The Shadow of the Eagle (20 page)

Read The Shadow of the Eagle Online

Authors: Richard Woodman

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Historical, #Sea Stories

‘So, gentlemen,’ he said to Marlowe and Birkbeck, who had both been watching the adjusting of the main yards, ‘when do you anticipate sighting our landfall?’

‘Shortly after first light tomorrow, sir,’ Marlowe answered.

Drinkwater looked at Birkbeck. ‘Are you two in agreement?’

‘Harmoniously so, sir,’ Birkbeck replied with a hint of irony.

‘Good. I’m decidedly glad to hear it.’ Drinkwater smiled at the two men. Marlowe was a transformed figure. ‘Well now, we must consider our best course of action when we arrive.’

‘Indeed, sir. How far offshore will you cruise?’ Marlowe asked.

Drinkwater rubbed his chin and raised an eyebrow. ‘Three or four leagues; sufficiently far to be clear of danger, yet not out of sight of the land. According to my reckoning, our friends will come down on the island from the north-north-east.’ He waved out on the starboard quarter, as though their sails might appear at any moment.

‘D’you think Bonaparte is already there, sir?’ asked Birkbeck.

‘We shall send a boat in to find out. Do you prepare the launch, stock it for two days and have Frey’ Drinkwater hesitated, ‘no, have Ashton command it. Send in half a dozen marines under the sergeant.’ Drinkwater paused as Marlowe nodded. ‘But to answer your question about Boney, I consider it unlikely, though not impossible, for him to have reached the island yet. I have no knowledge of when he left Paris, nor of his port of embarkation, but he must have been despatched by the time King Louis landed, I’d have thought, and conveyed by express to the west coast; to Brest, or La Rochelle or L’Orient. A fast frigate might, I suppose, have reached the archipelago a little before us.’

‘A British frigate?’ asked Marlowe.

Drinkwater shrugged. ‘I imagine a British frigate or perhaps a small squadron such as we were lately attached to, would accompany him. As for himself, I suppose his dignity as the elected Emperor of the French would be unsupportable in anything but a French man-o’-war.’

‘Not if it was the allies’ purpose to humiliate him,’ put in Marlowe.

‘I think a small island humiliation enough after the domination of Europe,’ countered Drinkwater. ‘Remember what Nelson wrote: “In victory, let the chief characteristic be magnanimity.”’

A very Christian sentiment sir,’ responded Birkbeck, ‘but not one which I would expect his most serene and culminated, high and God almighty majesty the Tsar of all the Russias to subscribe to where Napoleon Bonaparte is concerned.’

‘Perhaps not,’ said Drinkwater grinning, ‘though you talk like a canting leveller, Mr Birkbeck. I thought your nimble scholar Tom Paine the republican among us.’

And they all laughed companionably, standing in the sunshine enjoying the fellowship of like minds.



‘Well, that’s the end of it all, though it’s throwing the game away with all the trump cards in one’s hand.’
Talleyrand, Prince of Benevento

The Rock

May 1814

Shortly before dawn Drinkwater woke with a start. Lying in the darkness he listened intently, but could discern no noise; not even the clanking of the pumps disturbed the night, silent but for the laboured creaking of the ship and above his head the faint, measured tread of one of the watch-keepers. Then his cabin was suddenly lit up, as though someone shone a powerful light in through the stern windows. The spectral illumination startled him. His heart thumped with alarm and he was on his feet in a trice, to stare out through the stern windows. An instant later he had an explanation as the ship drove through bio-luminescence and the pale green gleam again lit up the night.

He was unable to sleep after this weird though natural phenomenon, and drew on breeches, shoes and stockings. Winding his boat-cloak about himself he went on deck. The pacing footsteps revealed themselves to be those of Lieutenant Frey. They exchanged courtesies and Drinkwater asked the routine question.

‘All well?’

‘Aye, sir. I have a good man stationed aloft in the foretop, though I doubt we’ll sight anything before daylight.’

“Tis as well to be on our guard.’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘The wind is holding fair,’ Drinkwater observed. ‘One might almost believe we had run into the trades, but our latitude is too high so we must be prepared for our run of luck to end.’

There was a brief pause, then Frey said, ‘I believe you’re sending the launch ashore, sir.’

‘Yes, just to establish whether our friend Boney has been delivered yet.’

‘And Lieutenant Ashton’s to command her.’


Frey fell silent. Drinkwater wondered whether he felt himself slighted by the appointment of the junior lieutenant to this task, then Frey asked, ‘Will you be going ashore yourself, sir?’


For a moment neither man said anything, then Drinkwater remarked, ‘I gather there has been something of a sea change in the wardroom, Mr Frey. Things are a little more tolerable, I hope.’

‘In a manner of speaking, yes, sir. Where formerly Mr Marlowe seemed to be constantly under the weather, we now have Mr Ashton acting like a spoilt brat. I am of the opinion that acquaintances should not serve together; friendship and duty seem incompatible in the circumstances prevailing in a man-o’-war.’

‘Dear me, I hope not,’ replied Drinkwater, ruefully.

‘Oh, I beg pardon, sir, I didn’t mean …’ The tone of Frey’s voice conveyed an embarrassment the darkness hid.

‘Think nothing of it,’ Drinkwater chuckled, adding more seriously, ‘though I have to confess, Marlowe’s change of heart seems almost miraculous.’

‘That is what they are saying below decks.’

‘I don’t follow you.’

‘That he was raised from the dead. They call him “Lazarus” Marlowe.’

‘Lazarus Marlowe …?’ Drinkwater tested the name and found himself grinning in the gloom.

‘I’m afraid you are cast in a more divine role, sir.’

‘You mean … ? Well, ‘pon my soul!’

‘Seafaring folk have the oddest notions, don’t they?’

‘Aye, they most certainly do.’

‘If I might change the subject, sir …’

‘Please do, Mr Frey. I am hard-pressed to find anything I can add in support of the Almighty’

‘I’m sure He would be pleased to know that, sir,’ Frey added drily, and Drinkwater could just see the smile on his face as the dawn light crept into the eastern sky. ‘What I was going to ask, sir, if I might be presumptuous, is what you intend to do? I mean we have no idea of the whereabouts of Napoleon, do we?’

‘No, I appreciate that, nor are we likely to learn. My principal, no my
concern, is to intercept and if necessary engage the two ships which have been sent from Antwerp to convey Boney and his staff to America. Anything more would be a gross presumption on my part, not something likely to endear me to Lord Castlereagh or any of his cronies.’

‘D’you think we shall engage them?’

A horrible thought crossed Drinkwater’s mind; was poor Frey a broken man after the terrible encounter with the enemy in the Vikkenfiord? ‘Does it worry you, if it should come to that?’

‘Not at all,’ Frey answered without hesitation, ‘in fact, I should welcome the event.’

‘Not, I hope, because you entertain any foolish notions of covering yourself with …’

‘Death or glory,’ broke in Frey with a short, dismissive laugh. ‘No, no, nothing like that. To tell the truth, sir, I should think my active service career the more fulfilled if I had one more crack at the French; that damned affair in Norway was somehow unfinished business.’

‘I understand. That is one of the reasons I will not send you out of the ship in any boat expedition, Frey. I want you aboard. All the time; at least until this business is concluded.’

‘Thank you, sir.’

‘If and when we do encounter the French ships I anticipate they will keep close company and try and overwhelm us. They may be full of soldiers, men willing to fight hand to hand, against which our people would prove inadequate.’

‘You would want to hold off and manoeuvre to cripple them, and thereby induce a surrender?’

‘Exactly. And while the sea conditions will be lively in these latitudes, and we may have trouble pointing the guns to good effect, the steady breeze should enable us to be nimble.’

‘Providing their two against our single ship don’t corner us like a dog’

‘We shall have to see …’


It was getting rapidly lighter and already the details of the deck about them were emerging from the shadows of the night. Drinkwater began to feel the pangs of hunger stirring in his belly. He would welcome coffee and some hot, buttered toast. His teeth no longer pained him and the swollen gum had subsided so that the idea of masticating on a slice made his mouth water.

‘Might I ask your advice about something?’

‘Yes, of course.’ Drinkwater thrust his self-indulgent day-dream aside. ‘What is it?’

‘I have given the matter much thought, sir, but I accept the fact that on our return we will be paid off and I am likely to be compelled to exist on half-pay’

‘I shall do my best for you, Mr Frey’ Drinkwater said. The consideration of another dependant loomed in his imagination, accompanied by the added thought that while some perverse chivalry prompted him to offer support to Hortense Santhonax, he felt a reprehensible resentment at the thought of doing the same for poor, loyal Frey.

‘Oh, I know you will, sir, and please do not think I am asking for charity. On the contrary, I have some hopes of supporting myself if I must. No, I have been thinking of James Quilhampton’s widow’

‘Catriona … ?’ Drinkwater suppressed his surprise.

‘I, er, think she might not be averse to accepting a proposal from me.’

‘Pardon the question, Mr Frey, but are you attached to the lady?’

‘I think she is fond of me, sir, and she has little means of support. She also has the child …’

‘Ah yes.’

‘I felt …’

‘Of course. I understand, but a marriage based upon pity may not be for the best, Mr Frey. The lady is a little older than yourself,’ Drinkwater said tactfully. ‘That may make a difference in time, and while there may be no other person to claim your affections at the moment, should you be cast ashore upon your own resources, then you may meet someone other than Mistress Quilhampton for whom, without being ungallant, you may come to feel a greater attachment.’

‘That is true, sir …’

But Frey got no further, for the cry came down from the foretop that land was in sight.


An hour later two steep-sided islands were visible from the deck as the low sun struck their basalt cliffs, conferring upon them a warm, pink colour. To the north-west and perhaps two or three leagues nearer, lay the smaller island of Corvo, while farther off, fine on the port bow, rose Flores.

Drinkwater scrutinized the summit of the island, from which a stream of orographic cloud trailed downwind. Patiently he waited for
to draw near enough for them to see the shoreline, as yet still hidden below the horizon.

‘A most appropriate place to cage an eagle,’ Drinkwater remarked and Frey, catching the observation, aired a recondite fact: ‘The archipelago is named Azores from the Portuguese
meaning a hawk.’

Among the watch on deck, an air of excitement and expectation animated the men. Word of an impending landfall and a proposed boat expedition had percolated through the ship and the sight of the island, even for those who would approach little closer, nor see more than could be discerned from the frigate’s waist, was nevertheless sufficient to break the monotony of their arduous yet dull lives.

‘You may close Flores, Mr Frey. We will bring-to off Santa Cruz. I shall want the launch ready then,’ Drinkwater ordered, closing his glass with an emphatic snap. ‘I am going below for an hour.’

‘Aye, aye, sir.’

By the time the watch changed the entire island had risen above the rim of the world and the white breakers of the restless Atlantic could be seen fringing the scree-littered foreshore. Larval cliffs predominated, formed by prehistoric volcanic eruptions, no longer rose-red from the dawn, but grey and forbidding with fresh-water streams cascading into the sea in silver streaks. As they drew closer to Flores they could see clouds of wheeling sea-birds, gulls, petrels and auks, though the officers’ glasses were focused not on these aerial denizens, but the few white buildings that formed the port of Santa Cruz. It was something of a disappointment.

‘Stap me, but it don’t amount to much,’ remarked Hyde, voicing the opinion of them all.

Below, Drinkwater completed his preparations. Having washed, shaved and dressed his hair, he eased himself into his undress uniform coat and sat at his desk. Drawing a sheet of paper from his folio, he took up his steel pen, opened the inkwell, inscribed the date and began to write.


To the Governor of Flores,
Santa Cruz-Sir,
I have the Honour to Command His Britannic Majesty’s Frigate
presently arrived off this Island under the Express Orders of Admiral of the Fleet, His Royal Highness, Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence and Earl of Munster.
Being thus engaged upon a Singular, Special and most Urgent Service, I call upon the Ancient Amity which has Subsisted between our Two Nations since time immemorial and has been Crowned with Victory in the Late War by the Exertions of the Anglo-Portuguese Armies Commanded by His Grace the Marquess Wellington and Marshal Beresford.

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