The Mistborn Trilogy (113 page)

Read The Mistborn Trilogy Online

Authors: Brandon Sanderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #bought-and-paid-for

Zane leaned even closer, and Vin looked up at him, their faces just inches from each other. He shook his head in the soft mists. “But tell me—why is it that people like you and me always have to be the knives?”

Inside the tent, Straff was growing concerned. “No one is that powerful, boy,” he said, “not even a Mistborn. She might be able to kill some of my generals, but she’d never get to me. I have my own Mistborn.”

“Oh?” Elend said. “And why hasn’t he killed her? Because he’s afraid to attack? If you kill me, Father—if you even make so much as a
toward my city—then she’ll begin the slaughter. Men will die like prisoners before the fountains on a day of execution.”

“I thought you said he was above this kind of thing,” Zane whispered. “You claimed you weren’t his tool. You said he wouldn’t use you as an assassin….”

Vin shuffled uncomfortably. “He’s bluffing, Zane,” she said. “He’d never actually do anything like that.”

“She is an Allomancer like you’ve never seen, Father,” Elend said, voice muffled by the tent. “I’ve seen her fight other Allomancers—none of them can even touch her.”

“Is that true?” Zane asked.

Vin paused. Elend hadn’t actually ever seen her attack other Allomancers. “He saw me attack some soldiers once, and I’ve told him about my fights with other Allomancers.”

“Ah,” Zane said softly. “So it’s only a small lie, then. Those are fine when one is king. Many things are. Exploiting one person to save an entire kingdom? What leader wouldn’t pay such a cheap price? Your freedom in exchange for his victory.”

“He’s not using me,” Vin said.

Zane stood. Vin turned slightly, watching carefully as he walked into the mists, away from tents, torches, and soldiers. He paused, standing a short distance away, looking up. Even with the light of tent and fires, this camp was claimed by the mists. It spun all around them. From within it, the torchlight and campfires seemed insignificant. Like dying coals.

“What is this to
” Zane said quietly, sweeping a hand around him. “Can he ever understand the mists? Can he ever understand you?”

“He loves me,” Vin said, glancing back at the shadowed forms. They had fallen quiet for a moment, Straff obviously considering Elend’s threats.

“He loves
?” Zane asked. “Or he loves
having you

“Elend isn’t like that,” Vin said. “He’s a good man.”

“Good or not, you aren’t like him,” Zane said, voice echoing in the night to her tin-enhanced ears. “Can he understand what it is like to be one of us? Can he know the things we know, care about the things we love? Has he ever seen those?” Zane gestured upward, toward the sky. Far beyond the mists, lights shone in the sky, like tiny freckles. Stars, invisible to the normal eye. Only a person burning tin could penetrate the mists and see them shining.

She remembered the first time Kelsier had shown them to her. She remembered how stunned she had been that the stars had been there all along, invisible beyond the mists….

Zane continued to point upward. “Lord Ruler!” Vin whispered, taking a small step away from the tent. Through the swirling mists, in the reflected light of the tent, she could see something on Zane’s arm.

The skin was covered with thin white streaks. Scars.

Zane immediately lowered his arm, hiding the scarred flesh with his sleeve.

“You were in the Pits of Hathsin,” Vin said quietly. “Like Kelsier.”

Zane looked away.

“I’m sorry,” Vin said.

Zane turned back, smiling in the night. It was a firm, confident smile. He stepped forward. “I understand you, Vin.”

Then he bowed slightly to her and jumped away, disappearing into the mists. Inside the room, Straff spoke to Elend.

“Go. Leave here.”



The carriage rolled away. Straff stood outside his tent, heedless of the mists, still feeling a bit stunned.

I let him go. Why did I let him go?

Yet—even now—he could feel her touch slamming against him. One emotion after another, like a treasonous maelstrom within him, and then…nothing. Like a massive hand, grabbing his soul and squeezing it into painful submission. It had felt the way he thought death might.

No Allomancer could be that powerful.

Zane respects her,
Straff thought.
And everyone says she killed the Lord Ruler. That little thing. It couldn’t be.

It seemed impossible. And apparently, that was just the way she wanted it to seem.

Everything had been going so well. The information provided by Zane’s kandra spy had been accurate: Elend
try to make an alliance. The frightening thing about it was that Straff might have gone along with it, assuming Elend to be of no consequence, if the spy hadn’t sent warning.

Even so, Elend had bested him. Straff had even been
for their feint of weakness, and he had still fallen.

She’s so powerful….

A figure in black stepped out of the mists and walked up to Straff. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Father,” Zane said with a smile. “Your own, perhaps?”

“Was there anyone else out there, Zane?” Straff asked, too shaken for repartee at the moment. “Another couple of Mistborn, perhaps, helping her?”

Zane shook his head. “No. She really is that strong.” He turned to walk back out into the mists.

“Zane!” Straff snapped, making the man pause. “We’re going to change plans. I want you to kill her.”

Zane turned. “But—”

“She’s too dangerous. Plus, we now have the information we wanted to get from her. They don’t have the atium.”

“You believe them?” Zane asked.

Straff paused. After how thoroughly he’d been manipulated this evening, he wasn’t going to trust anything he thought he’d learned. “No,” he decided. “But we’ll find it another way. I want that girl

“Are we attacking the city for real, then?”

Straff almost gave the order right then, commanding his armies to prepare for a morning assault. The preliminary attack had gone well, showing that the defenses were hardly impressive. Straff could take that wall, then use it against Cett.

However, Elend’s final words before departing this evening made him stop.
Send your armies against my city, Father,
the boy had said,
and die. You’ve felt her power—you know what she can do. You can try and hide, you can even conquer my city.

But she will find you. And she will kill you.

Your only option is to wait. I’ll contact you when my armies are prepared to attack Cett. We’ll strike together, as I said earlier.

Straff couldn’t depend on that. The boy had changed—had become strong, somehow. If Straff and Elend attacked together, Straff had no illusions as to how quickly he’d be betrayed. But Straff couldn’t attack Luthadel while that girl was alive. Not knowing her strength, having felt her touch on his emotions.

“No,” he finally said to Zane’s question. “We won’t attack. Not until you kill her.”

“That might be harder than you make it sound, Father,” Zane said. “I’ll need some help.”

“What kind of help?”

“A strike team. Allomancers that can’t be traced.”

Zane was speaking of a particular group. Most Allomancers were easy to identify because of their noble lineages. Straff, however, had access to some special resources. There was a reason that he had so many mistresses—dozens and dozens of them. Some thought it was just because he was lustful.

That wasn’t it at all. More mistresses meant more children. And more children, born from a high noble line like his, meant more Allomancers. He’d only spawned one Mistborn, but there were many Mistings.

“It will be done,” Straff said.

“They might not survive the encounter, Father,” Zane warned, still standing in the mists.

That awful sensation returned. The sense of nothingness, the horrible knowledge that someone else had complete and total control over his emotions. Nobody should have that much power over him. Especially not Elend.

He should be dead. He came right to me. And I let him go.

“Get rid of her,” Straff said. “Do anything you need to, Zane. Anything.”

Zane nodded, then walked away with a self-satisfied stroll.

Straff returned to his tent and sent for Hoselle again. She looked enough like Elend’s girl. It would do him good to remind himself that most of the time, he really was in control.



Elend sat back in the carriage, a little stunned.
I’m still alive!
he thought with growing excitement.
I did it! I convinced Straff to leave the city alone.

For a time, at least. Luthadel’s safety depended on Straff remaining frightened of Vin. But…well, any victory was an enormous one for Elend. He hadn’t failed his people. He was their king, and his plan—crazy though it might have seemed—had worked. The small crown on his head suddenly didn’t seem as heavy as it had before.

Vin sat across from him. She didn’t look nearly as pleased as she could have.

“We did it, Vin!” Elend said. “It wasn’t what we planned, but it worked. Straff won’t dare attack the city now.”

She nodded quietly.

Elend frowned. “Um, it’s because of you that the city will be safe. You know that, right? If you hadn’t been there…well, of course, if it hadn’t been for you, the entire Final Empire would still be enslaved.”

“Because I killed the Lord Ruler,” she said quietly.

Elend nodded.

“But it was
plan—the crew’s skills, the people’s strength of will—that freed the empire. I just held the knife.”

“You make it sound like a trivial thing, Vin,” he said. “It’s not! You’re a fantastic Allomancer. Ham says he can’t beat you even in an
fight anymore, and you’ve kept the palace free of assassins. There’s nobody like you in all of the Final Empire!”

Strangely, his words made her huddle into the corner just a little farther. She turned, watching out the window, eyes staring into the mists. “Thank you,” she said softly.

Elend wrinkled his brow.
Every time I begin to think I’ve figured out what’s going on in her head…
He moved over, putting an arm around her. “Vin, what’s wrong?”

She was silent, then finally shook her head, forcing a smile. “It’s nothing, Elend. You’re right to be excited. You were brilliant in there—I doubt even Kelsier could have manipulated Straff so neatly.”

Elend smiled, and pulled her close, impatient as the carriage rolled up to the dark city. The doors of Tin Gate opened hesitantly, and Elend saw a group of men standing just inside of the courtyard. Ham held aloft a lantern in the mists.

Elend didn’t wait for the carriage to stop on its own. He opened the door and hopped down as it was rolling to a halt. His friends began to smile eagerly. The gates thumped closed.

“It worked?” Ham asked hesitantly as Elend approached. “You did it?”

“Kind of,” Elend said with a smile, clasping hands with Ham, Breeze, Dockson, and finally Spook. Even the kandra, OreSeur, was there. He padded over to the carriage, waiting for Vin. “The initial feint didn’t go so well—my father didn’t bite on an alliance. But then I told him I’d kill him!”

“Wait. How was that a good idea?” Ham asked.

“We overlooked one of our greatest resources, my friends,” Elend said as Vin climbed down from the carriage. Elend turned, waving his hand toward her. “We have a weapon like nothing they can match! Straff expected me to come begging, and he was ready to control that situation. However, when I mentioned what would happen to him and his army if Vin’s anger was roused…”

“My dear man,” Breeze said. “You went into the camp of the strongest king in the Final Empire, and you

“Yes I did!”


“I know!” Elend said. “I told my Father that he
going to let me leave his camp and that he
going to leave Luthadel alone, otherwise I’d have Vin kill him and every general in his army.” He put his arm around Vin. She smiled at the group, but he could tell that something was still troubling her.

She doesn’t think I did a good job,
Elend realized.
She saw a better way to manipulate Straff, but she doesn’t want to spoil my enthusiasm.

“Well, guess we won’t need a new king,” Spook said with a smile. “I was kind of looking forward to taking the job….”

Elend laughed. “I don’t intend to vacate the position for quite some time yet. We’ll let the people know that Straff has been cowed, if temporarily. That should boost morale a bit. Then, we deal with the Assembly. Hopefully, they’ll pass a resolution to wait for me to meet with Cett like I just did with Straff.”

“Shall we have a celebration back at the palace?” Breeze asked. “As fond as I am of the mists, I doubt the courtyard is an appropriate place to be discussing these issues.”

Elend patted him on the back and nodded. Ham and Dockson joined him and Vin, while the others took the carriage they’d come in. Elend glanced oddly at Dockson as he climbed into the carriage. Ordinarily, the man would have chosen the other vehicle—the one Elend wasn’t in.

“Honestly, Elend,” Ham said as he settled into his seat. “I’m impressed. I half thought we were going to have to raid that camp to get you back.”

Elend smiled, eyeing Dockson, who sat down as the carriage began moving. He pulled open his satchel and took out a sealed envelope. He looked up and met Elend’s eyes. “This came from the Assembly members for you a short time ago, Your Majesty.”

Elend paused. Then he took it and broke the seal. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure,” Dockson said. “But…I’ve already started hearing rumors.”

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