The Queen's Curse (33 page)

Read The Queen's Curse Online

Authors: Natasja Hellenthal

The blue changed into a rich light green; such as of new leaves.

Speechless they kept staring at the flower, which had reached their own size. Waiting they noticed it stayed that way. Its green, floating leaves were marvellous and the leaves of the flower a mixture of pink, yellow and white. However, while the flower had grown; its leaves had not yet unfolded.

‘Like there is something in it
…’ Artride whispered and held her breath in anticipation.






She who receives evil does evil

She who does evil receives evil

She who receives love gives love

She who gives love receives love…


Maybe I’ll wake up for once

Not tormented

Daily defeated by you

Just when I thought I’d reached the bottom

I’m dying again

I’m going under

Drowning in you

I’m falling forever I’ve got to break through

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies

So I don’t know what’s real and what’s not

Always confusing the thoughts in my head

So I don’t trust myself anymore

So go on and scream

Scream at me I’m so far away

I won’t be broken again

I’ve got to breathe I can’t keep going under …



The majestic water lily remained closed as if wanting to taunt the women, or make them come forward. But they had to be patient
, as they now were much used to; however, tempers flared in both of them. They had come such a long, hard way and time was running out …

As if their unspoken thoughts had been heard
, the giant pearl pink leaves slowly opened themselves, only to show more splendid leaves. Layer upon layer was unfolded.

The heart of the flower was darker; purple pink and in the middle of all those petals stood a person, a delicate slender curvy woman. She wore a long
, scarlet-dark brown wrapped skirt, showing her curves perfectly; she had round, well-shaped hips and a narrow waist, her olive skin shoulders and back were bare. Because she was standing with her back towards them and because of the high blue collar they could only see the back of her head, with its raven black hair, shining and healthy with a blue glow.

She raised one slender arm and a golden bracelet in the shape of a snake circled around her arm as if it was alive. It moved for sure. And than she turned

This was the moment they long had been waiting for. Finally
, they would see the face of the much feared and spoken of woman: queen and sorceress of Dochas, the Dominator to the Silent Folk; Sempervirens.

When she turned dramatically
, for she knew she was being watched, a heavy but sweet perfume much like that of opium filled the air. And at last they saw her face; olive skinned, young with delicate dark features. Her cheekbones were set high and her mouth was scarlet and luscious, perfectly shaped; neither thin nor full. Her ebony chin-length hair waved alluringly around her soft feminine chin. She looked about their age and in body equally young; only her eyes, set high above her cheekbones and almond shaped, shone bright like two warm coals, spoke differently. Sparkling and strong, those eyes stared at them in a worldly all-knowing fashion with a flare of arrogance that came along with knowledge. One of her thin, curved, black eyebrows rose and her mouth formed an approving smile when she met their staring wide-open eyes. Drowning in her presence they were speechless.

Not at all had they been expecting this. Old yes, fragile and decrepit most likely; and frightful. How wrong had they been
? They should have known better, that viciousness did not necessarily mean a person lacked outer beauty.

But of course she has been using her powers to change her appearance as well, why wouldn’t she? But then again why would she if there are no other people and no one to admire her beauty?
Artride pondered.
But then again she had her workers; her slaves
and probably lots of mirrors to admire herself in. If no one else loved her, she had to love herself enormously.
And seeing her, that wasn’t hard to imagine.

And then her voice

So … you’ve made it? How very wonderful.’ It was the voice you would expect from a goddess; clear and flawless with depth, not from a mortal. But of course she was no mortal anymore. It had sounded a little sarcastic.

Both women were stunned and could still not mutter a word, although no other magic than the sorceress
’ natural beauty was present. It made Sempervirens smile again, while she calmly stepped out of the opened water lily.

‘Has it been
… very hard to find me?’ and she laughed a high pretty laugh. She was very charismatic in her self-confidence, and waves of power radiated from her.

Slowly she stepped closer, her feet in delicate black slippers with laces wrapped around her long tanned legs up to her knees
, which only showed when she walked. The skirt was of a beautiful shiny scarlet and ebony fabric with a brown almost gold pattern around the hem, following her form perfectly. It slid along her broad hips and legs, ending just above her calves, with a long slit at one side right up to her small waist, showing her bare hip, while above her waist her navel contained a marvellous tiny ruby.

Around her delicate neck she wore a high blue collar. Her breasts were full and firm underneath a spray of golden jewellery
, with several layers and again a snake on top that bit her own tail. That was all that covered her chest. Sparse but simple; however, enough to justify her beauty. She not only looked very tempting in her outfit, but gracious and supreme at the same time.

Stopping before Artride she looked her straight in the eyes with a disdainful look
, as if she wanted to say; “I do not need a crown to show others I am a queen.”

Artride hadn’t looked in a mirror lately, not a normal one at least
, to check herself and feel secure enough about her own appearance. Not ever had she felt so insecure, tiny and subdued. Compared to this woman she was a worm; well, at least that’s how she felt.

Tirsa understood what she was doing and touched Artride’s arm slightly to give her comfort and acknowledgment.

Sempervirens turned to Tirsa when she saw the simple but kind gesture and laughed a dirty laugh, putting her down; making fun of them. It was upsetting and it made Tirsa flush with anger.

‘I am no illusion, Artride. I am real
,’ she said lusciously with that same smile, and gave her a wink. Suddenly she knew this was the same person who played the woman of the lake and she saw that Artride knew it too.

Both their mouth
s fell open when Sempervirens snapped her fingers and the scenery changed; ferns and pine trees started to grow until they were tall. And then ivy started to tangle around the trees and the forest floor. Orchids showed themselves from underneath; scented and with huge mouths and all imaginable colours. The forest was perfect, and it reminded Tirsa of the woods of her youth back in Zoria.

‘Perhaps this is a little more suitable to your liking?’ And she picked a purple flower from one of the orchids and smelled it.

‘Hmm, lovely is it not?’ and she glanced at the blonde young woman who stood staring around, breathing in the scenery, real or not, she loved it.

… something is missing,’ the woman spoke. ‘Hmm, I know.’ And she snapped her fingers and beautiful birds of paradise came flying and began to nestle themselves in the trees, colourful and strange in their beauty, before singing wonderful sweet songs.

Between the green stood an ebony
, elusive throne, overgrown with ivy and there Sempervirens sat down before snapping her fingers again, continuing her show, very amused with herself. Next, two young men appeared with only a silk dark blue loin cloth to cover their manhood; one with warm auburn hair and the other almost as black as her own, but of course their skin was green, green as ivy. They both came walking towards their queen carrying a jug of what they assumed was red wine and three glasses; stopping at her feet, kneeling in front of her, bowing low.

‘Oh no
,’ Tirsa whispered alarmed.
More Woodchildren males …

Crossing her long legs, deliberately showing a bit of her dark
olive skin, she beckoned to the men and they came to sit either side of her on the floor, she stroked the brown hair of one of them and the other on his well muscled arm. They were like her beloved pets. They smiled contentedly at her touch and seemed alright in this environment, or her presence, either way. They were as stunning as she was.

‘Satisfied?’ she asked looking in their direction.

Artride opened her dry mouth, but swallowed, had wanted to say,
Right, now that you’ve shown us you can do magic –
but again found no voice.

‘Please sit down, both of you.’

Artride looked around to find something like a chair, but couldn’t. Of course, if they were worms they had to sit on the floor. Tirsa did not mind, for she already sat comfortably enough.

‘Well, you’ve come a long way to find me. Shouldn’t you at least introduce yourselves?’

The women exchanged confused glances, and it was obvious Artride was too battered to speak, so Tirsa made use of the moment.

‘I presume you are well aware of who we are, thank you, but it is no trouble for me to repeat the name of my Queen Artride Cumhachd of Ceartas,’ and she nodded in her direction. ‘And myself
, Tirsa Lathabris.’ Pointing at herself.

Sempervirens narrowed her eyes slightly at her words, but for the rest seemed untouched.

‘Welcome to my world,’ she laughed enticingly; making use of her splendour.

‘It is true, I am well aware of who you are and why you’re here of course. How could I have missed it?’

‘And is it true you knew this days ago, and had us looking for you since we first found our way through the cave. Perhaps even when we first entered Dochas?’ Tirsa asked.

‘Hush, I will tell you when you are allowed to speak
,’ she spoke sternly.

Tirsa got up instead. ‘I just want to know that if you knew
, why you didn’t show your face sooner? It could have saved us a lot of trouble.’

‘I warn you not to talk like this to me. That is no way to talk to a
queen. For you must be aware by now I am the Queen of Dochas.’

‘No way to
…’ she repeated hotly and she glanced at Artride. ‘Next to me sits a true queen and I do not remember you ever treating her like one; not even at this very moment do you acknowledge a true queen! A true queen; not one by her own doing!’ Artride shook her head in warning at her, and Tirsa bit her lip scornfully.

Sempervirens features dimmed and her brown eyes froze cold. She only gave Tirsa one icy look and that was enough to make her fall backwards. She had felt a freezing cold
, heavy touch on her chest. At a loss for words she remained seated while Artride seemed to wake up and gave her a worried glance.

Smiling she ordered one of her slaves
to do something, and immediately the darker lad of the two stood up, to come back with glass goblets filled with wine. First, he gave one to his queen, then one to each of the women. Tirsa tried to make eye contact, but it was impossible since he walked with a bowed head and eyes lowered.

‘Did you like the drama I’ve created for you?’ and she smiled wickedly, not expecting an answer
. She continued, ‘So, let us start again, shall we?’ Sempervirens said smiling, sipping her wine. ‘It has been a while since I last had guests and I want this to go smoothly.’

Like all the rest.
Artride thought grimly.

‘First I do admire your perseverance and courageousness highly. It is very rare these days. And second is it important to know that everything about your journey had a purpose; a very personal purpose, as you suspected correctly. I am very pleased you made it.’

‘Now that that is settled,’ Artride started, ‘and we have been formally introduced, and as you say we have made it and found you this far, surely we could ask a favour from you?’

’ face was serene and emotionless, compared to that of Artride which showed every emotion. ‘You know I’ve got the power, but you wonder if I have the heart to help you?’

She swallowed as her heart jumped
, and nodded. ‘Please help us. Make our journey worth it.’

‘How touching! You really do look vulnerable and so very
… naked.’ And after one snap of her fingers the cloth of the curtains wrapped around them, before disappearing into thin air. Both women looked upset.

‘Why ever did you do that?’ Tirsa snapped.

‘You came here naked and that is how you shall stay until it is completed,’ she answered back coldly, taking another sip.

‘Why, I do not understand
…’ Artride said startled.

‘No, you do not. Hmm, only after you truly understand your own nakedness you are worth the prettiest clothes, but not these torn veils of course.’

‘We have lost almost everything on our journey, and you came close to taking away our dignity, but I am not ashamed of my body,’ Artride said, and she stood up, showing herself.

‘For I am beautiful.’

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