your titties, Zenzi! Push harder!-There! That is good!” Rudolph coughed. “Heaven and earth-but that is good! That is the way that I like it-go slow-we have time-! I called out: “I am 'coming'-father-Rudolph- I am 'coming'-!” Zenzi whispered: “Oh, poke me-make me a baby-poke me-yes-yes-bite the titties-bite them off-oh, Rudolph!-he is sucking my titties-he is poking me-!” Soon both Rudolph and my father reached their goals. Their bellowing, snorting and coughing mingled with the squealings, sobbings and hard breathings of us two girls. When we had finished, Rudolph called to Zenzi: “Come and sleep with me!” Zenzi got up. Upon leaving, Rudolph remarked to father: “The next 'round' each will have with his own!” Father rolled over to my side and began at one to play with my titties. I got busy with his shaft, trying to bring on another erection. Not meeting immediately with successful result, I turned around, and as I was getting under father, decided to try the new art which I had recently learned from Rudolph. Placing my hips over my father's face, my head between his legs, I licked and sucked his staff. Immediately the tired tool started to stand. We heard Zenzi in the other room, say: “Poke me, Rudi, please-You do it best of all-Oh! Rudi!-Of all the shafts that I ever had, you are the best of all!-Oh, poke me hard!-there!-there-in and out, in and out-ah-ah-I will do anything you say Rudi-oh!-Rudi!” He answered: “Shut up, you goose, and let me poke!” “Does she do it well?” I asked father as he began to work on me. “Yes, very good-so warm-so tight.” “Better than I? I asked, as I moved up and down with my hips. “No, no! Now faster-faster with your hips-oh faster-!” And I answered: “Oh, poke me-oh, please, poke me-there-you do it best that way!” “I just learned that from Zenzi,” father replied. From then on, Zenzi lived with us. She slept with Rudolph in the kitchen and busied herself around the house with me during the day. She was patient and obedient in every way. I soon became accustomed to her. Sometimes she slept with father; on those nights I slept with Rudolph. The two men got along well together and shared us as they saw fit. One day as I was returning home, I found Mr. Horak feeling of Zenzi's titties. Zenzi called out: “Hello, Pepi!” Horak barely noticed me. I found Rudolph in the kitchen. He inquired: “Have you seen Zenzi?” Angry with her for having so thoroughly captivated my ex-lover, I answered: “Yes, down the hall.” “Who was with her?” he asked.

“Mr. Horak,” I replied. “So? What is she doing with him?”

“I don't know-I just saw him feeling her titties.” “Well, well,” he laughed, “if that affords him any pleasure, he is welcome.”

After a long time, Zenzi came in. I expected a scene and listened to them. “Where have you been so long?” asked Rudolph. “He poked me already!” she said, laughingly. “Where?” Rudolph asked, astonished. “In the cellar,” he said. “And?” he pressed.

“Two gulden-there it is-” said she, giving him some money.

Rudolph laughed and then sent her for some cigarettes. A few days later, Zenzi came home at dusk, accompanied by a man. Opening the door slightly, she whispered to Rudolph: “Who is there?” “Come into the other room,” Rudolph told me. As we reached it we heard a man walking into the kitchen. Rudolph and I listened at the door.

Zenzi said to the man: “Make yourself comfortable.” “Oh, no,” he said, “I will just unbutton my trousers.” We then heard Zenzi: “Yes-what a nice little shaft-and how it stands-!” He said: “Remove your chemise from your breasts.” She replied: “Shall I undress?” It would be better,” he answered. After a pause we heard a noise as if someone were falling on the bed.

Immediately we heard Zenzi moan: “Ah poke me-poke me nice-there!” The man interrupted, saying: “Keep still; I can't bear talking while I am poking.” The hog!” whispered Rudolph.

Through listening I became amorous and reached for Rudolph's trousers. He pushed me away, saying: “Stop that! I have no time now!”

In the kitchen the bed was creaking, the man grunting and Zenzi breathing hard. Finally she laughed, saying: “Now, it is over!”

The man got out of bed. Zenzi said: “Now, you are already dressed.” We heard money rattle. Then the man opened the door and disappeared. Zenzi came in, naked and laughing. She handed three gulden to Rudolph. “I got three gulden,” she said. Rudolph put the money in his pocket, saying: “Dress yourself!” She put on her clothes, telling us what a nice man she had had and what a short, thick shaft he possessed. Rudolph interrupted her and sent her for some wine and cigarettes. As soon as she was gone, he asked me: “Now do you want to be poked?” Not waiting for an answer, he backed me against the wall and poked me standing up. Then he said: “Tonight you will sleep with me.” Father came home soon, and he and Rudolph both got drunk. Father was continually feeling under Zenzi's clothes. “I would like to-yes, I'd like to-” he stammered. “Undress yourself!” commanded Rudolph, and she obeyed at once. “You too!” father said to me. I took off my clothes, all of them, the same as Zenzi. We kept up until, finally exhausted, we went to sleep. After that night we were fast friends. I often played with her titties like a man, and she with mine. The next day we slept until broad daylight. Lorenz came home from the shop to find out why father did not come to work. Father told him that he was sick. Without even one look at me, he left.

These drunken orgies now were repeated at short intervals. Zenzi brought men to the house quite often. Rudolph did not work any more.

One day Zenzi came in with a man. We judged from his voice that he was old. When he undressed, Zenzi laughed: “Oh, such a little 'root!'“ The old man remonstrated: “Oh, that is nothing; that makes no difference; when he gets stiff, he will get much larger, all right!” After some time, she called out: “But he won't stand!”

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