The Private Eye (17 page)

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Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz,Dani Sinclair,Julie Miller

Josh watched her carefully, aware that he wasn't quite
certain of her mood. He felt as if he were walking on eggs. “I wrote that
myself,” he admitted.

“I know.” She shot to her feet and strode over to the window.
Her arms were still folded across her chest and her chin was tilted at a proud,
defiant angle. “As soon as I'd read a few pages, I was sure of it.”

“Maggie, I know what you're thinking.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. You think you've been ripped off. That you ordered
up a private investigator and got a con artist, instead.”

“And did I?”

“No, damn it.” Josh hooked his thumbs in the waistband
of his jeans and braced his feet. He felt as if he were getting ready for
battle—one of the most important of his life. The stakes, he suddenly realized,
were higher than he had ever dreamed they could be. But then, he'd never wanted
a woman the way he wanted Maggie Gladstone. “Give mea chance to explain,
Maggie. You owe me that much.”

She stood with her back to him and stared out the
window. “Are you really Josh January?”

“Hell, yes. I told you to call that number I gave you,
remember? I told you that if you had any questions, my partner would answer
them. And send you the proof.”

“You're a genuine private investigator? Owner of
Business Intelligence and Security?”

“Yes, damn it. I can show you my license. Listen,
Maggie, this isn't what it seems. I'm doing what you hired me to do. I swear
it.” Josh felt desperate. He, of all people, knew you couldn't trust a man's word
or any piece of paper he showed you unless you knew him very well. He could
hardly expect Maggie to believe him. She had only known him a few days.

“Are you quite certain you aren't some aspiring writer,
a friend of the real Josh January, perhaps?

Maybe the real January had no more intention of taking
me on as a client than any of the other investigators I contacted.”

“I am the real Josh January.”

Maggie ignored him. “Maybe not. Maybe you're just his
friend. Maybe, because of that and because you're trying to write a mystery, he
figured you could fake it out here for a month. After all, how hard can it be
to pull the wool over the eyes of three aging retirees and one naive

“Maggie, I'm telling you—”

She nodded thoughtfully. “I can see where it would have
sounded like a neat arrangement. You're recovering from an accident. You've got
some time on your hands and you want to write a book. What a deal! You get a
free vacation and an opportunity to work on your manuscript. In addition, you
even get to play private eye for real, for a few weeks. What fun.”

“Damn it, Maggie.”

“And, just to top things off in the fun-and-games
department, you decide to seduce the client. Is this how you big-city guys
amuse yourselves?”

That did it. Josh stormed across the room, moving so
quickly that he got a sharp warning twinge from his left foot. It was painful
enough to make him wince, but he paid no attention to it. He had more important
things on his mind.

When he reached Maggie, he put his hands on her
shoulders and spun her around to face him. “I am the real Josh January,” he
said through clenched teeth. “I am the senior partner in BIS. I am
investigating this case for you. And I also happen to be trying to write a
book. I give you my personal guarantee that you are not getting stiffed. I'll
find out whoever is behind these incidents. And I will find him real soon.”

“I'm getting what I'm paying for, is that it?”

“Yes, damn it. That's it. I'll admit I accepted this
job initially because I was recovering from an accident. My doctor and partner
talked me into getting away for a while. To be honest, this case looked like a
cinch. I figured I could solve it for you within a month and at the same time
do some work on my book.”

“What about the big seduction scenes?”

He groaned. “Sweetheart, you're the first client I've
ever tried to seduce. And so far, I haven't had much success, I might add.
Maggie, our relationship has nothing to do with the case. I give you my word of

“You really do like me a little?”

He was shocked to see that she was smiling now. He
could hardly believe his eyes. “Maggie, it's a lot more than 'like' I promise.
I want you very much. I've never met anyone I've wanted as much as I want you.
Please believe me.”

He flexed his hands on her shoulders, willing her to
give him a chance. “Look, honey, I can't give you any proof tonight. I don't
expect you to take my word for everything. All I ask is that you wait until you
can verify what I'm saying before you make any decisions.”

“I suppose we could do it that way,” she agreed slowly.

Hope rose in him. “Tomorrow morning you can call that
number I gave you or you can wait a day or two and I'll have something to show
you. Something that will prove I am who I say I am.”

“Proof. That's all you can think about.” Maggie
wrinkled her nose in exasperation. “Oh, never mind, Josh. I believe you.”

“You do?” He stared at her, dumbfounded. “Without

“Forget the proof. Nobody would make up a ridiculous
story like the one you just gave me.” Maggie ducked out from under his hands
and took two steps to the bed. She hopped up on the step and sat down on the
edge of the thick mattress. “So, are you coining to bed or not?”

“Maggie.” He couldn't believe it. She was smiling at
him in feminine welcome. She was willing to take his word for everything he had
just said. Josh took a hesitant step closer to the bed. “Do you mean it?

You want to spend the night here in my bed?”

She laughed softly. “The thing about you. Josh, is that
you're exactly like that Adam Carlisle person in your book: You're one of the
good guys.”


Chapter 8


THE INSTANT Josh entered her he felt as if he had found
a part of himself that he hadn't even realized was missing. Maggie's welcoming
feminine heat consumed him and made him feel complete. For a split second of
startling clarity, Josh recognized what was happening. She's mine now, he
thought as her body tightened around him. She was meant for me.

In the next instant the crystal-clear understanding
vanished amid the excitement that was sweeping over him. Sheer, glorious
physical sensation took over. She felt so good.. .better than anything he had ever
known. His thoughts were scattered as the intense, primal reality of their
lovemaking swamped his senses. But the feeling of need and possessiveness
remained lodged deep in his mind, even as Josh gave himself up to the sweet
pleasure of the moment.

He was fiercely aware of Maggie's arms wrapped tightly around
him as he surged deeply into her. He felt the tiny bite of her nails as they
sank into his shoulders. He drank the small, soft cries from her lips as she surrendered
to the passion they were sharing.

“Put your legs around me, sweetheart,” he managed as he
sensed her body begin to tense.

She did as he said, locking her legs around his hips,
offering the very core of herself to him, Josh groaned as he felt himself slide
a little farther into her.

“So deep,” he muttered against her mouth. “I'm so far
inside you, I feel as if I'm a part of you.”

“You are,” she said simply. Then her head moved
restlessly against the pillow. “Oh, Josh.”

“Yes, love. Now. That's it. Let it happen now. I can't
hold it any longer. Yes!” He drove into her one last time as he felt the first
delicate ripples of her release.

The sensation was unbelievably erotic. She was
literally caressing him in the most intimate manner possible. Josh's body
threatened to explode and then it did explode. He captured Maggie's mouth with
his own to drown his own hoarse shout of satisfaction as she breathed her
exquisite cry of completion.

When it was over, Josh pulled her close and curled her
body into his own. She fell asleep beside him, her relaxed body evidence of her

Josh lay quietly for a long time. He stared up at the
shadowed canopy and tried to comprehend what was happening to him. He felt different
somehow. Something important in his world had changed.

Maggie was at the heart of that change. She was very

He would protect her. Josh told himself. At all costs,
he would shield her and care for her.

He finally fell asleep himself on that thought.


MAGGIE AWAKENED feeling vaguely disoriented. She
stretched languidly, wondering why the bed felt different. When her toe came in
contact with a masculine leg, she froze in shock. And then memory came flooding

Josh had made love to her last night.

And it had been wonderful. The most wonderful
experience of her life. Maggie snuggled into the unfamiliar masculine warmth.
Josh's arm curled around her, his hand coming to rest on her breast.


“Yeah?” He sounded half asleep.

“Josh, are you awake?”

“No.” He tightened his hold on her and his thumb began
to glide slowly across her nipple. “Don't bother me. I'm dreaming.”

“Well, in that case...” Smiling to herself, Maggie let
her hand drift down across his broad chest. Her fingertips reached the tangled
thatch of dark hair below his flat belly and she tugged gently.

“You're playing with fire, lady.” josh nibbled on her shoulder.

“Promises, promises. I— Oh, my goodness.” Her fingers
were suddenly filled with the heavy, thrusting warmth of him. “l am playing
with fire, aren't I?”

“Told you so.”

“I think I could get to like this game.”

“You obviously have an aptitude for it. Maybe it's time
I demonstrate a few of the finer nuances.”

Lazily, Josh stirred and started to inch his way down
her body. His mouth was on her breast and he had one leg between her thighs
when he abruptly stilled.

“Josh? What's wrong?”

“Damn.” Josh raised his head and sat up, shoving aside
the covers. He glanced at the clock beside the bed. “It's six-thirty.”

“So what? We were up late last night.” She reached for
him, urging him back to bed.

His eyes narrowed as he looked down at her. “So the
Colonel, Odessa and Shirley will alt be getting up soon. The last thing I want
is for you to run into one of them out in the hall on your way back to your own

“Don't worry about it. Josh.” She smiled coaxingly up
at him. “I'll be careful.”

“Darn right, you're going to be careful. You're going
to hop straight out of that bed, put on your robe and get your little tush back
to your own room.”

Maggie sat up slowly, a little surprised by his tone.
She wrapped her arms around updrawn knees and tilted her head to one side to
study him. “Are you really that concerned about the Colonel and the others
finding out we spent the night together?”

“It would be embarrassing for you and for them.”

Josh got out of bed. He reached down to tug back the

When he did so, Maggie was left sitting stark naked in
the center of the white sheet. She smiled brilliantly up at him. “I think I can
handle any embarrassment that I might experience.”

Josh stared down at her, his eyes warm as he took in
the sexy, inviting picture she made. “Well, you're not going to handle it as
long as I have anything to say about it. It's my job to protect you, remember?
Let's go, Maggie.”

“I’m not a kid. Josh.”

“Yeah. Well, you're not exactly an experienced woman of
the world, either.” He jerked on his jeans. “I think I resent that remark. May
I remind you that I was the one who took the initiative last night?”

She fixed him with a proud grin. “If we'd waited for
you to make a move I'd still be alone in my own room.”

“We'll argue about who takes the initiative in this
relationship some other time.” He reached down to catch hold of her wrist and
yanked her gently up off the bed.

Maggie sighed and gave up the battle. She stood meekly
while Josh tossed her nightgown over her head and fastened her robe.

“Are you always this grouchy in the mornings?” she
asked as he tugged her toward the door.

“It varies.” He turned, his hand on the doorknob, and
kissed her soundly. “Sometimes I'm in a really terrific mood. Unfortunately,
this morning isn't one of those days,”

“Just my bad luck, I suppose.”

“Right.” He opened the door and gave her a little shove
that sent her out into the hall.

The first person Maggie saw there was Odessa. The older
woman was poised at the top of the stairs,

preparing to descend. She was gazing straight at Josh's
door as it opened.

“Good morning, dear,” Odessa called in a cheery tone.
She looked totally unfazed by the sight of Maggie emerging from Josh's room.
“Sleep well?”

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