The Not Gate (Tom and Alice #1) (11 page)



om walked up the stairs ahead of Alice. He could hear her footsteps following just behind his own, they reached the top and he took her hand again leading her to his room.

It was a lot tidier than normal and lit by his small nightlight. He hoped it seemed quite cosy and inviting, he didn’t know?

He looked down at her face taking in the new surroundings. She was so perfect and she really had no idea how lovely she was. She bit her bottom lip and cast him a sideward glance.

‘Are you alright?’ he asked staring at her.

‘Yep, good,’ she smiled nervously.

‘Why don’t you sit down,’ Tom took hold of her arms and sat her on the edge of his bed. He had to lighten the mood a bit and try to get her to relax.

‘Okay,’ she watched him walk to the corner of the room, he knelt and put a CD into his stereo.

Tom turned towards her and a romantic country song started to play quietly behind him. She sat on the edge of his bed in front of him, acutely watching his every move.

She was a pure dream. Her body so fluid and her face open and loving. He was obsessed with her and he knew it. But she did look a little bit like a rabbit in the headlights. She was experiencing all this for the first time, he knew this could be hard.

So Tom stopped a few feet away from her, then suddenly and assertively pulled the shirt from his body, dropping it on the floor at his feet. Her eyes widened instantly and her mouth opened half an inch, it was so damn sensual he knew then he wouldn’t have a hope of not seeing this thing through.

‘You don’t have to ask this time,’ he smiled and opened his arms as if he was on display in a shop window and the tension eased marginally.

Alice giggled lightly, ‘I can’t believe I did!’

‘It was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.’

‘Really?’ she said with a hint of sarcasm.

‘Really. I’m not kidding. When you look at me like that… like I’m a bloody prince or something, it’s such a turn on,’ he crouched in front of her.

‘When I look at you I see this hard mysterious warrior with a body to die for and a killer smile,’ she paused, ‘I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world. It started when you smiled at me that first day in registration, you had me in that moment,’ Alice looked down at her legs and pretended to pick fluff from her tights.

‘Alice, look at me now,’ he whispered.

She looked up at him and he leaned in to kiss her so gently. He drew his arms around her waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed, her legs parted and he slotted himself between her thighs. Kneeling up so their faces were level with one another.

She was trembling again, he really had to do something that was going to stop her thinking too much. Tom grabbed her face and kissed her hard and dominant, the way he would with an older lover. His lips demanded submission, her sweetness flooded him and she fought to follow his lead.

Her hands found his sides and they moved over his flesh, feeling the muscles in his forearms, her little fingers kneaded into his shoulders and he felt her move her body closer to his. Lightly rubbing herself against the edge of his erection. This is what he needed, her body to take over as it had the first night they had kissed. His tongue explored her mouth and a little moan escaped from her chest, making him smile against her lips.

He found the edge of her skirt and gently lifted the hem to her hips. He ran his hands down her thighs, god he wanted these tights off.

Calm down
slow down
don’t lose it.

He pulled away from her for a moment and bent to unzip her boot, ‘shall I take these off? Is that okay?’ he asked as calmly as he could.

She nodded at him, ‘I can do it, you don’t have to,’ she reached down but he pushed her hand away gently.

‘I want to.’

Tom slowly unzipped her black leather boots, removing them from her feet. He held each foot in his hands before placing them on the floor once more, fascinated by how small they were and how they fit so neatly onto his palm.

‘Shall I get undressed now?’ she asked nervously, tucking her hair behind her ears, her eyes moving franticly over his face.

‘Only when you want to Alice and if it’s easier I can do it for you?’ he was hoping she would opt for the latter.

‘Okay, you do it when you want to,’ she agreed.

‘Well that would be now wouldn’t it? I am a man,’ he whispered into her ear and felt her body respond from the sensation of his warm breath.

‘I had noticed,’ she motioned towards his jeans and he actually blushed.

‘Sorry about that, can’t do much about it though,’ he kissed her again and lifted his right hand to cup her breast… her body stiffened, then relaxed instantly. He pushed it upwards, felt its weight. Alice had moved her hands to his hair and was making little circles on his scalp with her nails, distracting his control for a moment.

He moved his body over hers instinctively, forcing her backwards onto his bed then climbed up on to it too. He placed his arms either side of her face and looked down at her. Her eyes were wide and lustful when she returned his gaze.

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this,’ he shook his head.

Alice looked hurt suddenly and fearful, ‘you’re not going to stop are you?’ she asked desperately searching his face for his answer.


‘Hell no, no way… not possible.’

Tom began to lift the edges of her top slowly up her body, her midriff, so milky white was exposed to his gaze. Then her white lace bra, the mound of her breasts sitting like cushions beneath.

‘Can I take this off?’ he said bending to kiss her stomach. Her body quivered again, ‘you’re so fucking beautiful.’

Alice reached up to help him pull her top over her head, Tom kissed down the side of her neck, trailing them on to her chest and kissing her lace covered breasts. He gently moved one cup aside and sucked her perfect nipple into his mouth. Her taste exploded onto his tongue, like vanilla. He sucked hard on it while she moaned quietly and fidgeted underneath him.

‘Tom please, I need you to do something… something more, I need you,’ Alice’s voice was insistent and she thrust her lower body towards him. Gripped his strong back and tried to pull him down on top of her.

He didn’t move, he just looked at her. He had wanted to take this really slowly but he could see her losing control of her body. Her eyes, heavy-lidded begged him to either explain what was happening or fill the void.

‘I don’t want to rush you, Alice. You’re not ready,’ he said seriously.

‘Yes, I am,’ her voice was nearly a shout.

‘Just relax,’ he coaxed, moving his mouth back to her breast.

Alice bucked him off with an upward thrust of her hips, ‘I need you now. Do you understand?’

Tom nodded.


The sensual but playful atmosphere that had filled the room moments ago was replaced with a heavy curtain of need. Not just hers, but Tom’s also. He was trying so hard to do this right for her, repressing all his instinct to just rip the clothes from her body and skip the foreplay altogether.

‘Tom,’ she moved her hands to cover her face and pulled at her hair. She was so full of frustration. He didn’t want to make her feel like that.

‘Okay, okay let’s do this, if you’re sure?’ he pulled her hands away.

‘Very sure,’ she flung her head back on the pillow.

‘Okay,’ Tom moved down her body to the little fastening on her skirt and pulled it open, he slid the material down her body and dropped it to the floor, ‘these too?’ he nodded at the tights.

‘Yes,’ she closed her eyes tightly in relief.

He could do this, he could, he kept repeating to himself.

Alice was beneath him, trembling, his thumbs hooked in the waistband of her tights, she moved her back slightly off the bed as he gently tugged them down her slender legs.

This was his biggest fear about being with her. The nervous look on her face when she thought he wasn’t looking. He had to act like he knew what he was doing for her benefit. Yes, he knew how to fuck but the unknown element of first time sex was a different thing altogether and a bloody scary thought right now.

He looked down at her white lace knickers, her lovely legs, and her perfect skin. He looked at her lying on his duvet, it’s design he no longer recognised despite sleeping on it every night… he could do this?

Alice moved her hands over his stomach and started to open his jeans impatiently. He gently took hold of her hand, ‘just a minute, baby,’ he whispered.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked.

‘I just need to know that you know this might… this is really awkward… this might not be great for you at first. I don’t want to scare you but this might hurt a bit. I’ll make it as easy as I can I promise, but I don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry. If it hurts I’ll stop,’

I’ll try and stop, he thought to himself in disgust.

‘I know. I know this could be uncomfortable but I don’t care. I’m scared, but the thought of you being the one to do this is so amazing I honestly don’t care how painful it is.’

He hoped she was right.

Tom kissed her again and moved off the bed. He stood next to it and began to unbuttoned his jeans. She turned her head to the side and watched him intently.

‘Can’t I do that?’ she smiled.

‘Not this time, baby. I need to keep this together,’ he laughed.

Inside he prayed.



e looked breath-taking. There was no other way to describe him.

He stood at the side of his bed, opened the button of his jeans and pulled them down his muscular legs. The low light cast shadows over his body making it look even more fantastic. If it was possible for your mouth to water over a man, then hers was saturated.

She watched him step out of his jeans and kick them aside and her eyes drew back up to his torso. She wondered, awestruck, how a teacher got a body like that?

He wore a pair of snug fitting boxers, low on his hips and when her eyes met the very obvious bulge she couldn’t look away. He moved back over to the bed and stared down at her.

Tom stroked his hand over her hair and down her body, skimmed her stomach and moved her legs slightly apart, she shivered with anticipation and longing.

‘I’m never going to forget this moment,’ she breathed.

‘Me either, you are the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen. You’ve no idea how lucky I feel to be with you like this,’ he smiled, his dimples appearing, her most favourite thing in the whole world.

Tom climbed onto the bed. Over her, on her and his mouth lowered to hers and kissed her hard. Their mouths moulded together and the electricity returned instantly, she gripped his back, holding on to him. Tom moved his body between her legs and she felt his hand at the elastic of her knickers. A little noise left her throat and she pushed her pelvis forward to encourage him.

Where was this coming from?

Alice felt a tug and heard material tear. The next thing she knew her underwear was being deposited onto the floor as Tom had actually just ripped the lace knickers from her body.

‘Oh my…’ Alice gasped and more erotic sensation washed over her.

His fingers drifted lightly over her skin, while his lips totally dominated. She felt herself slipping over a line of arousal she hadn’t reached before and she wanted him so desperately nothing else in the world mattered. If she died moments after they make love it would be okay, as long as this happened right now.

Tom’s hand pushed between her legs carefully and his fingers moved expertly over her untouched flesh. She was now shaking uncontrollably, she tried to stop herself but couldn’t.

‘Fuck,’ Tom cursed and reached a hand out to his bedside drawer and she followed what he was doing. He took out a condom and opened it quickly.

He was actually going to do it.

Tom pulled his boxers off with his free hand and Alice couldn’t help but look, she wanted to see his penis. Glancing down between their bodies she caught sight of it. It looked huge and it stood jutting upwards towards his stomach, engorged and angry.

No way…

Tom held it in his hand and rolled on the condom. Was it really going to fit inside her? She felt more scared than she ever had before. She really had no idea what to expect from a penis, but there it was and nothing ever looked so real.

Tom looked up then and caught her staring at him.

‘Sorry baby, this is important, just a minute,’ his warm hand resting on her thigh.

‘Okay,’ she stuttered, breathing out slowly, trying to control her panic.

Tom looked up again his face filled with worry, ‘are you alright, you want to stop?’

‘No, don’t stop. It’s just bigger than I thought, that’s all,’ she smiled at him shyly.

‘It’ll be fine baby, just get this first time over then it’ll be easy. It won’t feel like it looks.’

She knew he was lying to put her at ease, how could it not feel as it looked?

Tom covered her with his body again and she could feel the heat of him next to her inner thigh.

‘Tom,’ she whispered, ‘can you just do it?’

Tom gently moved her legs further apart, his hand gliding over her moist sensitive tissue. Alice bit down on her lip harshly when he pushed one finger inside her and Tom stilled instantly.

‘I’m fine,’ she urged him to continue.

‘Really?’ he moved his hand again.

‘Yeah…’ she nodded and reached for his shoulders. If this was only one finger stretching her, what the hell was
going to feel like?

He continued and it gradually started to feel good. Her skin was starting to burn and she could feel herself lifting off the bed to meet his hand. After a few minutes he stopped and Alice cried out at the loss.

‘Shush baby,’ he looked at her like his eyes were searching for something within her gaze, then she felt it, the hard push where his fingers had been. He had started to push himself slowly inside her with punishing determination.

‘Have you done it?’ she cried out.

‘No, baby… I’m sorry, not yet,’ Tom ground his teeth and she could feel the tension rolling from him. He pushed forward again, this time she screamed as she felt herself being stretched open by this blunt object. It was a strange type of pain unlike anything she could describe. It was both a dull ache and a sharp stabbing all at the same time.

Tom looked scared, ‘is it bad? Judging by your face it is,’ he rested his forehead to hers. His breathing was a lot faster than normal and his arms were trembling slightly.

‘It hurts a bit,’ she said, ‘but I need more, I can’t understand it, but I do.’

‘Good, because I don’t think I could stop now. Just try to relax, don’t tighten your muscles,’ he whispered as his body thrust gently forward again.

Alice clung on to Tom’s strong corded back. She could feel his sweat forming as he pushed at her again. He was holding back, trying to control himself. She could feel him protecting her and she wanted to cry. She needed him to just let go, because this felt like torture. She was blindly reaching out for something that was unknown to her and frustration clawed at the edges of her brain.

‘Fuck,’ Tom cursed loudly, ‘I can’t do this as gently as I want to. I’m so sorry but I don’t want to hurt you by being too rough,’ he shook his head in despair.

‘Then will you be inside?’ Alice asked him.


‘Just do it then,’ she scrunched her eyes tightly shut, ‘now.’

On her command Tom pulled back and thrust into her with massive force, Alice screamed again as she felt him brake past her virginity and impale himself inside her. Tom let out a low guttural growl and wrapped his arms around her body tightly, holding her still and protected, he didn’t move and he didn’t let her move either.

Alice felt her whole body on fire, she was crying, more from relief than any pain there may have been.

‘Fuck,’ he whispered looking at the tears running down her face, ‘are you okay? Bastard!’ he spat the words out with contempt.

‘Don’t,’ she kissed his chest lightly.

She wanted to tell him that this moment was the most acutely real of her entire life. That the burning ache in her vagina, the feel of him pulsating uncontrollably deep inside her and his tortured face were the most beautiful things she had ever experienced, but all she could manage was a small smile.

‘Carry on,’ she breathed, ‘please…’

Tom’s face was an emotional mix of shame and lust, ‘you’re unbelievable.’

He began moving slowly at first, shallow thrusts just enough for Alice to start to respond to the sensation. Each stoke sent her a little higher into a dreamlike state, her nerves were in meltdown and from some strange place inside of her she thought she said, ‘faster.’

Tom did move faster, she watched as his whole body moved above her, over her. His face was determined and focused. His thrusts strong and powerful. It felt immensely wonderful and crazy now, but sweetly heightened by a top note of pain.

‘You feel so amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it, its mind blowing,’ Tom cried out harshly.

Alice felt her belly tighten and her inner walls clench in spasm as his intimate words washed over her, his accent husky and beautiful. She disconnected from her brain in that instant, her limbs trembled, and she couldn’t help herself calling out his name. It sounded high pitched and alien. She blinked to focus but couldn’t do it, her vision was warped and white heat rushed through her.

Tom reached out and grabbed her shoulders with his hands and pulling her body down even harder, meeting his thrusts, one, two, three more times. She heard herself scream again but it was lost in the darkness as he covered her mouth with his.

Moments later Tom’s chest erupted with an animal-like sound… it was done and it felt beautiful.

His body slackened, suddenly it was heavy on top of her, he shuddered, and his head dropped onto her shoulder. Alice lay underneath him, too stunned to speak. His thick hair brushing up against her cheek and the bulk of his body crushing her slightly was a soothing reminder of his reality. She closed her eyes, shook her head and smiled.

Was he really hers?

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