The Original Crowd (49 page)

“Shut up. We’re not like that…well—”

“You are. You both had to have the ‘sex’ talk with me. You are like that.”

“We did not.” She sighed, blushing at the same time. “Okay—”

“You did. The two of you are a couple. So just fucking admit it.”

“Oh my God,” she moaned, burrowing her head in her hands. Sorry girl, you can’t disappear in the middle of class.

“Did you guys have the ‘sex’ talk with each other?”

“Shut up. Please,” she moaned, her voice muffled by her hands.

I laughed at that, but I pressed on, “Come on. Seriously. Larkins was on strict instructions to have
talk. Did he? He better have.”

“Do you and Tray have
talk?” she asked, her voice still muffled.

“Yeah,” I smiled fondly, images of naked Tray in mind, “it usually consists of ‘bend over’ or ‘do you want to screw?’.”

“Oh my God,” she squeaked, trying to burrow through the desk this time. The Invisible wasn’t much of an Invisible right now.

“What’s with the act? You were fine asking me questions on Thursday.”

“That wasn’t about sex,” she hissed. “That was about…

stuff is just another form of sex.”

She squeaked again which I found damn funny.

“Matthews!” Carter called across the room. “What the hell’s so funny?”

Molly groaned loudly and pulled her head from the desk to her lap. Almost—literally—underneath the table.

This made me laugh even more.

“It’s annoying,” Sasha griped, but it lacked heat.

I gritted my teeth, really, really, really hating that everyone was treating me differently today.

I snapped, the humor vanishing like the slam of a door. “I’m not some fucking fragile china doll. You don’t have to treat me like I’m going to break.”

Sasha’s eyes widened to saucers. She choked back whatever she had been thinking—imagine that, a Hooters platinum blonde
having a blonde moment—and sputtered, “Excuse me?”

“Oh, please, Sasha. Since when have you ever sugar-coated your insults?”

“Oh my God. I cannot believe you, Taryn! Excuse me for not going for the jugular—”

“That’d be assuming you’ve gone there in the past. Trust me, your aims—not even close,” I said smoothly. “You’re like a guy who can’t find the hole.”

“Oh!” “Damn!” “Fuck!”

The guys instantly knew what I meant, most of ‘em unable to contain their reactions of shock. The girls took a little longer—most of them anyway.

“You’re such a bitch!” It’s no wonder that Sasha knew the meaning immediately.

I laughed. “And you say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Miss Matthews, Miss Klinnleys,” the teacher spoke, returning from her errand, “quiet down or you’ll both be taking a trip to the principal’s office. And, Taryn,” her gaze settled on me, “you don’t need
trip to the principal today.”

“How many times you been there today?” Carter asked, leaning forward eagerly.

I didn’t answer, but Sasha answered instead, “It’d be her third time. Isn’t that, like, a record?”

The teacher must’ve seen my reaction, because she spoke quickly, loudly, “That’s enough. We’ll be having quiet time for the rest of the period. You can finish filling out your worksheets.”

I threw my books in my locker the second after class. Two students near me jumped in the air, quickly scattering when they saw me scowl.

It didn’t help that I saw Tray glance at me in disappointment, and then turn towards his locker. Fucker.



As I stood, looking down below, my reflection looked different. Off.

I wasn’t the same—I didn’t look the same, I didn’t feel the same.

“Miss Matthews!” Coach Greenly called out, making his way across the pool area to me. “I see that you made it to your first practice.”


What I hadn’t made it to was letting Tray know that Props would be showing up at his place, ready to start working. He’d pissed me off, and I knew it was irrational, but I hadn’t told him to get even. It was pathetic and childish, but it made me feel a little better.

“Good,” he clapped me on the shoulder, “swimsuit.”

“Not here.”

“That’s alright, I’m sure one of the girls will let you borrow one.”


Tristan came out of the locker room with a group of five in tow. All of them lined up at one end of the pool and one by one dove in to start warm-up laps.

“You’re Taryn, right?” A girl came up beside me. I was guessing she was on the team, since she wore a silver one-piece with her hair pulled into a swim cap.


“Brady Winters, teammate, or future teammate I guess.” She rolled her startling green eyes. “Coach told us this morning you were joining the team.”

“That’s funny,” I remarked dryly, “because I was just told at lunch.”

“You need a suit? I have, like, twenty in my locker. Number 812.”

“Thanks.” I frowned. “I don’t know if I’ve met you before. Senior?”

“Nope, junior. I just don’t run in the Holier than Thou Jasmine and Mandy Matthews circle. No offense.”

“None taken. Not a big fan of Tristan’s myself.”

“Believe me, we all know who you get along with and who you don’t. You’re the biggest thing to come to the school in a long time.”

“Winters! Laps!” Coach yelled out.

I read amusement in her green eyes as she turned and called back, “I’m giving them a head-start.” She jumped in before he could send a retort back. She had perfect form, and I was surprised to find myself a bit envious.

“Matthews, you joining this team or not?!” Apparently, I wasn’t immune to the coach’s irritation.

When I came back, swimsuit on, the team had finished their laps and were sitting at some of the patio tables, listening to Coach Greenly. Motioning to me, he remarked, “Get a few laps in and pull up a chair.”

Diving in the water felt different today. It didn’t give me XX like it usually does. However, after a few laps, I started to feel a little at peace for the first time since I Brian’s funeral. After a few laps, I got out and settled in a chair next to Brady.

The team turned out to be a bunch of girls I’d never met. I recognized a few from Tray’s parties and the trips to Rickets’ House. But there were quite a few who I never would’ve known if it hadn’t been for the team.

Tristan seemed welcomed like a long lost prodigal son. Even the coach doted on her, which was just annoying. Fortunately, only a few girls seemed to idolize her. For the most part, Tristan was more tolerated than anything else. Most of the girls seemed like serious swimmers, not social climbers.

Which was just a breath of fresh air.

Brady caught up with me at the end of practice as we walked out of the locker room. Dressed in street clothes, I was surprised to see that she didn’t wear the trendy almost whorish clothes that most girls wore. She was dressed in a loose-fitting t-shirt and worn jeans, flared at the ends.

“So what’d you think of the first day?”

I shrugged. “It felt good to be swimming.”

“You’re good. Like really good. I’m jealous. I can see why the coach snapped you up so quickly.” She sent an easy grin my way, her swim bag over her shoulder.

“You’re fast.”

“I used to be the fastest swimmer on the team,” she remarked, shrugging.

“Who’s faster now?”

Brady laughed. “You are.”

“What?” Startled, I stopped in the hallway.

“I heard about your dives from the cliff and some of the girls have seen you when you were with your mom. Plus, those laps just now, you weren’t even trying and you beat my time. You’re the fastest, Taryn.”

I was startled, unsure what to say.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Brady laughed. “I’m just happy you’re on the team. You’ve got a talent that would’ve been a wasted. Plus, nationals are a sure thing now, thanks to you.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say. “Hey, I was wondering, are a lot of the girls seniors this year? I’ve never seen them around before.”

“I’m not the only one who doesn’t run in Jasmine and Mandy’s circle,” Brady answered. “Not all of us are popular sharks like them. We just want to swim and get good grades.”

Coming to my locker, I opened it and grabbed my bag and purse. I groaned, seeing three missed calls on my phone.

“Not good?” Brady asked, waiting beside me.

“I was very childish.” I sighed, seeing Tray’s name on my missed calls list. “I didn’t warn someone about something because I was mad.”

“Ah.” Brady nodded knowingly. “Boyfriend problems?”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “he’s going to be pissed at me.”

“Tray Evans doesn’t exactly strike me as an easygoing guy,” Brady mused.

At my look of surprise, she explained, “Like I said, everyone knows who you get along with and who you don’t. And everyone
knows that you’re dating Tray Evans.”

“If you’re not a fan of Tristan, I’m pretty sure you’re not a fan of Tray’s either,” I commented, walking out into the parking lot.

“Hard to get a read on someone who’s larger than life, you know?”

“Yeah,” I said quietly, “that’s a good description of Tray. Are you dating anyone?”

“I am. His name is Josh Barrons and he’s a normal, average student with hopes of getting into Brown to major in psychology.”

“You say that like you’re apologizing for him,” I noted.

“I’m not. But he’s no Tray Evans.”

I laughed at that. “That’s probably a good thing.”

“Nah, Josh is Josh. For now. He’s my boyfriend, but he’s not a Tray Evans in bed, I’m betting.”

“That sounds like…a security blanket.”

“He is. My personal blankie that I’ve had for four years,” Brady noted.

I jumped, slightly, hearing my phone ring. I’d forgotten how loud the ring was set at.

Brady laughed. “Ah, the demanding, pissed-off boyfriend calls again.”

I rolled my eyes, but braced myself as I answered, “Hey.”

“You could have fucking warned me!” Tray hissed. I heard loud music in the background.


“That kid you were talking about, Props—whatever, he’s here. He showed up after school. Thanks for the warning. I had to get rid of Carter and everyone.”

“Is he still there?”

“Yeah. And your friend that banged Hooters girl.” He cursed, catching himself.

That made me smile. He’d caught onto my nick-name.

“You don’t have to call her Hooters girl, I’ll have sex with you tonight anyway.”

Brady pursed her lips, her eyes dancing in amusement.

“Whatever,” Tray groaned, “can you just get your ass here?”

“Yeah, I just got out of swim practice.”

“I know. Carter told me.”

“How does Carter know I had swim practice?”

“You really want to know?”


“Then don’t ask. Where are you? Get over here.”

He sounded tense.

“Is Props really that hard to handle? You sound like you’re at your wits’ end.”

“It’s not him, it’s the other guy. What’s his name?”


“If I hadn’t threatened bodily harm, I swear he would’ve torn my place apart. Plus, your folks are back in town. They showed up here looking for you, too.”

“What?” I froze, my heartbeat suddenly deafening.

“I know. Just get your ass over here. I covered for you. I told ‘em you went back to Pedlam to visit some friends because of Brian, but your dad hates me. I think they might’ve camped out across the street or something.”

“Oh God.”

“Tell me about it. When you show up, cut through my neighbor’s lawn. Just to be sure, alright?”

Swim practice had been a heavenly vacation.

“I’m on my way.” I hung up, my mind reeling.

“That did not sound good,” Brady murmured, still watching me.

“Uh…it’s not. It’s not good at all.”

“You’re not, like pregnant or anything, are you? I know we just met and this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but if you’re pregnant, my aunt’s a counselor. You can talk to her if you want,” Brady offered.

“I almost wish I were pregnant. It’d be a lot easier to deal with,” I said tensely. Getting inside my car, I called out through the open window, “I’ll see you tomorrow in school.”

“Yeah. You can have lunch with us tomorrow, if you want.” Brady waved, walking to her car.

I parked around the block and darted through his neighbor’s yard. Climbing the wall, I dropped down and was walking past the pool-house when Tray came outside.

The look on his face stopped me in my tracks.

“What’s wrong?”

“They’ve multiplied,” he answered, grabbing my hand and dragging me back into the pool-house. In his bedroom, he fell onto the bed and pulled me down beside him.

I laid there, stunned.

Caressing his back softly, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Gentley’s here. That friend of yours is here. Props is working on his computer stuff and your parents showed up.”

“I’m sorry your house got ran over,” I apologized sincerely. Feeling lame for my pathetic childishness. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Props. I didn’t know Trent and Gentley were coming over. Wait. Is Gentley here for me?”

“Yeah. I haven’t asked and they haven’t told me what they’re doing here, but they’re waiting for you.” He pushed himself up, holding himself just above me. “Taryn, talk to me before you do whatever they want you for. Promise me.”

“I promise,” I said softly, running a thumb over his lips. When I saw a smidgen of amber appear in his hazel orbs, I leaned up and captured his lips with mine. Feeling him sigh, he fell back onto me. As I embraced his weight, he ran a hand down my back and to my legs, curling them around his back.

“We should probably head in,” I whispered against his lips.

Instead, Tray dipped his head, deepening the kiss as his hands trailed to my waist and slipped underneath my shirt. I was fast losing the ability to think clearly. It’d been a few days since we’d been together. The funeral, everything, had come crashing down on us at one time.

“Tray,” I murmured again, and sighed as I fell back on the pillow with his mouth moving to my neck and trailing downwards.

I sensed the urgency in him as he reared up and stripped off his shirt. Meeting his eyes, I knew neither of us were going anywhere for a while. Whatever was waiting for me would have to wait a little longer.

I sat up and pulled my shirt off. As I fell back, I felt the cool air against my skin, Tray was already pulling my pants off. Quickly we were both naked, our hands fevered, urgent. Gasping, I arched as Tray’s mouth moved to my waist and further south. He held my hips captive as he kissed and sucked.

As I came, my breaths coming in shallow gasps, I reached blindly for him and scuttled down, clamping my legs around his waist. Tray met my mouth, curling me underneath him with experienced expertise.

“Taryn,” he gasped, reaching for his nightstand.

I held myself back forcibly, as I waited for him to grab a condom, but it was taking everything I had. I wanted him. And I wanted him inside me. Now.

Then, a seemingly hour later, he slid in, stretching me, as he braced himself above me.

We both held on as his thrusts took us closer and then hurdled our bodies over the edge. I melted, again, panting as we both laid there.

It took a moment for the fog to clear and I then remembered who was waiting for us.

“Oh…fuck,” I groaned.

Tray laughed into my shoulder, where his mouth was lingering.

“We should head in.”

Tray grunted slightly as he lifted himself up again. But he held me trapped on the bed, with his arms on both sides of me. “Taryn, promise me that you’ll come to me first with whatever they want.”

“I promise.”

“I mean it. Those guys don’t know what they’re doing or who they’re going against.”

“I will. Promise.” I smiled as I saw him look sternly at me. “Now get out of my face before I pull you back down for another round.”

Tray grinned, but lifted himself up and off the bed.

We both showered quickly and dressed.

As we entered the main house, we heard shouting from the basement.

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