Read The Scarlet Bride Online

Authors: Cheryl Ann Smith

The Scarlet Bride (41 page)

As Laura sat, stunned, he left the room.

Slowly, she reached for the box and opened the lid. The ring was magnificent, a ruby surrounded by diamonds in an intricate gold setting. Tears came and, with them, shame. How could she have doubted his feelings? How could she have questioned his desire to wed her? Everything he’d done since the night of the rescue had been for her. Everything. And he’d never asked for anything in return.

“Simon,” she exclaimed as she slid the ring onto her finger, jumped to her feet, and ran from the room.

She darted through the house, drawing the curious stares of the servants. She was halfway up the staircase when Dunston called up to her from below.

“My lord has gone to the mews,” he said and stepped back as she took the steps down and brushed past him.

“Thank you, Dunston,” she called out as she rushed to the door, jerked it open, and hurried out of the house.

Thankfully, Simon was still waiting for Horse to be saddled when she stumbled into the stable. She stopped, catching her breath, relieved she’d not have to chase him all the way to Surrey to have her say.

“Simon.” She slowly approached him. He stood with his arms crossed, leaning against a stall, his annoyance palpable.

The groom must have sensed the tension. He left them.

“I’m so sorry,” she began, a hand on her chest. “I’ve spoken without thinking and made you angry.” She clasped her hands behind her back to hide the ring. “Not once since you rescued me had I considered that you’d ever truly want to marry me. And when you blurted it out, I was stunned. If you would like to ask me again, I promise I will give the matter careful consideration.”

Simon snorted. “Why would I marry you now?”

Laura looked at him sidelong. “Because you love me?”

His eyes flicked upward and he sighed. “There are several women out this season who would make me an excellent wife—all sweet natured, lovely, and ready to bear my children. I would never suffer a moment’s aggravation with one of them at my side.”

“Yes, those are excellent points.” Laura walked over to him and reached a tentative hand out to his chest. “Still, what about passion and fire and love? Are those not important, too?” She slid her palm down to his waistband. “I do love you madly, Simon Harrington. I want to be your wife.”

A low grunt rumbled in his throat. “I should have left you to the footmen that night in the rain.”

She smiled. He was bending. “You’d not change a moment of adventure with me.”

His hands moved up to span her waist. He drew her nearer. “No, I would not. You’ve stolen my heart. I love you.”

With that, he dipped his head and kissed her. Laura melted against him with a whisper of a moan. “And I love you.”

The kiss lasted only long enough for Horse to get restless and nudge Simon. They broke apart with a laugh as the beast nudged him again. “No you don’t, you jackanape. You hurt me once. I’ll not have a repeat of your bad behavior.”

Simon shifted them out of reach and snuggled her close. “We need to get the ring. I want everyone to see proof of my devotion.”

She lifted her hand and wriggled her fingers. The ruby sparkled in the dim light. “I’d hoped you’d still want to marry me, because I’m never taking it off.”

he engagement was met with tempered happiness. Of course, the family was thrilled. However, until the investigation was officially closed, the threat of Laura’s possible arrest cast a lingering pall over everyone, mixing with the sadness over losing Uncle Arthur.

It was the pleasure Aunt Bernie showed to Simon and Laura upon hearing the news that ultimately eased their
minds. The loss of her brother was not diminished, but she knew life continued forward, and she was eager to see Simon and Laura happy.

Laura was relaxing in a small sitting room at the back of the town house when Simon found her a week after their engagement. She was curled up in a chair overlooking the garden, a book in her hand.

“There you are.” He walked to her and kissed her head. “I was told I might find you here.”

She smiled and smoothed out her deep blue dress, one of several new and colorful gowns gifted to her by Simon. She’d first felt out of place with the other women all adorned in black, but the countess insisted she not let their mourning shadow her wedding day. She was entitled to be happy.

Laura reluctantly agreed, though wore only the darker-colored gowns out of respect.

“Your mother and Aunt Bernie are twittering over wedding plans, and I found that I needed a reprieve. Though your family is wonderful, you were right. It takes time to get used to the bustle of your household.”

Simon pulled up a chair beside her. “As soon as the wedding is over, we will use the house in Surrey as our primary residence. It will be more peaceful there.”

“I am not complaining,” Laura rushed on, her eyes troubled. “I adore your family.”

“I know you do,” he said to ease her mind. “Still, we must get you used to them slowly. Until we are wed, you may yet flee in terror.”

Laura smiled and set the book aside. She scanned his face. “You did not come to speak about the many colorful Harringtons. What did you find out from the bankers and solicitors?”

Simon rubbed the side of his neck. “That they are a humorless lot.”

“Simon,” Laura said with thinly veiled impatience. “You know that wasn’t what I was asking. Will you leave me in suspense forever?”

He grinned. “I fear I have both good and bad news. First, you have been recognized as Lady Westwick, legal heir to the late Lord Westwick. The parson was found and the page from the registry confirmed to be official.”

“That gives me some comfort,” she admitted. “As comforted as I can be while knowing that for over a year, I was tormented by thinking I was a courtesan.”

It was impossible for Simon to believe any man would not treasure her as a gift. As he looked into her sweet, upturned face, his heart tugged. He would cherish her always.

“You not only won, sweet, but exacted your revenge.” He hadn’t been allowed to beat Westwick for his mistreatment of Laura but savored a small measure of revenge anyway. “The squire’s daughter became a countess. Westwick would be livid to know that you now carry his name.”

“There is some satisfaction in knowing Westwick is likely haunting his town house, rattling chains and raging over this turn of events,” she admitted.

They shared a smile. Then Laura pressed, “Please continue.”

Simon quickly obliged. “The second piece of news is that Crawford found Josie. She admitted that she’d led Smoot behind the warehouse, but denied knowing Henry planned to kill him. As Henry’s puppet, she is unlikely to face much imprisonment over the matter, and Mariette is keeping her daughter, Marie, until the case is resolved.”

This was grand news. Knowing little Marie was safe and well was worth everything she’d been through. “If there is anything we can do for them—”

“Eva has assured me that Mariette’s husband will care for them both. Eva has also offered to help Josie find a more suitable situation for her and the child once her troubles have been settled.”

Laura sighed. “Your cousin is an angel.”

Simon screwed up his face. “After what she put me through with you these last weeks, I would not call her angelic.”

She knew he deeply admired his cousin and any barbs
they leveled at each other were all in fun. He’d grown fond of the prickly duchess over the weeks Laura had been in her care. “For Eva’s help and protection, I will always be grateful.”

aura realized everything that happened to her from first meeting Westwick, to her escape and the murder, had led her here. Fate had certainly pushed her down a rutted path to happiness.

The wind fluttered the curtain as Laura stared at the muted sunshine streaming through the window and finally placed the last of the pieces of the mystery together in her mind.

“Though I am relieved to have been cleared of the murder and legitimized as a wife, I will forever hate the name Westwick. We must wed quickly so I can shed it. I want to be Lady Seymour instead.”

“All in good time, love. First, we must present you to society at tonight’s party. Please do not scowl,” he urged. “With the family in mourning, there will only be one hundred of our closest friends and family, so you will not feel overwhelmed.”

One hundred? She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Do not remind me. I have had knots in my stomach since your mother announced I’d be presented at a soiree at Collingwood House. Thankfully, I know how to laugh prettily and discuss the weather; otherwise, I’d be racing for the Scottish border.”

Simon cocked a brow. “You are a remarkable woman. Everyone will see that. And I will not leave your side all night.” He paused. “Now do you want to hear the bad news?”

“Yes, please.”

“The missing guard was found dead in an alley just down from the dress shop. He’d been covered by some refuse. We suspect he was somehow lured there by Henry and killed.”

“How dreadful,” Laura said sadly. “He died protecting me.”

Simon squeezed her shoulder. “And you gave him justice.”

Silence fell over them. Henry had hurt so many in his brief life. Both he and Westwick would not be missed. Finally, she lifted her head. “There is more news?”

“Unfortunately, Westwick was financially incompetent. He was a man who fell into bad investments,” Simon paused. “There is little left in his coffers.”

“This was not unexpected.” Still, it irked to think of the misfortune that might have been avoided had this news been known to Henry. “After all Henry went through to steal the Westwick fortune, there was nothing to steal.” Her fists balled. “I spent over a year under Westwick’s heavy hand, followed by weeks of watching behind me while the killer haunted me. Then I killed the man in the Harrington parlor and it was all for a grand estate that wasn’t.”

“Do not look so grim, love,” Simon urged. “There are three properties Westwick owned: the one in Suffolk, which is dilapidated; one in Kent, which is fairly profitable; and the town house. You will certainly share a portion of those with whatever Westwick cousin inherits the title.”

Laura sat for a moment in contemplation. “Whatever I inherit will be sold immediately. I want to be free of anything Westwick touched.” She unfolded from the chair and settled in Simon’s lap on the settee. “I never want to think of him again.”

She pressed a kiss on his cheek. “I have another reason for wanting to marry quickly. We have not made love since the night of the storm. I am eager to share your bed.”

Simon ran a hand down her side, taking a moment to cup her breast. “As am I. However, I will not touch you again until you are my wife.”

“You are a noble man, Simon Harrington.”

With a last caress, he removed his hand. “There are times when I wish I wasn’t.” He kissed her soundly, then
eased her off his lap. “We must ready ourselves for the party. Eva will be put out if we are late.”

he sounds of music drifted up the stairs as Laura paused on the landing, smoothing the bodice of her gown before settling her gloved hand over her fluttering stomach. This was her entrance into society, and she was certain she wasn’t ready.

“You look lovely, my dear,” Kathleen said, placing a hand on the small of Laura’s back. “My son will not be able to take his eyes from you.”

The words were meant to encourage her, yet she felt no comfort. “I told Simon that when I was finally free of poverty, and Westwick, I’d never again be drab.” She looked down at Mrs. Jensen’s bright scarlet French satin creation, bedecked in tasteful ribbons and bows. “Now I think I should change into something more demure. It will be easier to pass the evening unnoticed.”

“Nonsense.” Kathleen stepped in front of her. The countess was wearing mourning black. “You will soon be Simon’s wife and my daughter. Hold your head high. If you want to wear red every day for the rest of your life, I will see to it that every bolt of red cloth from here to China is at your disposal.”

Laura blinked to keep back tears. “Thank you.” She hugged Kathleen tightly, then stood straight and confident. With the Harrington family’s support, she could face any challenge. “I think we should hurry. Your son is waiting.”

The look in Simon’s eyes as she walked down the staircase was the final encouragement she needed. Her breath caught at the heat in his eyes. She barely noticed Kathleen leaving them as she ran an appreciative gaze over him. He was dressed in a black coat and trousers, a gray and white waistcoat, and a white shirt and cravat. He was most handsome.

“You are beautiful.” He took her gloved hand and pressed it to his mouth. A twitter went up among the guests who loitered in the foyer. Clearly she’d caused a stir.

“It is you who are beautiful, my love,” she replied and smiled when he made a face. “I shall have to keep you locked at my side all evening lest another woman try to steal you away.”

“They can try all they wish, but my heart is taken.” He reluctantly released her hand. “Come, we are late. There is a matter that needs immediate attention.”

Curious, Laura took his arm and allowed him to escort her to the ballroom. The guests parted and Simon grinned as he handed her off to his father without explanation, then promptly vanished into the crowd.

Thoroughly befuddled as the earl led her forward, she was halfway through the room before she realized what was happening when Brenna stepped into her path with a bouquet of white roses.

“She is not quite ready, Father.” She handed Laura the roses as the countess’s lady’s maid placed a veil over her upswept hair. In seconds, she was transformed into a bride. “Now, she is ready.”

Brenna smiled and stepped back. The earl led Laura forward. Her steps faltered.

“Steady, Laura,” the earl whispered. “There will be no fainting at your wedding.”

Stunned, Laura found the duchess and Lady Noelle in the crowd. They smiled happily, as if they’d had a direct hand in the surprise. Kathleen dabbed her eyes and Aunt Bernie sniffed loudly as Walter handed Laura back to Simon at the end of the room. Flowers covered a makeshift altar.

“When did you plan this?” she whispered.

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