Read The Prince's Bride (Modern Fairytales) Online

Authors: Diane Alberts

Tags: #Cinderella, #Romance, #Indulgence, #Modern Cinderella, #Fairytales, #Modern Fairytales, #Entangled, #Diane Alberts, #contemporary romance, #prince, #reunited lovers, #one night stand

The Prince's Bride (Modern Fairytales) (12 page)

Chapter Fifteen

The second her lips touched his, all rational thought fled. He’d literally just been to hell and back, and that wasn’t even close to the end of this horrible ride. It was only going to get worse. He’d have to stand in front of a crowded room tomorrow with hundreds of cameras pointed on him, and he’d have to announce to the world that his father, the man who had raised him and loved him was
. Just…

How the hell was he supposed to do that?

How that hell was that

Growling, he picked her up in his arms and walked toward the bed, refusing to stop to think this through.
this time, not the other way around.

And damn it all to hell, he needed this now more than ever.


Laying her on the bed, he lowered his body over hers, never breaking off the kiss. Trailing his fingers up the outside of her thigh, he thrust against her warm heat, and buried his other hand in her hair. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly against her, and slid her hand behind the nape of his neck as her tongue curled around his.

Her teeth pressed against his lip, and she undid his jacket with shaking hands. As she worked on undressing him, he broke off contact with her lips long enough to yank her shirt over her head, and her tank top, too. Within seconds, her bra and leggings joined them on the floor, and he had her naked before she even had his jacket off.

He shrugged out of it, and then took care of the rest of his clothing before finally taking in her naked body. Never in his life had he seen a more glorious woman, as if she were made especially for him. When he was with her, she filled an emptiness inside of him that he hadn’t even known was there until he held her in his arms again.


So many years apart, so many missed opportunities to be together, so much fucking waste. Meeting her eyes for the first time since she kissed him, he opened his mouth, and closed it again. She looked at him as if she felt it, too.

The completion.

They locked gazes, and she bit down on her lip, nodded once, and opened her arms, answering his unasked question. He lowered himself over her perfection, hissing as her bare skin touched his in all the right places. Her eyelids drifted shut, and she buried her hands in his hair as his lips melded to hers. The way she fit against him, softness where he was hard, hollows where he was full, had never been so obvious to him before as it was now. She was made for him, always had been, and if there was a God in heaven, he would never have to lose her again.

“Alicia…” Closing his hands over her breasts, he deepened the kiss as he squeezed her nipples between his fingers, rubbing his hard cock against her. She arched her hips up, silently asking him to do what they both wanted—drive inside of her.

But she wasn’t ready.

Not yet.

Breaking off the kiss, he kissed a path down her body, pausing at her breasts. Covering one with his hand, he played with her nipple as he sucked the other in his mouth, scraping his teeth against it ever so slightly. She hissed and pressed his head closer, burying her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck.

He slipped a hand between her legs to slide inside her wet folds. Digging her feet into the mattress, she cried out and gripped the comforter underneath her, bunching it up.

Licking her inner thigh, he teased her, watching as she squirmed and her breaths increased. He cupped her ass and lifted her hips up. “Look at me.”

Her eyes drifted open, and she bit her lower lip.

“This isn’t just sex.” He tightened his grip on her, digging his fingers into her soft skin. She was less than an inch from his mouth, so he blew on her heated flesh. “Right here, right now, you’re mine, and I’m yours, and this connection between us is real. This is
, and you can’t say you don’t feel it, too. Don’t deny me again. Not right now.”

She took a deep breath, her breasts rising high, and nodded. “I feel it, too.”

In all the madness of the day, and all the pain, one thing hadn’t changed.

His feelings for

Lowering his head, he flicked his tongue over her, and she strained to get even closer to his mouth. Her responses nearly made him come on the spot. He thrust his tongue inside her, groaning at how damn good she tasted. A small, breathy cry escaping her as he fucked her with his tongue. The second her walls clamped around him and her body went lax, he let her hit the mattress. “Condom?” he asked, his voice strained.

She grabbed her purse off the nightstand, opened it, and pulled one out. He tore it out of her fingers and made quick work of rolling it on. As he did, she trailed her fingers over his abs, going lower and lower with soft, teasing caresses. By the time she closed her hand around him, his breaths were coming faster and harder, and he was seconds from losing control.

Gripping her hips, he lifted them, locked eyes with her, and said, “I’m not losing you again.” Lowering his body over hers, he nipped her neck and thrust into her hard. When he was fully sheathed inside her, they stilled, as if they both needed a second to register how fucking amazing they felt joined. “Jesus, Alicia.”

Never in his life had he felt such a need to possess a woman. No, not just
woman. Alicia. Always Alicia. Only Alicia.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, wiggling experimentally. Growling, he slammed his mouth down on hers, slipping his tongue inside her mouth at the same time as he pulled out of her and drove back in. And he didn’t pause, or hesitate, or freeze this time. There was no stopping the wave of desire she’d brought out in him, and nothing would stop him from making her scream his name over and over again until she couldn’t imagine a life where he wasn’t buried deep inside her body like this. Because he already couldn’t.

I need you, Alicia. Don’t go.

She was embedded on his heart, like a tattoo or a scar, and no amount of surgery would remove her. He slapped the side of her ass and moved his hips faster. Harder. She stiffened beneath him, her breath rushing into his mouth as she came.

He didn’t stop, though.

Didn’t claim his release.

Not until she came at least one more time, damn it.

She dug her nails into his back, crying out as he plunged even deeper, hitting the spot guaranteed to send her soaring again. “Oh my—
. Stop.” She smacked his arm the second the words left her mouth. “Don’t stop. Don’t you
—” Her body stiffened again, arching at the back, and she left off on a strangled moan. “

He kissed her again, lifted her hips, and thrust once, twice,
. He came explosively, the whole world stopping as the pleasure took over his mind and body, blocking out the pain of the day. Letting out a soft groan, he collapsed on the bed beside her, pulling her into his arms. Her breathing was as ragged as his, and she rested a hand on his heart. They lay like that silently for a while.

And he never wanted to move.

He’d pay big money to know what she was thinking. He wanted
with her. He hadn’t been sure before, but he needed her in his life.

But there was so much…

Right now, he had to focus his priorities, but it was tough with her so…

Damn it. He didn’t know what to do.

“This doesn’t have to change anything,” she said softly. “I feel you tensing up, and a million thoughts are probably going through your head, and you said a lot of stuff, but that’s all it was. It was just pretty words, and amazing sex. That’s it.”

And just like that, he remembered why he swore not to take her earlier. Because he’d known if he did, she would immediately brush it off as a quick fuck, like that night at the nightclub. In his grief, he’d given her the excuse to do so on a silver platter. He’d known she wasn’t ready, and that she didn’t
to want him.

He’d had a game plan. He hadn’t played by those rules.

And now he’d pay the price.

“If you say so,” he managed to get out, trying his best to stay calm.

“I do.” She played with his chest hair. “I mean, it was wonderful, and you’ll always be…special…to me. But you’re a king now, and with that comes responsibilities, and I don’t fit…I’m not one of them, you know? Once this is over, I’ll go back to America, and you’ll stay here and marry Princess whatever her name was, and run your country, and that’s just how it’s going to be.”

“You’ve got it all figured out already, haven’t you?” he asked, his voice hard because the way she summed up what this night was to him without even
him what he felt for her pissed him the hell off. “You know how it all ends?”

“Well, yeah.” She rose on her elbow and stared at him, all soft lips, ruffled blond curls, and guarded blue eyes. He’d give anything to understand what the hell it was that ran through her mind that made her say things like this. “We both know what this was.”

“Oh?” He flexed his jaw, staring at the red spot on her neck where he’d nipped her a little too hard. “And what, exactly, is that?”

“I was trying to make you feel better. To comfort you.” She avoided his eyes, tracing a path on the blue comforter. “When my father died, I needed that, too. Comfort. I wanted to do that for you, for old time’s sake.”

In other words…

Tonight meant
to her.

And neither did he.

Swallowing hard, he shut his eyes, his father’s disapproving frown floating in front of his eyes like a reminder of all the ways he’d failed. He could have been in Greece with his father, spending time with him, and making him happy by meeting all those princesses his father had spoken of. Maybe he could have helped in some way, and his father would still be alive. But he’d been too busy chasing after Alicia…

Who clearly didn’t want to be

Not by him.

Meanwhile, he lost his father, and gained a throne, and he would be alone because the woman he finally admitted he loved didn’t love him back, and never would. If given time, maybe he would have given up
to have her by his side. His country. His crown. Hell, his life. Maybe he could have loved her enough to lose it all.

But all he was to
was a good memory.

If it weren’t so hard to breathe, maybe he could laugh at the irony of it all.

“Shit,” he muttered, letting go of her and rolling over so his feet hit the floor. Resting his elbows on his thighs, he took a deep breath and dragged his hands down his face. “I’m a fucking

She let out a small sound. “Leo, I didn’t mean—”

“Don’t backtrack now. I heard you, loud and clear. And for the first time, I’m actually listening. You’re not interested in getting to know me again, or in picking up where we left off, or in any of that. You don’t want me to kiss you, or touch you, or fuck you. You just want to go home, and put this whole mess behind you, like the first time we parted ways. You just want to go back to forgetting I exist.”

She gripped her knees tightly, squeezing the comforter she’d pulled over them. “I never—”

“So you can do that,” he cut in. “You can go.”

She sucked in a breath. “Seriously?”

“Absolutely.” He stepped into his pants. “Go home, Alicia.”

She sucked in a deep breath, and the bed shifted underneath her as she leaned closer to place a hand on his shoulder. “Leo—”

Whirling on her, he held his arms out, anger taking over and mercifully washing out the pain. And, yes, now wasn’t the best time to have this conversation, with his father’s death weighing heavily on his mind, but he was
with being the idiot who didn’t get the message when she so clearly told him she wanted nothing to do with him.

“I get it now. I understand why you won’t forgive me, or even attempt to forgive me. It’s not because you
, it’s because you don’t
to,” he said in a rush, the words flowing out of him without any hope of stopping. “I was a fool to think I could win your trust back, because you never trusted me in the first place. And I was even more of an idiot to think that what we have between us, what you make me feel, could maybe turn into love again, because you never loved me, either. Love,
love, isn’t like this. Love isn’t one sided, and it doesn’t just die off because you’re mad at the person you supposedly love. Love doesn’t fucking

She swallowed hard, staring, not speaking.

He forced a laugh. “According to you, we just wanted to fuck each other because we have fond memories, and we did that, so I’m done trying for more. We’re done here.”

She swallowed hard, gripping her knees, which she’d folded in front of her. Still, she said nothing. Just stared blankly ahead, completely devoid of emotion.

Guess he had his answer.

He was right.

He tossed his shirt over his shoulder, and started for the door. Halfway there, he paused. “Looks like you can cross another item off your bucket list, after all. You broke my heart. Congratulations.”

With that, he bent down, grabbed his boots, and left her sitting there, naked, her jaw hanging open, in the room he’d personally picked out for her. She’d leave tomorrow, and she wouldn’t look back, because she didn’t love him, and never had. This time, when she left, he wouldn’t see her again. It was over.

It was

Chapter Sixteen

The next morning, Alicia sat on the edge of the bed, dressed, but not even close to standing up to walk out the door that was just a few steps away. Instead, she sat there replaying the words Leo had said to her last night, trying to figure out which ones were truth and which were not—and what to do once she figured it out. If there
anything to do.

What happened
? One minute they were in a big state of bliss. And then she’d tried to make him feel better and let him off the hook. He lost it. She’d never seen him so angry. At her.

Her mind just couldn’t fathom what was going on.

No matter how he felt about her, she’d done some digging this morning, and his own law stated he had to marry a princess. It was there on the internet, easily found via Google. And she wasn’t going to deny that there was a good bit of sadness when she saw those words written out plainly for her to see, because despite her hardened heart…

She’d wanted there to be a chance at a happy ending.

For that real-life fairy tale every girl secretly dreamed of.

But she wasn’t a princess, and he wasn’t free to
her, even if he wanted to. Especially not
. Not when he was the
of a whole freaking country.

Someone knocked on the door, and she stood, her heart speeding because if someone was knocking, it was probably
. “Come in,” she called out nervously. The door opened, and she composed herself for the confrontation that would more than likely come. “Leo, I—” She broke off immediately, because it wasn’t Leo. It was a man she’d never seen before. “Oh. Sorry. I thought… Can I help you?”

The man shut the door behind him, holding on to the knob, his gaze falling on her empty luggage in the corner of the bedroom. “As you know, things have changed here. The king is dead, and Prince Leopold…it’s going to be a rough couple of months for him, to say the least.”

. That sounded so stuffy. So
like Leo. Not the real version of him, anyway. Not the one she knew. She wrapped her arms around herself, watching him closely, because she couldn’t quite figure out what he wanted from her. “Yes, I’d imagine so. My sympathies are with him. His father was a good man.”

“Yes. He was.” The man cleared his throat. “I’m Harry, by the way. Prince Leopold’s advisor.”

“Alicia Forkes,” she said slowly. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”

He bowed slightly, his upper lip stiff. “Indeed.”

When he fell silent, not speaking, she shifted on her feet uncomfortably, not liking the way he looked at her, as if she was beneath his notice. “Is there something I can help you with? Did Leo—
Prince Leopold
—send you here?”

“No.” He frowned. “Well, yes. He did.”

She frowned. “Okay?”

“I’m here to help you pack and to escort you to the car that’s waiting for you. He thanks you for your cooperation and invites you to visit in the future, though I’d rather you didn’t.”

He snapped his fingers, and three servants came in immediately, grabbing her luggage and opening drawers to pull her clothing out. “What are they doing?”

“Speeding along the process, of course,” Harry replied.

What a jerk

“But…” Her heart twisted, not because of the man’s words, but because she was clearly being dismissed by Leo. They were actually
her clothes for her. When he’d told her she was free to go, she hadn’t thought he meant he was going to
kick her out
. She’d thought he was giving her the choice he should have given her all along—and she’d been planning to stay, like he’d wanted. To apologize for her words the night before and see things through to the end. Even though she was well aware there was no happily ever after for them. The research on the internet had confirmed that.

Shaking her head, she said, “I thought—”

“He’s changed his mind,” he said simply, pressing a pompous hand to his stomach and inclining his head. “Though he wishes you to keep him informed of the outcome of…well, you know.”

She hugged herself, swallowing hard. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll let him know.”

“Excellent.” Harry smiled, but his eyes were cold. “He’ll be pleased with your cooperation, I’m sure.”

Yeah, I bet he will.
“May I speak to him before I go? I just want to—”

“I’m sorry, but we don’t think that’s wise,” he said, his tone completely unapologetic as he cut her off again. “We think it’s best if you leave quietly.”

Stiffening, she lifted a brow, mimicking Leo. “

“The prince’s…” He broke off, correcting himself. “The

She gripped her elbows hard. “And why is that?”

“There’s no doubt that he has old feelings for you, but with his royal lineage, we can’t afford to have you hanging around, clouding his judgment in his future affairs, and mucking up his search for an appropriate wife to join him as he begins his reign.” He held his hands out, palms up. “Now, more than ever, it is important his mind remain clear. He must keep his eyes focused on the future of Randovia.”

“And you’re afraid I’ll interfere with those things?”

“Possibly. He knows what he has to do for his country, and what his duties are. But if you’re here”—Harry shrugged—“those duties might go unattended, and we can’t afford to risk that for a girl who used to live in her car in New York City. I’m sure you understand our stance.”

Ah. And there it was. The truth. The hard, cold fact that a girl like her wasn’t good enough for the king—something she’d known all along, no matter how much she’d tried to ignore the big, giant, dirty elephant in the room every time they were together. “I want to speak with Leo before I go.”

“Absolutely not,” he said quickly, his eyes narrowing at her familiar use of his name. “
King Leopold
has no interest in seeing you again, hence my presence here instead of his, and you need to return to your life in Harlem, Ms. Forkes. To your job at Baker…who, if you must know, is quite happy with your work.”

She blinked. “What work?”

“You secured a contract with the royal guard.” He gave her a fake smile, watching her with hard, condescending eyes. “Congratulations. Your powers of…
…were apparently very strong, because the king himself approved the contract just this morning, and ignored all competing offers from other companies.”

Over the past few days, they’d spoken of Baker, and all the things the company could do for him, but they hadn’t settled on a number, or a
. And she certainly didn’t appreciate Harry insinuation that she’d been given the deal because she’d slept with Leo. “But—”

He held his hand up, giving her an annoyed look. “I’m not finished yet. The king also thanks you for staying and wants you to consider the Baker contract to be a token of his appreciation for all you’ve done for him.”


Leo just dismissed her like last night’s leftovers, after literally
her off, and she was just supposed to fall in line and leave like a good little girl, now that he’d had her one more time. She should have known it would end like this.

Silly her, for expecting a proper good-bye.

For expecting him not to break her heart

“You can tell him he can shove the contract up his—never mind.” She scowled at the offensive man in front of her. Behind her, the workers zipped up her suitcase, apparently having finished packing. “I don’t want it.”

“It’s already done. Your bosses have been informed, and so have the competitors.” He opened the door, glancing over his shoulder to gesture someone forward. “And your time here is, too. Go back to Harlem, Ms. Forkes. It’s where people like

“Wow. You’re a real asshole, Harry.” She fisted her hands at her sides. “I’m going, but
no one
speaks to me like that. Does Leo know you talk to his guests that way?”

The man flinched.

“If his advisors are like you, I worry about him and the future of his country.”

He had the nerve to roll his eyes at her.


Randovia wasn’t her problem…and neither was Leo.

Men came in and grabbed her bags, and she watched with wide eyes, heart pounding against her ribs, unable to believe that just like that, as quickly as she’d been brought here against her will…she was being forced out.

“Look at it this way. You might not be living in the lap of luxury in the palace anymore”—he smirked, chuckling under his breath—“but at least you’re not living in your car and showering in school locker rooms anymore.”

“Yeah. You’re absolutely right. But I’d rather be there, in my car, then stay in your company for another second.” She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Gripping the leather strap tight, she gave him a falsely sweet smile. “And no matter what happens when I leave here, one thing won’t ever change.”

“What might that be?” he asked, his tone bored.

“The fact that you’re an asshole.” She brushed past him, hitting him with her shoulder. “And always will be.”

“Better an asshole in a castle, than a street rat in fancy clothes.”

She kept walking, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

His soft laughter haunted her, even after she walked far enough away from him that she couldn’t hear it. Following her luggage down the stairs, she gripped the banister tightly, staring straight ahead and taking calming breaths because if she didn’t…

She’d freaking

It wasn’t until she was halfway out the door that she realized that awful man back in her room had known things, things she’d only ever written to Leo in letters he had supposedly never received. Things that weren’t easily found through searches on her history. She spun on her heel and stared at the asshat who was, quite literally, pushing her out the door.

“How do you know about me living in a car and showering in locker rooms?”

He straightened and smirked. “The king told me about it.”

“When?” she asked, her heart ceasing pounding because she already knew the answer to her question, just like she already knew she wouldn’t like it. “I didn’t mention—”

“A few years ago, he read your letters to me over a mug of ale one night, for laughs,” Harry said slowly, cutting her off
. “He left you standing at La Guardia, waiting for him to come rescue you at five o’clock at night, if I recall correctly.”

She pressed a hand to her heart, because,
, it hurt.

Leo had lied to her about his innocence.

It had all been one big joke to him.

Harry continued on ruthlessly, obviously not caring that her heart was shattering inside her chest. “He sent you instructions to show up at La Guardia, go to the Randovia Airlines desk, and pick up tickets in his name. But instead of tickets, you found a note telling you to never write to him again.”

She staggered back, because the only way Harry would know all that was if Leo had lied from the beginning. If he pretended not to get her letters, to try and get her in his bed, and sure enough, it had worked. “I…”

“Even then he knew you weren’t good enough for him.” He crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels, giving her the most annoying smirk in the history of annoying smirks. “Why do you think he’s not here to see you off today?”

She didn’t speak.

There was nothing to argue about.

Everything the man said was true.

“You didn’t believe him when he told you he never got your letters, did you?” At her continued silence, he laughed, pressing a hand against his stomach. “Oh, that’s just rich. You fell for that ridiculous lie? You deserve anything you get, then.”

“Go to hell,” she said from between clenched teeth. “And take your precious little prince with you.”

,” he corrected her, his laughter dying.

All her luggage was in the car, so all that was left was for her to climb into the backseat, settle in, and leave this whole damn country behind her…

Including its lying, conniving, cold-hearted king.

“Alicia.” Leo said, coming up behind Harry and frowning. “What’s going on here?”

Harry froze, his eyes wide. “My—”

“You…You…” Just the sound of his voice, his lying, treacherous voice, was enough to send a staff of pain piercing through her chest. Breathing hard, she pointed a finger at him and snarled, “Go to hell.”

Leo stared at her, clearly taken aback at her rage. “What’s going on here?”

“I’m finally leaving,” she shot back. “You pompous

Leo’s jaw ticked. “We’re back to this now?”

“I’m sorry for this scene.” Harry grabbed her arm roughly, dragging her forcibly toward the car. “She was just leaving, Your Highness.”

Leo growled low in his throat. “Release her,” he commanded, the corners of his mouth pinched tight as he watched Harry follow his orders. “And
grab her like that again, if you value your life at all.”

Harry paled. “But—”

“Leave us.” His jaw ticked again. “Now.”

Harry bowed and walked off without another word, but he still managed to shoot Alicia one last dirty look.

She scowled back at him, rubbing her arm where he’d grabbed her.

“I’m sorry for his behavior toward you,” Leo said softly. He threw a glance at the guards who surrounded them. “Everyone leave us. Except you,” Leo said, pointing at the driver. “You may wait in the car for Ms. Forkes.”

Everyone scrambled to do his bidding, and the whole front porch, yard, and garden cleared out. All that was left were roses, birds, and butterflies. And of course,
. “Scared they’ll hear you talking to a
like me?”

He frowned. “What? No. Of course not.”

“Oh, just admit that you don’t want to be seen with me in public, because they’ll know who and what I am, and you can’t be associated with that,” she said drily. “I mean, what if people found out you slept with a girl like

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