The Prince of Punk Rock (25 page)

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Authors: Jenna Galicki

kissed Tommy first.
His lips were as
sweet as candy and as juicy as a ripe peach.
His mouth was a delicious combination of confection and nectar.
Angel had a sudden urge to sweep all the
dishes onto the floor and fuck Tommy right there on the kitchen table.
But, that probably wasn’t a good idea.
It was a little too soon to piss off your
boyfriend’s wife.

watched Jessi kiss Tommy.
The thought
that he was about to embark in a three way relationship still seemed unreal.
When Jessi was done kissing Tommy, she kissed him on the cheek.
He was surprised that he wanted to give her a
more passionate kiss, not necessarily a tongue kiss, but at least a kiss on the
It just seemed more appropriate
after last night.
He thought about
asking Tommy if it was OK, but felt stupid.
Is it OK if I kiss your wife on the mouth?
That drove the passion right out of it.

finished the last of her coffee and refilled her cup.
She took a long sip, holding the mug to her
lips while she blew on the hot liquid.
“Is there anything else you wanted to bring up?”

still had a million questions, but he didn’t know where to begin.
He decided to start with the most
“How often have you two done
I know this wasn’t your first
There was a lot of synchronization
last night.
There wasn’t any ‘where do I
go, what do I do?’
You both knew exactly
what positions to get into.
You were
very comfortable.
I was the one who felt

Tommy and
Jessi smiled at each other.
It looked
like they were both waiting for the other one to answer the question.
After a long pause, Tommy spoke up.

been having threesomes since before we were married.”

didn’t know what to expect, but he didn’t think that sharing their bed with a
third person was a regular pastime.

once a month.”

Tommy and
Jessi were married for three or four years.
He did the math in his head and the number shocked him.
Tommy’s sex life was abundant and well
surpassed his own. “With just men? Or do you do it with women too?”

Jessi was quick to answer, and she
was adamant.
“I would never share Tommy
with another woman.
That’s out of the
And I’m not into girls.”

that a shame?”
Tommy had a big smile on
his face.
“Because that would be

wrinkled his nose and shook his head.
“I’d have to pass on that one.”
Bisexuality always confused him.
Lady parts were so different from the male agenda.
He couldn’t understand being interested in
Pick a lane and drive in it.
And here he was in love with a bisexual man.

“I want
to be clear about something.” Tommy said.
“I haven’t brought anyone home since I met you, A.
You’re the only one I could think about being

heart melted and his lip quivered slightly.
He felt the exact same way while he waited for Tommy.

Jessi asked.
“We’re open to whatever you want to know, and
now’s the time to ask.”

candor was refreshing.
It was hard to
find people who were ready to give an honest answer, especially about intimate
It made Angel secure in the
future of their relationship. “How did you start?
Did you just wake up one day and say, let’s
pick up a guy and bring him home and fuck him?”

It was a long time coming.
Jessi knew.
I never had to tell her.
figured it out.”

threesome was my idea,” she said.
couldn’t marry Tommy, when I knew he wasn’t . . . fulfilled.
At the same time, I couldn’t imagine
marrying Tommy.
I think I was just as
confused as he was.
I saw the way his
head turned when a gorgeous man walked by.
I didn’t care.
It didn’t matter
to me.
I was just so afraid, that
day, eventually, Tommy was going tell me that he was gay.
And I couldn’t live with that.
It would destroy me to lose him.”

“I’m not gay, Jessi.
How many
times do I have to tell you that I’m not gay?”
He was blunt and defensive.

“I know
you’re not gay.”
She rolled her eyes
before she continued.
“When he asked me
why I wouldn’t marry him, I had no choice but to ask him, point blank, if he
was ever with a man.
I told him to trust
me with the truth.
I told him that I
loved him, no matter what, for who he was, not who I thought he was, or who he
was pretending to be, and that I would never judge him.”

gazed at her.
Their connection was never
more apparent.
“She’s wonderful, isn’t

She is.”

continued to gaze at Jessi as he spoke.
“She told me that n
othing would ever change the love she had for
As long as I still wanted her, she’d
never leave me.
I still didn’t know what
was going to happen to us, I just knew that things were a little clearer, and
we needed to move forward.”

Jessi picked up with the
“For the next couple of days, I
started thinking about how I would feel if Tommy fooled around with another
I knew I didn’t want anything going
on behind my back.
That wasn’t going to
I thought about a threesome, but
not a threesome in the literal sense of the word.
Me in bed with Tommy and another man.”
She nodded her head and smiled
“I liked that idea, a

Tommy looked at Angel with a broad
“She wanted to watch me have sex
with another man, and then she wanted me to fuck her.”

Angel laughed.
These two were a
lively pair. Now that he digested their thorough explanation, he had a deeper
understanding of Tommy and Jessi’s relationship.
Angel never knew
anyone who loved someone as much as Jessi loved Tommy.
“That is an incredible story.
You are a remarkable person, Jessi.
I never met someone as unselfish as you.”

“I just
want Tommy to be happy.
The situation
worked for us.
It could have easily
destroyed our marriage, but it was a risk I had to take.
I needed to push the issue for Tommy’s
She gazed across the table at
“I’m just glad it paid off,
because I couldn’t fathom not having Tommy in my life.”

they finished breakfast, Jessi went upstairs to shower.
Tommy was relieved that she had a plan for
their future relationship, because he had no idea how the three of them were
supposed to form a successful union.
still needed to clarify some things with Angel, though.

I need to tell you something.”

wrong, my prince?
You look upset.
I thought we straightened everything out.”

“Yeah. We
It’s just that no one knows that we
. . . that I . . . you know.
That I’m
into guys.”

“You mean
that you’re bisexual.”

Tommy furrowed his brow, cocked his head to
the side, and contemplated its meaning.
“You think I’m bi?”

You like girls, and you like boys.
That’s what bisexual means.”

“I never
associated myself with that.
I don’t
want to be labeled.”

it’s not a label.
It’s who you are.
I’m not telling you to put a sticker on your
I’m just telling you to love
Who gives a fuck what anyone
Don’t be afraid to be yourself.”

studied the word in his head and practiced saying it to himself.
I’m bisexual.
That’s who I am.
It didn’t sound so bad, but he didn’t
think he would ever have the courage to say it out loud, especially to his
to his
He anticipated his father’s
reaction and it horrified him.
“This is
a big deal for me.
I’m not as
comfortable with this as you are.
mean, look at me. I was a jock in college.
I played heavy metal for years.
don’t think anyone, besides Jessi, ever had a suspicion about me.
I’ve been running away from my feelings my
whole life, and hiding them from everyone.
Jessi is the only one I let inside, and the only reason I did was because
I was scared of losing her.
Please, I
need a little more time to get used to the idea of telling people about us.”

don’t have to have a formal coming out party, Tommy.
Don’t hide our relationship, that’s all.
Be open about it.
Don’t deny it.”

stomach churned. He felt pressured. He wasn’t ready for the world to judge him
and his face started to twitch from anxiety.

opened his arms.
“I’m sorry.”

clung to him. “No, I’m sorry.
You’re so
patient with me.
I just need to do this
a little at a time.”

“I forgot
what it was like.
I was there once,
It was a long time ago, but I know
how you feel.
I didn’t mean to pressure

You’re the only one who knows what
I’m going through.”

Angel pressed head against Tommy’s
cheek and stroked his hair.
“Don’t get
upset, mi amor.
I’m going to help you
get through this.”

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