The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (27 page)

He was thicker than she’d imagined. Once freed from the confines

of his jeans, Trey’s cock jutted straight up. Not letting go, she

caressed and stroked, circling the tip with her finger, letting it spread his slick fluid. Around and around, the circles she traced grew bigger

and bigger.


Annie Morgan

Without halting her exploration, she looked up to find Trey

watching every move she made. “Don’t stop now,” he commanded.

Her eyes never leaving his, she brought one finger to her lips,

parted them, and used her tongue to lick it clean. “So good,” she

whispered before turning back to his cock.

But now she wanted more than just his taste in her mouth. Parting

her lips, she engulfed the head, tongue rimming the flare before

letting it rub against the roof of her mouth.

Trey raked his fingers through her hair, gripping tight. “Oh, God,


Hearing his pleasure-driven moans, she drew his cock in deeper.

A swirl of her tongue around the tip, and she was rewarded with

another hot, salty taste of him.

Then a quick slide, and Jen trailed a wet line down the underside

all the way to his balls. Once there, she used gentle suction to pull

first one and then the other into her mouth.

“Jen, if you keep that up, I swear I’m going to lose it.”

She let his ball slip from her mouth. But as she did, she closed her

fingers around the silk-smooth skin of his shaft and began to stroke

him up and down.

Trey’s body stiffened against her. “I mean it, Jen.” He pulled in a

ragged breath. “Keep that up and you’re going to be swallowing.”

“And that’s bad how?”

“Not the first time.” He growled. “I want to be balls-deep inside

you when I explode.”

“Oh, I believe that can be arranged.”

“Perfect timing. I want some of that talented mouth of hers, too.”

Wil gave her inner thigh a tiny nip and a lick. He rose from his spot

and shucked out of the jeans that rode low on his hips.

Wil resumed his conquest of her body, kissing and nibbling his

way up. Trey shifted his position to strip off his pants as well. This

had been her fantasy for months now, so Jen knew exactly where she

wanted them. “Right here, Wil.”

Double Tap


When Wil settled, leaning back on the pillows, she pushed his

thighs apart and crawled up between them. She leaned forward onto

her elbows, fingertips just touching his shaft. Doing her best cat-that-

ate-the-canary grin, Jen ran her tongue over her lips. “Let me see if

you taste as good as I imagined.” Opening her mouth, she engulfed

the swollen head and gave him a teasing suck. “Oh, yes, delicious.”

A playful smack on her rump pulled Jen’s attention away from

Wil’s cock. “Up on your knees, lady.” Trey’s hands gripped her hips

and lifted. “Get that ass in the air.”

She drew her knees up under herself. This had always been one of

her favorite positions, but hearing Trey’s blunt request made her even

more anxious to feel him filling her.

His hands stroked over the curve of her ass, up to her waist, and

then back over her hips. “This is an absolutely delectable backside.”

“Then grab my ass and fuck me.”

“With pleasure.”

Trey punctuated his words with a quick thrust. One second she

was empty, the next he filled her.

She dragged in a deep breath. Trey’s cock slowly began to move,

pulling out and then pushing back in. The bumps of motion bobbed

her forward, taking Wil’s shaft deeper into her mouth.

After a few cycles, they found a rhythm. Engulfing Wil in her

mouth, and then pushing back against Trey, Jen had never felt quite

like this. A heady, erotic mix of desire, power, and raw emotion. They

moved faster and harder together, hips pumping, hands gripping, lips

and tongues caressing.

And yet, the taste of Wil in her mouth, and the feel of Trey balls-

deep in her pussy had her wanting more. Something she’d barely even

considerd before now. Did she dare ask them for this one more thing?

Trailing her tongue along the underside of Wil’s cock, she pulled

free of his shaft. “P..p..please guys.” Her ragged breathing made

speaking the words even more difficult. “I want you both inside me.

Down there. At the same time.”


Annie Morgan

Trey’s thrusts came to a sliding halt. “You sure?”

She looked up into Wil’s eyes and then back at Trey before she

nodded. “Oh yeah. Please. Now.”

Wil gripped her waist, steadying her but letting her control the

easing down onto his cock. She fought back the delightful sensations

as he filled her before she leaned farther forward, pressing her breasts

against Wil’s chest.

The first gentle pressure of Trey’s cock against her tight back ring

caused an involuntary tightening. She pulled in a deep breath and

blew it out.

“That’s it, Jenny. Relax for us.”

His cock eased deeper, until she felt the entire head slide inside.

Forcing her eyes open, she watched Wil’s face as he, too, could feel

Trey entering her.

“More. Now.” She did the demanding this time.

His cock slick with the juices from her pussy, Jen felt Trey push

into her ass. Deeper and deeper until she knew he was completely

inside her.

Trey’s hands replaced Wil’s on her hips as the three of them

began to move together. Clumsily at first, then smoother, they found

their rhythm. The pistoning effect of both cocks in her was more

intense than she could ever have imagined.

And even if she hadn’t been able to hear their gasps and moans of

pleasure, she would have known by simple touch that they, too, were

getting closer.

Wil’s fingers laced tighter into her hair. “Jennnnnn...”

She bucked and shuddered, while Trey’s grip squeezed her hips to

hold her against him. Two cocks, filling her so completely as the deep

muscle spasms exploded. “Yes, yes, yes. Comingggggg. . .”

Double Tap


Chapter 4

Jen’s eyes fluttered open as Wil shifted behind her. In front of her,

Trey sprawled belly down, the sheet draped across his ass. Careful not

to wake either of them, she crept out over the low footboard.

She paused, standing there in the pre-dawn darkness.
I really did

it. I got both Wil and Trey in bed at the same time. Now what the hell
do I do to keep them there?

Without bothering to dress, she padded barefoot down the short

hall to the tiny bathroom. After she’d finished, Jen stood peering at

her reflection in the mirror. She looked exactly like she felt, a woman

who’d been well and truly fucked.

The guys were better than any of her wildest fantasies. Gentle,

rough. Giving, demanding. Everything she wanted in a lover. Except

there were two of them.

But isn’t that what I wanted? To have both of them for my lover?


That was the trouble. She did want both of them, in her life and in

her heart. But she knew, if it came down to it, she’d give up the lovers

to keep the friends. Now if only this birthday request hadn’t made

even that impossible.

She reached out and flicked off the light in the bathroom before

returning to bed. Trey hadn’t moved an inch, his dark hair a stark

contrast to the snowy pillowcase.

Wil lay on his side, facing the spot where she’d been sleeping. Jen

slid back into the empty spot and wiggled under the covers. As she

settled, Wil reached out and tugged her against him.

“You okay, Jen?”


Annie Morgan

“Yeah, just had to go to the bathroom.” She cuddled down into the

pillow. “Go back to sleep, Wil.”

She lay there for several minutes, until she was certain he’d gone

back to sleep.
A girl could really get used to sleeping with these guys.

As she felt herself being drawn back into the arms of Morpheus, Jen

reached over, letting her hand rest on Trey’s shoulder.
Yeah, she


* * * *

Trey eased himself out of the big bed. Like usual, his internal

alarm woke him just after daybreak. But unlike most days, he wasn’t

alone. Not that he didn’t wake with a woman in his bed on occasion.

And more than once, necessity had forced him to share sleeping

arrangements with Wil.

But never both at the same time.

He glanced back at his best friend and the woman they’d spent the

better part of last night pleasuring. Part of him wondered how he and

Wil had let themselves get talked into this. Not that he and Wil didn’t

want to enjoy sharing Jennifer. But he thought they would be the ones

to initiate the threesome.

Yeah, Jen was just about the sexiest woman he knew. Smart, hot,

and boy did she know her way around a gun. A real triple threat to a

guy like him. The kicker was Wil had the same thoughts. So they’d

both kept quiet, choosing a three-sided friendship with her rather than

risk ruining their own. But then, she’d made the boldest birthday

request ever.

They’d figured out once they’d each had a taste of her things

would change. He hoped their plan would hold together in the light of

the morning after. But first things first. Coffee.

Ten minutes later the machine hissed and sputtered the last few

ounces of water through the dark grounds, when Trey figured he’d

waited long enough and pulled the carafe free to fill his mug. He slid

Double Tap


it back into place and took a cautious first sip of the aromatic brew.

“Bless you, my brother. Must have caffeine.” Wil shuffled over to

the counter and helped himself.

Trey leaned back against the sink. “She still sleeping?”

“Like a rock.” Taking the chair on the far side of the small kitchen

table, Wil turned it around before sitting astride the seat. “But then,

we did keep her up really late.”

Trey knew the self-satisfied smile on Wil’s face mirrored the one

on his own. “Yeah, we did at that,” Trey replied before taking another


“Think it worked out well enough to start phase two?”

He looked over at the man who was not only his sniper partner but

his best friend, a brother in all but blood. If this plan could work with any other man, it’d be Wil. “I’m still in. You?”

Wil cupped a hand around one ear. “Don’t hear no fat lady

singin’, so guess I’m in, too.”

For another thirty minutes, they sat at the table, drinking their

morning joe and discussing the possibilities that the bass were biting

down at the lake.

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

As if choreographed, they turned to the door. Jen tried not to

laugh. The expressions on their faces brought her right back to the

evening a week ago at Charlie Mike’s.

“I hope you don’t mind.” Jen tugged lightly at the hem of Trey’s

shirt. She’d put it on to come out to where she’d heard their voices.

“My bag’s still out in the truck.”

“Don’t mind in the least.” Trey rose from his seat. “I can go get

your bag. Although,” he said, winking at her, “I gotta say, I like the


“Then maybe I’ll just wait until after coffee to go out and get the

tote. Like you proved yesterday, no one out there’s gonna see.” She

walked past both of them, giving the shirttail a quick flip, flashing her ass. “And you two already have.”


Annie Morgan

“Said it once, and I’ll say it again. And what a fine ass it is, Jen.”

Wil lifted his mug to her.

She poured one for herself, doffing it their direction before taking

a first drink. “Thank you, both, for last night. It was—” She struggled

to find the right word. “Beyond my wildest expectations.”

Trey nodded. “I’d have to agree with that after-action report,

wouldn’t you, Wil?” He reached out and caught one of her hands.


“But you really threw us a curveball with this request, Jennifer.”

He pulled her closer, until their thighs touched.

“Sit down.” Trey patted his lap. “I can’t do this staring up at you.”

Here it
She steeled herself against losing one or both of her friends. But she settled onto his lap, the fear churning in her

stomach with caffeine-fueled dread.

“How do I start?” His fingers stroked over the back of her hand.

“Wil, help me out here.”

“Maybe it will be easier if we do this part first.” Wil stood and

reached into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a folded-over white


Trey snorted. “Fancy wrap job there, bud.”

“The captain called me into the office ten minutes before the PX

closed. I’m lucky I got there in time to pick this up.” He slid the little packet across the table toward her. “Happy birthday, Jen.”

“Guys, really.” She picked it up. “I got the only thing I wanted.”

“Think of it this way.” Trey pushed her hair to one side and

started nibbling against her neck. “You’ll have something you can

show off as a present.”

Her fingers shook as she opened the envelope. Upending it, she

poured the contents out into her palm. With the tinkle of metal on

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