The Modern Guide to Witchcraft (28 page)

Read The Modern Guide to Witchcraft Online

Authors: Skye Alexander

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #Religion, #Wicca

Go with the Flow

Although you may think this saying implies passivity, what it really recommends is that you put yourself into the stream of cosmic energy that flows through everything in the universe. What “go with the flow” really means is “stop resisting, and relax.” Swimming is a good analogy. If you relax, the water will buoy you up, but if you flail about, you could drown.

Instead of struggling to figure out everything with your rational mind, allow your intuition to kick in. Trust that the universe, your higher self, Divine Will, Source, or whatever term you prefer has everything under control—all you have to do is stop interfering with the plan. When you hook into something larger than yourself, you discover that the big picture is way more amazing than you imagined.

The flow of a river is altered constantly by the curvature of the land that contains it, as well as by weather patterns and other factors. In the same way, the “flow” in your life changes as your goals and needs change. When you allow for that, you’re better equipped to seize opportunities, to face challenges, and to fulfill your potential. In short, you are empowered.


You’re in a rut. You really need to come up with some great new ideas, but you just don’t feel inspired. Chanting can spark your enthusiasm. Think how a crowd’s cheers raise energy and fire up a ball team. Incantations operate on the same principle.

  • A piece of paper
  • A pen that writes red ink
  • A drum, gong, or large bell
  • On a Tuesday during the waxing moon

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. On the paper, write an incantation that describes what you desire. It should praise you and your abilities with positive statements and imagery. Don’t worry about its literary quality—no one but you will hear it. The point is to make it upbeat and catchy.

When you’re satisfied with your rhyme, read it aloud. Then strike the drum, gong, or bell. Repeat the incantation again, and again, sounding the drum/gong/bell each time. If you prefer, you can strike the drum/gong/bell after each line or after each word of the incantation. Feel the sounds stimulating your energy. Feel the blockages within you crumbling. Feel your confidence growing. Continue for as long as you like. When you feel inspired, stop and open the circle.

Inspired Dreams

Some of the greatest moments of inspiration occur while we are sleeping. For example, the 2010 movie
starring Leonardo DiCaprio is based on director Christopher Nolan’s own dreams. The Beatles’s hugely successful song “Yesterday” came to Paul McCartney in a dream. So did the story for Stephen King’s novel


You’ve got to make a good impression, but you feel anxious and uncertain. Whether you’re going for a job interview, giving a presentation, or meeting with someone you admire, this lucky charm helps you shine. Remember, the key to success is believing in yourself.

  • Sandalwood incense
  • An incense burner
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Red nail polish or red paint
  • A small brush
  • A small stone
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen
  • An orange cloth pouch, preferably silk
  • Cedar chips
  • Cinnamon
  • Dried parsley
  • A yellow ribbon 6" long
  • Salt water
  • On Sunday, preferably when the sun or moon is in Leo

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense in its burner and light it. Use the nail polish or paint to draw the rune
, which looks like two ×s stacked one on top of the other, on the stone. This rune represents new beginnings, fertility, and power.

While the nail polish or paint is drying, write on the paper what you intend to accomplish. Whom do you wish to impress? What results do you desire from this meeting? As you write your list of objectives, see yourself already achieving them. When you’ve finished, fold the paper so it’s small enough to fit into the pouch and say aloud: “This is now accomplished in harmony with Divine Will, my own true will, and for the good of all.”

Put the stone, paper, cedar, cinnamon, and parsley into the pouch. Tie the pouch closed with the ribbon, making three knots. Hold the image of your success in your mind as you tie the knots. Sprinkle the talisman with salt water, then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge the charm.

Open the circle. To bring good luck, carry this talisman in your pocket or purse when you go to your meeting. Just knowing it’s there will increase your self-confidence and help you make a good impression.


In karate, the belt you wear signifies your level of skill and accomplishment. The belt you create in this spell is not only a badge of your ability, it actually enhances your personal power.

  • Music that energizes you and that signifies power to you
  • A purple cord long enough to circle your waist three times (drapery cord is perfect, but you can use any material you like)
  • During the waxing moon, preferably on Sunday

Collect the items needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Begin playing the music you’ve selected. Close your eyes and allow the music to stimulate you, making you feel stronger and more energetic. Let your breathing become deeper.

Grasp the purple cord in your hands as you see yourself drawing up silvery light from the earth. Feel the light flow up your legs, into your torso, arms, and head. Next, visualize yourself drawing golden light down from the heavens, into the crown of your head. Feel this light flow into your torso, arms, and legs until your whole body resonates with it. Imagine these two forces blending harmoniously in and around you, increasing your vitality, confidence, and personal power.

Holding on to this sensation, open your eyes and begin tying knots in the cord. See yourself capturing some of the energy you’ve raised into each knot you tie. Tie as many knots as you like—just make sure the cord will still fit around your waist. When you’re finished tying the knots, wrap the belt around your waist and secure it. Open the circle.

Wear this “power belt” to help you address whatever challenges you face. If at any time you need a quick rush of vitality or courage, untie one of the knots and release the energy it holds.


Setbacks, disappointments, losses, or frustrating circumstances can make you feel like giving up. In this spell you draw upon the fire power of the universe and get assistance from the fire elementals we talked about in
Chapter 5
to bolster your vitality and confidence.

  • 9 small red votive candles
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A magick wand
  • During the waxing moon, preferably on Tuesday or when the sun and/or moon is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius

Arrange the candles in a circle around you, in a place where you can safely leave them to burn down completely. Beginning in the east, light the candles one at a time as you move in a clockwise direction around the circle (making sure that you’ll be inside the circle when you’re finished). When all the candles are burning, stand in the center of the circle and face south.

Call out to the salamanders, the elementals who inhabit the element of fire. Tell them you have lit these nine candles in their honor. Explain your situation and request their assistance, by chanting the following incantation aloud:

“Beings of fire

Shining so bright

Fuel my desire

Increase my might.

Help me be strong

All the day long

So I’ll succeed

In every deed.”

You may notice faint flickerings of light—other than the candles—in the room. Or, you might sense the energy around you quickening. It may even seem a bit warmer. That means the salamanders are present and willing to work with you.

Take up your magick wand and point it toward the south—the region where the salamanders reside. Imagine you are drawing powerful energy in through the tip of your wand. You might see the wand glow or feel it tingle. Now turn the wand and aim it at yourself. Your movements should be strong and purposeful, not wimpy. Sense the energy you’ve attracted from the south flowing from the wand into your body. Feel yourself growing more powerful, more confident, more alive.

Continue using your wand to pull energy and courage from the south in this manner for as long as you like. Remain in the center of the circle of candles until they have all burned down completely. Thank the salamanders for their assistance and release them. Open the circle and leave with renewed vitality and confidence.


According to shamanic traditions, spirit animals provide power, protection, and guidance in this world and beyond. These animals can lend you their special powers to accomplish a particular task. For example, a cheetah can give you speed when you’re up against a deadline. An elephant can bring you strength to overcome obstacles. Foxes are clever and can show you how to dodge difficulties. Think about various animals and their distinctive qualities. Which animal’s characteristics do you need now? (See my book
The Secret Power of Spirit Animals
for more information.)

When you’ve chosen an animal helper, find a photograph, small figurine, or another symbol of that animal.

  • A black candle
  • A white candle
  • Two candleholders
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A photo, figurine, painting, or other image of the animal whose help you are soliciting
  • Any time

Collect all the listed ingredients. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the candles in their holders and set them on your altar (or another surface, such as a tabletop). As you face the altar, the black candle should be at your left and the white one on your right. Light the candles and place the image of the animal between them.

Gaze at the animal image. Sense this animal’s presence near you, not necessarily as a physical creature but as a spirit being who will accompany you wherever and whenever you need it. Breathe slowly and deeply, bringing into yourself the qualities you seek from that animal: strength, courage, speed, cunning, and so on. Feel your fear ebbing away. Ask this animal to share any suggestions that might help you. An answer may come in the form of a vision, insight, sensation, sound, scent, or inner knowing.

When you feel ready, extinguish the candles and pick up the image of your animal guardian. Open the circle. Carry the image with you to give you the power you seek.


Do you feel worn out at the end of the day, especially if you have to deal with a lot of people? When you’re around a difficult person, do you notice your energy diminishing? According to ancient Toltec teachings, you leave a bit of your own vitality behind with every individual you meet during the day. This ritual lets you reclaim the energy you’ve given away so you don’t get depleted.

  • None
  • At the end of each day, before going to sleep

Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed; turn off the TV, silence the phone, and so on. Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Begin recalling all the people you encountered and all the incidents that occurred during the day, one at a time.

Turn your head to the left and remember something in which you participated in some way. Inhale as you recall the thoughts and feelings you had, as well as the actions that took place. Then turn your head to the right and exhale, releasing the experience with your breath. Continue doing this until you’ve recapped every event of the day, from beginning to end, the little things as well as the big ones. Feel yourself relaxing and gaining strength with each memory you cast out.

Repeat this procedure every night. Daily practice keeps you from draining your natural energy resources.


This spell energizes the third chakra, located at your solar plexus. Energy healers connect this chakra with confidence and self-esteem.

  • 1 ballpoint pen
  • 4 yellow candles
  • Almond oil
  • 4 candleholders
  • Matches or a lighter
  • On a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday night, or during the full moon

With the ballpoint pen, carve a circle on each candle and make a dot in the center of the circle. This is the astrological symbol for the sun. Yellow, the sun’s color, is also the color associated with the solar plexus chakra. Rub almond oil on the candles to dress them, and then position them in their holders. Dab a little almond oil on your solar plexus, too, to energize it.

Place the four candles at the four cardinal directions and stand at the center of the space you’ve defined. Starting at the east, move clockwise as you light the candles, making sure you’ll be inside the circle when you’re finished. After you’ve lit all four candles, spend a few minutes drawing the fire energy from the candles into yourself. Inhale the scent of almond oil and imagine a golden-yellow ball of light glowing in your solar plexus. Let this light expand until it fills your whole body with warmth and confidence.

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