The Punany Experience (12 page)

Read The Punany Experience Online

Authors: Jessica Holter

That’s my girl
, Riley thought.

“You know, I’m going to have to help you work on that defeatist attitude of yours, Stormy,” Korea said as she held the car door open for her to get into the passenger’s seat.

“Really? I thought you didn’t mentor adults?”

“For you, I’ll make an exception.” Korea pulled away from the curb and turned onto Lakeside Drive and stopped at a red light at Franklin. She turned up the volume of the CD already in the player, Nas’
“Life’s a Bitch.”

“You like rap. Cool, very cool.”

“Some. I like this. It’s familiar.”

“It just came out. How is it familiar?”

“Can’t you hear The Gap Band under there?”

Stormy listened carefully.

“Myyyy heart is yearning fo’or your love,”
Korea sang over the
sampled track.
She can’t sing
, Stormy thought,
but she sure looks good trying

At the next light, a car pulled up next to them, thumping Tupac Shakur’s “I Get Around” so loud the windows shook. Stormy looked out of her window to see the valet from the hotel smoking a fat joint, cruising the lake in Tom’s Porsche.

. For Stormy, it was the most fulfilling sexual experience of her life. When Korea touched her body, tiny orgasms exploded all over her skin. She sucked her breasts and her clit stood at attention. When Korea licked her pussy, she might as well have been licking her soul. Somewhere from deep inside of her, there came a rushing flood that poured like hot nectar, intoxicating them both as they shared the essence of Stormy in a kiss that seemed to last forever. It was a gentle, slow-rising high that lifted to more than six hundred crescendos of blissful orgasm for both women over the next two years.

; Linguini with lemon basil, plucked fresh from her rooftop garden, roasted garlic and rosemary, sautéed prawns with wild mushrooms, sweet yellow and red peppers, diced and marinated in oregano-flavored olive oil. There were steamed asparagus spears drizzled in a light butter sauce, waiting to meet Korea when she got home. These parts of the meal were merely side dishes to a fresh salad, made from the rooftop garden Stormy personally tended. It was an assortment of homegrown Romaine and red leaf lettuce, baby spinach, sweet plum tomatoes, cucumbers, smoked chicken, carrots, celery, and artichoke hearts, topped with pine nuts and
freshly grated Parmesan cheese. The sweet French bread was served hot, and drizzled with warm olive oil, rosemary, and fresh roasted garlic, and Korea’s beer of choice, MGD, was served ice cold and in the bottle, just like she liked it.

“Baby, that was great,” Korea said. Kissing Stormy on her soft pink plump lips, gently but urgently then rising to remove the plates from the table. She rinsed the dishes off in the sink and stacked them neatly in the dishwasher. She could feel Stormy’s arms around her waist as she stood behind her, her cheek pressed lovingly against her back. “You’re too good to me,” Korea said.

“I know,” Stormy answered. “I figure if I give you what you need, you’ll give me what I want.”

“Yes, baby, just let me get cleaned up.” Korea loved the way Stormy cooked but despised the mess she left behind.

“Really?” Stormy beamed. “You’re going to fuck me tonight?”

“Yes, my little flower bunny, Daddy’s going to fuck you tonight,” Korea said, slapping Stormy on her ass. When Korea talked liked that, like she was “Daddy,” it made Stormy’s pussy wet, instantaneously. “Now go take a shower; you’ve been crawling around in the garden.”

“Garden? How do you know it wasn’t take-out?”

“Please. No one cooks like you. I know your cooking like I know the taste of your pussy. I could be blindfolded and pick either one of them out. Besides, your hands smell of garlic,” Korea said, lifting hers from the sink to hold Stormy’s to her nose. She sniffed her fingertips and curled her faced into a snarl, making a throaty sound of disapproval.

Stormy blushed. There was no greater high for her than serving a satisfying meal prepared by her own hands. She had been a food critic for an online publication for a few months and had yet to find a local restaurant that served cuisine that could even come
close to her own. Her cooking was fresh, daring, and innovative, and she never sacrificed flavor for nutrition. She always replaced pork with smoked turkey, or freshly brewed chicken broth, and made sure there was roughage to complement every meal. Garlic was her special ingredient, so she often smelled of it. She imagined, it must have been hard to enjoy a pussy scented with it, but she couldn’t help touching herself when Korea went down on her, as she often did after a home-cooked meal.

Stormy reached into the kitchen cabinet and pulled out the vinegar.

“You’re not going to douche with that, are you?”

“Of course not, baby. You know I haven’t needed to douche since…” Her voice trailed off. Korea watched as Stormy screwed off the top and poured a small amount of vinegar over her fingertips and rinsed them under the running water.

Korea knew that Stormy was going to say that she had not douched since she had made her, after what had happened at Club X. Korea wanted to bring it up, so they could start to work through it, but every time she thought about it, every time she thought about the entire night, actually, an overwhelming urge to whip Stormy’s ass overwhelmed her.

So instead, she said, “That cucumber-scented glycerin soap is wonderful, but it doesn’t stand a chance against the intensity of garlic. I don’t know why you mess with those hippy products. I keep telling you, you should use vaginal wash.”

“I can’t. I tried it; it burns. I don’t know how you can take it.” Stormy rinsed the top and screwed it back on the vinegar bottle, and then placed it back in the cabinet. “Do you want to take a shower together in the workout room?”

“No, you know I like my privacy. Besides, you don’t run your water hot enough for me. I’ll be in my private bath tonight.”

“Okie-dokie, but you don’t know what you’re missing. I had that new full body shower system installed. There are shower-heads in the walls.”

“Well, don’t have too much fun in there. I want you to have some juice left for me.”

“Alright, Daddy; last one out of the shower is a rotten egg.”

“Where are we fucking tonight?”

“In the den.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you in forty-five minutes,” Korea said. “Now go.”

“I’m gone,” Stormy answered, running through the house like a giddy kid on allowance day.

As she stepped into the shower, Stormy cursed herself for making Korea think about Club X. She had hoped they could do some normal pussy rubbing tonight, but realized she had better be prepared for more of the same masochistic shit, now that she had opened her big mouth. The water felt so good, she didn’t want to get out of the shower. Seven heads were hitting her body from every direction. If she had thought about it, she would have had one installed in the floor.

Korea turned on the dishwasher, wiped the counter and the stove, downed the rest of her beer, and grabbed another cold one. In her bedroom, she removed her suit pants, tie and shirt, and entered the sanctuary of her bathroom. Removing her panties, she sat at her dressing table and opened her legs to examine herself with a tiny handheld mirror and smiled at her pretty, cherry red pussy, and then stepped into the shower.

She washed the world off of her body, and let her stress evaporate in the steamy mist. She lathered her pussy with feminine wash and worked her over-sized clit between her fingers for a few minutes, letting it get hard and ready for Stormy. She wondered
what Stormy would do if she let her suck on her clit for once. She closed her eyes to imagine it, rubbing her clit between her thumb and index finger. She was growing larger. She pictured Stormy’s full pink lips sucking on her dick, her hand gripping her big mane of hair, forcing her to suck harder. Before she realized it, her knees were buckling and she had almost cum. Her clit was very big and even harder now and she could feel it throbbing with desire. It was time. She rinsed her body, and then stepped out of the shower.

Korea looked at herself in the mirror and combed her short hair back with a fine-toothed comb. She slipped into some boxer shorts but let her perfect 34Ds hang free. She walked down the long hallway and down the stairs into the den to find Stormy waiting on the floor, naked. She lay on a black velvet blanket, massage oil, KY Jelly, two condoms, a nine-inch black dildo, a black leather harness, a blindfold, a cat of nine tails, and a pair of plastic gloves, a glass of wine and a cold beer in a bucket of ice on a large serving tray beside her.

“I know you enjoyed dinner. I hope you’re hungry for dessert,” Stormy said. “Pussy is served.”

Without a single word, Korea was upon her, kissing her mouth deeply, her tongue sweeping over Stormy’s teeth and gums, and reaching down her throat. Korea grabbed a hand full of Stormy’s hair, snatched her head back, and looked deeply into her eyes.

“Who are you tonight?” she asked.

“I’m your bitch tonight.”

Korea tugged a little harder on Stormy’s hair. “That’s not good enough. I thought you said you wanted to get fucked.”

“I’m your dirty little mistress tonight.”

“Have you been a bad little mistress?”

“Oh, I’ve been bad. I’ve been very bad.”

“What have you been doing?”

“A little sucking, a little fucking.”

“You what?” For a moment, Korea forgot she was inside a role play and was angry for real, thinking of Stormy strapped to the table at Club X, with strangers touching her…

“I’ve been disrespectful,” Stormy said. “I’ve disgraced you. I gave my pussy to a man.”

Korea slapped Stormy’s face so hard; it shocked her, and sent a sharp pain through her temple. A single tear launched in the corner of Stormy’s left eye and froze there.

“Go ahead and cry, you little slut. It makes my dick hard when you cry.”

That really hurt
, Stormy thought to herself.
This shit is getting out of hand
. She was thinking of a way to hurt Korea back, but she wasn’t allowed to hit her. So she let out an unpredictable giggle, turning her face away, purposely fixing it with false guilt.

“What?” Korea asked her.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. That’s all.”

“What? What are you sorry for? Fucking some man?”

“No, I’m sorry that I liked sucking his dick so much. I liked it so much, I came before he even put his big cock between my fat pussy lips.”

Stormy was so convincing, Korea wondered if she was telling the truth, or maybe expressing some deep desire.

Whispering, Korea said, “Baby, maybe we shouldn’t play this game tonight. Why don’t you be the waitress or something?”

But Stormy ignored her lover. She was on a roll. She realized she never got a chance to do or say anything rebellious. Maybe there was something to this role-playing stuff. “His dick was so big that it split the corners of my mouth. I sucked it good and I liked it.”

Stormy was braced for the slap this time and when it came crashing across her cheek, she did not wince and submit. Instead, she laughed out loud, releasing a cackling, nerve-wracking
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf
kind of laugh that enraged Korea. Stormy did not expect Korea to spit in her face. The feel of the slimy glob on her cheek and in her eyelashes silenced her laughter. She tried to roll over, sit up, and brace herself for escape, but suddenly, Korea pushed her down and stood up over her, one foot by her left ear, the other pressing her face into the floor.

“So, bitches want to suck on something,” Korea said, rubbing her toes through the slime on her lover’s face and forcing her big toe into her mouth. “Are you laughing at me, you simple bitch? You like sucking on things? Suck my fucking toe.”

Conceding to remain
the mistress
for a game that had gone too far to turn away from, Stormy did as she was told.

“Oooh, you are a dirty fucking whore. You like that, don’t you?”

“I love it.”

“Stop.” Korea stepped back a little and wiggled her boxers from her hips. “Take them off me,” she commanded. Stormy reached up and pulled the shorts down to Korea’s ankles. Korea shook them loose into Stormy’s face. “Wipe your face off with my drawers, bitch.”

Stormy took the underwear and began to wipe the slimy spit away. The smell of the beer and spit made her nauseous.

“Now, wipe your nasty dick breath off my foot.” Stormy was getting ready to wipe Korea’s foot with the boxers, when Korea screamed at her to stop, pouring beer on Stormy’s breasts. “Don’t you dare use those nasty things on my pretty foot.”

Korea reached for the serving tray and tossed a few baby wipes down from where she stood exalted over her whore on the floor.

Korea took a swig of her beer, and opened her legs to reveal
her pussy. Stormy was instantly excited at the sight of her perfect pussy with the tight dark lips, that was rarely hers to see, and never hers to savor.

“Why are you eyeballing me?”

Stormy didn’t say anything.

“You want to see my dick, don’t you? You want to suck it, don’t you?”

Korea set her beer down and planted her feet on either side of Stormy’s face. Stormy could feel her temperature rising. Beads of sweat formed on her lower back and between her thighs, as she glanced up into a pussy heaven. Stormy had never eaten pussy before, and wasn’t sure she even knew how. But she knew how having your clit sucked passionately felt. She wished to herself that this would be the night Korea would completely let go. She wished she could will Korea’s knees to fold so that her pussy would fall graciously onto her face and that her own natural passion and experience as a bottom would teach her what to do.

Though she knew it would never happen, she could only imagine, as she watched from below, the woman opening her tiny dark folds to reveal a very large, dark pink clit.

“Oh how you want to suck it,” Korea taunted.

She lubricated it with KY Jelly and began to stroke it. Her knees folded and, for a moment, Stormy thought her fantasy would finally be fulfilled. Korea lowered her hips slowly, so Stormy could get a good look at the thing she could not have and wanted most.

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