Read The Russian's Furious Fiancee Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Russian's Furious Fiancee (12 page)

Eva glanced around at the group of people huddled near the entrance to the restaurant and sighed, realizing that he was right. The crowd did look like paparazzi, or at a minimum, celebrity hounds which were just as bad because they stood outside of restaurants and took pictures of everyone, and then sold them to whatever tabloid paid the highest price. They had no loyalty to one tabloid or another so whichever could come up with the raunchiest headline would pay the most. Images of her in Damon’s arms in the past caused her to cringe at the idea. They wouldn’t need to fabricate anything raunchy because Damon did things to her, made her feel things that were decidedly raunchy and naughty.

“Good grief,” Eva groaned and ducked into the back of the black limousine. She quickly slid over to the far side of the vehicle, trying to get as far away from Damon as possible on the soft, black leather seats. “Why do you always need to threaten me? Why can’t you just ask me politely?”

He got in beside her and slammed the door shut before turning to glance at her. “Because you don’t respond quickly enough.”

“How would you know? You’ve never tried it.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared out of the window, refusing to look at him. “Would you ask the driver to take me home?”

“We’re going to finish this conversation.”

Gone was her objective to be polite and diplomatic. That was impossible with this man! “The one where you insult me and tell me I’m a liar? Or the one where you ignore everything I say because it isn’t what you want to hear?”

She didn’t turn her head, but hoped that her words dug in to that enormous ego of his. Unfortunately, she should have known better than to leave him unattended. There was a moment of silence before she felt strong arms on her upper arms. Suddenly, she was picked up and plunked down right in his lap with one of his arms around her back and the other holding her legs to the side. “That’s better,” he said. “Now we can talk.”

“Let go of me,” she demanded, starting to struggle, but he was too fast and too strong.

His hand grabbed both her wrists and held her steady. “Now, we’re going to talk. And you’re going to be honest with me so we can move past this futile resistance you have to our mutual attraction and move on.”

She was so furious at being man-handled she could barely think straight. Her whole body was shaking with her fury at his high handed tactics. “Just because you say it, doesn’t make it so!”

“And just because you deny it, won’t make it go away,” he replied calmly.

“Let me go!” She tried to get her hands free, to scrape and claw at him and get out just a small amount of her fury. But he was too strong and his hands held hers captive. Thankfully, he wasn’t hurting anything but her dignity but she was spitting mad.

He turned her so she was facing him more fully and glared down at her. “No. Why are you afraid of me?”

“I’m not! I just don’t like you! And I really don’t like being man-handled.”

“Is it because of what you feel when I touch you?” His anger was gone and in its place was something more, a realization that struck her almost painfully since he was so on target.

“Don’t!” she gasped and tried to squirm away when the hand that had been holding her back moved around to caress her cheek. She didn’t get very far because his other hand holding her wrists were tight. She wished she could complain about him hurting her, but his grip was firm, gentle, not even pinching her skin slightly.

“So you wouldn’t mind if I touched you like this,” he said and his finger gently stroked her ear lobe.

Eva tried very hard but she knew he felt the shivers his touch caused. She closed her eyes and turned her head away. “Please don’t,” she whispered.

“I can’t seem to stop,” he replied, his voice husky.

She felt his fingers move from her ear lobe down her neck, following the line of her dress. When his fingers slid down her chest, barely brushing the skin along the fabric of her suit, she inhaled sharply, her whole body waiting with eager anticipation for his fingers to move downward. Her body was prepared, tense and desperate now.

“You have the softest skin,” he mumbled a moment before his mouth followed the same path, forming a trial of fire along her ear, her neck, his teeth skimming along her skin and sending more shivers along all of her nerve endings.

“Please don’t….” she initially was going to stay “do that” but when his finger slipped inside the jacket, coming so excruciatingly close to her already alert nipple, she breathed in harshly, her body waiting for him to touch her…right there.

“Please don’t what, Eva?” Damon asked as his hand went back up to her collar bone, then back down. His fingers found the button of her jacket and released it, giving him more access. “Please don’t….do this?” he asked as his index finger circled the indentation of her nipple through the lace camisole she was wearing underneath the jacket. He pushed the jacket a bit farther away. “Or…please don’t do this?” he suggested and his hand moved over to her other breast, circling that nipple as well but not touching it.

“Tell me what you don’t want, Eva. I’ll avoid any place that you don’t like.” His hand reached up and pushed her jacket off her shoulders, letting it fall to the limousine floor behind her. His finger pulled the strap of her camisole down and Eva gasped in anticipation. The camisole was her bra so she wasn’t wearing anything else underneath. She’d thought the suit was conservative and safe. She was finding out just how wrong she was. “I like this,” he said and his eyes watched as her body moved slightly.

“Please Damon!” she gasped, whispering because she didn’t have the energy for anything more.

The limousine pulled into the parking garage and Damon knew he had seconds before they would be pulling to a stop. His finger moved to her nipple, caressing it through the material and he almost groaned when her head fell back and she sighed, pressing her body against his fingers.

“Come inside with me,” he said and was rewarded with her nod of agreement. He knew she probably wasn’t reacting the way she normally would, but he didn’t care at this point. She’d been denying both of them for so long and he would finally be able to show her what they could do for each other.

He took her hand, quickly reaching down to grab her jacket and sliding it onto her shoulders before they stepped out of the vehicle and straight into the elevator. He didn’t wait until the doors were closed, taking her into his arms and kissing her while they traveled up to his penthouse. When the doors opened again, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom, tossing her jacket onto a chair but depositing her onto the bed.

“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice rough with the need riding him hard. “But I want to see all of you,” he declared.

He reached down and slid her cream pumps off, letting them drop to the floor, then moved his hands up her leg, watching her mouth fall open as the heat increased and her body began that sexy, sultry movement that she’d started in the car.

“What are you going to do?” she asked, swallowing painfully and blinking up at him.

“You know exactly what we’re going to do, Eva,” he said and came down so he was leaning over her. “Are you okay with this?” He tensed, not sure if he should back off or move forward. He wanted her so badly he was aching but he didn’t want to pressure her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

“Yes. I think so.”

“Don’t think,” he countered and pulled back ever so slightly. “Know Eva. I won’t have you accusing me of tricking you in the morning. I want you fully aware of what’s going to happen tonight.”

She looked up at him, her body on fire and she tried to think rationally. “I’m nervous,” she finally said.

Damon watched, carefully assessing what she was trying to tell him. “Don’t worry,” he groaned, and then felt his body go up in flames when her hand tentatively touched his chest. He ripped his tie off over his head, then quickly undid several buttons on his dress shirt. With an urgency he’d never felt before, he took her hand and moved it inside his shirt, loving the way her hand felt against his hot skin, the way her fingers curled slightly, moving gently over his muscles.

While her hands moved inside his shirt, he pulled out the other buttons, then tossed his shirt aside, giving her more access and she took full advantage of everything he’d revealed. Her hands moved over his chest, his arms, then back down over his skin, accidentally moving across his flat, male nipples and he inhaled sharply. When he made that sound, she stopped and looked up at him, wondering if she’d hurt him. But the sudden stillness in his body told her something different. Experimentally, she rubbed her fingers back across his nipple and Damon’s eyes flared open showing her a deep, dark brown. She gasped when she saw the heat in his eyes, the desire that was zapping across the air towards her just from her tentative touch.

“Did I do that?” she asked, a small smile creeping over her face.

“Yes!” he growled. “You minx, you know this is what you do to me,” he said and took her hand, moving it downward so that her small, perfect hand was covering his erection. She quickly tried to pull it away, but he kept it there, showing her what she did to him and after a moment, she didn’t pull away. He took his hand away from hers and almost exploded with need as her hand explored through his slacks, feeling his length and testing.

“No more,” he gasped and took her hand away when she showed no signs of stopping. He laughed harshly and stood up, pulling her with him. “I can only take so much, Eva,” he said when he saw her hurt expression. “Your touch is driving me mad.”

That cleared up her expression and he bent down to kiss her. This time, there was no coaxing necessary. She lifted her face to his, opening her mouth and demanding just as much as he was. They were ravenous and his hands slid up, underneath that soft lace and pulled it higher. When his hands encountered the softness of her breasts, he stilled, paying homage to the perfection of her body. The lace was pulled up over her head and discarded.

With Damon’s hands at her waist, she stood in front of him while his eyes roved over her naked torso. She desperately wanted to bring her hands up and cover herself, but she was trying to be brave. It was hard but she was proud for not hiding. And when his hands came up, gently cupping her breasts, her reward for her bravery was the most intense feeling of arousal she could have imagined. His hands holding her carefully made her feel cherished. Then his thumb rubbed across her nipple and her whole body jerked in reaction, her hands reaching up to hold his arms so she didn’t explode but he wasn’t finished with her. He lifted her up and laid her back down on the bed, following her down and his mouth kissed her all the way from just below her ear down to the middle of her chest. When his mouth moved to the left and captured her nipple, she arched against him, pressing her nipple into his mouth and crying out with the heat, the intensity that she couldn’t really control. It left her breathless and wanting.

Her hands moved against his body but because his head was moving slowly downward, she couldn’t do much more but touch and feel.

His own hands were very active, not giving her any reprieve from the pleasure. He moved from one breast to the other, nibbling and teasing, before moving downward even more. His fingers opened the waistband of her skirt and pushed the material off of her. As he took in her nude colored lace underwear, he had to calm himself or he would rip them off of her. The color was too enticing and the lace covering the very heart of where he wanted to be was driving him insane.

Then he realized that his prim little woman was wearing lace thigh high stockings and he smiled, a sensuous, no mercy expression that increased when she instinctively moved her hips, telling him without words that she was right there with him in his need.

He pulled that lace down, revealing her soft curls and he smelled her arousal, making his erection throb with a need to possess her. But he slowed, kissing his way from her navel down to the top of those lovely curls, enjoying her gasps of pleasure and surprise.

He expected her to feel uncomfortable with him kissing her aroused body, but when he nibbled along her inner thigh, she opened for him, obviously needing his touch as much as he needed to touch her.

“You’re gorgeous,” Damon breathed a moment before his mouth covered her, causing her to almost sit up but his hand reached up and pushed her back down while he tasted her, teased her sensitive flesh. She grabbed handfuls of his hair and started pulling, trying to make him stop but he simply ignored her efforts and continued with his ministrations. With one finger inside her, he worked her higher, enjoying the sounds she made as she came closer to her climax. And when she tumbled over, her hands still fisted in his hair as he watched her body throbbed, tasted her pleasure, he could barely control himself from rising up and pushing into her heat.

He rose up, kissing his way up her body and letting her recover slightly, but when he reached her breasts, he smiled and ramped her up once again.

Eva shook her head, not wanting to go back up that hill again but Damon wouldn’t allow her any time to recover. His lips captured her nipple and nibbled, sucked against her and she just about screamed with the need that she’d thought had just been assuaged. She couldn’t believe how quickly she needed him once again. It was like he was the puppet master and she the puppet and he could pull her strings any direction he wanted. He reached into his bedside table and tore a foil packet, sheathing himself with protection before moving back to her warmth.

He pulled her hands above her head while his mouth found her neck, finding that sensitive spot under her earlobe and teasing there all the while, she felt something lower, something that was filling her up and she raised her legs, her knees rubbing against his hips so that she could pull that fullness in deeper. There was only a small point of pain that was gone as soon as it happened and she arched into him, wanting him deeper, her body stretching more than she thought possible but when she finally felt him fully inside her, she couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt. She’d been fighting against this happening but now she didn’t know why.

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