The note of command in his voice startled her.  She sat. 


"I take it that you didn't know about this?"  His question wasn't judgmental or mocking. 


She shook her head.  Her heart was pounding and she had to clench her hands in her lap to keep from shaking.  Her secret was out.  "Why are you here?  You obviously aren't Mike."


"Mike couldn't make it.  He asked me to fill in."  His stare was dark and intense making Hannah squirm in her seat. 


Her nervousness was making her edgy and she grasped the arm of the sofa as she met his steady gaze.  Was Ryan Brenner into this type of thing?  It should have surprised her...but it didn't.  His deep, husky baritone voice had always turned her on and he was the subject of more than one of her heated fantasies. 


He had neatly trimmed black hair and dark gray eyes that could pin a person to the wall with a glare.  He was built big and rugged with a trim waist and towered over her five foot five height by at least eight inches.  She guessed he was probably only five or six years older than her, but he always gave off the vibes of being worldly and experienced.  She had never let his dominant personality overshadow her responsibilities to her job, but he moved her on a personal level.   


However, he wasn't in a courtroom now and he wasn't a prosecuting attorney.  He was clad in jeans and a casual pullover fleece sweatshirt

that matched his gray eyes, and
were in what had to be a BDSM training house. 


"So you're do this..." 


Shit.  Where were her slick words now?  She felt like her whole world had turned upside down. 


He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared down at her.  "I'm a dominant, Hannah. I like nothing more than to sexually satisfy a submissive's desires and my own by being in control in the bedroom."


Hannah quivered at his dark, silky tone.  She didn't hear any shame or embarrassment.  He obviously had come to terms with his own sexual desires.  It was her deeply hidden desire to be dominated, but she buried hers, afraid anyone would find out about her forbidden yearnings. 


"I don't do this.  I don't know why Cindy would think - "  she tried and failed to keep her voice steady. 


"There's nothing wrong with having desires, Hannah.  Why bury them when you can fulfill them?"  His voice was seductive.  And dangerous.  "You're afraid.  I understand that."


"I'm not afraid.  I just don't want it."  She pushed the part of her that wanted to admit that she wanted a man to dominate her deep down inside of her.  She couldn't admit it.  Especially not to Ryan Brenner.  She had never confided her suppressed needs to anyone. 


He moved to the desk and leaned back against it, piercing her with his eyes.  She diverted her face, staring at a scenic painting of the mountains. 


"Your friend went to a great deal of trouble.  Getting a private appointment with Mike is difficult. At least let me give you a tour of the playroom."  His voice was tranquil, but his eyes were demanding as he took her hand to pull her up beside him.     


He was close.  Too close.  She could feel his warm breath on her neck as

as his arm came along her back to guide her. 


Everything felt surreal to her right now.  She pulled away slightly and he reached out to clasp her hand firmly.  He pulled her along behind him as he exited the den, moving in the opposite direction of the door she had entered.   


Her heart was slamming against her chest, a sure sign that she should be running like hell in the other direction.  Still, she followed him.  "Ryan...I really should be going."   


He ignored her until her they came to a closed door not far from the den.  "Open the door, Hannah."  He requested softly, but with insistence.   


She knew opening the door meant much more than the actual action.  It was symbolic.  It would open a door that could change her life forever.  She knew it.  He knew it.  That was why he was insisting she open the door willing. 


Her hand shook as she place it on the doorknob.  It was as though she was being compelled to see what lie within. 


You've waited all these years, Hannah.  At least look at the room.


She grasped the knob tightly and pushed.  The room looked like every one of her darkest fantasies. 


She stopped just inside the door and gaped.  Mike had every piece of high grade equipment a dungeon could ever want.  The Saint Andrews Cross was against the far wall.  It was in the figure of an X and she knew exactly what it was used for.  Bondage tables were scattered around the room and there were play areas on plush rugs for floor equipment that had cushy wedges with bindings and various other equipment.  There were also several spanking tables and chains that were suspended from the ceiling.  There were several cages isolated in the corners.  


Hannah shivered as she noticed several chairs with restraints attached to the legs and sides of those chairs.


Run, Hannah, Run.


She wanted to, but Ryan was behind her, his arm circling her waist.  "Welcome to the adult playground.  Anything you want can be yours.  You just have to admit that you want it."  His mouth was against her ear, his words incredibly tempting and seductive. 


"I can't."  Her breath was coming in shallow, rapid spurts.  The words were almost inaudible... but he heard her. 


"You can, Hannah.  I can fulfill your every fantasy.  Don't run away from it.  Move toward it.  You'll never be completely fulfilled without it.  You already know that.  You're hiding."  One hand was pulling her against him, while the other lightly traced her collarbone. 


She tried to twist away from him, but he had a firm grip on her waist.  It would be so easy to lean back against him, give in to his persuasion. 


"Having those urges isn't right.  I can't act on them."  She struggled with him, trying to get away from his insistent hold.   It would be so easy to lean back and let him take her away.  She had wanted it for so long.  She had also wanted Ryan Brenner.  Had it been any other man she would have already been gone.  But it was Ryan...and she was so very tempted. 


"It's not wrong to fulfill your needs, Hannah.  Just let go."  His voice was low and husky as he slowly and deliberately opened several buttons at the top of her damp blouse.  His fingers circled lazily over the tops of her breasts. 


My God, she was practically panting already.  She squirmed, trying to break his hold, but his arm was like a iron band around her waist.  She shook her head in denial.  "No.  I can't."


"Can't?  Or won't?,"  he questioned quietly as his fingers delved beneath the dainty lace of her bra and brushed her nipple. 


She could feel his warm breath and the wet tip of his tongue tracing her ear.  Could she really resist the chance to fulfill the needs raging inside of

her now?


"You want it, don't you Hannah?"  His voice was authoritative as he pulled her up against his groin.  His cock was hard and it felt so good.  


Hannah wanted to rub against his large erection.  Her body was demanding she let this man sate her.  Years of suppressed desires were battering at her and lowering her defenses. 


"Answer me."  His voice raised to a rigid and stern tone, demanding an answer as he pinched her nipple. 


The sensation licked through her body like lightning, eroding her will to resist.  She nodded slowly, unable to fight her desire to give in to him.  "Yes," she answered, not capable of uttering any other words.  


He pulled his hand from her blouse and swung her around to face him.  His expression was stark and unbending.  He grasped her upper arms tightly.  "We have a few ground rules.  I tell you what to do and you obey.  Do nothing unless I tell you to do it.  Give me a safe word.  You say the word and everything stops.  Got it?"


She was shaking as she looked into his eyes and nodded slightly.  She had no personal experience but she knew everything about the world of pleasure and pain.  It had been haunting her dreams for years and she had done plenty of curious research. 


He didn't smile, but his face relaxed slightly.  She wanted to please him.  She wanted to hear his pleasure and praise.


"Give me your safe word."  He requested as he pulled his fleece sweatshirt over his head. 


She opened her mouth to say that she couldn't think of one.  Hell, she couldn't think of anything except his body.  No one would ever know that Ryan Brenner was an attorney who spent a lot of time behind a desk.  He was built like a man who did physical work, every muscle in his torso, chest and arms developed and solid.  His chest was broad and smooth. 


"Your safe word," he reminded her as he moved close enough to pull her jacket down her arms.  He removed the note from her hand and discarded it onto a chair. 


"Paper," she blurted out as she noticed the note she had clenched in her hand as he removed it.


"Anything off limits?,"  he questioned casually as he discarded her jacket and finished unbuttoning her blouse.  He discarded it on the same chair that held his shirt and her jacket. 


"I-I don't know.  I've never...tried anything like this,"  she murmured, her comment barely audible.


His hands hotly brushed over the skin of her abdomen as they slid down to unbutton her skirt.  As he lowered the zipper he answered.  "We'll just have to see what you like."  He pulled the skirt firmly down her thighs.  It dropped at her feet and she stared at it. 


She hesitated before she stepped out of it and he tossed it on top of her other clothing.  He made her step out of her shoes and stripped off her stockings.  


Last chance to run.  You can stop it right now.


He discarded her bra, stroking and pinching her nipples roughly after it was gone.


She couldn't run away.  She wanted this too much.  Her body was on fire just from his firm touch on her breasts.  Excitement, desire, shame and fear swamped her brain.  They were all there, at war and fighting to see which emotion was strongest.   


"Don't think, Hannah.  Just obey and feel."  His voice commanded as he tilted her head up to look at him.  His eyes were compelling and her whole being swayed toward him.


"I won't call you Sir,"  she informed him, her voice holding a touch of defiance. 


"We'll see."  His lips twitched, his tone cocky and tormenting.  


His mouth came down hard over hers and Hannah decided the war of her emotions was won.  The shame and fear was still there, but desire and excitement were victorious.  






As Ryan looked into her eyes the dom in him jumped to the forefront.  Her need, vulnerability and naked longing showed in her beautiful green eyes.  She also had some defiance and fear.  He liked that.  He wanted the challenge of breaking her.  She would fight because she still felt shame in her hidden longings, but he would drill through them until he found the passion.  He would watch her every reaction.  He would know what she wanted...what she needed.   


Christ!  She was a dom's wet dream.  Okay...she was his wet dream.  She had every quality he had always secretly longed for in a woman.  Had he known she had this sort of passion he would have pursued her relentlessly. 


His mouth crushed over hers, holding her head in his hands as his need to dominate her came crashing over him. 


Let the games begin, he thought, as he let his possessive, domineering need take control. 





The kiss was a branding, a mark of possession.  His mouth was rough as he held her head firmly and marked her as his to control. 


She nearly moaned into his mouth as his tongue swept against hers forcefully, bending her to his will. 

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