The Other Brother (7 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. June

“Get on with it, Brogan.”

“With pleasure, ma’am.” He ripped open the foil packet and rolled the condom over his straining cock. Then, shifting between her legs, he settled his length against her seam and rocked his hips, coating his shaft with her juices. They both groaned.

“Just so you know, I’m going to explore every inch of your sexy body later with my hands and my tongue. But, right, now I’m going to give you what you asked for.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Grinning, she wrapped her arms around his back.

With that, he aimed the meaty head of his cock against her entrance then moved to rest his weight on his elbows so he could reach to kiss her. Slipping his tongue into her mouth, he simultaneously slid into her. They swallowed each other’s moans and were lost. Lost in lust, passion. Perfection.

They rocked together, slowly at first, then faster, overwhelmed by arousal and the need to come. Though they hadn’t indulged in any foreplay beyond kissing, he still pressed all of her buttons, angling his hips perfectly so his pubic bone stimulated her clitoris with every stroke, bringing her closer to climax.

By the time it came, she hovered on the verge of tears. Happy, blissful tears. They ran even as she yelled her pleasure, bucking and writhing with orgasm.

“Oh…fuck,” Patrick said, tensing. “I’m gonna—”

“Do it, do it. I just did.” She burst into a peal of uncontrollable giggles.

He groaned again, surged one more time then moaned long and deep as his cock twitched and leaped inside her. Murmuring expletives, he stroked her hair.

Finally, he slumped onto her and gave her a languid but meaningful kiss. “That…was awesome.”

“Yeah, it was pretty damn awesome, wasn’t it?”

They laughed together then he rolled off and tugged her into his arms.



“Stay tonight?”

“Hell, yeah. Though I might have to pop out to the pharmacy at some point—that was my only condom.”

“For that, I’ll let you leave for a while.”

“Gee, thanks.”

She tapped him playfully. “Then I suppose we’d better choose your damn photo, hadn’t we?”

“I’d forgotten all about that.”

“I’m not surprised. We did get a little distracted.”

“Yes.” Snuggling her neck, he began nibbling Melodie’s earlobe. “We did. But it was totally worth it.” He frowned when she eased away.

“The photo can wait. Now, go to the pharmacy before I change my mind.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Hopping off the bed again, he scrambled into his clothes.

“I’ll be here.” She stretched.

Patrick groaned. “God, don’t do that, or I’ll never leave.”

“You will, because we need those condoms.”

Grabbing his wallet, he jogged to the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I don’t doubt it.” She grinned as he hurried away. By the time the door slammed, she’d burrowed beneath the covers. “I’d better keep myself warm for him, hadn’t I?”

They had a complex road ahead of them. But he’d be worth it. He came from excellent stock, after all.




~From the Author~



Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at
. Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:




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