The Protectors Series Bundle (A superhero romance anthology) (15 page)

“No, leave that on.”

Need drove Seth and also kept him rooted to his position at the table. He’d never seen anyone more beautiful. “I want you to lie back on the couch.”

She didn’t question him, just walked over to the couch and lay back against the cushions, propping her torso up with her elbow, giving him the barest hint of a show. From where he stood, he scented the damp heat of her body. He knew how her soft lips would swell and part for him.  Cassie drew up one knee and reached for him.

He stopped breathing, but he didn’t join her. Instead, sat in the chair at the side of the couch. Smiling, he asked, “Do you trust me?”

Her breathing was even and slow as she nodded.

“Good.” His voice was gruff. All he could think was he wanted to eat her whole. Holding up the scarf she used as a headband, he leaned over her and when she scooted nearer, he gently but securely tied the scarf over her eyes. “Lie back again.”

Once she lay back on the couch, that’s when he touched her. He let his hands skim over the swell of her breasts and belly. He drew circles over her rosy nipples until they tightened into buds. The muscles in her belly rippled under his hands as he traced a path to her mound. Unlike that fevered half-dream of their first time, now he was awake. He knew where to touch her and how she would taste. She slid her hands over his, trying to guide his hands to her heated core, but this was his exploration. He wasn’t going to give in that easily.

Cassie moaned when he breathed over the perfect peak of her breast. With every movement over her nipple with the stubble of his chin, her hips lifted and she reached for him. Knowing she was completely open to his ministrations was the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced. He wanted to slide his aching cock into her and drive her toward an oblivion so deep, neither one of them would wake from the stupor for days.

He lifted her torso and unhooked her bra. Once removed, the cool air puckered her nipples.  She sucked in a breath.

“Mmmm, so pretty. You like when I touch you don’t you?”

Nodding, she mewled softly as he placed kisses along the undersides of her breasts, lingered over each of her ribs, and tickled her belly button with his tongue.

She gasped when he secured one nipple and sucked her deep into his mouth, moaning his name when he suckled harder. Desire thundered in his blood as she held him to her nipple. He ached with the need to be inside her.

His hand at her hip, he traced the line of her thong. His fingers stole under the fabric and excitement ripped at him. He knew what came next. Her dewy slickness. Her core tugging at his fingers while they explored.

He slid a finger inside her heat and they both gasped. He base of his spine tingled.
. He wasn’t even inside her and he was ready to come.

His fingers set the pace, and he whispered in her ear. “Turn over. Get on your knees.” He wanted to take his time with her, unlike the other night, but lust urged him on.

She did as she was told, bracing her hands against the back of the couch. The moonlight splashing though the windows lit her alabaster skin. He reached up and caressed her full breasts. “Open wider for me.” 

Cassie trembled in front of him. The scent of citrus and vanilla surrounded them and the slick moisture on her pussy glistened when she shifted. She wanted this. No matter how many times they were together, it never felt like enough. He would never have enough of Cassie Reeser. When he placed his hand on her ass, she jumped.

“It’s okay, Cassie. I won’t hurt you.

He squeezed her taut firm flesh, kneading and separating her cheeks. With one hand he stroked down to her soaking slit and caressed gently. His soft attempts to quiet and calm her only made her squirm more intensely.

“Do you like that?” he asked, teasing her silken core, his fingers growing slicker and slicker.

She moaned.

“Not good enough darling. I want to hear you.  I need to hear you.”

A hot blush marred her fair skin. “Yes. I like that,” she whispered,

“I want to make you feel good. Last night was too rushed. Too fast. I want to take my time today.”

He shifted behind her, tossing his shirt somewhere in the vicinity of his jeans and boxers.

“Seth, please hurry,” she whispered.

Behind her, Seth positioned the aching tip of his cock at her heated entrance. He knew exactly how she would feel against his skin. The urge to take her was strong, but he remembered their first time. The thin barrier between them. How he pushed beyond it. He thought of the last time they were together at Lisa’s. Their frenzied need. He hadn’t been gentle then. She might still be sore. “Did I hurt you before?”

He heard the smile in her response. “Accelerated healing, remember? I’m fine. Now, please hurry.”

He nipped her shoulder. “We’ll take it slow.”

Her slick heat surrounded him inch by inch when he slowly pushed inside her body. The tension coiled within her wrapped around him. When he bottomed out, he slowly relaxed, and his breathing eased to moderate huffs.

Her body provided more than enough lubrication for him. With every rock of his hips, she moaned rolled her hips to meet his.

She glistened with sweat. Impatiently, she thrust back against him, urging him on. They moved in time with each other in an unspoken language. He caressed her breasts with each stroke and she bucked under him.

Seth dotted soft kisses on the back of her neck and mumbled about how beautiful she was, how incredible she felt, what he wanted to do to her as he penetrated her. He changed positions so she sat on his lap in a fashion facing the television. With her back facing him, he could place kisses behind her ear. With her legs splayed, her slick folds were open to his questing fingers. With one hand, he fondled her breasts, testing the weight and softness, pinching the nipple until she cried out his name.

He chuckled into her neck and licked the sensitive spot behind her ear as she picked up the pace of their thrusts. With his other hand he searched for her budded clitoris and massaged in her juices. He stroked softly, spreading her perfect folds, leaving no groove unexplored.

He was deeper inside her than ever before. When he drove his hips forward, she cried out his name and answered each thrust with one of her own. With every caress, he was closer to heaven. But he wasn’t going without her. Tension coiled in her as the walls of her pussy quivered against his cock.

“Seth, God, I’m—”

“C’mon. Just for me. I want to feel you.” He growled while sweat popped on his brow.

With another slow circle of his middle finger, Cassie quivered in his arms and the walls of her pussy clenched around him. Her muttered words were so soft only he could hear them. “Seth. Oh God. Seth.”

With another thrust of his hips, he nipped her ear and released while her inner walls held onto his cock like a vise.

Refusing to disengage, Seth pulled her with him and fell over on the couch. He anchored an arm around her waist, pulled the throw blanket over them, and kissed her softly. “Get some rest. Tomorrow we have a lot of work to do.”

Chapter Fifteen

Dread settled around Cassie’s shoulders like an ill-fitting dress. Beside her, Seth's voice was low. “Is now a shitty time to wish we had some back up?”

Jansen snickered. “What the hell do you call me?”

Seth’s friend was nowhere near what Cassie expected. When Seth said computer geek the image she conjured was more Poindexter and less marine. Cassie slid them both a glance. They were just trying to break the tension, but Seth had a point.

“Jansen, you know where to place the charges? Seth and I will be in and out. I know of ten subjects, but there could be more.”

Jansen nodded. “Yes ma’am. I’ll give you as much time as I can, but you’ll have to be quick.”

Seth frowned. “How many are in there, Cassie?  I can’t get a read. That can’t be right.”

She knew what he meant. She picked up no bodies in the warehouse. But this was the spot. It had to be. Considering Peter had been one step ahead of her the whole time, she had to assume he knew they were here and was prepared for them.

“I can’t sense anyone on the surface.” What she didn't say was that the building was too quiet. Like a cloak lay over the whole building.

From their vantage point on top of the shipping containers, the building appeared vacant. None of her senses were on alert. And at the same time that’s what made her so edgy.

Jumping down, she and Seth landed in crouched positions. Jansen rolled out of his landing. She opened the blueprints and reviewed their plan for the third time. Seth would enter through a side entrance, Jansen from the back. Cassie would enter from the roof. The most likely location of the subjects was in a lead-lined safe room. If they had powers like hers, this would make it easier to contain them. 

Seth rolled up the prints. Pulling her to him, he stared in her eyes. “If anyone can pull this off, it's you.”

She smiled and nodded, glad he was at least optimistic about their chances. Thinking she might be leading him to his death unsettled her. She smelled a trap in the air but she couldn't just leave the others here for Peter to torture. She’d turn herself over to her brother if that's what it took to get the others to safety.

“I’d love to stay and watch you two love birds make out, but I want to see some things go boom.” Jansen headed to the rear of the building at full sprint, his fluid motion reminding Cassie of a jungle cat.

Seth pecked her on her lips and whispered that he’d see her soon. As always when he touched her, her blood heated to a low simmer. She wanted to say something, anything, but before she co
ld form the words, he slipped away and vanished into the darkness, his footfalls fading as he made his way to his entry point.

She didn't waste any time. The sooner she got on the roof, the sooner she got those people out. And the sooner she could deal with Peter, the sooner she could be with Seth.

She took the ladder rungs two at a time, easily swinging her legs over the ledge of the roof. Once she was at the heavy rooftop door, she used only the barest hint of her power. Like Seth had taught her.

Focusing on the minutia of the lock, she forced the grates to separate and give way. Smiling, she yanked the door open and stepped over the threshold. “I love the smell of old warehouse in the evening,” she muttered. Once in the building, she set one of the two charges Jansen had given her and placed it under the electrical panel next to a load bearing beam.

The hairs on her neck stood on end. There should be guards up here. Should have been someone on watch. Cassie listened, but no sound reached her hears. No footsteps, no breathing, no heart beats, no shuffling of feet, not even a scurrying rat. Unable to shake the ominous foreboding, she proceeded down two more flights of stairs until she was on the second level.

She dragged in deep breaths, trying to calm her fight or flight response. No matter what she did, her heart rate kept creeping up. Danger clung to her. She prayed Seth was at his location, planting his charges. As Cassie tread down the darkened hallway, her skin tingled. Something wasn't—

A heavy thump from behind landed her on her back. Immediately she rolled, attaching herself to him like a Lemur. He tried to clamp an arm around her neck, but she wiggled out of his hold. Wildly kicking her feet, she sat up to face her attacker.

“Peter.” But how? He hadn’t made a sound. His heartbeat never alerted her. She hadn’t sensed him at all.

He sank into crouch, arms lifted to protect his face, like a boxer. “The prodigal sister returns.”

Cassie tried to read him, but pinning down his thoughts was like trying to capture a greased pig. “Peter, it doesn't have to be like this.” If she kept him distracted long enough, maybe Seth would have more time to free the others. “We can talk about this. If you let the others go, I'll willingly come back. No one else has to get hurt.”

Her brother's brows drew down. “Who’s been hurt, Cassie? Certainly not you. I cured you, remember? I made you more.”

“I never asked to be more.” He was different than she remembered. She eyed him. He was talker, maybe an inch, maybe two. He was bigger too. Not as big as Seth, but he had more muscle than she remembered. “What have you done to yourself?”

He lunged for her and she dodged with a duck and turn. But Peter still blocked her exit path. “What? You think I should have left you all the fun and games? Made you the only extraordinary one?” He flexed his arms. “You don't like my gifts? I would have thought you’d appreciate them. Finding you has been a unique talent of mine. Sometimes I can’t see you as clearly, and it’s a pain in the ass trying to figure out your surroundings by the things you look at or touch, but so far my location talents have worked well.”

“Why can’t I get a lock on you? To me you’re a ghost. Not here, but here.”

His eyes lit up with malicious glee. “The cloaking power is my favorite. It comes with some astral projection, but that is just a passive gift. I'm working on perfecting the cloaking so I can’t be seen, but at least I’m undetectable. Alas, my teleportation, like your telekinesis is touch and go, but I’m the most powerful man on earth.” He grinned.

A tingle of nerves told her Seth was near. Had he found the others? Could Peter sense him? She didn't wait to find out. The moment Peter narrowed his eyes, as if in awareness of the intruder, she delivered a front kick to his solar plexus and vaulted over his bent form. Her boots hit the grates at a fast clip and she raced down the next flight of stairs. She didn’t hear Peter behind her, but she couldn't trust her senses. She waited for one moment, then two. Then three. He wasn’t coming. At least not on her path.

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