The Possession (5 page)

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Authors: Jaid Black

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

He growled against her pussy like a dog with a bone, refusing to relinquish her clit. She was already sensitive from having orgasmed, so the painful pleasure of the pressure made her scream. He sucked harder and harder still, slurping up her clit and suckling it until she thought she might go insane.

“No more!” she begged.

But he didn’t listen. He sucked on her clit harder, taking her to a place she’d never before been because she’d always stopped after the first orgasm made her feel ultra-sensitive.

When she came this time it was so hard she saw stars.
“Oh god.”
Her buttocks reared up as if offering him all the pussy he wanted.

It was another fifteen minutes and two violent orgasms before his appetite for cunt eating was satiated. When his face finally left her drenched pussy, and after he spent a few solid minutes sucking on her nipples like lollipops, he petted her glistening dark red triangle, his callused fingers running through the soft curls as if he owned them.

“Good girl,” he murmured, praising her physical response to him.

And then he was gone.

A long moment passed in stark quiet.

Kris blew out a breath, grinning from behind the black silk hood. She wished she’d seen his face because she was certain she had just fallen in love.

Chapter 4


Still naked, and disallowed the use of clothing for the next five days, Kris stared at herself in the full length mirror housed within the large hut she was sharing with the other four newbies, plus three more women who had worked an island excursion or two before.

She simply couldn’t believe it, but her new friend Elizabeth had been right. She truly did look like a different woman with make-up on. “Wow.”

Elizabeth chuckled as she strolled up behind her. “Told you so.” She grinned at her in the mirror. “You look gorgeous, Krissy.”

Kris nibbled on her lower lip. “Do you think I should go by an alias here? I mean, what if it gets back to the university that—”

“Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it,” the statuesque brunette assured her. “Nobody here would dare breathe a word about it because in order to do so they’d have to admit how they saw you here in the first place.” She scooted in next to her and began applying some flavored lip balm to Kris’ lips with her index finger. “Trust me. None of the men who come here would risk their necks like that.” She grinned. “Great, ain’t it?”

Kris snorted at that, agreeing when she thought back on the man who had licked her half insane last night. She smacked her lips together and smoothed out the balm. “Mmm. Tastes like coconut.”

“Yeah I love it.” Elizabeth applied the balm to her own lips and smacked them together to even it out. “Almost like a pina colada.”

“Speaking of pina coladas, do we ever get some rest and relaxation time around here during the next five days?” She smiled. “You know, some time away from the men to be with just the girls when you get sick of being submissive?”

Elizabeth chuckled as she began applying flavored coconut oil to her nipples. She passed the small vial off to Kris for her to use as she began working the sweet-smelling stuff in. “Definitely. Tonight when all the in-house bars close down at three in the morning we’ll get a chance to unwind together. That’s kind of nice. Just like the massages it helps you prepare yourself for the big night to come tomorrow.”

Kris nodded. In the Instruction Hut she had been brought up to speed on how the five-day excursion worked. Tonight, the first night, the cardinal rule was no sex allowed. John permitted the male patrons to touch and fondle the women, but that was as far as they were allowed to take it. Sheri had called it Foreplay Day, and had explained with a grin that by the time night three rolled around the men would be so horny for the women’s services that they’d pay extra hefty prices for the pleasure of having them.

But Kris didn’t care about the money. She wanted the sex.

She was nervous about tonight without a doubt, but was also looking forward to it more than she’d ever anticipated anything in her life.

“What happens on day two again?” Kris asked as she worked the coconut oil into her own nipples.

“Day two is Exploration Day,” Elizabeth reminded her as she leaned in close to the mirror to apply mascara. “On Exploration Day the men compete in contests kinda like the ones at a state fair. All the contest prizes are women—us,” she clarified. “Days three, four, and five are all called Submission Days,” she continued. “On day three you are given to whichever master paid the steepest price for you at auction and you’re his to do with as he will until the excursion is over.”

Kris’ brow wrinkled in thought as she watched her apply the mascara. “Do a lot of the men pay to ‘own’ more than one woman?”

Elizabeth shrugged as she set down the mascara and picked up the eyeliner. “It depends on the guy and what he’s into. Some of them purchase three or four women and some of them are content to have one. Some guys like the intimacy of spending three days and nights with one slave, while others prefer a cooler, less personal relationship with several.”

“Huh. Interesting.”

Elizabeth grinned at her in the mirror. “It really is. By the time you leave here you’ll know more about the male psyche than you ever wanted to.”

Kris snorted at that. She folded her arms under her breasts as she absently watched Elizabeth finish applying the remainder of her make-up. “So what do you do in real life?”

Elizabeth glanced at her from over her shoulder. “I teach the third grade if you can believe it.”

Kris grinned, a dimple showing in either cheek. “I’m an anthropologist.”

Elizabeth grinned back, chuckling. “Expect to have your site thoroughly excavated.”


* * * * *

An hour later, and after a fainter coconut oil than the rich oil that had been applied to her nipples had been worked into the rest of her body, Kris left the safety of the communal hut and followed the other women to the third floor where they would be serving drinks in various assorted tiki bars on the premises.

Totally nude and her body exotically oiled down, the feel of cool air hitting naked skin left her feeling decidedly aroused. The gentle jiggle that her breasts made as she walked to the third floor sensitized her nipples until they were stiff and swollen.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest in cold, stark fear. And yet, conversely, she could also feel her clit swelling between her legs in hot, unadulterated anticipation.

This is as far from being a good girl as you can get, Kris. Savor every second of these five days because you can never chance returning to this island. It’s far too risky…

The sound of gregarious male laughter and voices reached her ears. It wafted through the air, mingling with the tangy aroma of cigar smoke, the sweet scent of tropical fruits, and the expensive smell of gourmet food. It sounded as though the men had already scattered throughout the third floor, all of them in various tiki huts being served food and drink.

She wet her lips. “Who is serving them meals?” she whispered to Elizabeth, wide-eyed.

Elizabeth glanced toward her, her dark eyes as round as Kris’ green ones. “The women who regularly work these excursions. They know they are less likely to be sold at auction because they are familiar to the men, so they vie for the waitressing jobs to make huge tips that way.”

Kris nodded. She could see Elizabeth’s nervousness as if it was a tangible thing—a fact that helped to calm her, as well as bond her even closer to the other woman. She threaded her fingers through hers. “It’ll be okay,” she murmured. “We’re going to have a good time. Try to remember that.”

Elizabeth squeezed her hand like a vice-grip. “I know,” she said in a rush. “But the anticipation is about to give me heart failure. I just want to get it over with so to speak.”

Kris smiled. “I know what you mean. I feel like my heart is going to thump right out of my chest. But we’re almost there,” she whispered. “Once we see the men and they are no longer faceless unknown creatures to us it’ll be easier to deal with this rather overwhelming situation.”

Elizabeth half snorted and half laughed. “I’m the one who’s been here before. It should be me calming you.”

Kris chuckled softly, squeezing her hand one last time before letting it drop. “You’ll get your turn.” She was afraid if they walked into the tiki hut together with threaded hands the men would assume they had been sent in to put on a lesbian show for them. She didn’t think she was quite ready for that much. Two days ago she’d been sitting at home watching the History Channel with her ten cats after all.

Well this is it
, she thought breathlessly as they finished walking up the dirt-packed ramp and rounded a corner.
Another ten seconds and I’ll be strolling into one of the tiki huts totally naked in front of a bunch of strange men.

And ten seconds later she did just that.

Chapter 5


The sound of catcalls, of wealthy, spoiled men whistling through their teeth caused Jack to glance up from his meal.

There they were—the new girls. And Red was with them.

Goddamn, she looked good, he thought. Maybe she’d help him get the witch out of his mind after all.

He thought back on last night, on how delicious her cunt had tasted, on how plump and perfect for sucking her nipples were, and felt his cock begin to stir from the confines of his expensive black trousers.

It would help if you quit pretending she’s your witch
, he thought glumly.
Maybe if you quit pretending you’d be able to enjoy her for herself and not as a stand-in.

Jack set down his fork and cleared his throat as he leaned back on the thatched twig chair that had been padded with French silk pillowing. He was seated on the far side of the tiki-torch lit bar, so he knew the women would have to stroll by him in order to meet his buddy John up at the bar proper to be given their table assignments.

He couldn’t wait to get a load of her face.

He couldn’t wait to get a load in her, period.

Jack’s eyes narrowed at a French millionaire named Lauren Thibauld when the handsome playboy snatched Red out of the line-up as she’d been walking by and stood her before his seat. She gasped when the millionaire palmed her breasts, then began kneading them like two large balls of dough.

Although she was standing in profile to him, her dark red curls concealing half of her face, a weird spark of familiarity induced Jack’s brow to scrunch up. There was something too familiar about her—about her height, about the way she stood, about the size of her full breasts…

Nah. She just reminded him of his witch was all.

He sighed.
Quit thinking about her!

“Ah, there she is.” John chuckled as he strolled up behind him and patted Jack on the back. “Popular with the boys already I see.”

Jack grunted. “You better tell Frenchy to back the hell off,” he growled. “I don’t share and I want her.”

John’s eyebrows rose in feigned surprise. “Do tell.” He sighed. “To be honest, Jack, I was hoping Lauren wouldn’t take an interest in her. I knew you’d want her the moment I saw her and, well, Lauren is one hell of a high bidder.”

Jack’s jaw clenched as he watched the millionaire’s hand delve between her legs to stroke her clit. “I’ll outbid him.”

John chuckled at his arrogance. “For now I’m going to break this little groping session up so I can give the women their table assignments.” He waited for Jack to meet his gaze before adding, “but from there you’re on your own, my friend. Understand that I can’t break the rules for even you or none of the others will want to patronize the resort again.”

Jack nodded, but said nothing. He didn’t need John’s help anyway. He was having Red to himself and that was that.

He didn’t share. Ever.


* * * * *

Kris didn’t know if she should feel relieved or disappointed when John Calder approached Mr. Thibauld’s table and good-naturedly informed him that he’d have to save his fondling until after she’d been given her table assignments.

Lauren Thibauld was a bit unskilled with his hands, but on the other hand he was quite handsome and not all of the men here were, she’d quickly surmised. If she was going to be the personal sex slave of a man for three days, which she most definitely wanted to be, then she would prefer for the man to be as good looking as possible.

And so with mixed emotions she allowed John to steer her away from the Frenchman’s table, knowing the separation would allow enough time for one of the women who frequently worked the island excursions to try and entice him away from her in lieu of themselves.

She was right. The very moment she was led away, his lap was filled up with two naked women dotting his face with quick kisses and squeezing his erect cock through his trousers.

Kris sighed. She glanced away, her gaze absently raking the hut while she followed John toward the bar with the other women.

As she strolled through the bar, her nude body oiled up to give it a sleek, exotic appearance, she felt a very strange, and yet very familiar premonition pass over her. That same premonition she’d had yesterday when Jack McKenna had followed her into her office.

That feeling of being watched.

That feeling of being hunted.

When she turned her head a bit to the left, when her face was no longer in profile to the patrons seated toward the back table nearest the bar, Kris’ heart rate sped up to the point of almost fainting and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she beheld a sight she had never thought to see.

Jack McKenna.

Here, at Hotel Atlantis.

Oh. My. God.

At first she didn’t think he recognized her, for although his dark eyes were raking over her in an aroused fashion, no comprehension seemed to dwell in them. His brooding gaze devoured her oiled up breasts, stared possessively at the thatch of dark red curls at the juncture of her thighs…

Then he did a double take. His eyes widened. And then she saw his jaw go slack.

“Oh. My. God,” he murmured as she strolled by his table.

Her thoughts exactly.

And then she heard him laugh. A deep, booming, victorious laugh.

Suddenly, she missed her cats.

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