The Rockers' Babies (The Rocker... Series) (29 page)

her back against me, her hips wiggling against my rock-hard cock in her sleep. I kissed her neck, licking at the sensitive spot just under her ear. She made a mewling sound and arched her neck to give me better


Reaching around her I rubbed my palm over her stomach and felt our daughter kick at me before

traveling higher to find Angel’s nipples hard as diamonds. Fuck, I loved her tits. They had gotten super

sensitive during the pregnancy and all I had to do was barely touch them to get her begging for more. My

lips traveled down her shoulder and then down her back while I pinched the tips making her whimper with


Goose bumps popped up along her back as I trailed kisses lower, licking and nipping at her spine.

When I got to her ass—fuck, that perfect ass!—I sucked on her hip until she was squirming, wanting me to

suck on something completely different. Licking away the sting from the love bite I had just given her, I

moved so that I could turn Angel on her back.

She jerked and cried out my name as soon as I latched onto her already pulsing clit. Long, graceful

fingers thrust into my hair, holding me right where she wanted me as she thrust her hips against my tongue.

“Drake… Fuck, babe… Oh. Oh. Ahhh!” she screamed, her back bowing as she came apart against my


I kept flicking my tongue over her clit even after she lay limp from her orgasm. I couldn’t get enough of

her sweet nectar and lapped it all up as I slipped two fingers inside of her. Her inner walls quivered at my invasion, welcoming me and the pleasure I brought with me. My balls tightened, wanting to slip my cock

deep inside of her and feel that soft contracting around my shaft as I drove us both into pleasure-filled


“Please,” Angel whimpered when I kept tormenting us both with my teasing fingers while I continued

to tongue her clit. “I want you so much.”

“Tell me you love me,” I commanded, rising to my knees and grasping my cock, stroking it twice while

she watched me with her lashes lowered. The sight made her whimper again and suck her bottom lip

between her teeth. “Tell me.”

“I love you. Always.” I skimmed the tip of my dick over her opening and her hands twisted in the

sheets underneath her. “Drake…”

“Do I make you happy? Do I give you everything you want?”

“Yes. I’d be a mess without you.” Her thighs were trembling and I knew she was close to the edge of

coming again. “All I want is you, you give me the world every day.”

“Ask me to fuck you,” I growled, sliding between her folds until only the tip was inside of her. Her

walls clasped my cock, trapping me yet trying to suck me deeper all at once. . “Ask me to fuck you slowly.”

Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. “Not slow,” she begged. “Fast. Hard.”

“No. Ask me to fuck you slowly.” My hips pushed forward until she took another inch. “Do it, Angel.”

“Drake…” She licked her lips, making me ache to kiss her. “Drake, please fuck me…” another inch and

she was biting into that lip she had just licked, “…slowly.”

I thrust deep and caught her mouth with my own, swallowing her cries as she shattered. I didn’t move until her pussy stopped convulsing around my dick. Her nails bit into my back, scratching down my spine

as I finally moved inside of her.

I made love to her for hours and when she finally fell against my chest, her pregnant stomach carefully

tucked to the side I just laid there, rubbing her back. This was heaven.


“Garvin Davis wants to know what he has to do to secure your contract for the next season of

America’s Rocker

My brow furrowed at the statement Emmie had just made and I finished chewing the bite of steak

sandwich before looking down at the phone. Emmie’s face stared back at me on the FaceTime app. “Who

the hell is Garvin Davis?”

She rolled her eyes at me. “He’s the producer with the big belly from the show, dummy. He said he

talked to you two weeks ago and you still haven’t given him an answer yet. What should I tell him? Or have

you still not made up your mind yet?”

So that was what that fucker’s name was. I crunched down on an onion ring, part of the quick lunch I

was having while Angel was out with Linc doing gods knew what. I had driven her into the city an hour

ago and had just been doing jack shit ever since. It was nice to have a free few hours to myself with nothing to do but worry about anything except for my wife finding out I was eating too much saturated fat.

I had completely forgotten about the producer wanting to know if I was coming back for another

season. Everything had flown out the window in my mind the moment I had gotten home that night and

slid between my angel’s legs. “I don’t know, Em.” I wiped oil from the onion ring off my fingers before

reaching for my soft drink. Another guilty pleasure I was getting to have today because it wasn’t the diet

shit that I was forced to stock in our fridge. “What does Ax say about it? Is he coming back?”

“Only if the show gets a new creative team that focuses on the talent and not the drama and a few other

changes are made. Cole has already gone public with his decision. It’s all over the tabloids’ Facebook sites.

Garvin says he’s already incorporating the changes that Ax wants but wonders what will convince you to


What changes did I want? Were there any changes that could convince me to go back for another

season? The last three hadn’t been horrible and if Ax got his changes then I wouldn’t be against doing this again. But Angel wasn’t happy with my job. For the last two weeks she had been a cranky lioness every

time I had to go out to the studio. Thursdays and Fridays seriously sucked in my house right now.

“I have one stipulation for the moment…” As soon as I told Emmie what it was her eyes rounded but

she nodded and assured me that she would let Garvin know.

“I have to go,” she said ten minutes later. “The contractor is here to redo the guesthouse and I want to

make sure that everything is exactly as we discussed before he starts tearing things up.”

“Have you found any candidates for your assistant yet?” Nik had told me she had interviewed ten just in

the last week alone, but none of them had met her standards.

“I got two yesterday that I’m going to give a try starting tomorrow.” She made a face and I had a feeling

they wouldn’t last the day, if the first hour. I knew exactly how demanding Emmie was of her assistants.

Natalie had made sure I knew how hard she had to work her ass off.

“I’ll let you go. Love you, Em.”

Her face softened for a moment. “Love you, Drake.”

Chapter 26


I looked in the mirror and cringed.

Really? Another one? Carefully I touched the tip of my index finger to yet another pimple that had

popped up on my forehead. It was sore and irritated. This was not happening! I hadn’t had acne since I was

a preteen and now my face looked like that of a greasy-faced freshman. It seemed like my stress level was

just as bad as in high school, at the moment. With everything that was going on within our family—the

twins still being in the hospital and Lucy’s obvious anxiety since the kidnapping—on top of the demands of

my job, my nervous system was a wreck at the moment.

Dabbing on the Proactiv mask that was supposed to help clear up my complexion, I finished getting

ready for work. I knew the acne was from not taking my birth control pills and not altogether a product of

the stress I was under, just as the heavy period I was having this month was as well. I used to have this

every month until my mother had taken me to the doctor to get me put on the pill to help regulate my cycle.

I had hoped that it had just been something I would grow out of, but I was worried that it was

something a little more serious. Even back when I was just starting to have my period the doctor had said

that it could be PCOS—polycystic ovary syndrome—that was making my periods the way they were and

that birth control pills were the only real treatment for it to help with the hormone imbalance. For the

moment, I was going to pretend like it wasn’t a possibility though.

I was on day eight of my period now. I was tired, pale and zit-faced. Yeah, I was a hot mess. No way

someone would look at me and think I was Shane Stevenson’s wife. Grimacing, I brushed out my hair,

washed the mask from my face, finished the third step of the Proactiv regimen, and then applied concealer

to the angry-looking spots on my forehead and chin.

Dressed in a pair of loose-fitting dress pants—because I was bloated as hell—and the silk blouse I had

picked up on my honeymoon in Mexico, I decided I looked as good as I was going to get for the day and

left the bathroom. Shane was standing in the kitchen with the coffee pot full and a cup of rich smelling

coffee in his hand.

Blue-gray eyes narrowed on me in concern. “You look exhausted, beautiful. Just call in and tell them

that you are sick.”

“It’s just my period, Shane.” I took the mug from him, trying to keep my face hidden so he wouldn’t

see how gross it was even with all the makeup I had put on to hide most of it. “Besides, I have to finalize next month’s cover on top of a staff meeting this morning.”

“I’ve never seen you so pale. Not even when you had the flu last year did you look this pale.”

“I’m so sorry I can’t be glowing every time you see me!” I snapped and put my mug in the sink,

untouched. I was already feeling ugly, I didn’t need him to tell me how bad I looked. “I have to go.”

“Harper…” I didn’t give him a chance to say another word. Without looking at him again I grabbed my

purse and headed out the door.

Peterson was already waiting for me and I climbed into the back of the town car he drove me around in.

My phone rang with Shane’s assigned ring tone but I turned it to Do Not Disturb and tossed the phone to

the bottom of my purse. Leaning my head against the window I closed my eyes.

By the time Peterson dropped me off at work I had to stop at the bathroom before even getting on the

elevator to take me up to my office. I was bleeding even more heavily today than I had yesterday. This was

really starting to worry me and maybe it was time I faced my fear that I really was suffering from PCOS. I

used the app on my iPhone for my doctor to set up an appointment for the next day before dropping my

things at my desk and rushing to the conference room for the staff meeting.

By lunch time I was dragging and my heart was feeling heavy. I’d ignored Shane’s calls to my cell and

my office all morning, punishing him for something that wasn’t his fault. This was me feeling unworthy of

him again, and all because of my stupid period. Damn it, I was going insane.

A tap on my open office door had my head rising as I was going over the photo shoot layouts that we

were going to use for the next month’s issue. My heart stopped when I saw the receptionist standing there with an arrangement of yellow tulips. “From the hubby,” she said with a grin as she stepped inside my

office and set the flowers on my desk. “And there’s a note.”

I didn’t say a word as she winked and left the office. As soon as she was gone I reached for the little

card sticking out of the beautiful flower arrangement.
You are the most beautiful woman in the world ~


Tears filled my eyes and I blinked them away rapidly as I reached for the phone on my desk to call him.

“I’m sorry!” I sobbed as soon as he answered.

“Hey, hey.” His tone was gentle, the one he used to soothe Mia when she was upset. It only made me

sob harder. “Baby, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

“It really is just this stupid period,” I choked out. “My hormones are all over the place. I’m sorry,

Shane. This is turning me into a huge bitch and I hate it.”

“I don’t know how to handle this…” He sighed and I pictured him running his hands through his short

hair, the frustration on his face making his brow wrinkle and his eyes crinkle around the edges. “I hate

seeing you like this. I just want to hold you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop fucking saying that!” he growled. “I love you, Harper. That means you don’t have to apologize

for every little thing that upsets me. How are you feeling? Don’t get mad at me again, but baby you looked

so tired this morning. I’m worried about you. I was talking to Em…” I sighed, because of course he had

talked to Emmie about it, “…and she thinks that you could be anemic from all the blood you’ve been

losing. She says you should call your doctor.”

“I already set up an appointment for the morning,” I assured him, running my finger over the card still

clutched tightly in my hand.
You are the most beautiful woman in the world

“Good.” He sounded relieved. “Because if you had tried to argue I would have carried you there kicking

and screaming. We’ll see the doctor tomorrow and get you sorted. And if she thinks that you should start

birth control again then we will.”

It felt like my heart was doing nothing but hurting today. Biting my suddenly trembling lip I just sat

there, unable to say anything. Going back on the pill meant not trying for a baby of our own. Did that mean he didn’t want to try after all?

“Harper? Hey, are you still there?” I sucked in a shaky breath and he groaned. “What did I say this time,


“It’s stupid. I’m being stupid,” I whispered.

“Harper…” His tone was full of warning that I had better answer him and not beat around the subject

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