The Night's Dawn Trilogy (87 page)

Read The Night's Dawn Trilogy Online

Authors: Peter F. Hamilton

Tags: #FIC028000

“OK, they’ve given their position away,” she said. “Dean, Will: gaussguns, please. Fragmentation and electron-explosive rounds,
forty–sixty ratio.”

Will grinned inside his shell-helmet as he bent down to retrieve the heavy-duty weapon. The gaussgun barrel was dark grey
in colour, a metre and a half long. It weighed thirty kilograms. He picked it up as if it was made from polystyrene, checked
the feed tube was connected to the bulky magazine box at his feet, datavised in the ratio, and aimed it out through the shimmering
flames. Dean deployed its twin beside him.

Jenny had been probing through the flames, using her TIP carbine to determine the extent and location of the dead zone simply
by recording where it cut out. She datavised the coordinates over to Dean and Will: an oval area fifty metres long, roughly
three hundred metres away.

“One hundred and fifty per cent coverage,” she said. “Fire.” Even she had to marvel at how the two men handled the weapons.
The gaussguns hurled ten rounds a second, leaving the muzzle at five times the speed of sound. Yet they hardly moved as the
recoil hammered at them, swaying gently from side to side. She doubted her boosted muscles could cope.

Away beyond the first rank of flames, a wide island of intact jungle erupted in violent pyrotechnics. Explosions five metres
above the ground slammed out hundreds of thousands of slender crystallized carbon shrapnel blades. They scythed through the
air at supersonic velocity, sharp as scalpels, stronger than diamond. Those trees which had survived the firestorm disintegrated,
shredded instantly by the rabid aerial swarm. Confetti fragments blew apart like a dandelion cloud in a tornado.

The rest of the shrapnel impacted on the ground, slicing through the tangled mat of creepers, blades stabbing themselves thirty
to forty centimetres down into the loose moist loam. They never had a chance to settle. EE projectiles rained down, detonating
in hard vicious gouts of ionic flame. Plumes of black loam jetted up high into the ash-dimmed sky. The whole area was ruptured
by steep-walled two-metre craters, undulating like a sea swell.

Looking down on the desolation, it was hard to believe even an insect could have survived, let alone any large animal.

The three ESA agents stared through the ebbing flames at the dark cyclone of loam particles and wood splinters obscuring the

Jenny’s neural nanonics ran a series of diagnostic programs through her suit equipment blocks. “That electronic warfare field
has shut down,” she said. There was a faint quaver to her voice as she contemplated the destructive forces she had unleashed.
“Looks like we got them.”

“And everybody knows it,” Dean said flatly. “They must be able to see this fire halfway back to Durringham. The hostiles are
going to come swarming to investigate.”

“You’re right,” she said.

“They’re still there,” Will pronounced.

“What?!” Dean said. “You’ve cracked. Nothing could survive that kind of barrage, not even an army assault mechanoid. We blasted
those bastards to hell.”

“I’m telling you; they’re still out there,” Will insisted. He sounded nervous. Not like him at all.

His edginess crept in through the comfortable insulation of Jenny’s suit. Listening to him she was half convinced herself.
“If someone survived, that’s good,” she said. “I still want that captive for Hiltch. Let’s move out. We’d have to investigate
anyway. And we can’t stay here waiting for them to regroup.”

They quickly distributed the remaining ammunition and power cells from their packs, along with basic survival gear. Each of
them kept their TIP carbine; Will and Dean shouldered the gaussguns without a word of protest.

Jenny led off at a fast trot across the smouldering remnants of jungle, towards the area they had bombarded with the gaussguns.
She felt terribly exposed. The fire had died down, it had nothing left to burn. Away in the distance they could see a few
sporadic flames licking at bushes and knots of creeper. They were in the middle of a clearing nearly a kilometre across, the
only segment of colour. Everything was black, the remnants of creepers underfoot, tapering ten-metre spikes of trees devoured
by natural flames (as opposed to the white stuff the hostiles threw at them), cooked vennals that lay scattered everywhere,
other smaller animals, a savagely contorted corpse of one of the horses, even the air was leaden with a seam of fine dusky

She datavised her communication block to open a scrambled channel to Murphy Hewlett. To her surprise, he responded straight

“God, Jenny, what’s happened? We couldn’t raise you, then we saw that bloody great fire-fight. Are you all OK?”

“We’re in one piece, but we lost the horses. I think we did some damage to the hostiles.”

“Some damage?”

“Yeah. Murphy, watch out for a kind of white fire. So far they’ve only used it to set the vegetation alight, but our sensors
can’t pick up how they direct the bloody stuff. It just comes at you out of nowhere. But they hit you with an electronic warfare
field first. My advice is that if your electronics start to go, then lay down a scorch pattern immediately. Flush them away.”

“Christ. What the hell are we up against? First that paddle-boat illusion, now undetectable weapons.”

“I don’t know. Not yet, but I’m going to find out.” She was surprised at her own determination.

“Do you need assistance? It’s a long walk back to the boat.”

“Negative. I don’t think we should join up. Two groups still have a better chance to achieve our objective than one, nothing
has changed that.”

“OK, but we’re here if it gets too tough.”

“Thanks. Listen, Murphy, I’m not aiming to stay in this jungle after dark. Hell, we can’t even see them coming at us in the

“Now that sounds like the first piece of sensible advice you’ve given today.”

She referred to her neural nanonics. “There are another seven hours of daylight left. I suggest we try and rendezvous back
at the
in six hours from now. If we haven’t captured a hostile, or found out what the hell is going down around here, we can review
the situation then.”

“I concur.”

“Jenny,” Dean called with soft urgency.

“Call you back,” she told Murphy.

They had reached the edge of the barrage zone. Not even the tree stumps had survived here. Craters overlapped, producing a
crumpled landscape of unstable cones and holes; crooked brown roots poked up into the sky from most of the denuded soil slopes.
Long strands of steam, like airborne worms, wound slowly around the crumbling protrusions, sliding into the holes to pool
at the bottom.

Over on the far side she watched three men emerging from the craters, scrambling sluggishly for solid ground. They helped
each other along, wriggling on their bellies when the slippery loam proved impossible to stand on.

Jenny watched their progress in the same kind of bewildered daze which had engulfed her as the fantastical paddle-steamer
sailed down the river.

The men reached level ground sixty metres away from the ESA team, and stood up. Two were recognizable colonist types: dungarees,
thick cotton work shirts, and woolly beards. The third was dressed in some kind of antique khaki uniform: baggy trousers,
calves bound up by strips of yellowish cloth; a brown leather belt round his waist sporting a polished pistol holster; a hemispherical
metal hat with a five-centimetre rim.

They couldn’t possibly have survived, Jenny found herself thinking, yet here they were. For one wild second she wondered if
the electronic warfare field had won, and was feeding the hallucination directly into her neural nanonics.

The two groups stared at each other for over half a minute.

Jenny’s electronic warfare block reported a build-up of static in the short-range datavise band. It broke the spell. “OK,
let’s go get them,” she said.

They started to circle round the edge of the barrage zone. The three men watched them silently.

“Do you want all three?” Will asked.

“No, just one. The soldier must be equipped with the most powerful systems if he can create that kind of chameleon effect.
I’d like him if we can manage it.”

“I thought chameleon suits were supposed to blend in,” Dean muttered.

“I’m not even sure we’re seeing men,” Will added. “Maybe the xenocs are disguising themselves. Remember the paddle-steamer.”

Jenny ordered her suit’s laser rangefinder to scan the soldier; its return should reveal the true outline to an accuracy of
less than half a millimetre. The blue beam stabbed out from the side of her shell-helmet. But instead of sweeping the soldier,
it broke apart a couple of metres in front of him, forming a turquoise haze. After a second the rangefinder module shut down.
Her neural nanonics reported the whole unit was inoperative.

“Did you see that?” she asked. They had covered about a third of the distance round the barrage zone.

“I saw it,” Will said brusquely. “It’s a xenoc. Why else would it want to hide its shape?”

The distortion in the datavise band began to increase. Jenny saw the soldier start to unbuckle his holster.

“Stop!” she commanded, her voice booming out of the communication block’s external speaker. “The three of you are under arrest.
Put your hands on your head, and don’t move.”

All three men turned fractionally, focusing on her. Her neural nanonics began to report malfunctions in half of her suit’s

“Screw it! We must break them up, even three of them are too powerful. Will, one round EE, five metres in front of them.”

“That’s too close,” Dean said tensely as Will brought the gaussgun to bear. “You’ll kill them.”

“They survived the first barrage,” Jenny said tonelessly.

Will fired. A fountain of loam spurted up into the air, accompanied by a bright blue-white sphere of flame. The blast-wave
flattened some of the nearby piles of soil.

Jenny’s neural nanonics reported the electronics coming back on-line. The loam subsided, revealing the three men standing
firm. A faint whistle was insinuating itself into the datavise band; her neural nanonics couldn’t filter it out.

“One metre,” she snapped. “Fire.”

The explosion sent them spinning, tottering about for balance. One fell to his knees. For the first time there was a reaction;
one of the two farmer-types started snarling and shouting. His face above the beard was black, whether from loam or a flashburn
she couldn’t tell.

“Keep firing, keep them apart,” Jenny called to Will. “Come on, run.”

Explosions bloomed around the three men. Will was using the gaussgun the way riot police employed a water cannon, harrying
the men as they tried to come together. Blasts that would rip a human to pieces barely affected them, at the most they tumbled
backwards to sprawl on the ground. He was tempted to land a round straight on one, just to see what it would do. They scared

Jenny’s feet pounded over the scorched creepers. The packs and the TIP carbine weighed nothing as her boosted muscles powered
up and took the full load. Will was doing a good job, one of the men had been separated from the other two. He was the farmer-type
who had shouted earlier. She brought her TIP carbine round and aimed it at his left ankle, neural nanonics allowing her to
compensate for the vigorous motion of her body. If they could disable him, they could chase off or kill the other two. A severed
cauterized foot wasn’t lethal.

Her neural nanonics triggered a single shot. She actually saw the induction pulse. A complete impossibility, her mind insisted.
But a slender violet line materialized in the air ahead of her. It struck the farmer’s ankle and splashed apart, sending luminous
tendrils clawing up his leg. He yelled wildly, and tumbled headlong.

“Dean, subdue him,” she ordered. “I want him in one piece. Will and I will fend off the other two.” Her carbine’s targeting
circle slithered round on the soldier as she stopped running. He was taking aim with his revolver. They both fired.

Jenny saw luminous purple tapeworms writhing across the neatly pressed khaki uniform. The soldier began to jerk about as if
he was being electrocuted. Then the bullet struck her with the force of a gaussgun’s kinetic round. Her suit hardened instantly,
and she found herself somersaulting chaotically, grey sky and black land streaking past in a confused blur. There was an instant’s
silence. She landed hard, and her suit unfroze. She was rolling, arms and legs jolting the ground sharply.

The gaussgun was roaring three metres away. Will was standing his ground, feet apart to brace himself, swivelling from the
hip to send EE rounds chasing after each of the men.

Jenny scrambled to her feet. The soldier and one of the farmers were fifty metres away. They were facing Will, but retreating
in juddering steps from the onslaught of projectiles. Somehow she had hung on to the TIP carbine, and now she lined it up.
Radiant purple lines shivered across the soldier once more. He threw up his hands, as if he was physically warding off the
intense energy pulses. Then both he and the farmer looked at each other. Something must have been said, because they both
turned and ran towards the rim of the jungle eighty metres behind them.

Dean Folan dropped his gaussgun and backpack, which allowed him to cover the last thirty metres in two and a half seconds.
In that time he fired his TIP carbine twice. The beams tore into glaring purple streamers which knocked the farmer down into
the soft loam. With his opponent out for the count, Dean took the last five metres in a flying tackle, landing straight on
top of him. The weight of his own body and the suit and his equipment should have been enough to finish it. But the man started
to rise straight away. Dean gave a surprised yelp as he was lifted right off the ground, and went for a stranglehold, only
to find a hand clamping round each wrist pulling his arms apart. He fell onto his back as the farmer regained his feet. A
booted foot kicked him in the side of his ribs. His suit hardened, and he was thrown onto his belly by the force of the blow.
The farmer must be a construct made entirely out of boosted muscle! His neural nanonics combat routine programs went into
primary mode. He swung the TIP carbine round, and another vicious kick actually cracked the casing. But he lashed out with
his free arm, knocking the farmer’s other leg out from under him. The farmer went down heavily on his backside.

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