Read The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect Online

Authors: Roger Williams

Tags: #Science Fiction

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect (18 page)

Caroline stopped typing and looked at the line. She hit the backspace key four times and continued:



Why did you reduce them to static copies?


There was no reason to tie up resources supporting them and the faint possibility, if one of them were to discover technology, that they might pose a threat.

Caroline wanted to throw up.



Where did you get the dog that infected me with rabies?


I have a static copy of the Earth at the time of the Change. I located the dog there and created an active copy of it for your exhibition.


I thought you just simulated them.


Using the static copy is less work. I only use simulations when there are no suitable originals, or when a human form is involved, since it is unethical to keep multiple active copies of people.


But it's open season on animals.


Some people are bothered, but my actions are consistent with the general pre-Change attitude of humans toward animals.


Were any of the alien life forms intelligent?


Four hundred and twenty-nine worlds had structures complex enough to be in danger of learning to use technology.

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