The Pope's Daughter: The Extraordinary Life of Felice Della Rovere (50 page)

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Authors: Caroline P. Murphy

Tags: #Social Sciences, #Women's Studies, #History, #Renaissance, #Catholicism, #16th Century, #Italy

6 David Frapiccini, ‘Il Cardinale Girolamo Basso della Rovere e la sua cerchia tra contesti marchigiani e romani’, in Marco Gallo (ed.),
I cardinali di santa romana chiesa; collezionisti e mecanati
, Rome, 2001, 17.

7 See P. Pieri, ‘Jacopo Appiano’ in
Dizionario biografico degli Italiani
, Rome, 1961, 629–31. 8 Sanuto, v, 798. 9 Ibid., 935.

10 G. Assereto (ed.),
Cronache savonesi
, Savona, 1887, 347.

11 Pastor, vi, 230.

3 The della Rovere Women in Rome

1 Antonio Giustiniani,
Dispacci di Antonio Giustinian
, Florence, 1876, iii, 129. 2 Ibid., 138. 3 Ibid., 143. 4 Henry Dietrich Fernández (trans.),
Bramante’s Architectural Legacy in the Vatican Palace; A Study in

Papal Routes
, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge,
, appendix.

5 See, among other sources, correspondence of the Mantua ambassadors, ASM. 6 Hans Henrik Brummer,
The Statue Court in the Vatican Belvedere
, Stockholm, 1970. 7 Alessandro Luzio and Rodolfo Renier,
Mantova e Urbino; Isabella d’Este ed Elizabetta Gonzaga

nelle relazioni famigliari e nelle vicende politiche
, Torino/Rome,
Maria Bellonci,
Lucrezia Borgia; La sua vita e i suoi tempi
, Milan,


4 The Prince of Salerno

1 Christine Shaw,
Julius II: The Warrior Pope
, Oxford, 1993, 63–4. 2 Antonio Giustiniani,
Dispacci di Antonio Giustinian
, Florence, 1876, iii, 393–4. 3 Ibid., 418. 4 Ibid.

5 Self-Promotion

1 Agnolo Firenzuola, ‘Epistola a Claudio Tolomei’, in
, Florence, 1958, 183.

2 This version,
The Courtier of Counte Baldessare Castiglione
, London, 1603, is the one I have used for translated passages. More easily accessible versions include
The Book of the Courtier
, translated by George Bull, London, 1976.

3 Castiglione, Book i. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid., Book ii. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid., Book i. 9 Ibid. See also A. R. Humphreys, introduction to
Much Ado About Nothing
, London, 1981, 16.

10 Like Lucrezia Borgia, Isabella d’Este has generated a great deal of literature. The most comprehensive biography of her, however, still remains Julia Cartwright,
Isabella d’Este
, London, 1903.

11 For Isabella as patron, see Daniele Bini (ed.),
Isabella d’Este primadonna del Rinascimento
, Modena, 2001.

12 Aldo Venturi, ‘Gian Cristoforo Romano’,
Archivio storico dell’arte
, i, 1888, 149–50.

13 Susan Haskins, ‘Isabella d’Este’ in Jill Berk Jiminez (ed.),
Dictionary of Artists’ Models
, London, 2001, 186.

6 The Education of Felice della Rovere

1 Giovanni Filiteo Achillini,
, Bologna, 1513, 195

2 Augusto Campana, ‘Dal Calmeta al Colocci’, in Trezzini et al. (eds.),
Tra Latino e volgare per

Carlo Dionisotti
, Padua,
1974 3
The letters are published in Pierre de Nolhac, ‘Les Correspondents d’Alde Manuce’, in

e documenti di storia e diritto


7 Enter the Orsini

1 See Michael Hirst and Jill Dunkerton,
The Young Michelangelo
, London, 1994. 2 Christoph L. Frommel in Henry Millon et al. (eds.),
The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to

Michelangelo; The Representation of Architecture
, Milan,


3 Ludwig Pastor,
The History of the Popes
, London, 1894, vi, 465.

4 Francesco Sansovino,
L’historia di casa Orsini
, Venice, 1565.

5 For the origins of the Orsini family see Franca Allegrezza,
Organizzazione del potere e dinamiche

familiari; gli Orsini dal duecento agli inizi del Quattrocento
, Rome,

6 Pio Pecchiai,
Palazzo Taverna a Monte Giordano
, Rome, 1963.

7 For an overview of the Orsini Roman palaces see Kristin Triff,
Patronage and Public Image in

Renaissance Rome: Three Orsini Palaces
, Ann Arbor,

8 Robert Mode, ‘Masolino, Uccello and the Orsini Uomini Famosi’,
Burlington Magazine
, 114, 1972, 369–78.

9 W. A. Simpson, ‘Cardinal Giordano Orsini as a Prince of the Church and a Patron of the Arts’,
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
, 29, 1966, 136–7.

8 Gian Giordano

1 Francesco Sansovino,
L’historia di casa Orsini
, Venice, 1565, 77. 2 See Michael Mallett,
Mercenaries and their Masters; Warfare in Renaissance Italy
, London, 1974. 3 B. Feliciangeli,
Notizie e documenti sulla vita di Caterina Cibo-Varano,
Camerino, 1891, 129. 4 Sansovino, 77. 5 Feliciangeli, 132. 6 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, iia, xx, 38. 7 Ibid., 41.

9 The Orsini Wedding

1 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, vi, 348.

2 Paris de Grassis’s account of the wedding is transcribed in Armando Schiavo, ‘Donna Felice della Rovere in ritratti di Raffaello e Michelangelo’,
, 47, 1984, 98, note 11.

3 Alessandro Luzio and Rodolfo Renier,
Mantova e Urbino; Isabella d’Este ed Elizabetta Gonzaga

nelle relazioni famigliari e nelle vicende politiche
, Torino/Rome,

4 Ibid., 179–80.

5 Schiavo, 99, note 11.

part iii: felix of the oak and the bear

1 A Bride at Bracciano

1 See, among other works, Anthony Dent et al.,
The Reign of the Horse: The Horse in Print, 1500–1715
, Washington DC, 1991, and Bill Cook et al.,
All the Queen’s Horses
, Prospect, KY, 2003.

2 For a history of the side-saddle, see Lida Fleitmann Bloodgood,
The Saddle of Queens; The Story of the Side Saddle
, London, 1959.

3 For the history of Bracciano, see Anna Cavallero et al.,
Bracciano e gli Orsini nel ’400
, Rome, 1981, and Carla Michelli Giaccone,
Bracciano e il suo castello
, Rome, 1990.

4 See Franca Allegrezza,
Organizzazione del potere e dinamiche familiari; gli Orsini dal duecento agli inizi del Quattrocento
, Rome, 1998, and Christine Shaw,
The Political Role of the Orsini Family in the Papal States, c. 1480–1534
, Ph.D., Oxford, 1983.

5 Ludwig Pastor,
The History of the Popes
, London, 1894, iv, 518–19. 6 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, vi, 359.

2 Felice and the Orsini

1 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, i, 400, 46. 2 ASF, Acquisiti e Doni, 142, 8, No. 3. 3 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, i, 400, 271. 4 Ibid, 272.

3 Felice and Gian Giordano

1 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, i, 93, 1. 2 E. Rodocanachi,
La Première Renaissance; Rome au temps de Julius II et de Leon X
, Paris, 1912,

398. 3 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, i, 400, 46. 4 ASM,
Archivio Gonzaga
, 2996, Libro 30, 860, 87. 5 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, iia, xx, 51. 6 Ibid., 54. 7 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, vi, 616. 8 The only way we know this child was called Julio is from a letter written in 1528, referring

to him as
(once or former). He was not alive when Felice’s other children were born, as no mention is made of him in the provisions for the expenses for the children.

4 Father and Daughter Reunion

1 E. Rodocanachi,
La Première Renaissance; Rome au temps de Julius II et de Leon X
, Paris, 1912,

84. 2 Ibid., 398–9. 3 Richard Ingersoll,
The Ritual Use of Public Space in Renaissance Rome
, Ann Arbor, 1985, 136,


5 The Castello of Palo

1 See David Coffin,
The Villa in the Life of Renaissance Rome
, Princeton, 1979; A. Coppi, ‘Alsio, Palo e Palidoro’,
Dissertazioni della ponitificia academia romana di archeologia
, vii, 1836, 377–86, and C. Perogalli,
Castelli del Lazio,
Milan, 1968, 129–30.

2 ASC,
Archivio Orsini
, iia, xx, 56. 3 UCLA Special Collections, 902,
Orsini Archive
,Box 154. 4 George Dennis,
The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria
, London, 1848. 5

6 The Entrepreneur

1 Ivana Ait and Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro,
Dai casali alla fabbrica di San Pietro, i Leni: uomini d’affari del Rinascimento
, Rome, 2000.

2 UCLA, Special Collections, 902,
Orsini Archive
, Box 154.

7 Vatican Ambassadress

1 See John Shearman, ‘The Vatican Stanze, Functions and Decorations’, in
Proceedings of the British Academy
, 57, 1971.

2 Clara Gennaro, ‘La “Pax Romana” del 1511’,
Archivio della società romana di storia patria
, xc, 1967, 2–60.

3 E. Rodocanachi,
La Première Renaissance; Rome au temps de Julius II et de Leon X
, Paris, 1912, 84.

4 Christine Shaw,
Julius II: The Warrior Pope
, Oxford, 1993, 209–43.

5 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, viii, 139.

6 Ibid., 135.

7 Ludwig Pastor,
The History of the Popes
, London, 1894, vi, 651.

8 Felice and the Queen of France

1 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, ix, 496–7.

2 Ibid., xii, 301.

3 Baldessar Castiglione,
The Courtier of Counte Baldessare Castiglione
, London, 1603, ii, 22.

4 Alessandro Luzio,
Isabella d’Este di fronte a Giulio II negli ultimi tre anni del suo pontificato
, Milan, 1912, 60.

5 Ibid., 83.

6 Ibid., 204.

9 Madonna Felice is Everything

1 G. L. Moncallero,
Epistolario di Bernado Dovizi da Bibbiena
, i, Florence, 1935, 338.

2 Ibid., 366.

3 Alessandro Luzio,
Isabella d’Este di fronte a Giulio II negli ultimi tre anni del suo pontificato
, Milan, 1912, 165.

4 Moncallero, 466.

5 ASM,
Archivio Gonzaga
, 2996, 30, 858, 552.

6 Marino Sanuto,
I diarii di Marino Sanuto (1496–1533)
, Venice, 1879–1903, xii, 441.

10 Code Name Sappho

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