Read The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] Online

Authors: C.J. Wells

Tags: #Perfect Plans and Take a Bow

The Perfect Plans Series [Box Set] (93 page)

“You do have the ring, right?” panic bites through my words, my feet frozen in place waiting for the relief of his reply.

“What ring?” Ben smirks.

“You’re an asshole,” I clench my jaw, continuing my restless jaunt around the room, her perfect smile, beautiful lips calling to me…to make her mine. To finally call her my wife.
My wife.
The thought sends intense emotions coursing through my veins. Elation. Possession. Completion. Love.

“Seriously, man, you need to calm the fuck down,” he calls over his shoulder, returned to his reflection, adjusting his tie. “You getting cold feet, fucknuts?” he turns to face me, his typical sarcastic expression contorting to genuine concern.
Misguided concern

“Don’t be daft, dick. I’m dying here. The wait is killing me. I want to marry Aby. Right. Now.”

“Fuck,” Ben chuckles. “That’s a relief. I hadn’t anticipated having to break you out of here. I wouldn’t know where to start,” he adds, looking around for some kind of inconspicuous escape.

“Very funny.” I make my way to the settee in the corner. “What time is it?” I ask, despite staring at my watch - the watch Aby gave me.
To my Alexander the Great
…If she only knew how much having her in my life made me feel just that.

“It’s about quarter past my ass,” he snickers. “Dude, I’m going to need reinforcements if you don’t snap the fuck out of it.”

I can’t resist my long, drawn out sigh of frustration. Fifteen more agonizing minutes.
What’s fifteen more minutes when I’ve waited a lifetime for her?
I’ve managed to make it through a full year since bending before her on my knee. Twelve long months since the day I proposed - Aby’s adamancy that we prove ‘them all wrong' with a lengthy engagement merely solidifying our love for each other, the rightness of
I can get through another fifteen minutes, right?

Fuck me,
I ring the back of my neck, pulling and stretching to work the kinks out.

“Wow, buddy, you’ve got it bad,” Ben chuckles, jarring me back to real time - where moments slow further.

“If by that you mean I’m madly in love with her, then hell yes. She’s my whole fucking world and everything in it.”

“I’m happy for you, man, I really am. But all this gooey romance shit you’re sprouting is pinching my last manly nerve. You’re hooked, shithead. She has you fucking hooked. Wrapped around her little finger.”

Bound to her…
“Admittedly,” the reminder pulls my smile, “And I love every minute of it.”

“Knock, knock,” Mo enters, closing the door behind him. “Almost ready?”

“Almost?” Ben quips, his sarcastic tone of old returned full force. “The man is damn near out of his mind ready.”

Smiling down at me, Mo winks, reaching into in his pocket to pull out three cigars. “Perhaps a stogy will calm you down, my friend.”

“Brilliant idea,” Ben mutters, quickly making his way to join Mo at the door.

“Not now, Ben,” I halt his process, eliciting his annoyed stare. “I don’t want to smell like a cigar when I kiss my bride. But thank you for the thought,” I smile at Mo.

“My pleasure, buddy. You ready for this?” he asks, sitting down beside me.

“More than you know. I feel like I’ve been ready forever - waited forever - for Aby.”

“It was fate. Cupid’s arrow,” Ben swoons dramatically, dangling his hand through the air. “Cupid’s arrow, my ass,” he snorts, “more like your dick licking her ass when she fell into your lap.”

My best friend is a dorky dickhead
, I lean my elbows on my wide spread knees, looking down to the floor, shaking my head.

“That wasn’t fate, brother, he made that shit happen,” Mo pulls my gaze to his knowing grin.

“He didn’t make her fall into his lap,
,” Ben retorts, his face twisted as though he’s actually weighing the thought.

“No, but the minute she did, I knew I had to make her mine.” Our connection was instant, and I can’t help but smile remembering her nervous ramblings that night. So confident about she wanted, yet so real with naïve self-doubt.
. My perfect reality.

“She’s a good girl, Alex, my man. And it was clear from the first time I met her that she has it equally bad for you. That night at the Imagine Dragons’ concert, the way she was looking at you…Man,” he shakes his head. “I’m elated for you both,” he slaps my knee, moving to stand.

! Don’t encourage him. He’s turning into a fucking chick - a blubbering, ass-whooped Romeo.”

“You’re one to talk,” Mo pipes in, “I’m fairly certain I heard you babbling sonnets for the lovely Helena earlier.”

Flipping us the bird amid our laughter at his expense, Ben resumes my previous pacing of the room, Mo giving him a playful shove.

This feels good
, I take in my two best friends, our incessant meanderings never waning, regardless of the venue and monumental event about to take place. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

“Okay boys, time to make our way out,” Mo warns, looking at his watch.

Hell yeah.
“Let’s do this,” I rub my eager hands together, joining them at the door, the word
carrying me through each step.

, MY HEART is threatening to burst through my chest at the introduction of the bridal march, my eyes glued to the double doors at the end of the aisle. It isn’t nerves, it’s fucking excitement.
. And when she comes into view, it threatens to burn me alive.

Stunning doesn’t begin to describe Aby in this moment. There are no words.

Her gorgeous brown curls are piled high atop her head, loose tendrils sweeping beneath the angelic veil draping down her back. I could never have prepared myself for the vision of her - her blue-gray eyes glistening, holding me hostage, her beautiful smile meant only for me. She takes my breath away.

She pauses there, in the doorway on her father’s arm, her love radiating in her gaze towards me in the distance between us. My perfect love, calling to me in it’s unspoken depth, every cell of my being fighting to run towards it, to claim it - knowing it’s walking my way, the only thing holding me in place.

The need to devour the length of her pulls my gaze, my eyes begging to take her all in as she walks on the arm of her father up the aisle. Her dress is mind-blowing, the strapless lace top framing her chest in the shape of a heart - romantic, fitting and incredibly sexy. The full, flowing skirt accents her tiny waist to perfection. She looks like a fucking angel.
My angel.

Reaching me, she steals my breath once more, a loose curl hanging along her perfect neck triggering an itch to just lean down and place a gentle kiss on the soft flesh. Time stands still as I lose myself in her beautiful face, the world around us melting away to nothing but my undying love.

She smiles wide as I take her hand, gently squeezing it as we turn to face the altar - in body only, since I can’t tear my eyes away from the angel at my side.

Words blur - heard, though fleeting in comparison to her strong hold of my heart - before her vows steal, capture, what I will remember for all time, “…to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”

I hang on her every word, overcome with emotion from the sincere purity of her love - love that steels the composure of my own overwhelming, recital of our vows. Every word, every promise I return, meaning more than I ever thought possible as I stare down into the face of the woman I love more than life itself.

I love you
, I mouth, wiping a fallen tear from her cheek.

Anything and everything around us is nothing but a hushed whisper - the only thing that matters standing before me, her gentle smile, her eyes gleaming with so much elation it leaves me bewildered that she’s mine.

…even before I hear the words of declaration, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

He doesn’t need to tell me twice.

Cupping Aby’s perfect face in my palms, I lean down placing the most heartfelt of kisses to her lips, trying my damnedest to convey the sheer magnitude of my love and devotion to her among the whispered cheers of the crowd. I feel the pull of her beautiful smile against my lips as the kiss extends a little longer than it should.

“I love you,” she whispers as I pull away.

“I love you more.”

“HOW DO YOU feel, Mrs. Tate?” I brace my hand on the back wall of the elevator, pinning my beautiful bride, stealing a caress of her cheek.

“Mmmm, perfect,” her breathless reply slithers down my groin, my dick twitching at the perfection of her.

perfect, sweetheart,” I reply, meaning every word.

She laughs and the sound sends a second strike to my raging erection. I’ve waited hours to get her alone - hours to make love to my
- each agonizing minute closer to
her sending my ardor careening higher. I feel like a randy fifteen year old, unable to keep his dick in his pants from the excitement of using it for the first time. That’s how she makes me feel. How she’s
made me feel. I can’t get enough of her.

“Fuck, I love you,” the words escape amid my attack of her perfect mouth.

The memory of our first kiss - the intense rush of need to make her mine right there in the elevator of this very hotel - floats through the euphoric dance of our lips and tongues. It was in that moment, my lips touching hers for the first time, that I finally knew the taste of happiness. I
it. And my need for her now - right here, in
moment - supersedes my wildest dreams. She makes me feel like tomorrow is more than just another day. And each and every day, I fall further and further under her spell.

Coming to a stop on our floor, the elevator signals the opening of its doors, our kiss unbroken as I pull her out into the hallway. The only thing allowing the pull of my lips from hers is my dire, desperate need to get her to the suite. Our
suite. The entire notion hits me hard with longing, possession…love.

Quick, needy strides lead us down the hallway, our hands linked eagerly with anticipation. Stopping at the door, I wrap her in my arms, pulling her flush against me, leaning my back on the wall.

Mesmerized, I watch her lips part on a breathless gasp, her cheeks instantly blushing, hands gliding up my chest to rest on my shoulders. She loves it when I lose control, showcasing my desire for her, my
for her.

Her blue-gray eyes stare back at me, the ever-raging fire and passion we can’t seem to distinguish pouring from her gaze.

“It’s indescribable how breathtaking you are, Aby,” I whisper, swiping my finger along her delicate jaw. “I need you
,” I lean down to kiss her lips, “…forever. Always,” I continue amid swipes of my tongue, her avid surrender swelling my male pride.

Opening the door, I pull her inside, our lips crashing before the closing of the door behind us. She gasps as I release her, spinning her in place to unfasten her beautiful dress, my eyes begging the quickening of my measures, desperate to see her, my hands desperate to feel every bare inch.

She turns to face me, her perfect bottom lip bitten between her teeth as she allows the strapless gown to fall to the floor, pooling at her feet.
. The visual is jaw dropping. And I take my time devouring her from the bottom up.

The sexiest white stiletto heels, long, mouthwatering legs wrapped in stockings, held sinfully by the clips of her garter…my dick threatens to explode from the confines of my pants at the sight. Her perfect bellybutton teases my tongue, peeking from her bare midriff below the white strapless bustier, her deliciously perfect breasts cupped in its lace. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was drooling, possibly frothing at the mouth.

“Like what you see?” she asks, devilish desire oozing from her angel face, her lips parted with fucking, sexy need.

Oh you have no idea
, I shake my head, staring down at her.

“Yours,” she whispers in response to my unspoken decree, as I bend to lift her in my arms.

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