Read The Ruins of Karzelek (The Mandrake Company series Book 4) Online

Authors: Ruby Lionsdrake

Tags: #science fiction romance, #Space Opera, #mandrake company, #sfr, #sf romance, #mercenary instinct

The Ruins of Karzelek (The Mandrake Company series Book 4) (14 page)

Magnify,” Val said.

The tent came into view, as well as four old Fleet Carvers, the winged craft suitable for air or space flight. Despite being discontinued models, they were well armed and could give the combat shuttles trouble in a fight. Right now, they were zeroing in on the camp, so maybe Val and Thatcher had gotten them away in time.

Any chance they’ll see it’s empty and leave it alone?” Kalish asked. “I didn’t get all of my equipment out of there.”

One of the Carvers launched a missile. It blasted into the camp, obliterating the tent and everything around it. Shrapnel and shreds of burning fabric flew up into the sky.

Never mind,” Kalish mumbled.

Looks like Striker got his crater after all,” Tick said.

The Carvers flew out of the smoke and banked, their noses coming into view.

They either saw us leaving, or they happen to think this is a particularly fine direction to fly in,” Val said.

Bravo Shuttle, prepare for evasive maneuvers,” Thatcher said over the comm.

I thought we were already doing evasive maneuvers,” Tick groaned.

Hang on,” Val said.

Don’t lead them to the coordinates I gave Thatcher,” Kalish said. “There are probably other places to break through, but that spot looked promising. I’m still hoping we can get down there without being followed.”

Understood,” Thatcher said at the same time as Val said, “Got it.”

Kalish sounded calm, but her knuckles were tight as she gripped her knees, her thumb digging in so much that it appeared painful.

Don’t let Tick alarm you,” Sedge told her quietly. “Val and Thatcher are good pilots, and they train for this type of situation all the time. More than train. We’re often
these types of situations.” He smiled, encouragingly, he hoped.

Yeah, but usually we’re fighting soldiers or other mercenaries when we see Carvers flinging missiles,” Tick said, chomping on a fresh wad of gum. “This was supposed to be a little mining outpost. Where’d they get fighters?”

Mining outposts would be robbed by pirates every day if they couldn’t defend themselves.” Sedge glared at the back of Tick’s head, willing him not to say anything else that might make Kalish uneasy. The cactus bits splattered across the view screen had that handled.

Tick just doesn’t like to fly,” Sedge told Kalish. “He’s happiest on the ground with his boots in the mud, tracking lowlife bandits.”

Trade the words exciting relics for lowlife bandits, and you’ve described me perfectly.” Kalish looked at her hands, seemed to realize they were strangling her knees, and forced herself to loosen her fingers. “I’m just worried more people will be hurt—or worse—if we have to fight. This whole mission, my plans... they were all predicated on a stealth operation. My mother was right. I was naive to think we could pull this off when all we’ve ever dealt with on hunts before are dense foliage and irritated animals. The occasional giant insect or swarm of bees. Booby traps now and then. Those are dangerous, but they usually involve risking your own life, not killing piles of people just doing their job.” She shook her head. “Sorry, I babble when I’m nervous.”

Perfectly understandable.”

The shuttle took an alarming swoop, and Kalish’s fingers tightened again.

If it helps, my program found five promising spots in your caverns,” he said, hoping to distract her.

Her gaze locked onto his face. “It did?”

He smiled and nodded. “Three on the map and two in unmapped areas. I’m not sure how easily we’ll find those spots, but it’s a start, right?”

We’re outpacing them,” Val said, “but I’m not sure how far away we have to get until we’re out of their range. Our shielding is supposed to scramble sensors, but they probably have a visual on us, right now. Or their sensors are simply unimpressed by our scramblers. Gregor, do you—”

Approximately 27.15 kilometers,” Thatcher said, “based on Carver 7-10 sensor capabilities.”

Approximately,” Tick said.

Val gave him a wry smile.

I’m taking us through that mountain range,” Gregor said. “We’ll feign that it’s our destination, follow the back side for fifty kilometers, then there’s a canyon we can hide in that travels halfway to the next range. By then we should be outside of their visual and sensor range. Assuming they haven’t guessed our flight direction and deployed additional forces.”

Val grunted. Tick grumbled something about flying.

You have your map up, right, Lieutenant?” Thatcher added.

Of course.” Val waved at a button, and the rear camera view shrank, replaced by the terrain around them. “Lead on.”

Kalish touched Sedge’s arm. She had opened her tablet, calling up a map of her own, with the latitude and longitude displaying at the bottom. “This is the area I chose for our entrance. We’ll be almost a hundred miles from the mining outpost. It’s on their maps, but at the edge. Any chance your program found anything close to these mountains?”

I’ll check.”

As Sedge fished out his own tablet, hers beeped.

She hesitated before answering the comm call, glancing toward the back of the shuttle, like she might want a private place to talk. But Val swerved, following the other shuttle over the crest of a jagged brown peak and along the ridge on the far side. Kalish grimaced and remained where she was.

Kalish here.”

Hey, sis, how’re you doing?” came a young woman’s voice.

A little busy at the moment.”

I’m sitting in this nebula, playing Quiz and Quake with Mom. It’s about as exciting as a hangnail. You find a way in yet?”

We might have one soon,” Kalish said, glancing at the view screen. “I’ll contact you shortly with the details.”

We get to come, right?”

We’ll see how big of a hole we’re able to make and how tight it looks inside.”

Mom says to tell you that the mercenary ship went into a low orbit around the planet and should be in view of the miners’ sensors now. But they haven’t fired or gone in to attack. I thought you were paying them to be a distraction.”

I am. Apparently they can be distracting without blowing things up.” Kalish looked at Sedge, but he could only shrug. He hadn’t checked in that morning and hadn’t heard that the others had either.

The Carvers have lost us,” Thatcher announced over the comm. “They’re searching, trying to pick us up again, but they’re falling behind. We’ll continue on this course before altering it, in case it’s a ruse, but it should be safe to head to the coordinates soon.”

Good,” Kalish said, “thank you.”

What was that?” the sister asked.

We’ve had a little trouble, but we’re fine. Tell—”

Kalish?” a new voice asked, that of her mother.

Kalish visibly braced herself. “Yes?”

Sedge was beginning to think Kalish’s entire crew that she had spoken of amounted to her mother and sister. Maybe that made sense, keeping the business in the family, but it seemed a dangerous business for three women to be in by themselves. Of course, there was this father, too. Maybe he was usually a part of it. Sedge looked toward the view screen, not sure why he was worrying about Kalish’s business. She wouldn’t appreciate it if he poked his nose into her affairs.

What trouble? Is it those mercenaries?”

No, Mom. They’re doing all I could ask. But we’re going to need to put a new tent and cots on the shopping list. The miners have figured out we’re still here.”

So we fled with our tails between our legs for no reason?”

Kalish sank lower in her seat. “Essentially. But once we get into the caverns, they shouldn’t be able to find us easily.”

New cots,” her mother grumbled. “As if we’ll be able to afford cots or anything else after the payment goes through to the mercs. As much as they charge—”

Mom, did I mention that this isn’t a private call?”

After a moment of silence, her mother gave a tart, “No.”

I’m in one of their shuttles now. We’re about to blow our way into the cavern system. I’ll contact you once we’re in, and I’ll send the coordinates. If you think Tia can handle the flying. I wouldn’t mind a third ship to help pull out our cargo, if we succeed in finding it, but her claustrophobia...”

Is less of an issue than the fact that she hits something every time she turns around in close quarters. Sometimes I wonder at this policy of yours to keep everything in the family.”

Me too, Mom. Me too.”

Sedge was looking toward the view screen and pretending he hadn’t been listening, but he couldn’t help that the calculating part of his mind sucked in every bit of data that floated past. Three ships to pull out her cargo? That was interesting. It didn’t surprise him that she had something specific in mind, but at the same time, he couldn’t imagine expecting anything specific when nobody had actually explored the ruins yet. Some retired miner’s hearsay was hardly a reliable source. More than once, he had been wondering if they would actually find anything down there. Only the fact that Thatcher and Val had found deliberately caved-in entrances made him believe the miners might have more than ore to hide down there.

We’re approaching the coordinates,” Val said.

Sedge risked unbuckling his harness to walk up front for a better view. A new mountain range spread out ahead of them, more jagged brown peaks. He had seen little in the way of water or vegetation on the planet, but a herd of something that reminded him of scaly deer looked up as the shuttle cruised overhead. Somehow animals managed to survive out here.

I’m going to circle the mountain to the south and look for a promising approach,” Thatcher said. “Care to go north, Lieutenant?”

Happy to. I can hug a few more boulders on the way. Tick thinks I need practice.” Val smiled at Tick, more relaxed now that they didn’t have pursuers on their tail.

Tick was more relaxed too. He leaned back and elbowed Sedge in the hip.

How was your night, LT?”

Not as long as I would have liked it to be.”

Oh?” Tick wriggled his eyebrows and leaned around him to look at Kalish. She was poking at something on her tablet and did not notice. “Did Striker’s ingenious plan work, then?”

What plan? Locking me out so I had to seek accommodations elsewhere?”

Precisely. The tent seemed warm and cozy. Especially her cot. Did you find it so?”

Aware that the comm between the two shuttles was still open, Sedge hurried to say, “Whatever you’re insinuating, I would appreciate it if you didn’t. It would be inappropriate for me to pursue a relationship with our employer.” There, if Thatcher was listening, he ought to approve of hearing his words parroted back.

Tick made a face. “She turned you down, eh?”

What? No.”

You didn’t set up all of your little machines, did you?”

Sedge flushed, hoping Kalish was engrossed in her work and not listening. Tick wasn’t doing a good job of lowering his voice. “That has nothing to do with anything. I didn’t proposition her. I simply set up another cot.”

I don’t know how you sleep with all those instruments hissing and blowing around you. It’s like being in the cockpit of a fighter ship. Man was meant to lie beneath the stars with his back in the dirt as he breathes in the scents of the lush vegetation around him.” Tick glanced at the barren landscape outside. “If he can find it.”

Sounds unsanitary,” Sedge said.

I’ve found a cliff that may work,” Thatcher said. “Please bring Ms. Blackwell to look at it.”

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