Read The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] Online

Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #Perfect Plans and Take a Bow

The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] (9 page)

His stare mirrors my intense desire—the sexual yearning I imagine is etched across my face speaking louder than my unspoken want possibly could. Yet he remains in place. Waiting for my invitation?
Does he need me to say the words aloud? I want to . . . I want him . . .

A hint of torturous resignation crosses his face, breaking our heated silence, “I’ll see you tonight . . . ”

No! Don’t go!
Startled panic sets in as he removes his hand from the door enclosure, giving way to its unobstructed closing.

No! Alex . . . don’t go!
My mind is racing.
I can’t let him go again!


I RELEASE HIS name in an eruption of desperation, laced with the want and need that has been building into explosion.

In an abrupt whirlwind of movement, Alex extends his arm, preventing the door from closing. I’m instantly assailed with his large, strong body backing me towards the rear of the elevator. Looking into his simmering eyes, I hold my breath in utter joy that I somehow found the strength to give in, praying that I’m not dreaming this.

With his wide frame pressing me against the wall, I mentally check off a large portion of my tall bill. This man has quite a few check marks going. Didn’t I say I wanted a man who knows what he wants, and isn’t afraid of taking it—me included?

“Tell me . . . tell me you want me as much as I want you.”

My breath hitches at his sensual request. I’m stunned silent, staring into his probing, mesmerizing gaze. I can feel his racing heartbeat through the thin material of his shirt, mimicking the rhythmic pulse of my core. It’s thrilling.

For so long I’ve dreamt of a moment like this. Of being completely overwhelmed by desire. Utterly lost to the sensation.
Is this really happening?

“Please . . . answer me,” he pleads, his voice needy, yet commanding.

“Y-yes. I want you.” I’ve admitted it to myself a thousand times over the past two days. This isn’t a dream, it’s my real-life dream come true. With shocking abandon, I fist my hands tightly in his shirt, easily falling into the role I’ve been longing to play, a husky groan leaving his lips.

With my acquiescence, he reaches for my nape, weaving his fingers into my hair, his tantalizing touch pulling my moan. Tugging gently, he tilts my head back, leaning down to devour me with his kiss. This is no soft kiss, but an assault of the senses, his lips crashing onto mine with virility. Overtaken with desire, I allow him access, his tongue plunging in to duel with mine.

On a released whimper, I return his kiss with fervor. He tastes incredible—the residual chocolate coating his tongue. My need to devour him is echoed in my hands, pulling and tugging on his shirt, grabbing fistfuls. I feel possessed, running my palms over his muscular pecs and thick arms, relishing in the strength of his corded muscles. I want to swallow him whole. I’ve never felt such latent yearning in all my life. Not in my real life anyway.

Too quickly, we come to a stop on my floor. In a display of carnal desire he pulls me out into the hallway, never releasing his tight grip on my body. His lips drift, kissing and nibbling down my cheek, along my jaw and onto my neck.

“Which room?” he whispers through his spectacular kisses.

There’s no question in my mind that I’m going to have this man. No question that I’m going to willingly tell him my room number so that I can strip him bare and make up for almost losing him. “804,” I answer breathlessly.

Pulling his lips away, he grabs my hand, leading me, quite ardently, down the hall. The absence of his lips on my skin, and strong arms around my body, leaves me feeling bereft.

“Key,” he demands softly, releasing my hand as we reach my room.

With trembling fingers, I pull it from my purse and hand it to him.

Pushing the door open, he pulls me inside, pressing me against the wall, an animalistic strength in his hold. Kissing me passionately, he groans slightly with each thrust of my tongue.

I feel his hands everywhere. Gliding along my ribs. Sliding up under my breasts, brushing his thumbs along my nipples. I moan at the touch, feeling lightheaded, my core clenching in anticipation.

Trailing down my back, his fingers leave a delicious trail of goose bumps. He grabs my ass, wrenching me against him with a firm determined jerk that’s mirrored in the deepening of his kiss, before exploring his way back up.

He’s playing my body like a fiddle and I can’t help myself—I can’t hold back my moan, causing his grip to tighten around my ribcage as though I’ve just heated things up a notch.

With masculine finesse, he reaches for the hem of my tank top, tugging it up and off of me.

My body is on fire for him. I need him to simply take me here where we stand. But I need him naked first. In a moment of lustful abandon, I grip the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up his body. He steps back to assist, grabbing it from behind his neck, tugging it off in one swift motion.
Damn, I’ve always thought that was a sexy way for a man to strip off his shirt.

His bare chest takes my breath away. He’s perfect, more so than he appears onscreen. I’m in awe of his hard, lean frame as he stands before me. I try to tear my gaze away from the stark outline of his magnificent form, but it’s no use. I’m practically drooling; biting my lip to be sure.

“Like what you see?” he asks, his devilishly handsome features shifting into a knowing grin as he catches me staring.

I nod, reaching out to slide my hands up along his well-formed muscular happy trail, upwards through the light dusting of hair covering his strong chest. My touch draws a guttural groan from his sensual lips. It makes me feel confident, sexual . . . naughty. Looking up to him, I sense he can see it in my eyes as I witness a flash of desire.

He reaches for me, pulling the strap of my white lacy bra down my shoulder, leaving earth-shattering kisses in its wake. His slow, succulent kisses continue along the swell of my breasts, my collarbone, and up the side of my neck; the clasp of my bra released with a quick slip of his fingers.

I run my hands over the smooth expanse of his skin, along his strong shoulders and biceps, squeezing and scratching along his muscled form. I can’t get enough of him. It’s as though my thoughts, dreams, and regrets have conjured him up. It’s mind-blowing, and feels completely irrational.

Tossing my bra to the floor, he leans back to inspect the package he’s just unwrapped. His stare leaves me feeling exposed and less than adequate. “You’re stunning,” he whispers, effectively obliterating my self-doubt. He has a way of looking at me that makes me feel like I’m everything he needs. I feel cherished.

He drops to his knees before me.

Oh my God.

Leaning forward, he gently kisses my stomach, splaying his hands around my waist. The sheer span of his fingers feels as though he’s engulfing me. I feel so small in his arms. Fragile.

With labored breaths, I look down, watching his sexy nips and licks along my stomach, continuing towards the valley between my breasts. My body wracks with exhilarating shivers.

Gliding his hands upwards, he cups my breasts, plumping them up for his perusal. His intense hot gaze draws mine and my breath hitches as his tongue peeks out from between his lips to lick along my nipple. I’m unable to look away. His sinful stare intoxicates me.

I cry out as he sucks my nipple into his mouth, tweaking the other with his fingers. I’m enraptured. The passionate, sensual overload to my body feels too much to take.

Sucking and pulling my nipple enough to leave it swollen and ultra-sensitive, he seamlessly slides his mouth along my chest to my other breast.

Wildly, I slide my fingers into his thick wavy hair. I can’t control myself from pulling his head closer; needing, wanting him to suck me as though he can’t get enough. And from his display and fervent attention to my breasts, it’s evident that he can’t. It’s a heady feeling to know that I’ve inspired this man to want me so desperately.

Wetness pools between my legs, my pussy throbbing intensely in a desperate plea to be filled. I feel slightly embarrassed that he’ll witness just how wet I am. I swear my panties are soaked through, the moisture wetting my inner thighs.

“Alex, please . . . ” I beg.

“Tell me what you need . . . what you want,” he demands softly between licks and nips to my nipple. Pushing both breasts together, he takes them into his mouth simultaneously.

Oh my God.
What is he doing to me?
I could orgasm from his constant breast play alone.
Panting wildly, I’m unable to respond.
What do I want? Everything!

At my lack of reply, he releases my breasts to stand, sliding his hands under my thighs, lifting me with ease; my legs wrapping tightly around his lean hips. He wrenches my core against him, my lips parting on a gasping moan at the feel of his arousal, pressing hard where I feel achy and empty.

Pausing, he looks into my eyes before taking my mouth in another earth-shattering kiss. I slide my fingers through the too-long hair at the nape of his neck, tugging hard, hoping to relay my needs with touch alone. My intensity incites him to push his erection harder against me.

“Alex,” I gasp into his kiss.

“Tell me to stop, Aby, and I will,” he pulls his lips from mine, searching my eyes. “It will be the hardest thing I’ll ever do, but if you don’t want this, now would be the time to tell me.”

I return his searching gaze, overwhelmed by his gentlemanly plea.
I think I may love this man.
“Don’t stop. Please . . . don’t ever stop,” I beg in a breathless whisper.

With a growl, he pulls me away from the wall, effortlessly carrying me towards the bed, laying me down gently, my legs dangling over the edge. Standing between my wide spread legs, he slides his hands along the inside of my thighs, pushing my skirt upwards, the edges pooling around my hips. I feel completely exposed, bared to him this way. Vulnerable.

His eyes possess me. I’m utterly seduced by him, moaning as his feather-light touch inches toward my core. His fingers slide along my soaked panties, my sex trembling in need, my body bowing towards his touch, wanting more.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he whispers, soaking up my essence with his finger, bringing it to his lips for a taste, his eyes closing in satisfaction.

My emitted whimper at the sensual onslaught forces the return of his intense gaze. With renewed fervor, he reaches for my panties, sliding them down my legs, discarding them to the floor. Dropping to his knees, he grabs my hips, pulling me towards the edge of the bed.

“Alex, don’t . . . ” I protest, realizing his intentions.

Pulling me hard against him, he takes hungry possession of my pussy, cutting me off at my plea. His tongue licks every inch of my folds, pushing inside me before returning to lick around my clit.

“Fuck baby, you taste so good,” he growls against me, the vibrations sending waves of tiny shudders through my body—his talented tongue effectively causing me to lose awareness of everything but the amazing sensations he’s evoking within me.

Scorching heat races through me. Never have I imagined I could feel anything so exquisite. An upward raging fire consumes my body as he sucks my clit into his mouth. I burst in an explosive, powerful orgasm, his name falling off my tongue, “Alex!”

Tantalizing me with a few more gentle licks, he leans back, taking in my gaze, a small smile outlining his lips. Standing slowly, his eyes bore into mine as he reaches for the button of his jeans, lowering the zipper before bending to slide them with his boxers down his muscular legs. As he stands upright, I’m witness to his enormous cock, now purplish in color, jutting out towards me.

I inspired that?

Completely naked, he’s utterly confident is his nudity. Leaning towards me slightly, he gently grips my hip, turning me over onto my stomach. The abrasion of the bed linen on my sensitive nipples reignites my lust, my need to feel him inside me.

Unsure of his intentions, I feel his fingers behind me at the closure of my skirt. He unzips it slowly, pulling it down my legs, leaving me naked and exposed to him, my ass on full display.

His strong body comes over me, hovering atop his muscular arms as he places gentle kisses upwards along my spine, sliding my hair to the side to continue his masterful kisses along my shoulder.
He’s kissing my tattoo,
I realize, his fingers outlining the shape of my flowers.

“Beautiful,” he whispers.

I turn my head, attempting to reach for his lips, the angled maneuver successful as he meets them in earnest. Our kiss is aggressive, savage in our lust for each other; its momentum unbroken as he slides onto the mattress beside me, my body instinctively turning to face him, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

The feel of his hard member against my lower stomach elicits my escaped moan through our frenzied kiss, igniting his ardor. He grabs my thigh, pulling my leg up around his hip. It’s a sexy, forceful motion. We’re consumed by the primal tangle of our bodies—my own pushing against his in absolute need.

He shifts responsively, pushing me onto my back, his hard body pinning me to the bed, resting between my wide spread legs. I feel his cock sliding along my wetness, reflexively clutching the wide span of his shoulders as he swallows my gasp.

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