The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy) (2 page)

Read The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy) Online

Authors: Angelina Spears

Tags: #Billionaire erotica, #power play, #plus size, #submission, #plus size romance, #public sex, #domination, #dominated, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #rubenesque, #bbw, #erotica, #billionaire romance, #curvy heroine, #mile high club

As a teenager, a boy had wanted me to do this to him at the movies and I had walked out on him. When I had relations with a man, it was always pitch dark in the bedroom. I was such a prude. So why was I even doing this? Why was I breathing faster?

Why was I enjoying this so much?

I grasped his hardness and it filled my hand flawlessly. It was like picking up a tool you’d left out in the sun for too long. It was a wonder I didn’t burn my hand. I stroked him languorously, holding his gaze to show him I wasn’t some Goody Two Shoes afraid to explore her wilder side.

“Do you like that, Merrin? Tell me how it feels to touch a stranger in the middle of a crowded plane.”

“You’re evil,” I replied with the hint of a smile.

“No, evil is what I’m about to do.”

With that, he put a hand on my left leg. He went down my knee until he encountered the hem of my skirt and then he pulled it back up. His broad hand was surprisingly delicate against my smooth skin. His touch was light but agile enough as to not tickle me. He crept up my thigh and rubbed circles on the flesh.

“Oh...” I groaned, my eyes flickering.

The angle made it difficult for him to go any higher and I caught myself being disappointed.
Oh my God, I’m so bad!
A minute ago, I was thinking the whole situation was madness and now I was upset he couldn’t reciprocate? Still, what he was doing to me was a hundred times better than what I would’ve expected. I stroked him faster, letting my fingers mold themselves to his girth.

“Merrin,” he said, craning his neck so he could nuzzle my ear, making his warm breath give me goose bumps. “I want you to pleasure yourself.”


“I know how much what you’re doing to me is turning you on. I want you to benefit as well.”

“I... I can’t. Not here.”

“Hike up your skirt and pull your panties to the side. No, I have a better idea. Take off your panties completely.”

“This is insane, Grayson.”

“What’s insane is how much you actually want to do this. Just give in to your desire. Are your panties moist yet? I bet they are. Wouldn’t it feel better if you removed them? Wouldn’t it feel great to pleasure yourself as you’re pleasuring me? Do it, Merrin.”

Why was he making so much sense? I did feel incredibly aroused. And who would know? Everyone was oblivious to us and we were covered with a blanket. It would be our secret. Truth be told, I needed this more than ever.

I let go of him and both my hands shot under my skirt. I found the waistband of my panties and tugged down as I rose off the seat a couple of inches. The fabric was warm as I pushed them down along my legs. I settled back into the seat with my balled up panties in my hand.

“Good girl. Doesn’t that feel better?”

The fresh air hit me between the legs and sent shivers up my spine. Or maybe it was him? He took the underwear from me and I was frightened he would discover how moist they were. He smiled knowingly.

“You like this much more than you let on, don’t you? Take me again.”

As if in a trance, I did as I was told. I curled my fingers around him and resumed my stroking. He was throbbing in my hand and I couldn’t help feeling pride that it was me who was causing this.

“Now it’s your turn, Merrin. Spread your legs and touch yourself.”

I found that I was in a hurry to comply. It had been a while since I’d had any real desire and even longer since I’d done anything about it. While I continued to rub his engorged manhood, I lowered my right hand to my apex. I was taken aback by the heat already emanating. I made abstraction of the fact I was essentially doing this in public and at last I made contact with my lips.


“I know the feeling,” he whispered in my ear. “Do it, let your fingers run free.”

Barely able to breathe, I cupped my mound before exploring the folds. Oh why had I waited for so long to do this? It was nuts to be doing this in an airplane! Yet was that why it felt so good? I toyed with myself faster, wanting more, and I simultaneously accelerated my movements on Grayson. He was leaking and I spread it around for lubrication.

“That’s it, don’t stop now. You’re so close to becoming a junior member of the Mile High Club.”

I didn’t reply, I couldn’t. I was mesmerized by my own brashness, my own pleasure. I was his plaything and I didn’t care. It made the heat flare up my belly and I stroked faster, the both of us.

I felt him move but I was too scared to say anything. I was afraid he would put a stop to this for some reason. This was the kind of luck I was afflicted with. But no, what he did was wrap my panties around his shaft before putting my hand back on him.

“Go faster, Merrin. I’m close.”

Indeed, I could feel him quiver under my fingers. He was swelling, his tumescence on the verge of eruption. I accelerated, put more pressure. This went for me as well. My hand was frantic between my legs as I craved relief.


That’s all he had time to say. He became taught, his whole body seemingly digging into his seat as he exploded. I kept on stroking him as he filled my panties with his jetting seed. At this point, neither of us cared if we were caught. He was lost in the moment and I was beaming at being responsible for it.

“Thank you,” he said.

He put his hand on mine to slow me down. Good, now I could focus on myself. My fire was properly stoked and I was practically gushing. I closed my eyes as I made contact with my delicate button. Yes... so close... so close...

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the captain began. “We will begin our descent into Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International in just a moment. You’ll be happy to know that we are on schedule and the weather is beautiful. Please prepare for landing.”

I stopped cold. Everywhere around us people were moving, sorting themselves out, buckling up. A flight attendant began tramping down the aisle toward us, making sure everyone was following instructions.

“That’s unfortunate,” Grayson said.

“That’s unfair.”

He straightened up and I knew from his demeanor he was zipping up his pants. I saw him pocket my underwear which was just as well, I couldn’t put them on again. How could life be so cruel? I’d taken so many risks, I’d been so close. Why was I being denied my much-needed release?

“We’d better remove the blanket before she takes it from us.” He pressed his lips against my ear. “Before she smells the inebriating scent of your sex.”

He kissed my cheek tenderly and sat up straight again. Not having a choice, I lowered my skirt and buckled up before allowing the blanket fall down.

“Once you reach your destination, when you finish what you started, I know what you’ll be fantasizing about.”

“What?” I asked.


He took my right hand, the hand I’d been masturbating with, and brought it to his face. He inhaled my shiny fingers before taking them into his mouth. He sucked them gently, making his tongue swirl around them, and then released me. The whole thing lasted no more than five seconds but it seemed like an eternity.

I wanted it to be an eternity.

*   *   *

I was on pins and needles until the plane came to a stop and we barely said two words to each other. He returned to first class before we deplaned and we made our way down the escalator into the baggage carousel. I had the misfortune of having a popular Samsonite suitcase so I had to keep my eye on the luggage as to not miss it. Grayson was on the other side.

“Huumm, so gorgeous...”

I looked up at the voice. It came from the middle-aged woman next to me. I followed her gaze and sure enough she was watching the man to whom I’d basically given myself.

“Oh what I wouldn’t give to be the next Mrs. Holmes.”

The woman was basically thinking out loud but I couldn’t help joining the conversation.

“Excuse me, you know him?”

“Well, not personally. But everybody knows who he is.”

“They do?” I asked incredulously.

“Why, that’s Grayson Holmes! You know, the billionaire.”

That’s when it registered. Of course I’d heard of him, I might even have seen his picture before once or twice. My brain never made the association because on the one hand billionaires didn’t fly coach and on the other I wasn’t the sort of woman they usually talked to.

My suitcase swung by me and I hurriedly grabbed it before it was too late. When I looked up, Grayson was surrounded by people. There was a silver-haired man in a pinstripe suit, a bulky linebacker type in a charcoal suit, and a tall woman with auburn, chin-length hair. She was standing with her back to me and had her hand on Grayson’s upper arm.





Chapter 3


That simple gesture made me positively angry. It wasn’t jealousy but rather the fact that he already had a girlfriend and had deceived me for a quick sexual thrill. What a bastard!
Maybe I should confront him
, I mused. I could make a scene and truly embarrass him. These rich, famous people thrived on good publicity. I could wreck his reputation in less than a minute.

I was still making up my mind about it when he headed out of the terminal with his entourage. Against all odds, I was disappointed. He may have lied to me, may have cheated on his girlfriend, but it couldn’t erase the fact that the flight had been one of the highlights of my life.
I should’ve known
, I thought. My life was destined to suck.

I snatched my suitcase and walked to the exit. There was a curtain of ice cold air between the two sliding doors and then heat and humidity assaulted my senses. I actually liked it. It was such a welcome change after the dreary New York winter. I looked left and right for a cab; most of them around here were white or turquoise which made it harder to spot, as opposed to the customary yellow.

“I beg your pardon, are you Ms. Rexford?”

I whipped around and faced a short Hispanic man in a dark suit.

“Yes, I’m Merrin Rexford.”

“Your car is right this way.”

“My car? What are you talking about? I’m just looking for a taxi.”

“Well, I’ve been hired to take you anywhere you wanna go. My car is right here.”

He pointed to a black stretch limo parked on the curb a few yards away. How...

“Let me help you with this,” he continued as he took the suitcase from me.

I was about to resist and instinctively looked around to see if Grayson was in the area. No one else could have known my name and hired a driver. He was nowhere in sight. The thought of declining the offer on principle occurred to me.
That would show him
, I thought spitefully. But I was a practical girl. When you grow up in Brooklyn you learn never to refuse a free ride.

The driver put my luggage in the trunk and then opened the door for me.

“I’m going to Boca Raton,” I said as I got in.

For the first time in several hours I thought of my grandmother, the reason I was here. She would certainly lift my spirits.

*   *   *

“Can I get you more cannolis? How ‘bout some latkes, would you like some latkes?”

“I’m fine, Grandma. Thanks.”

My grandmother, all 4’10” of her, was nothing if not cuddling. She made sure you ate until you burst and then got you an extra helping for good measure. It had gotten out of hand ever since she had discovered a place a couple of blocks away called World Deli. It had every ethnic dish on the planet and Grandma Edna was determined to sample them all.

“Eat, eat! You’re so skinny, it’s not healthy.”

Did I mention how she was also losing her eyesight? To her, anyone who wasn’t built like an opera singer was unhealthy. This was especially bewildering taking into consideration Grandma was rail thin. Fast metabolism, she called it.

“Dinner was delicious, thank you. But you shouldn’t be running around like this. You’re recovering from surgery, remember?”

“Surgery, schmurgey,” she dismissed with a wave of the hand. “They removed my gallbladder, it’s not like they gave me one of them sex change operations. Ever see one of those trans people? There was one on TV the other day, when I was playing bridge at Margaret Bielszowski’s. Old Harry Meyerson kept commenting on how sexy she was. It took half an hour to explain to him he was looking at a man. What’s a trans man, anyway? Is it a woman who’s become a man or a man who went under the kitchen shears and became a woman?”

“I don’t know, Grandma.”

“Yeah, it’s complicated.”

I stood up and started clearing the dishes. She bounced up from her chair and planted herself next to me at the counter. She extended her neck like a prairie dog and I knew why too. She was adamant that whatever she didn’t eat had to be boxed up for snacks the next day.

“You sure you don’t wanna eat anything else, Merrin? I have some pickle soup I could reheat.”

“We just had supper, Grandma. We just had dessert!”

“Oh? At my age you eat what you want when you want. Marvin Spoolstra’s been eating cabbage rolls for breakfast ever since he found out he had gonorrhea.”

I furrowed my brow and turned to her. “Isn’t Mr. Spoolstra like 90 years old?”

“91,” she corrected. “He’s doing it like a rabbit now. He learned about sexting, they’re all doing it now. Ever since old lady Claycomb started giving out them little blue pills, bingo night... well, it ain’t just about bingo anymore. I think I might start some of that sexting. I gotta get me one of them little phones.”

“Grandma, you know I’ll be having nightmares from now on, do you?”

“Hey, a woman my age needs some good time. I’m very desirable, you know. I’m a few years shy of 80. They think I’m a babe.”

“That you are, Grandma.”

I kissed the top of her head and went to work on the dishes. It felt weird to finish eating when it was barely five o’clock but after the midair ordeal I was hungry. My grandmother was a little eccentric but at least it kept my mind off the insanity from before. I finished cleaning up while she went to the living room to watch her shows. I was about to join her when there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.”

“Let me know who it is and let them wait outside so I can freshen up.”

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