The Other Child (45 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Link

Tags: #Suspense

‘Nothing you'll be pleased to hear, I'm afraid, Inspector. I managed to get in touch with Stan Gibson's parents in London late last night. They said their son had spent last weekend in London with them, together with Miss Witty, whom he introduced to them as his partner. And I expect Miss Witty will confirm that. Gibson isn't stupid enough to lie to us about something that easy to check up on.'

‘Unfortunately Gibson is not at all stupid, Reek. That's one of our many problems. Do his parents seem trustworthy?'

‘Yes. They're in shock, but they wouldn't lie. They're too confused to do that. They can't imagine that their son could have committed a crime. They describe him as a nice boy, reliable and willing to help anyone. However, he has had a lot of short relationships, for which his mother naturally lays the blame at the door of the women who are unable to appreciate his qualities. In my opinion, no one can bear to be with him for too long. Miss Witty can no doubt give us more of an insight into that. But—'

‘—that doesn't help us with our case,' Valerie finished his sentence for him. ‘Not for Amy Mills's murder.'

‘We obviously can't hold him responsible for Fiona Barnes's death,' concluded Reek.

‘Doesn't look like it,' agreed Valerie with a sigh.

‘I'm going to drive back out to Filey Road and try my luck with Karen Ward again,' said Reek. It sounded as if he wanted to say, Chin up, we still have other irons in the fire! ‘She didn't go home yesterday evening, but maybe she got back sometime during the night.'

‘Did you go to the Newcastle Packet?'

‘Of course. But she didn't work there yesterday. Her flatmates didn't know where she was either. Something that could be of interest though: her flatmates said that Dave Tanner tried to phone Miss Ward twice at the flat that evening. And he appeared in the Newcastle Packet and asked after her, as they told me in the pub. He seemed quite intent on talking to her.'

‘Not surprising. He still has a close relationship with her.'

‘Anyway, I won't cross off Tanner until I have a statement from Ward matching his. I also went to the Golden Ball yesterday, where they remembered the two of them. However, they were only there briefly. About ten they left the pub. So that statement is neither here nor there.'

Valerie was thankful she had such an invaluable colleague. Reek put in a hell of a lot of overtime and she had never once heard him complain about it. ‘You're doing a great job, Reek,' she said. She could practically hear him beam down the connection.

‘I'll get onto the case with Ward,' he said briefly and said goodbye.

Getting dressed, Valerie realised how heavy and tired her movements were. She felt the opposite of her colleague: wide-awake, ready-for-action Sergeant Reek. Was it just the disappointment? That she had not solved the two cases in one go?

Had she even solved
case? She crept into the kitchen and turned the coffee maker on. Just a coffee, that was all she wanted. She did not even fancy her breakfast today, and that was usually sacred to her.

She had sat talking with Stan Gibson for almost two hours the previous evening, without once managing to put a crack in his good mood. He had answered every question politely and patiently with a smile, not showing the slightest sign of irritation or annoyance.

Yes, of course he had heard and read of Amy Mills's death. It was the only thing people talked about all summer in Scarborough. Horrible, a horrible thing. That someone could do that! Of course he had felt personally involved. Amy had meant a lot to him, although he had never had the courage to talk to her. He did not seem to Valerie like a man who was shy with women? She should not be deceived by appearances! He had never tried to talk to Amy.

Yes, his telescope. The pictures! Of course he knew that you should not really do something like that. But nor was it exactly prohibited, was it? He had thought she was so pretty. When had he seen her the first time? He had to think. It must have been January. He had just spied on the flats opposite for a little fun, and that's when he had seen her in Linda Gardner's flat. She had been doing something with the child, and her wavy hair had looked like a halo to him. He had started to become interested in her, he had. Was he being accused of that?

Obsessed? He couldn't say. OK, he had often followed her secretively, as much as his scarce free time allowed. She had gone on many long walks on her own. She had always seemed so lonely to him. She had rarely gone for a cup of coffee or a chat with a fellow student. Normally she kept to herself.

Had he approached her? Been rejected by her? Had that made him angry? No, no, no. Inspector Almond was barking up the wrong tree. He had never talked to her. He had said that already. So she couldn't have rejected him. Anyway, he could live with rejection. He didn't beat to death women who chucked him. Although he had to admit that he had never been chucked. Never! He had no problems with women. Particularly not with pulling them. Indeed, if he were honest, he didn't know what rejection felt like.

And so he continued the whole time, smiling continuously. And everything in Valerie, all her nerves, her intuition, her experience, her gut feeling, whatever you like, they all told her that he had done it. That this grinning bloke had Amy Mills on his conscience.

While she waited for the coffee to percolate, Valerie asked herself what evidence she had.

Nothing, if she was brutally honest.

Nothing, except for the initial clues which had put her on to Gibson, and her intuition, which screamed
, and a vague hope. A hope based on the impression she had of him.

The coffee was ready. She sipped it, looking out of the window. It was still dark but she thought she could make out that the rain had stopped. Nor did it look like the fog had returned.

Gibson might show himself to the world as a nice, friendly, smiling young man, the dream of every mother-in-law, but he could not fool her, Valerie. She had seen that his smile was pathological, and seen the madness in his eyes. She knew that he had an enormous problem, and although she did not know him well enough, nor know the details of his life history, she could see that his relationship to women was the catalyst which could turn his problem into something horrific. Into hate, revenge, murderous anger and unbridled brutality. Amy Mills's body had been clear enough evidence of that.

In her opinion, his problem was rejection. Gibson had kept on about how a woman had never turned him down. He had stressed that, and she had seen the expression in his eyes as he said it. She suspected that this was the reason why Amy Mills had been killed, and why her death had come with such violence. Gibson had been obsessed with her, all the photos he had made of her showed that, but she had not wanted him. At some point, either in the days before she was murdered or, at the latest, during that night in the park, she had told him no. Valerie was convinced that Gibson could not deal with rejection from women.

She knew what Sergeant Reek would say. ‘Facts, Inspector, facts! Don't get carried away just because you want to find the culprit. Just because you want to wrap up the case. Stick to the facts!'

Or was that not Reek? Was it her own voice of caution?

She had woken up several times that night and wondered why it had started to go so smoothly. For months there had not been any clues or leads, nothing. And now suddenly Ena Witty had appeared, trembling with fear and reporting her boyfriend's strange behaviour. Suddenly there was a suspect, photos that proved his obsessive attachment to the murdered girl, and a telescope that pointed into the flat where Amy Mills had started her last journey.

In the dark silent night she had asked herself if this was not all a little too pat. It looked as if her suspect was being handed to her on a plate. It looked like the culprit had been pulled out of a magician's sleeve like an ace. It was impossible that Amy Mills's apparent murderer would just materialise like that in front of her. Life or not to get too philosophical – her job did not provide such solutions normally.

Now in the early hours of the morning she knew the answer to all of her sceptical questions. The culprit had appeared so suddenly because he had wanted to appear right then. Stan Gibson had wanted all of what happened: the police in his flat and the questioning which he had prepared himself for in advance. He had known that his perma-grin would irritate no end the investigating officer. Because he had wanted all of this, he had told Ena about his telescope and placed the photos where she was bound to find them at some point. He had known that alarm bells would ring for Ena from that moment. It was only a question of time until she either went to the police herself or told a friend who would take that step for her.

He had planned his appearance, and it had all gone like clockwork.

And Valerie realised one more thing. He had made sure that she would not be able to prove anything. He had not been surprised by the investigations, and so he had thought it all through in advance. He would not have let the police have all the clues they had if any of them presented a danger to him. He was clever and rational. Valerie could turn the whole world upside down, but she would not find the evidence to put Gibson behind bars.

There was no such proof.

If there had been, then Gibson would not have given himself up. And he would not have played the grinning game at the station.

She poured herself a second cup of coffee and drank it quickly, as if she could swallow her bitterness and frustration with it, before they became too much for her.

Yet she could feel a spark of hope, a macabre, almost cynical hope, which sprang from the pleasure she noticed Gibson felt during their conversation. He had been enjoying the situation immensely. It was the ultimate kick for him. It made him euphoric. He was already addicted to it.
had done that to
, and so she was one step ahead of him, although he did not know it. She had also come to two realisations of immeasurable importance. He was really sick. And he would want to do it again. He would want to repeat the deed and his cat-and-mouse game with the police.

She was ready to swear an oath on it.

She poured the rest of her coffee down the plughole. It was no good. She had to face the day. She had to check Dave Tanner's statement, and she hoped Reek managed to find Karen Ward as soon as possible. She would also talk to Ena Witty once more. Hopefully she had calmed down by now and might remember one or two important details from the short time she had been together with Stan Gibson. Not that she was going to provide the key that unlocked the case. Valerie had no illusions about that. But she had to do her work, the day-to-day routine of the job she had learnt. And going beyond that, she had to try to get close to Gibson. To find out everything about him that she could.

You've got a bloodhound on your heels, Gibson, she thought. I'm going to be there when your smile freezes on your face and you realise you're up shit creek without a paddle!

She took her bag and car key, folded her coat over her arm and left her flat.

The Other Child.doc


Dear Chad

I am going to write the end of our story as a letter to you. I have told most of it by now, and the only thing remaining is my need to explain why I wrote down our story at all

I know you as a taciturn and pragmatic man, who only sees the value in things which have an obvious and clear use. And I know what you will think after reading all this about us: Superfluous scribbling! Our story – so what? As if I didn't know it already!

So what was the point?

Our story always made me so sad, Chad. For many reasons. Above all because of Brian Somerville, of course. Perhaps I was closer to the young boy than you, although you spent more time with him. He lived in your house for years, even after I had left

But he left London as a young, orphaned boy holding my hand. He always wanted to be close to me in Scarborough. I was the only one he called by name. Did you notice that I was the only person he ever called by name? Not even Emma, who loved him more than anyone else. Who, in fact, was the only one who loved him. But he had chosen me, from the first moment of that November morning in bombed-out London, next to the smoking ruins of his family home. And although I never responded to his affection, and continually betrayed his trust, he stayed loyal to me. Sometimes I think that no one else in my life has ever been as true to me as Brian Somerville

The second reason why I am always dejected and almost melancholy when I think about the two of us is due to the directions our paths took. In other words, to the fact that we did not take the same path, as I had dreamt we would. To this day I am convinced that we were meant for each other. I was not happy with the man I later married, and nor were you happy with the woman you finally decided to marry at quite an advanced age. I am convinced that our relationships were not blessed because they were not our destiny. That is why we both experienced disappointments with our children. Your Gwen became
gauche old virgin who is now about
to marry a charming con artist who is only interested in her property, and will – I would bet on it – cheat on her even before they marry. And my daughter … well, you know

Hippy communes, hash and LSD, never a proper career, screwing around in everyone's bed, and worst of all: the irresponsible way she brought her daughter into the world. I was not surprised that she died of an overdose of drugs and alcohol. I even saw it coming. Of course I wished a different life for her

Without a doubt there is a connection between Brian Somerville and the fact that we did not forge a life together. Although we could not see it at the time, our story was decided on that August day in 1946. I pedalled away on your mother's bike with its flat tyres to Gordon McBright's ghostly, barren farm, and understood that something terrible had happened and we had to intervene. You will remember that I brought it up that evening in our bay

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