Read The Pleasure Series: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #dark romance

The Pleasure Series: Complete Box Set (53 page)

A muffled whimper almost escaped.

“Now, put your hands on your breasts.” His hand was still moving lazily over his cock. “I want you to play with your nipples while I fuck you.”

He smiled as I obeyed. My fingers rolled the sensitive flesh, tugging and pinching just the way I liked. He took another step forward, cock nudging at my entrance. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting as he put his hands on my hips. My back arched as he buried himself inside me in one quick thrust, my lips pressed tightly together to hold back a scream. My fingers tightened involuntarily, sending pain through my nipples, mingling with the pain and pleasure of him stretching me too fast. My breathing came in harsh pants as my body tried to adjust.

“Let it go.” He drew back and snapped forward again, sending another jolt through me. “Scream for me.”

The words made my stomach tighten as the memories of other voices came forward. Other men, some women, telling me to scream.

He froze, looking down at me with an expression that told me he'd seen something on my face that worried him. “Red?” He made it a question.

I felt him inside me, so hard that stopping like this had to be almost impossible. His eyes, however, were only full of concern for me.

I shook my head. “Just what you said.”

“We can stop...”

“Don't you dare!” I squeezed his cock with my pussy and he swore, eyes closing for a minute.

When they opened, they were almost black. He reached up and buried his hand in my hair. “You're sure?”

I nodded and he yanked on my hair, making me gasp. The gasp turned into a cry as he began to move again, pounding into me.

“Quiet!” He bit my jaw hard enough to hurt, but not to leave a mark “Or do you want me to spank you?”

“Yes!” I felt the climax coming, building inside me. “Please, please.”

“You really don't know how to be quiet.” His voice was strained. “We're going to have to work on that.”

I nodded without really paying attention to what he was saying. I didn't care about anything but coming. I was close, and I knew he was too. I let go of my breasts and grabbed onto his arms, my nails digging into his forearms as he drove into me.

“Are you going to scream?” he whispered in my ear. “Call my name?”

I shook my head, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip to hold back the sounds. I'd prove to him I could do this. As my climax crashed over me, I fought the urge to cry out and heard him make a sound of pain as my hands tightened on his arms. I felt like I would explode, every cell in my body screaming as I held in the sounds that wanted to escape. My head fell forward onto his shoulder, air escaping in almost pained pants as Rylan buried himself inside me. I felt him coming, filling me, and I shuddered, pressing my face against the side of his neck.

“I've got you,” he murmured in my ear. “I've got you.”

We stayed joined, holding each other, until his phone rang. He sighed as he stepped back and I hissed as he slid out. I would be a bit sore, but it was worth it. He did up his pants as he walked over to the desk. I grimaced as I stood and looked around for some tissues. There was definitely a disadvantage to the whole no condom thing.

“Yes, she's here.”

I looked up, surprised. Rylan turned towards me, his expression serious. He reached behind him and picked up a box of tissues, tossing it towards me.

“Send him up.”

He hung up the phone, a curious look on his face as I cleaned myself up.

“I guess the spanking's going to have to wait. The FBI's here to talk to you.”


Chapter 20

I quickly finished straightening my clothes as Rylan cleaned up the table and tried to make it look like we hadn't just been having a quickie. I had no idea what the FBI wanted with me, but whatever it was, I doubted they'd think too highly of what we'd been doing. Aside from the fact that we were at work, Rylan was my boss.

“Any clue what this is about?” Rylan asked as he glanced towards the elevator.

I shook my head. Suddenly, something hit me. “Shit.”


“What if they figured out I'd hacked those systems?”

“That was, what, four or five years ago?” He reached out and squeezed my hand. “Wouldn't they have come before now?”

I shrugged, grateful for his hand around mine. “Maybe it took them this long to figure out who I was. I didn't exactly leave a forwarding address.”

“Do you want me to call a lawyer?”

I loved that he asked rather than just doing it. “Let's see what they want first. Maybe they're looking for someone to do some firewall work for them.”

“Maybe.” Rylan's fingers tightened around mine for a moment, then he released my hand as the elevator doors opened.

The man who stepped into the office looked to be in his late forties. Dark hair with little streaks of silver. A serious expression was on his face, but he didn't look like he was angry or anything like that. I also didn't see handcuffs or anything that looked like an arrest warrant, so that was good.

“Miss Lang?” he asked. “I'm Agent Matthews with the FBI.” He held out a hand.

“Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand, then gestured at Rylan. “This is Rylan Archer.”

“Mr. Archer.” Agent Matthews shook Rylan's hand, then turned his attention back to me. “Can we talk?” Judging by the glance he sent in Rylan's direction, the agent wanted the discussion to be private.

Our eyes met, a silent exchange going between us. I knew Rylan was concerned about why the FBI was here and worried about me facing it alone, but I also knew that he would leave it up to me if he stayed or not.

“Would you mind if we used your office?” I asked. “It's a bit more private than mine.”

“No problem.” Rylan stuck his hands in his pockets and gave the agent and me both the same professional smile. “I have a few errands to run.” He gave me one last look and I caught a glimpse of concern that went beyond employer employee.

Agent Matthews waited until the elevator doors closed behind Rylan before turning to me. I motioned to a pair of chairs at the conference table – at the end opposite of where Rylan and I had just been. We both sat and I crossed my ankles, suddenly overly aware of how wet my panties were.

“Miss Lang,” Agent Matthews began. “I'm here about Christophe Constantine.”

I froze. My heart thudded painfully in my chest and I could barely breathe. Christophe. I suddenly wished I hadn't told Rylan to go. He was the only one who could truly understand what Christophe meant to me. I'd told the cops the whole truth and my statement could be read by anyone involved in the case, but even if Agent Matthews had read every word I'd said, he couldn't really get it. I didn't need Rylan here to protect me, but I couldn't deny that I would have liked to have his arms around me, or his hand in mine for whatever it was Agent Matthews would tell me. It had to be something serious or the FBI would've just called.

“Miss Lang?” The agent sounded concerned.

“Yes?” My voice was thin and I hated myself for it. I cleared my throat. “You said you're here about Christophe.” Much better this time.

“I am.”

“I wasn't aware the FBI was involved in the case.” I twisted my fingers together until my knuckles turned white. “I thought it was Fort Collins Police jurisdiction.”

“It is,” Agent Matthews said. “Or, rather, it was.”

I didn't like the sound of that and I frowned. I'd be polite, but I wasn't going to let him think I was okay with the direction I thought this conversation was taking.

“When the FCPD started collecting their information, they ran names they found in his computer as well as names of those involved with the media confiscated from Mr. Constantine.”

I swallowed hard, grateful I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning. The way my stomach was churning, I doubted I could've kept myself from being sick. Christophe had names of people, people who hurt kids the way I'd been hurt, people who enjoyed seeing kids hurt.

“One of those names triggered something in our system and we stepped in. Since the child pornography he owned crossed state lines, we can technically prosecute him on a federal level and we've worked with the FCPD to take over the kidnapping, assault and attempted rape charges as well.”

“Agent Matthews,” I interrupted. “I don't understand why this makes a difference to me. I can testify for a federal case just as easily as I can for local. I don't need to know all of the reasons why.”

He studied me for a moment, as if trying to figure out what to say next.

And then it hit me. I knew why he was here, why he was explaining to me how my case came to the FBI's attention.

“You want to cut a deal with him.”

I leaned back into my chair, feeling as if the air had gone out of my lungs.

Agent Matthews nodded and I was at least grateful that he wasn't going to try to sugarcoat it.

“We would like to offer Mr. Constantine a deal in exchange not only for testimony for the names we already have, but also to get new names, have him make contact with people.”

I didn't need Agent Matthews to explain how the child pornography business worked. I may have only been a kid, but I'd heard enough to know that referrals were the only way anyone new was ever allowed into the group. Without Christophe to make introductions, the FBI could take months to get the same people. If they ever did. The people who did these things were careful. It had taken my mother almost thirteen years to get caught and it had been under similar circumstances. The entire system was a huge game of six degrees of separation.

“Ry – Mr. Archer had done a background check on Christophe but nothing popped up. And Christophe...” The words almost stuck in my throat. “He told me that it was only...those videos that he watched. How many names could he give you?”

“Well, two of the names on his computer are ones we've been trying to get to for years. They're high up in a distribution ring that specializes in brutal scenarios. The things their clients do...” His voice trailed off and there were a few minutes of silence before he shook his head and spoke again, “You couldn't imagine.”

I stared at him, wondering if he was really that stupid or if he'd just spoken without thinking.

“Oh, shit.” The professional mask slipped and I could see him realize what he'd just said and who he'd said it to. “I'm sorry, Miss Lang. I didn't think–”

“You're not usually the person who goes to talk to the victims, are you?” I asked. I tried making my tone light, but it didn't work very well. “Because you suck at it.”

He gave me a wry smile, the first real expression I'd seen on his face. “You're right. On both counts. I'm the smart one. The nice one called in sick today.”

I gave him a partial smile to let him know I appreciated the candor. “Okay, now tell me why you're here and not just working with the powers that be to make this happen.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I heard you were smart.”

“I am,” I said. “But that's not why you're here.”

“No,” he said. “It's not. The FCPD and the ADA actually weren't that thrilled that we wanted the case.” He glanced towards the elevator. “They seemed to think that Mr. Archer wouldn't be pleased if they handed things over for a plea deal.”

I kept my face blank and my voice even. “Well, he was assaulted by Christophe too.”

Agent Matthews gave me a shrewd look. “I think we both know that's not the reason he's being so adamant about this case.”

I didn't respond. My love life had no bearing on the case.

He sighed. “Basically, they want to cover their asses.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “They want you to sign this.”

I opened the paper and skimmed it, appreciating the fact that Agent Matthews had let me read it rather than just telling me what was in it. It seemed pretty straightforward. I was giving the FBI permission to negotiate a deal on the charges associated with my case in exchange for Christophe's cooperation in taking down other pedophiles.

I looked up at the agent. “I have a question.”

He nodded and motioned for me to continue.

“I get how important it is to get these other people. Believe me.” I set the paper on the table. “But Christophe can also hurt people.”

“We'll have a restraining order in place for both you and Mr. Archer. Mr. Constantine won't be allowed within a thousand feet of either of you.”

I shook my head. “I'm not worried about me. I don't want him hurting anyone else.”

Agent Matthews nodded. “He'll be registered as a sex offender and required to go to therapy, no matter what deal we make. Those and the restraining orders are non-negotiable.” He leaned forward slightly, his voice lowering. “And if he violates the restraining order...” His voice trailed off as he sat back. He had a pleased smile on his face as he waited for me to figure it out.

When I did, I had to admit, that was a pretty good idea. Someone like Christophe, obsessive and driven, wouldn't give up what he wanted. He might be able to restrain himself for a while, especially with the threat of jail hanging over him if he violated the order, but eventually, he'd give in. As soon as I saw him, all I'd have to do is call the cops and that would be it. He'd be in violation of the order, and whatever probation or parole he'd been given in his deal. Straight to jail. No more passing Go. Everyone would win.

“All right,” I said. I took the pen the agent offered me and signed at the bottom of the paper. “Just make sure that bastard gives you everything he's got.”

Agent Matthews smiled grimly as he pocketed the paper. “Don't worry, Miss Lang. I will. I'm not giving up anything easily.”

We shook hands and he left. As the elevator doors closed behind him, I sank back down into the chair and closed my eyes. Mixed emotions churned inside me. Hope that the FBI could save others like me. Familiar anger and betrayal at a system that had to compromise. Fear that Christophe would somehow hurt someone else, hurt me. And, mixed in with all of that, always mixed in, were the memories that thinking about him triggered.

I barely registered the elevator doors opening, or the footsteps coming towards me. I jumped when a hand touched my arm, pulling away even as I opened my eyes.

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