The Savage King (9 page)

Read The Savage King Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Life on other planets, #Fiction

"I should've warned her to stay within my section of the palace," he continued, not holding her gaze for long. He motioned his hand to the guards. "You may go. I'll reprimand her in private."

Ulyssa's heart raced in her chest, more from seeing Kirill than being captured by his brother. She felt his nearness and wanted him again. His hair was handsomely disheveled about his shoulders, making him look wild and incredibly sexy. Her breasts were only too eager to remind her how the silken locks felt brushing against them. To her shame, her nipples puckered against her stolen top. She glanced down briefly and, when she looked back up, Kirill stared at the treacherous little buds.

She quietly watched the guards bow and leave her alone with Falke and Kirill. The mighty King still stared at her chest when she turned back to him and she cleared her throat to get his attention. His dark eyes flashed to hers, glittering with a golden promise. Her stomach fluttered and she couldn't move. His look said he wanted her. His lips parted as if he could already taste her. There was possession in his eyes, possessiveness over her. She felt him in her head, heard his low voice--a quiet murmur she couldn't make out. Shivering, she struggled anew.

"Tell your oaf of a brother to let me go!"

Kirill nodded at Falke that it was all right. Falke loosened his hands. Her elbow instantly wrenched back to slam into her captor's tight midsection. She yelped in pain, catching the elbow to her chest and cradling it. The Commander's breath caught, but he didn't double over like she planned.

Tearing away from them, Ulyssa glared accusingly as she rubbed her injured arm. "You're lucky--"

"Siren, unlock the royal office please," Kirill interrupted softly.

The door instantly unlatched and swung open. Kirill walked into the royal office, ignoring Ulyssa's outburst. She growled and stormed in after him. Falke shut the door behind her and left them alone. She wondered if he kept guards.

The royal office was much like the rest of the palace, with the same beautiful tile work on the walls and the same medieval castle feel to the structure. A large barren fireplace was dwarfed by the even larger sidewall. Long banners hung on either side of it. A long, woven rug of red and blue lay on the floor. Its intricate pattern was perhaps the loveliest she'd ever seen. Next to the rug were large chairs, so deep they'd nearly swallow her in comfort if she were to use them. On the opposite wall there was a long, empty stone desk and more chairs, a couch, more rugs and tile patterned designs.

Ulyssa ignored the beauty of the stately room. When she looked at the desk, Kirill was leaning against it, his arms crossed over his chest. A leisurely smile arched on his features and he made no qualms about looking her over with his heated eyes.

"How dare you treat me like that in front of your men!" Ulyssa's words came out in a hiss and her eyes narrowed to shoot daggers. "I don't belong to you and I'm most certainly not your mistress! And did you actually say I like being your prey?"

"You are my mistress." Kirill stayed calm, unmoving, seemingly unaffected.

"I am not," she hissed. "I belong to no man, especially not some chest-thumping savage King! I'm warning you Kirill, either you let me go or I'll--"

"Regardless of what you call yourself, you must stay here as my woman." Kirill sighed. "I marked you last night. All the men smell me on you. Your position in my home is being announced as we speak. Falke will see to that, being as castle security is his duty."
"Listen," she broke in, raising her finger at him to emphasize her point, "just because we had some great sex, doesn't mean you own me or that I'm going to fall over panting at your heels."

"You really have no choice, Lyssa. My mark binds you to me. I will be able to find you if you run." Kirill lowered his jaw and gave her a meaningful look. "There is no escape."

"You dare to ... to mark me without my permission! My God, what sort of people are you? Though, it's no wonder you're a tyrant. Like father, like son, eh?"

"I asked for your permission. I asked if you wanted me to be your lover, you said yes. You allowed me to make love to you, mark you as mine."

"I allowed you to fuck me!" Ulyssa screamed at the top of her lungs, her eyes wild. She felt trapped. His eyes narrowed in warning at her tone and she pressed her lips tightly together. She hadn't meant to say it that loud, though she refused to apologize. The silence drew out between them, each staring at the other, contemplating the other's position.

"You speak too much," Kirill said at last, pushing away from the desk to go to her. His lips curled up at the side. "Let me put your mouth to better use."

Ulyssa's eyes automatically dipped down to the bulge between his thighs. She didn't understand him. He was angry, she'd bet her life that he was, and yet he wanted to sleep with her. She swallowed nervously, knowing how easy it would be to bend to his will and let him have his way. Blinking, she stiffened her back and resolve. She forced a look of disinterest to her face and settled her fist along her hips.

"No thanks." Ulyssa stiffened. "I'm kind of in a hurry and need to get going."

"Where is it you need to go?" he asked. When she didn't show invitation, he passed by and settled down into one of the comfortable chairs. She rolled her eyes heavenward and made a face before turning to follow him.

"That's none of your concern." Ulyssa sat across from him, nearly getting swallowed in the chair's folds. She struggled slightly before giving up and relaxing into the comfort of it. Leaning her head to the side, she could see his face clearly. He was studying the barren fireplace.

"Everything in my kingdom is of my concern." Kirill looked her over. His features fell and she could see a look of distaste come over him, as he admitted, "Besides, you were here with my father. Why do you suddenly need to leave now?"

"Argh!" she fumed. Sitting forward in the chair to glare at him, she growled, "Let's get this straight. I wasn't here with your father. I've never slept with your father. I don't like your father."

"Ah, but you were in the harem," Kirill said. "I checked. The women remember you well. They said you were ... moody."

Ulyssa paled as if he'd slapped her. "I don't care what they think of me, the simpering fools."

"Ah, yes, I do wonder where they got that impression," he mumbled sarcastically under his breath. She didn't think he was funny.

"I only met King Attor once." Ulyssa did her best to stay reasonable and calm, but his nearness distracted her. It was almost as if she could smell him on her skin. Her nerves reached out to be with him. Her body begged her to give into his, to let it feel the touch of his incredible hold one more time before she left. How much of a hurry was she in anyway? "And that was when he kidnapped me in the forest with a bunch of blond warrior idiots."

"If what you say is true, I'm sure my father had his reasons," Kirill said. Her mouth opened, but before she could comment, he added, "What brings you to Qurilixen? Why were you in our forest?"

Ulyssa didn't readily answer.

"For all I know, you're a spy to be dealt with." Kirill sat forward to mimic her hard, blank look.

"I'm not." A tension built between them, snapping through the air with electric fire. "I was brought to the harem about a week ago. I was in the forest camping, minding my own business, trying to get a rescued from this accursed place, when he kidnapped me. Now, all I want is to get back to my campsite. Besides, I could really care less what you and your fellow felines are up to. Your planet is of no concern to me. I mean, in case you haven't noticed, there's a much larger, much more interesting galaxy of planets out there."

"That doesn't explain what you're doing here," he murmured, refusing to be bated to anger. His lids lowered over his eyes and she got the impression he barely listened to her words. His gaze started roaming to her chest. The edge of his tongue flicked over the corner of his mouth.

Ulyssa's eyes stayed steady and she gave nothing away. Using all her training, she lied, "I was shipwrecked. I was waiting to be rescued when your father took me. He also took my communicator and I'd like it back."

"Rescue?" he prompted. His lips stayed parted and she could remember the feel of them on her body. She trembled. She tried to fight him, but couldn't.

"This is madness!" she thought, trying her best to concentrate. She tore her eyes from him to look around the room. She began to sweat and her limbs shook as she tried to calm her racing pulse. Images assaulted her, fantasies that were best left unknown. She had to look at anything but him. She wanted to jump across to his lap and kiss the irritating confidence from his lips. She wanted to make love to him right there on the chair until he was under her complete control.

"In three months.…" she whispered, barely paying attention to her words. She could feel his look tunneling into her, piercing her, undressing her. She wiggled uncomfortably in the chair, suddenly wanting to give him something to look at. Her stomach tingled and she became hot. Moisture gathered between her thighs. " ride will come get me and I'll be off this planet forever."

"Mmmm," he answered, as if tasting a fine wine. "Where's the wreckage?"

"I parachuted." Her eyes could no longer keep from moving over him. She was drawn to be next to him. It was beyond her control. Before she knew what was happening, she stood. Kirill smiled at her. His arms settled back, wide and inviting. She couldn't resist as she crossed to stand in front of him. "I believe it crashed past a big red mountain to the north. You'll find the wreckage there."

"That'd be Draig land," he said, thoughtful.

Ulyssa shrugged. She already knew that. With them on the brink of war, there would be no way for him to confirm her story--at least not in time to do anything about it.

"You say help is coming?" Kirill's hands turned out, the palms facing up.

Ulyssa didn't stop to think. She crawled onto his lap, straddling his hips with her knees. Her fingers hesitated before lifting to smooth back the material covering his hard chest. Her breath came out in a soft pant at the contact. Her words were carried on a slight moan. "Yes in three months. I'm going to camp until then."

"Why not stay here in the palace? It's more comfortable than the forest."

"But--" Ulyssa drew her hands away and tried to pull back. He grabbed her hips and held her to him.

"I'll make you a deal, Lyssa. You stay here and be my mistress until your ride arrives." Kirill's fingers tightened and he pulled her hips closer. "I can feel that you desire me. We have already been together and you have admitted the sex between us is great."

"I don't want to be your mistress," she tried to protest.

"Accept the title of it, Lyssa. Act happy with me, be seen with me, live in my house, be submissive in public and, in three months time, I'll let you go." Kirill gripped her, rocking her hips lightly along his tight body. She felt him tense beneath her thighs as he waited for a response.

"Do you promise that, no matter what, you'll release me?" Ulyssa couldn't believe she was even considering his offer. This man was definitely more complication than she needed. She'd be better off in the forest.


"What assurance do I have that you will honor what you say? Royalty is infamous for breaking their word all the time." She didn't think it was possible, but he stiffened more. His eyes narrowed and his face turned a subtle shade of red.

"You dare to question my word of honor?" he demanded through gritted teeth. He gripped her almost painfully and her hips stopped moving.

Ulyssa considered him for a moment. What'd she really have to lose? Either spend three month being eaten by alien bugs or spend the time with a handsome lover in lush surroundings being taken care of like a Princess? Whether he kept his word or not, she'd be leaving.

"Then it's a deal," Ulyssa said. "On the condition you give me back my communicator. It was a gift and I can't afford to replace it."

"Done," Kirill agreed. "In three months, considering you have told me the truth and you are indeed going to be rescued from a shipwreck, I give you my word of honor to let you leave. As to your communicator, I'll ask around. If I find it, you'll have it."

"Done," Ulyssa said with a smile. "Agreed."

A smirk came to his handsome feature, lighting them with a playful light. "What is it humans say? Shall we kiss on it?"

"Close enough." She gave a small moan and leaned over to meet his mouth with hers. Just as her lips brushed against his, the door to the royal office opened. She sat up straight and leaned over the edge of the chair. She grimaced at Falke, as if to say: What are you doing here? Go away.

Falke bowed, giving her a mocking smile. "My lady."

"Commander," Ulyssa said, not moving from Kirill's lap. She smiled. Well, if Kirill wanted her to declare herself his mistress, he was going to get a mistress. "Do you mind? I'm trying to service the King's manhood here and your presence is really a distraction to my concentration."

She felt Kirill stiffen beneath her legs, right before he shook with contained laughter. Falke looked at her, showing no emotion--not even shock. She was secretly impressed, but wouldn't let her new arch-nemesis see it. Suddenly, spending three months figuring out ways to irritate Falke had some appeal.

"My King," Falke said, keeping his steady eyes forward. Ulyssa saw well he detected her new game and welcomed her to the challenge of besting him. "Prince Olek and Prince Zoran have arrived with a small Draig guard. They request an audience."

"Take them to the hall and give them refreshments. Find Reid and Quinn." Kirill didn't bother to look at his brother. Instead, his hand played with Ulyssa's cross-laces, untying them just enough for his finger to dip beneath the under curve of her breast. "I'll be right there."

It was all she could do not to moan aloud as Kirill's finger swept up over the soft globe to her nipple. He rubbed it in small circles. She absently reached for his hand to stop him.

"Very well, my lord," Falke said. He bowed, though Kirill couldn't see it, and left the room.

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