The PreGame Ritual (Lynstone University Book 1) (3 page)


After a long day on the court, made even longer by the watchful eye of Miles, I wanted nothing more than to kick back and watch TV for the rest of the day. But just as I got settled in for what was bound to turn into a nap since I had somehow made it under the covers, my phone chimed across the room. How I had managed to get all the way settled into bed with it out of arms reach was beyond me. I released a heavy sigh before I got out of my perfectly comfortable spot to get it, already a little mad at whoever made it go off in the first place.

Miles: Yo Ava, not that I ever doubted your skills after watching you practice but uh… you got real talent, ma.

Of course its him.

Ava: Tell me something I don’t know.

Miles: I bet you don’t know that my hand is busy trying to recall what your ass felt like when I smacked it. ;)

The little butterflies in my stomach went nuts as I tried to think of something smart to say. Just when I came up with the perfectly clever response, Avery barged in my room.

“Hey Ava. What are you doing?”

There was no hiding my irritation as I replied, “What does it look like I’m doing, Avery?”

“Well sorry to interrupt your…nothingness, but I wanted to ask you something.” I didn’t respond with permission but she continued on anyway, “You’re friends with some of the guys on the basketball team right?” I shook my head yes, unsure of where the conversation was going. “Do you happen to know that Miles kid?”


What did Avery want with Miles?

The Miles that was in

I swallowed the little ounce of jealousy that had surfaced from her just mentioning his name to reply, “I know him a little bit; why?”

“Think you can give me a little shout-out? He’s fine as hell.” I really wasn’t surprised that Avery found him attractive because he was a good lookin’...little boy. But I also wasn’t exactly thrilled about it.

“Umm...I don’t really know if he’s your type, Avery.” He seemed to have a little more sense than to ever deal with the likes of my half-brained sister.

My type?
He’s fine. Fine
my type.”

“Right. I’ll umm...see what I can do.” Avery gave me a
smile before she sauntered out of my room, shutting the door behind her. Something about her interest in him put things back in perspective. I picked my phone back up and erased the message I had originally keyed to replace it with a new one.

Ava: Well you better try your best to remember because it won’t be happening again.



Why did I agree to this?

Better question: What the hell does make-up and neat hair have to do with basketball?

I never
played a basketball game with my hair flat ironed down my back, so why were they choosing to go with that look over the more realistic ponytail and headband one?

Ticket sales.

I always heard low whispers about how I was the pretty girl of basketball but not until this moment was that made so apparent. I rolled my eyes at the mere thought of it, getting the stank face from the make-up artist that was busy trying to cover up my freckles.

Oh well.

“Ava, when you’re ready, you can meet us out on the court.” I shook my head in understanding and once they were done making me all...
, I headed to what I usually thought of as my sanctuary.

As I approached the makeshift set, I could hear the camera already flashing and the photographer fawning over whoever he was shooting.

“You are a natural, Miles!”

Ugh, of course it’s him.

I made the mistake of peeking beyond the lights and saw Miles flashing that brilliant ass smile while he dribbled the basketball from side-to-side. My eyes must’ve been sitting heavy because he turned my way, giving me a little wink, before he focused his attention back on the photographer.

Jesus Christ.

“Very, very good, Miles. Now let’s get Ava out here to do her solo shots.”

I came out from my little hiding spot and was headed to the set when Miles came towards me, stopping right in front of me to sweep my hair behind my ear as he said, “I like your hair, ma.”

“Thanks,” I nonchalantly replied, as I tried to cool the rays that his little touch sent through my body. Just that little graze had me ready to renege on every conclusion I had came to about why we could never be. I proceeded past him as I originally intended to do, grabbing a basketball on my way.

“Ava dear, I can already tell you’re a little tense. The camera reads it all so take a few deep breaths, get a few dribbles out and then we’ll get started.” My tension had nothing to do with the cameras, the lights, nor the photographer.

It was all because
was watching.

Get your shit together, Ava.

I took the deep breaths as the photographer advised and gave him the nod that I was ready. In no time at all, the cameras were flashing and the photographer was fawning over me the same way he had been fawning over Miles. I finally felt confident in the situation until the photographer said,
“Alright Miles, you get back out here so we can do some shots of the two of you together.”

And of course, this fool Miles had the nerve to reply, “I like the sound of that.” He did a little jog back onto the set, snatching the basketball I was holding from me. “I believe this belongs to me.”

I snatched it right back but not without a flash from the camera.

“Perfect! I love it! Let’s keep that going. A little boys vs. girls rivalry.”

Miles set himself up in a squatted defensive position and naturally, my competitive self squared up right with him, taking a few dribbles. When he swiped at the ball and missed, I couldn’t help but laugh while the camera went crazy capturing the brief moment.

“Okay, you got me, ma. My turn.” I passed him the ball and he began to dribble. My eyes were locked in on the ball but when I took a swipe, I missed
but didn’t miss what was perfectly positioned behind it.

Damn, he’s got it like that?

Miles gave me a little smirk, before he said in a voice only I could hear, “Ava, if you wanted to touch my dick, all you had to do was ask.” I couldn’t help the blush that rushed to my already rosy pink cheeks thanks to the make-up.

“Shut the hell up, Miles. It was…an accident.”

He took a few steps closer, invading all of my personal space to ask, “Well did you like your findings from that...accident?”

“And that’s a wrap. Nice job you two.”
I rushed off the set knowing Miles would be right on my toes, probably looking for an answer that I had no plans in giving him.

I mean what was I really suppose to say?

“Hell yeah, I liked my findings and I’m gonna ride those findings until no one can find them.”

“Ava, hold up. Why are you runnin’ from me?”

I kept my swift pace as I replied, “I’m not running.”

“Jogging, power-walking, whatever you wanna call it. You’re tryna get away for no reason. I’m just fuckin’ with you, ma.”

I didn’t stop my stride to throw over my shoulder, “Obviously.”

“So why are you buggin’ like this? Can’t take a joke?” Of course, I could take a joke. The problem was that my body didn’t want it to be a joke.

Like...not even a little bit.

I finally stopped and turned to him, giving him my full attention, “I’m not buggin’.”

“Well tell me exactly what you
doing then?”

what the hell am I doing again? Oh yeah!
“I’m going to get my stuff so I can go home.”

He reached down to grab my wrist, pulling me closer as he asked, “Can I come?”

Oh little boy, you do not want those problems.

“Matter of fact, yeah you can. I’m sure my little sister Avery would love to meet you.”

Yes, Ava!

Remind yourself why you can’t be with his fine ass!

He took a step back, offended as he replied, “Wow. You’re gonna try to pawn me off on your little sister?” It was pathetic that using her was the only thing I could come up with as a way to get him to back up; as if I really wanted him to back up.

“She’s probably more your type. I’ll see you later.” I strolled into the girl’s locker room knowing that was the one place he couldn’t follow me.





I had lost my appetite.

Sitting in the cafeteria designated for athletes and seeing Ava from afar, looking all giddy while having lunch with my teammate Darrell literally made me sick to my stomach.

If she would’ve told me she and Darrell had something going on, I would’ve definitely fell back, but it had never seemed that way until now. I watched as she threw her head back in laughter from what was sure to be a corny ass joke. Darrell was just a cornball brotha period. He was team captain but only a halfway decent baller in my opinion. The media had a bad habit of comparing us since we played the same position and since they always chose me over him, I already knew he had a little beef with me though I was sure he would never admit it.

Truth be told, there was no doubt in my mind that I would take his starting point.

And now it looked as though I would be taking his girl too.

I grabbed the tray of food I had only picked over, getting rid of it before I headed their way. The second I approached their table, Ava peeked up and gave me her little version of a death stare.

“Yo Ava, what’s up? I didn’t know you and Darrell knew each other.”

“Of course we know each other, Miles. We’re both seniors. We’ve practically grown up together,” Darrell replied with a little cornball ass chuckle like I had posed the statement to him and not the redhead sitting across from him.

“Right.” I turned my body to Ava so that I could make it clear who I was talking to, “Hey ma, can I talk to you for a minute? I’ll make it quick.”

“Ummm...we’re kinda in the middle of a conversation, Miles.”

I had a strong feeling nothing about their conversation was that important so I remained persistent. “Two minutes. Please.” She rolled her eyes before she excused herself from the table and followed me outside of the cafeteria.

“Now what do you want?”

Beating around the bush wasn’t really my thing so I came straight out with it. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Darrell were kickin’ it? If I would’ve known that, I would’ve never came at you like that, beautiful.”

She let out an annoyed sigh, crossing her arms over her chest and cocking her head to the side. “First of all, I doubt that. Second of all, maybe I didn’t tell you we were ‘
kickin’ it’
because we’re not.”

I shrugged, not fully believing her little spill. “Sure looks like it to me.”

“Darrell and I are cool by default. I was eating alone and he...wait a minute, why am I explaining myself to you?”

I could only smile, way too happy that she realized it before I could point it out. It could only be natural for her to start explaining herself if she was feelin’ me; if she cared about what I thought. Instead of taunting her for it like I should’ve done, I gently grabbed her hand, giving it a little swing before I let her know, “Your guess is as good as mine, ma. But now that you’ve cleared things up, just know I got next.”


College day life was already the shit.

But being introduced to college night life took my experience to the next level. I initially assumed there wouldn’t be a lot I could do since I wasn’t twenty-one, but off-campus house parties opened up a whole new can of worms.

I had attended my share of house parties back in high school, but they were nothing compared to what I walked into with Cam. I could already tell he lived for this shit, while I on the other hand, preferred to be a little more observant before I just went balls to the wall. We walked through the crowd with Cam stoppin’ to dap up just about everybody we passed until we made it to the kitchen that was a little less crowded. Cam grabbed a drink for himself and handed one to me. I took a short sip and could immediately tell the alcohol to juice ratio was way off so I would have to take it slow if I wanted to last the whole night.

“Mmm, you see who just walked in?” I looked to the door and saw a girl that surprisingly looked a little like Ava but was a few shades darker and missing the red hair.

“Who’s that?”

Cam wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in to answer, “That would be Avery, Ava’s little sister.”

Wait a minute.

who Ava was tryna hook me up with?

I mean the girl was cute for sure but looked a little too high maintenance to be anywhere near my type. She must’ve made eye contact with Cam because she was already headed our way by the time I finished my second sip.

“Cam baby, what’s up? How you been?”

She gave Cam a hug with a lengthy little squeeze that I was sure he was just relishing in before he replied, “I’ve been good, Avery. And you?”

“Oh, you know I’ve been amazing. Always
amazing. Now don’t be rude. Introduce me to your friend.”

Or don’t.

“This is my boy, Miles. Miles, this is Avery.” She gave me a non-discrete onceover that told me everything I needed to know about her.

She was out here.

Which was fine, that was her business, but I wanted no parts of it.

“Nice to meet you, Avery.”

“Even better to meet you, Miles. I hear you’re gonna take the team to the championship. Is that true?” She batted her eyelashes at me like I gave a damn about them fake shits.


“Well I’ll be front row at every game to cheer you on, baby. Don’t let me down.” I gave her the most pleasant nod I could come up with before she blew Cam a kiss and switched her ass away from us.

Cam watched every step intently before he finally spoke up, “Got damn, she is bad.”

I took a nonchalant sip of my drink then corrected him, “She’s aiight.”

“Bruh, you must be blind or somethin’. Avery is
the baddest chick on campus.” Avery had all the right attributes that could make her into the baddest chick on campus. Long hair, big tits, nice lips, decent ass, good shape, flawless skin. But in
opinion, her sister wore all that shit better.

“I mean I guess if that’s what you’re into.”

“Whatever, freshman.”

We made our rounds through the party a few times before we settled against a wall. The vibe was cool and all, but I couldn’t help wondering how Ava was spending her Saturday night. Probably playing ball, or watching film, or...

Maybe she was with another guy.

Nah, fuck that.

I pulled out my phone and decided to shoot her a text, hoping it would mess up any mood she could’ve been setting with whoever dude was.

What’s up, ma? -Miles

I was staring at my phone waiting for her reply when I was distracted by a pleasant, now kinda familiar voice nearby. Her words were coming out a little slurred and since she wasn’t exactly talking to me, I had trouble picking up everything she was saying.

“Cam babyyy, can youuu...home? I can’t this.”

“Avery quit bein’ a drama queen. You’re good.”

“Noooo I’m...takeee me.”

“You better ask Miles or somethin’. Matter of fact, he stays that way anyway so he can definitely take you.”

Hold up, what?

There was a little tap on my shoulder and I turned to Avery’s pleading eyes. “Miles, can you pleaseee give me a ride home? I had too much to drinkkk and it wouldn’t be safe for me to be behind the wheel.” She fell into me the second she finished her sentence so I knew she was definitely in bad shape, but I was still trying to figure out how the fuck I got put into it.

I hardly even knew the girl and now I was just supposed to give her a ride home?

I mean, it wasn’t my fault she chose to get fucked up.

“Can’t do it, Avery. Sorry.”

“Come on, Miles. She doesn’t live too far from you for real. And you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if she did actually crash her whip.” Leave it to Cam to guilt trip me into some shit.

“Where do you stay at, Avery?”

“Four blocks from campus.” I couldn’t help noticing how coherent her reply came out. Considering I lived on campus and the party wasn’t far from campus, it really wasn’t that big of an inconvenience to drop her off. And maybe I’d be able to catch a glimpse of Ava since they lived together.

“Fine. I’ll take you.”



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