The Piper (15 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hightower

Teddy put her hands over her face. ‘It's not a game.'

‘You're saying he's real. He actually talks to you. Are you saying he's in the house? Because I don't see him.'

‘Of course you don't see him, he only lets certain people know he's around. It isn't up to us, it's up to him.'

‘Really? What does he look like?'

Teddy rubbed her eyes. ‘It's hard to explain. He looks like the dark.'

‘Like a shadow?'

Teddy nodded. ‘Sometimes he stands over me, by my bed, and leans on me. And he's behind me, in the house sometimes. He creeps up. He watches us a lot. He doesn't like Winston. And he really doesn't like you.'

‘Does he talk to you?'

Teddy nodded.

‘In a regular voice?'

‘It's just a
, Mommy, like yours or mine, only he whispers a lot. Winston hears it too, it makes his tail go down.' Teddy turned sideways toward her mother. ‘I know what we should do. Let's tell them there's not a
. Let's tell them I made it all up. Let's tell them I did it so I wouldn't have to go to school. So we could go home and live with Daddy in California.'

‘Oh, God, Teddy.'

‘Please, Mommy. I didn't mean to make you cry. Let's just go home, okay? I want to see Winston. Please, Mommy, please.'


‘I need to go home with you, Mommy. If I can have you and Winston, I'll be okay. I'm so sorry I got you in trouble at the hospital. Please don't be mad.'

‘I'm not mad.'

‘You seem mad.'

‘I'm upset. But the person I'm upset with is me.'


For dragging you two thousand miles away from your father, Olivia thought. For yet another move. ‘Teddy,
you make it all up or do you see a . . . a dark man in the house?'

Teddy bit the knuckles of her fist. ‘Which one do you want me to say?'


livia was on her way to the airport when her cell phone rang. Clients had been calling in like crazy all morning, and she'd left an annoyed Robbie Arliss to hold them off. Amelia was coming. Olivia had called her in the middle of the night and she'd promised to take the first flight out. Her plane was due to touch down in thirty minutes.

Olivia knew better than to pick up the phone when she was driving, but she was idling at a traffic light on Kingston Pike, waiting to take the exit to 275, and it was McTavish on the caller ID.

‘Hey, babe, I hear it's official that you and I are dating again. Oh, and I'm looking forward to that dinner at your place tomorrow night.' McTavish sounded amused and Olivia was glad she was alone in the car with her blush.

‘I take it Annabelle called.'

‘In the middle of the night. To confirm. How's Teddy? She okay?'

‘Yeah, whatever it was, she got over it.' The physical part anyway, Olivia thought. ‘What did you say to Annabelle?'

‘What she already knows.'

‘Which is?'

‘That you're a great mom. That Teddy probably has school phobia just like you said, and your brother just died so for God's sake cut you some slack. And not to let her professional ethics be swayed by jealousy because I backed you up on our dinner plans tomorrow night. I'll bring a bottle of wine. Seven, okay?'

‘I'd love to, but I can't. I've got a friend flying in from California.'

‘What, some guy?'

‘No, a girlfriend, she's also a PA, she was Teddy's pediatrician when we were in LA. I can't just run off and leave her.'

‘She coming to check Teddy out?'

‘Kind of.'

‘So you're worried.'

‘Are you going to discuss this with Annabelle?'

‘I sure as hell am not. But that ain't no reason to cancel dinner, we'll just do it Sunday afternoon, after you girls have had a chance to catch up and stuff. I can meet your friend, you can cook the side dishes, and I'll bring some ribs for the grill.'

‘That grill hasn't been used in God knows how long.'

‘Then I better get there early to clean it out. Make sure the beer is cold. We'll have a big family dinner, like your mom used to do, on Sunday afternoons.'

‘In that case you better bring Jamison. He was always there mooning after Emily.'

‘I thought she was mooning after him. But I'll bring him and thanks for asking. He doesn't get invited out a lot.'

McGee-Tyson Airport was a hell of a relief after LAX. There was only one terminal and you could pretty much park next door, and it was free if you were in and out in half an hour. Olivia had visited Chris right after 9/11 and though the airport was swarming with National Guardsmen armed with machine guns like everywhere else, they had a tendency to smile and say hi.

Olivia checked the monitor, laughed a little because Amelia's flight was right on time and things were just simpler in Tennessee. She stood outside of security, next to the crashing fountain. Sun streamed through the glassed in walls, and she felt better already. Amelia was sensible, intelligent, confident and wise. She would figure out what was going on with Teddy, poke the notion that Teddy was being haunted by the mysterious Duncan Lee full of obvious holes, and make everything okay. There would no doubt be a handsome man helping her with her carry-on luggage, and she would have packed way too much stuff.

But Amelia was frowning when she came down the steep sloping hall, oblivious to the long looks she got from certain types of businessmen traveling on their own. When she saw Olivia she smiled, and her carry-on bag was bulging, as were her briefcase and her purse. Her hair was clipped in a knot of loose waves on her head, and she wore snug, worn Levi 501s and a black tee shirt that said
Yeah, what?
The black rimmed cat glasses hung from a chain around her neck.

Amelia dropped all her bags to the floor and gave Olivia a big hug, and Olivia inhaled the familiar scent of Chance
by Chanel and felt safe again.

‘Livie, God it's good to see you.'

‘I can't believe you actually came, Amelia. I know how impossible it is for you to get away. This means so much to Teddy and me.'

Amelia looked over Olivia's shoulder and out the windows. ‘This airport is surrounded by
. Please God tell me there's an actual town.'

‘Yes, Amel, there is an actual town.'

‘With shopping and everything?'

‘With shopping and everything.' Olivia grabbed the handle to the rolling carry-on bag. It was hot pink with black trim. ‘Come on, baggage claim is downstairs.'

‘I didn't check any luggage.'

Olivia stopped. Turned to look at her friend. ‘Really? I thought . . . I thought you were going to stay a whole week.'

‘I am.'


‘I left in kind of a hurry, remember? To tell you the truth, Livie, if you hadn't called me I was going to call you, and ask if I could come.'

‘What's going on, Amelia?'

‘I think I did something bad. I need to talk to you about it, but not right in the middle of an airport, okay? Can we go somewhere and get coffee or do you need to get back to work?'

‘I already planned to take the day off,' Olivia lied. ‘When's the last time you had a meal? There's a little place right near the house, home cooked southern food.'

‘I'm up for anything. I'm starved.'

Big Fatties was empty of clientele. A cheerful box of a restaurant, sharing a building with an adult bookstore. Two blocks down from Olivia's house, and around the corner from Teddy's school.

Amelia paused in the doorway, taking in the bright tile floors, the blond wood table and chairs. A guy who looked college age sat behind a table near the cash register, engrossed in an open textbook, making notes on a laptop. The shelves behind him looked like what you'd find in a messy house full of children – sweaters, shoes, books, toys. Family stuff, nothing that said restaurant. The boy looked up.

‘Sit anywhere you want. There's menus on that table over there.' He jerked a thumb over one shoulder. ‘The special's on the board. My name is Greg if you need me.'

They settled at a table as far away from Greg as they could get, right in front of a window, where they could see the car wash next door, and the traffic up and down the Pike.

‘What y'all drinking?' Greg said from across the room. ‘Sweet tea's good.'

Amelia looked across the table at Olivia. ‘Sweetie?'

‘Sweet. Tea.'

Amelia smiled at Greg over one shoulder. ‘Bring us two.'

After querying Olivia on what was meant by
Meat & Three
, Amelia ordered the chili, and Olivia had the barbecued chicken sandwich with shoestring fries.

When Greg was in the back, seeing to their orders, Olivia leaned across the table and lowered her voice. ‘Is it Marianne that's got you shook up, Amelia? Is she getting worse?'

‘Yes and no. There's something I didn't tell you, Livie. I haven't told anybody, but I can't get it out of my head.'

Olivia realized that while she had assumed Amelia had come to provide moral support, she was actually there for help. ‘I'm listening.'

Amelia clasped her hands together as if she were saying a prayer. ‘It all started a few months ago. Marianne was having bad dreams. Dreams where she couldn't breathe, and couldn't call for help. So Alexis and I sat down with her, and talked it out. And we told her that Mommy and Daddy would always be there to look out for her, and that I'd be the backup, and I'd come when she needed me. And I gave her a special pager, it was an extra I had, and I set it up so that all she had to do was push a button, and it would buzz me day or night.

‘Truth to tell? I just gave it to her for comfort value. Like a security blanket. Because the hospital staff in her peds unit is top notch. And Alexis and Jack – when Marianne's in the hospital, they're with her night and day, it's not like she's alone.

‘I told Marianne the pager would show a special code so I would know it was her, but that she could only use it if she really needed me, because if I saw her special code come up, I was going to drop everything and be there as fast as I could. We put the pager in her special lovee, this stuffed platypus she has – it has a little tummy pouch for platypus eggs, and we tucked the pager in there.

‘Then one night, after Marianne was already starting what I call the downhill run . . .' Amelia took a breath. ‘She was spiking a fever and having a hard time getting her breath, fluid building up in her lungs. I met all three of them in the ER, we got Marianne medicated and stable, and we were keeping her in a night or two for tests and observation, and then the oncologist was going to come in and tell us what was next.

‘So. Middle of the night twenty-four hours later. I'm home, sound asleep, and something wakes me up. I don't know what. I come up out of a deep sleep, like someone has touched my shoulder or called my name. And I sit up in bed, turn on the lamp, and look at the clock. Three sixteen a.m. I'm yawning and rubbing my eyes, thinking it was maybe some noise outside, a neighbor coming home late, when the pager goes off.'

‘Marianne's code?'

Amelia nodded. ‘So I pull on my scrubs, pick up my cell and get peds on the line while I'm rounding up my car keys, putting on my shoes. Trying not to panic, there's a whole hospital staff there after all, and Alexis and Jack. I'm thinking maybe it was an accident or maybe Marianne was just lonely or scared.' Amelia swallowed hard, rubbed at her left eye. ‘Night nurse tells me Marianne is coding, so I'm on the way.

‘By the time I get there, Livie, the excitement is over. Marianne is stable again, sedated, sleeping hard. Doesn't even twitch when I touch her hand. I look but the platypus isn't there. I ask Alexis about it, and she says they left it at home, because the hospital wouldn't let Marianne have it in the ICU.

‘So. Alexis and I have been friends a long time, right? I have a key to the house. The dog, Harry the Hound, he and I are old buds. So on my way home I stop by. Harry is sleepy but glad to see me, and I fill up his water bowl and take him out for a pee.

‘Then I head upstairs to Marianne's room, Harry on my heels, wagging his tail. There's a nightlight on in the hallway, and I go in. And it's like the lair of a little princess. White canopy bed, pink quilt. Tiny little desk and bookshelves filled with Dr Seuss. Everything in miniature, fluffy, white, gold and pink. And the platypus is on the bed, laid out on the pillow. I open up the belly – it's Velcroed shut, and sure enough, the pager is right there. It shows me being paged at exactly three sixteen a.m. Only Marianne and her parents have been in the ER for the last thirty-six hours. So who set off the pager? The next day I look at Marianne's chart. She coded at two fifty-eight a.m., and lost all vital signs at three sixteen right on the nose.'

Olivia felt a chill begin at the top of her arms. ‘Sometimes those pagers just go off.'

‘At the exact same time Marianne's vitals are lost?' Amelia leaned close across the table. ‘So you can see now, when you got that phone call from your brother, why I was so, so—'


‘Okay. Obsessed.'

‘So you haven't been researching this just lately. This has been going on a while.'


‘Look, you have to be careful with this, Amelia. You can't let it take over your life.'

‘You're telling me to back away, when a little girl's life is involved? I know I need to help her. I'm trying to find my way. What do
think it means, Livie?'

‘I don't know, Amelia. I don't think it means anything bad. Maybe Marianne needed you, and was somehow able to ask for help.'

. In a hospital full of qualified doctors and nurses, and her parents just a few feet away, she wants
help. Because she's drowning with fluid in her lungs, and she doesn't want to be on the ventilator.'

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